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After rehearsal was over, we all had refreshments before we left the church. Everyone seemed generally happy about the upcoming nuptials and it was nice being around this much happy people. When everything was over, Leo and I left the church and started to ride home.

"I have an idea." Leo said


"Wanna go see the stars?" He asked me

"Sure. What's the occasion?"

"I just want to spend time with you. No pressure."

"Well okay. I'm kind of starving, how about we turn this into a moonlit picnic?" I asked

"Perfect idea pet. Let's go pick up some food."

There he was, calling me pet again. I guess it was habit of his. I didn't have the heart to correct him, so I kept it to myself.

"What's the matter?" He asked

"Eh, it's nothing." I said quietly

"Ellie come on, just tell me."

Guess I'd be telling him anyway.

"Being called Pet's just weird for me is all."

He pursed his lips and nodded.

"You're right I'm sorry if I've made you uncomfortable."

"It's okay. I know it's just habit."

"Yeah. I guess I should also apologize for the last few days. I should've went slower with you but I just....missed the closeness and I went overboard. If I had known that you were still having nightmares and those flashbacks, I wouldn't have touched you like that."

"Leo it's okay, I actually enjoyed it." I said sheepishly

He parked the car at a 24 hour market and cut it off.

"Really?" He asked

"Yeah. It reminded me of old times you know?"

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Come on, let's go get some food."

We both got out of the car and walked in, picking the foods that we wanted. After doing so, we paid and got back into the car and he started driving us to the location.

Unfortunately when we got there, it started to rain.

"Welp, so much for a picnic." I commented.

"Who said it was ruined? We can just eat in here."


We sat there for a few hours talking about everything under the sun. Life, the future, plans for our lives....things of that nature. Then, after awhile everything got quiet and we listened to the rain pelt the car.

"You times like this, It's nice to just sit back and listen to nature. Rain is so calming when it's like this."

"Yeah. My parents used to always tell me as a kid that it was the Lord's work and that I had to be quiet during it. So they turned off the tv and everything electronic and forced me to come sit with them in the living room while we had 'family time'."

"Have you talked to them recently?"

"I've gotten a few letters here and there, but with their missionary work in Africa, they really can't write me as much. And calling usually doesn't work out as well with the signal and all. So, I just wait."

"How long has it been?"

"Almost a year. I really hope they're okay. With the Ebola epidemic going on over there and all, I hope they haven't gotten sick or anything. I am terrified."

"I'm sure they're fine. You can't lose hope alright?"

"Yeah, you're right. How's your mom been?"

"She's doing better. She would've been at the rehearsal but she said something important in her company had come up."

"Has she gotten back out there yet?"

"She told me she has her eye on someone but of course, she won't tell me who."

"Because we all know how you get. You'd have that poor man's head."

"My mom is no exception. I want to make sure she's happy, but I also want to make sure no one will take advantage of her. I love my mom, she deserves the world."

"That she does. What about Katie? How is little Ajax doing?"

"More like big Ajax. He's king of the castle over there. He's only two but you should see him go. I bet he'll be a track star when he grows up."

"You have a picture of him?"

He pulled out his phone and scrolled a bit, finally finding it. I looked at the picture of the cute toddler, smiling brightly showing a few teeth with cake smeared all over his cheeks and face. His blue eyes sparkling with happiness and cake of course was on his hands.

"How adorable! He looks so happy."

"Yeah, that was his birthday. He got cake everywhere and he loved every second of it. He even got me with cake too."

"Awh." I smiled

"I adore him. He's like my little twin. I used to get him every other weekend and we'd go out and have some great adventures: amusement parks, the pool, baseball games, the works. And he loved every minute of it."

"You're a good uncle."

"Yeah. Oliver would always joke that it was like he was my adopted son. But I could never replace his dad."

"What happened to Oliver?"

"Him and Katie separated for awhile. But they've recently reconciled and now they're as strong as ever. All I ever want for her is to be happy, and now that she is, I backed off a bit. Ajax and me still hang every once in awhile, but not too much."

"I'm glad everything is working out for her."

"So am I."

"I haven't talked to your mom and Katie for awhile."

"They ask about you often. But they are giving you some space. I'm sure you'll see them at the wedding."

"Yeah. Do they know what happened?"

"I told them that we broke up and that of course, you probably hated me. You should've seen Katie when she found out what I did. That girl hits harder than I thought." He chuckled

"But why did they stop talking to me?"

"Well they figured that since you went to the Peace Corps not too long afterwards, that it was best to leave you be."


"I never asked you, what was it like over there?"

"Amazing. I learned Spanish, I met some great people and just embraced a whole new culture. It was really nice there, beautiful beaches and nice sceneries. Maybe I'll go back someday."

