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I know y'all have been waiting lol Enjoy!


I paced back and forth in my living room seething in anger. What the hell was this guy's problem? I Felt like punching the wall, throwing something, whatever it took to get this anger to cease. But of course, I can't. The only thing that would make this go away, is if I paid Chris a visit myself. And it only took a visit to the office to find out exactly where he lived. So I found myself grabbing my keys and driving to the practice on a Saturday morning at 9 AM. I knew no one would be here, so that just made it all the more quicker. I went into the computer and found Chris' files. Looking up his address, I wrote it down and proceeded to get back into my car. I sit there a few moments pondering if this is such a good idea. If Ellie finds out that I went to go see Chris, I could lose her forever. But if I don't get rid of him, I could still lose her forever. I chose the former, whatever risk this would entail, I would take to make sure she was safe. That is all I ever want for her.

Starting up the engine, I drove to the address on the paper. I was ten minutes away when I heard my phone ring. I looked quickly and saw it was Ellie.


"Hey, where are you?" She asked

"I'm out Kit-...Ellie. What's the matter?"

"Nothing, I just woke up and saw you weren't here, that's all. How long will you be gone?"

"Only an hour. Sit tight, I'll see you soon alright? Do you need anything?"

"No, I'm fine thanks. Bye."

She hung up and I blew a sigh of relief out of my mouth. I had almost called her Kitten. That would've been awkward. I started up the engine of the car and drove straight to Chris' apartment. I parked in the parking lot and turned off the engine. The anger sat on the tip of my tongue burning like corrosive acid. I felt an ache forming in the middle of my chest, and the worst part? It was all for a woman who would never love me again.

But I still loved her, and she needed me.

I sat in my car waiting for the anger to subside. But after ten minutes, it did nothing but grow. Fuck it, it was time this guy got his due. I shoved out of my car, slammed the door, and walked to his door with some feigned composure. Instead of ringing the doorbell, I pounded on his front door.

"Who is it?!" He asked slurred

"Open the door, Chris!" I yelled

I heard uneven steps pounding towards the door. I stood alert and tense, ready for anything.

The floor flew open and I was faced with the bloodshot eyes, and the angry sneer of a man who had fallen from where he'd used to be. His breath reeked from the booze, his clothing was stained and tattered, and his usual clean shaven face had a five o'clock shadow on it.

"Leo, what brings you by?" He asked me bitterly

"I came to talk."

"Talk? Please, I may be drunk, but I'm not stupid."

"Oh you're stupid, no doubt about that."

"Who the hell are you talking to?"

"What the fuck is your problem!? You don't ever put your hands on a woman."

"What woman? She was a simple lay and some one easy. It's funny: I played the nice guy, got her trust, made her feel good about herself, and then she was putty in my hands-"

I didn't even think about what I had done, until his head cracked back from the impact and blood splattered on the door jamb. I took that moment to walk into his house and slam the door behind us. I grabbed him by his collar and shoved him towards the floor. He hit the wall and glass fell down from some where. I walked towards him and didn't relent with my anger. I gripped his shirts collar once more  and shoved him against the wall. His nose bled freely in a torrent and stained his white tee-shirt. 

I might actually break his nose this time around

"Watch. Your. Mouth!" I said in between gritted teeth

"Or what? You'll kill me?" He taunted

"No, that would just be too good for you. I'll let you suffer."

I threw him to the side and kicked him in the side as hard as I could. He wheezed as the air was kicked out of his stomach and clutched it.

"Is this what Ellie felt when you kicked her!?"

I kicked him again.

"Huh asshole!?" I yelled

He started coughing and I stood there, watching him, fists clenched at my sides. As I watched him writhe in pain, my anger started to dissipate. I felt sorry for him. All he was, was a pathetic, ex army loser, who beat on Ellie. He wasn't even worth spitting on. 

I let out a huff of air in anger and decided to turn back. He wasn't even worth it anymore.

"Stay away from Ellie, this better be the last time I see you." I said gruffly

I left, slamming the door behind me and drove back to my house. I walked into the house and closed the door behind me.

