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I stood in the living room still as shocked as I was thirty minutes ago. 

Leo had kissed me! 

And the worst part of it all? I enjoyed it. I never realized how much I missed it.... and him. I had left so quickly, I never got a chance to tell him that. Even though he was just in the other room, maybe he needed time to himself. I wanted to go in the kitchen and talk to him, but I was too nervous to. Too nervous of what feelings I might have to come face to face with.

So I took the easy way out and I went about my day like normal.

But when night time came, that's when things got interesting. I had searched the whole house for Leo, but I didn't find him. Something told me to go outside, so that's what I did. I came across a figure, back towards me, sitting in the sand watching the water crash towards the shore. I slowly went to go join him.

"Hey." I said quietly

He looked towards me and gave a small smile.

"Hey. You alright?" He asked

"Yeah, I am good. Are you?"

"I'm fine."

He took a swig of the soda that was sitting next to him, pushed into the sand.

"You know, I never asked, but why did you stop drinking? It's like one day you just quit it cold turkey."

"It's when I realized that I still wasn't happy when I got drunk. When the women that littered my bed didn't fill the void anymore, didn't take the ache away like they used to. And what really drove it home, was seeing the very fear in your eyes when you told me what Chris was doing to you. I haven't touched the bottle after that."

"Not even your beloved wines?"

"None. I don't want you to equate me with a monster."

"But you aren't one. I'm smart enough to know the difference between the two, and not to generalize everyone who drinks alcohol to be abusive in it's wake."

"I just don't want you to hurt anymore." He said quietly, pushing some hair behind my ear.

I looked over at him thoughtfully and leaned on his shoulder. We sat quietly and watched the waves together.

"Stop blaming yourself. I'm fine. Everything is going to be fine. I know they will." I murmured

"How so?"

"Cause things usually get better."

"You're right." He said with a smile

I nudged him playfully.

"Of course I am."

"Some things never change. "

"Is that a good thing? " I asked him

"More than good. I missed you Ellie." He said quietly

"And I missed you."

He looked towards me with a smirk.

"Oh really?"

"Of course. We did have some good times together Leo. That's something I can't deny. "

"That is true."

"This place is perfect for healing. " I murmured

"Why do you think i wanted you to stay here? This place has done me wonders. And it can do the same for you."

I simply got up and started walking to the water's edge.

"What are you doing?" He asked

"Enough of this pity party. Lets go for a swim."

"With what bathing suit?"

"Who mentioned one?" I smirked

His eyes widened in interest and a wry smile.

"You sure about this?"

I met his answer with a splash of ocean water.

"I tried being nice."

He jumped up quickly and started to run towards me. I quickly turned on my heels and ran as fast from him as I could. The night summer air hit my face and I sped down the beach parallel to the water.

But I wasn't fast enough. He grabbed me and twirled me around, running into the water with me.

Just like old times.

I screamed in laughter as we both resurfaced from the warm ocean.

"Leo!" I yelled, laughter still in my voice

"What? You said you wanted to go swimming."

"Jerk." I teased playfully

"But you like me, so its okay." He smiled

I looked at him and couldn't help but smile back

"I'm glad we're friends again." I said

"This is too much in one day. We're friends and you forgave me. It makes me so happy."

And he did  sound happy.... genuinely happy

"That makes you happy?"

"Of course it does. You mean a lot to me, as does our friendship."

"As it does to me. We should go back inside though. It's starting to get cold."

"Right behind you."

I left first and walked slowly into the house while Leo followed behind me. After we both got cleaned off, dried, and into new clothing, It was 2:00 am and time for bed. Though I was sleepy, I tossed and turned in my bed for hours after yet another nightmare. I gave up after a while and got out of my bed. I know I shouldn't have, but I decided to go to Leo's room. At first, I had knocked gingerly. I was too much of a coward to knock any louder. And I had thought that he hadn't heard me, but he did, and I was invited in. I walked into the darkened room and quietly shut the door behind me.

"Did I wake you?" I asked him

"No. I can't sleep. Did you have another bad dream?" He asked me

"Yeah. It wasn't as bad as the others, but still pretty disturbing."

"Well you're more than welcome to come lay with me. If that's not to weird for you."

"Sure, that's cool." I said quietly

I walked over to him and he scooted back, making room for me. I got in and he threw the covers over me. Immediately I was enveloped in warmth and the smell of old spice. I felt safe.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked me

"It was the usual. Even though Chris isn't here, it's like he'll never leave me alone. I really just want to forget him."

"Have you heard from him?"

"No. And that's the best part about it all. But still, he invades all of my dreams. And I'm so scared he'll make good on his promise and come back to me."

I was so nervous about it that it felt like I couldn't breathe and I realized I was having a panic attack. 

Leo sat me up and rubbed my back.

"Shh, stay calm. Breathe in and out and relax." He said soothingly

He left his hand on my back as I slowly regained my breathing abilities.

"Would you hold me?" I asked tearfully.

"Of course." He said

He held me while I slowly calmed down and stroked my hair.  Not being able to breathe was the scariest thing I could think of

"I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. And I'll protect you, I promise you Ellie."

"It's not your fight."

"It's always been my fight."

I looked up at him, and even in the dark I saw his green eyes flash with determination. He swiped my tears with his thumbs and smiled.

"You'll always be my special girl. No one could replace you in my life, and something this special must be looked after."

"Am I really that special?"

"More than you'll ever know." He replied, kissing my forehead.

"I love you Ellie. And I know it might not be my place to say so, but I do. That's something you'd never have to question."

"I know." I replied

"Let's try getting some sleep alright? I'm right here if you need me."

"Thanks Leo."

"Anytime Love." He replied.


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