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I was squeezed into my strapless, sweetheart dress the color of Hershey chocolate as I was helped into it by one of Brandi's bridesmaids. It had a sideway strap across my respective shoulder with a flower adorning it. I really loved the color of it, it really complemented my skin tone. 

Brandi was wearing an eggshell colored dress which was also sweetheart styled with pearls going around the sweetheart edges. The bottom of the dress came out in a poof almost like an old time ball gown. She looked really pretty in it, but Josh wouldn't be seeing her in it until the actual wedding day per tradition, so she wore a cream colored sundress instead in place of it. I just couldn't believe one of my very best friends was getting married in less than a week. It made me so happy to see her happy.

"Ellie, you look beautiful!" I heard Brandi exclaim, hugging me.

"Thank you! I'm so sorry I was late."

"No sweat. I'm glad you're here in the first place. Girl, you're gonna steal the spotlight looking like this." She teased.

"Girl I wouldn't dream of it! You look so beautiful in your wedding dress. I definitely can't wait to see you in it on your wedding day.

"I am so excited and so nervous to get married though! Josh makes me so happy. I never thought I could ever be this happy."

"You deserve it Brandi. You really do." I smiled

"You deserve to be happy too, Ellie." She countered, giving me a certain look

"You mean with Leo right?" I sighed

"Yes. Ellie, I see how he looks at you and how you look at him. Just....think about it. You two obviously belong together. Just make up with him, I know he made a mistake but he's trying so hard to fix it."

Little did she know how much we had "made up" in the last few days. It didn't mean we were together or anything, but it didn't hurt to blow off a little steam.

"I guess Josh has been talking to you huh? And weren't you the one who was the most upset that I was living with him after the Chris escapade?"

"I know that I wasn't the biggest fan at first, but Leo really does love you. Josh tells me all of the time how much he talks about you when they meet up. And how he really regrets the way things went down. Ellie, that man adores you. He'd do anything for you, I get the feeling of that. Give him a chance." She said softly

I nodded in thought and patted her hand.

"I'll talk to him....after the wedding. Right now, it's all about you and Josh."

"Don't flake on this either, I will be asking you if you talked to him." She said, wagging her finger at me

"Okay mom, I will."

Just then Amber came into the room dressed in a dress similar to mine, only her neckline was scooped. The skirt of the dress was pleated and there was no flower on hers. "Hey guys, we're about to start so everyone needs to find their partners." She said

"Alright. See you out there Ellie." Brandi said, walking out of the room

Then it was just me and Amber left in the room by ourselves.

"So... how have you been?" Amber asked me

"I've been good."

"How are you and Cairo?" I asked with a small smile

"We're fine."

"That's good."

We sat there for a few seconds quiet and the atmosphere was suffocating. It never used to be like this between us...and I hated that it was because of me.

"Look... Amber, I know things have been really stiff between us. And I'm so sorry for what I did to you-"

She raised her hand and silenced me.

"Ellie, I know you're sorry. I'm not mad at you or anything. I just....I'm just afraid that one day I'll get a call or something and it will be because you're not here anymore."

"Amber I'm fine now. You won't have to worry."

"You're not fine. I can see it in your eyes. Look, I'm always gonna be there for you, and I'm always gonna love you. Just reach out to me if you need me alright? I know I'm not a therapist, but I know love is more powerful than any darkness. You just gotta reach for it alright?"

"You're right." I said quietly

She came over to hug me and I hugged her tightly back.

"I love you." She said quietly

"I love you too."

She pulled back from me and I saw that she was crying a bit.

"Don't cry, you'll ruin your makeup." I smirked, my own eyes getting teary

"You're right." She said, fanning her eyes furiously

I grabbed a tissue from the vanity and passed it to her, dabbing her eyes with it.

"Let's get out there before we get yelled at." I laughed

She followed close behind and we left the dressing room arm in arm.


We all lined up behind the other waiting for our partners. Cairo was in front of me and Evan and Jack were behind me. In order for everything to make sense, Jack and Evan were made to walk with Brandi's sisters. Jack was with Cecilia, and Evan was escorting Maria. Both looked okay with it, but I knew they'd rather walk in with each other. Especially when Brandi's sisters were such a piece of work. But they did it because they loved Brandi, especially after finding out just how 'loving' her sisters could truly be. That's some deep love right there.