"Leo, is that you?" I heard Ellie ask in a worried voice

"Yes. Could you come out here please?" I asked her

I started to strip the jacket I was wearing and placed it on the chair behind me. She came into view, wearing simple jeans and a tee-shirt and socks, her hair still in twists from the night before.

"What's up?" She asked

"Just come here."

She walked over confused and stopped in front of me. I slowly reached out, careful not to frighten her, and hugged her. She hesitantly hugged me back.

"What's this for?" She asked

"I'm sorry I wasn't there." I said softly

"What?" She asked confused

I pulled away from her and kissed her quickly on the forehead.

"I shouldn't have been someone who added onto your pain, I should've been so much better than that."

"What are you talking about?"

"If I wouldn't have kissed Donna, then me and you would still be together, and you wouldn't have went through what you have. I should've loved you better, I should've realized what I had and I am so sorry about everything that I did."


"No, let me finish. I know you'll never forgive me, and I know you don't love me anymore. But I still love you, I know I always will. I'm just so happy that I have you here now, that I know you're safe."


"And I know I don't deserve it, but I hope that one day, you'll forgive me, and we can at least be at peace with the other."

"Leo!" She yelled


"Listen....I forgive you. It's too much energy to be angry with you anymore, to hang on to the bitterness. I find that I'll be happier if I just move on from it, you know?"

"Y-you forgive me?" I asked incredulously

"Yes. I want to apologize too. I know all you've been trying to do is fix the things that you have done. But now, I know now that the kiss, wasn't as bad as I made it out to be. I know that Donna was special to you and that you loved her. I get why it happened."

"She was, but I had something so much greater in you."

She looked away for a second, like she wanted to say something. But instead, she backed out of my embrace.

"We're good Leo, trust me. Want something to eat?" She smiled, walking into the kitchen

"Depends on what you're making."

"How about some burgers?"

"That sounds heavenly right now."


While she went to get the hamburger from the fridge, I cut on the indoor, counter top grill I had and let it heat up. Through a clatter of bowls I heard her ask if I wanted homemade fries with it and I agreed.

Once she had finished cutting up the potatoes and I molded the meat, I added cream of onion dry soup mix and a dash of A1 sauce. (A/N: this is how me and my family makes it and it's GOOD! Try it!) She started cooking the fries on the stove with olive oil and I started grilling the burgers. A nice aroma filled the air and my stomach started to growl.

"These are definitely gonna be good." She said

"Hopefully because I am starving."

A few minutes later the burgers were done and so were the fries. While by back was turned, I heard a clatter and a yelp and looked back to see that Ellie had slipped and was now on the floor with a couple of fries in her hair and the rest scattered on the floor. I noticed there was some oil spilled there that she hadn't noticed.

"Don't look now, but it looks like my clumsiness has rubbed off on you." I commented, offering her my hand

Although the universe had other plans since I too tripped and we both ended up on the floor.

"You were saying?" She giggled

"Whatever, let's try getting up."

We tried, and again, we failed.

"Okay, there has to be some way to get up. Look, let's hold hands and both slowly get off of the floor."

"Alright let's try it."

We grabbed hands and slowly raised ourselves off of the floor. Once we were standing, slowly we started to back away from the area, but Ellie slipped again and I caught her before she fell.

She giggled as I waited for her to stabilize. When she did, she looked at me with a smirk.

"Thanks for the rescue."

"You're welcome."

And then it got quiet. Her face lost it's teasing expression and got serious. I'm sure mine did as well. But all I know is, my face was inching towards hers and she wasn't stopping me.

I remembered kissing her and her being a beat behind me. She was tentative at first but soon she started getting into it.

My hands came up to bury themselves in her soft, curly hair and her's wrapped around my neck. But soon it was all over and she buried her face into my chest with a huge sigh.

"What are we doing?" She asked quietly, backing away from me.

"I'm sorry....I-"

"It's okay. Look, I think I should go shower since I got oil and fries in my hair." She nervously laughed

"Alright, you do that. I'll clean up the fries." I offered

She agreed and quickly made sure she left the room. When she was gone I angrily kicked the air and started picking up the spilled food.

"Way to go Leo, you're such an idiot." I muttered angrily to myself

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