"I hope not."

"Why not?" I asked him with a smirk

"I'd miss you." He admitted

I look towards him to see that he looked a little sad.


"Ellie, I mean I like having you around. It's not the same without you."

"You're killing me here." I groaned

"I know I know. But I just want you to know that I care about you."

"I know you do. I care for you too."


"Can you promise me something?" He asked me


"Promise me that we'll always be okay. No matter what happens, you can always run to me and call on me. I promise I'll be there." He said

"I promise."

"I mean really promise me that. Don't lie to me now."

"I do promise Leo."


We sat there for a few minutes until I just had to ask him a question.

"Why me?" I asked him quietly

"What do you mean?"

"Why do you still love me?" I asked quietly

He chuckled.

"Why wouldn't I? That's like asking why water is wet Els."

"I'm serious."

"You only find that special someone once in a lifetime and many people aren't lucky enough to. But I am, and I just feel like you and I are meant to be."


"Let me finish." He said, grabbing my hand

"I know you're not ready, and I am in no rush. I like the way we are now, and I'm privileged enough to still be your friend after all that has happened."

"It's water under the bridge. I am so sorry I kept bringing that up."

"No, I deserved it. I should've never let Donna get that close to me and I should've called the cops or something."

"Was she that bad?"

"Els, you have no idea. Now....please don't be mad at me but during our trip to Italy, she kept calling and texting me nonstop and eventually I had to turn my phone off. I'll admit that that's why everything got weird between us during the trip because I was so confused. And I was scared to death that if I told you everything, you'd leave on the next plane home. But when I told you how I was feeling, you surprised me. Even if we did fight."

"I mean, cause at the time I understood, she was a big deal to you and she really hurt you."

"But that was no excuse. I tried telling Donna to leave me alone. I explicitly told her that I wanted nothing to do with her. But she was so adamant about it. I swear she didn't know what the word 'no' meant."

"You obviously meant a lot to her."

"Not too much. All I was, was something she couldn't have. She doesn't like being told she can't have something and she sees it as a challenge to go after whatever it is harder. Whatever is in her way, she gets rid of. This was all a game to her." 

"Now that you say that....I'm starting to think that she's the one that broke into our apartment and trashed my room. I mean....the painting you painted me was stolen. Had you ever painted anything for her?"

"No. I gave her jewelry but I never painted her."

"Why not?"

"At this time I had stopped painting and started actually living my life. I used painting as a way to get away from what I was feeling because I wasn't in the best place. For just a few short hours I was in another world and I had no worries. It was just me and my canvas. After awhile in our relationship, I wasn't as happy as I used to be when the relationship started, but I still wanted it to work. Then one day, she comes to me with some guy following her saying that they were there to pick up their stuff. It happened out of nowhere."

"I mean, there are always signs. Was she going out a lot and not telling you where she was going or staying out all night and always having an alibi?"

"No. It just....happened. All I remember is the guy coming in after her, a smug smile on his face and a nonchalant attitude on her behalf. I remember following, pleading like such a bitch, asking her over and over 'why she was doing this' as she packed her bags and the guy just smirked as he leaned on the door jamb. I was so angry, so hurt by it all. She ignored me, and proceeded to laugh in my face as she packed up and left like it was nothing."

"Wow, what a bitch. So why did she decide to come back?"

"He dropped her. I guess he got sick of her or he found something better to do. Then, not even a year later, she's in my house waiting for me naked."

"This chick is a serious whack job. She probably thought that you'd be waiting for her with open arms."

"Yeah. She sure got a surprise. But Ellie, that all doesn't matter now. All that matters is that she's out of my life and that I'm through with her."

"I hope so."

"Ellie, I know so. All I want now, all I've ever wanted in my life, was someone like you to call my own. And I finally found that and I almost lost it." He commented, stroking my cheek.

"Ellie, I love you like no other and there is no one else that I want. If you'll have me, I'd love to be yours and yours alone. I'll spend everyday of my life proving to you just how much you mean to me."

"Leo." I said, at a loss for words

"Like I said, no pressure. But I love you and I just want you to know just how much I do."

I couldn't even speak at this moment. He was giving himself to me, what was there to even say?

"Say something." He urged

"It's a lot to take in Leo is all. I'll think on it and I'll let you know." I said bashfully with a smile

"I understand. How about we get home yeah? It's getting late and we got a lot to do tomorrow."

"You're right. You got the bachelor party and I have the bachelorette party too."

He cut on the car and backed out of the parking space, driving us home.

"For the record Leo, I love you. But I need some time to think is all."

"No pressure right?" He smiled, kissing my hand

"No pressure." I smiled back


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