"Leo, where are the girls? Brandi is gonna have their heads if they don't get out here."

"They'll be here. Just give them a second." I said to Cairo

"I don't know why we're not the maid of honors! For Christ sake, we're her sisters!" Maria muttered in Spanish behind me

"She's only known these girls a few years. What have they done for her that we haven't?"

"I don't know. But ever since that Ellie girl tried killing herself, she's always checking on her. Who'd be stupid enough to do that? She has a great life. Not to mention, that beautiful Adonis in front of us her on her arm. She's so dumb!"

"I hear that!"

I turned towards them calmly and gave them my own personal tongue lashing in Spanish

"You know nothing of what she's been through. Maybe you aren't Brandi's Maid of honor because you've done nothing to deserve the title. That and you both cheated with her ex boyfriend, at the same time! Look, this is for your sister and she deserves to be happy. Keep Ellie's name out of your mouths and behave!" I snarled

They blunk three times in shock, probably because I actually understood them.

"Yeah, I speak plenty of Spanish. Don't think you can talk shit about someone in America's second leading language. You just might get embarrassed." I said in English

I turned back around as Ellie and Amber finally came out to join the rest of us. She looked so beautiful in her dress. For a second, all I could do was glue my eyes on her.

"Hey, you alright?" She asked me

"Yeah, I'm fine. You look amazing." I smiled softly

"Thanks. You look pretty good yourself." She said bashfully, looking down at her feet

"Alright, is everyone ready?" Brandi's mom yelled towards us

"Yep." We all said


The doors to the sanctuary opened and I saw the red carpet and the individual pews appear towards us. On the wall by the pulpit was a Crucifix and a bath behind that. I hadn't been to a church in I didn't know how long, but I felt something I hadn't felt in a long time and I couldn't explain what. I had turned away from God for so long, but maybe it was time I turned back.

"Hey, we're almost up." Ellie whispered

I looked ahead and saw people walking into the the room and that we were close to being next. I offered Ellie my arm and she latched around it, standing closer to me.

Soon it was time for us to walk into the sanctuary and we did confidently and happily. Ellie and I split off as she went to go stand by Brandi and I by Josh. During the practice all I even thought about or focused on was her. Watching her smile and laugh at Brandi and see her genuinely happy for her friend was the best feeling today, especially with how things went down this morning. It warmed my heart to see a true smile on her face. All I wanted for her was to be happy.

"Alright lover boy, could you make your ogling more obvious?" Josh whispered to me

"What are you talking about?" I asked, feigning innocence

"You know what. I see you staring at her over there, you're kind of making it obvious."

"Can't help it. She's beautiful."

"Man, you got it bad. Why don't you talk to her?"

"I have. we're not together or anything, but I'm not going to rush it either. She needs time."

"It's been almost three years, how much time could she possibly need?"

"Josh, you don't know what she's been through recently. She's dealing with the aftermath of Chris."

"Yeah, I heard about that from Brandi. I swear, if I see that bastard, he's not gonna be just going back to jail, he's going to be under it."

"I didn't know you cared about Ellie."

"Well I do. You care about her, and she's my baby's best friend. Even though I met her before Brandi, she makes you happy, and she's a cool girl. But it's the fact that she's a girl that makes me upset. No man should be putting his hands on a woman like that."

"You're right. I tell you, I kicked his ass good when I found out what he did to her the first time. I hope he never gets out."

"Well if he does, I'm here for you. Don't worry man, we got Ellie's back. Believe that."

"Hey, can y'all two chatterboxes pay attention?" Brandi asked us

"Sorry babe." Josh said

We listened to Brandi's mom explain what would be happening in the last few days leading up to the wedding. I looked over at Ellie once more to see her eyes on me, but she quickly looked away with an embarrassed smile. I smiled just because she was smiling. I honestly felt good at that moment, Chris or not, no one was gonna take this away from me.

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