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The next morning after a night of restlessness, the sun was solace from my living nightmare. Exhausted and downtrodden, I dragged myself out of Leo's guest bed and sorely walked down the hall into the bathroom. I felt every breath in my sore ribs, the soreness of my cheek and eye, which made it hard to see ahead of me. When I reached the bathroom, I splashed some cold water on my face and forced myself to look into the mirror. What I saw horrified and shook me. My lip was split from the slaps. My eyes swollen from being punched. And the sore ribs which I couldn't ignore, courtesy from his foot digging into my sides. All of it made me break down and cry deep, heaving sobs, which hurt even more. The grip I had on the sides of the porcelain sink was the only thing that held me upright. 

I heard a sigh behind me and I looked up startled but then calmed when I saw it was Leo. His eyes stared into my reflection with calm, but silent anger and concern. His eyes held a lot of emotions.

"You know you can't go back to him right?" He asked softly

"I know. I just never thought it would get this bad." I sniffed

"No one ever thinks that. But the matter of the fact're not going back to him. I won't let you."

I stayed quiet and just splashed more water on my face.

"You hungry? I made breakfast."

"Yeah, I could eat." I said muffled by the towel I patted my face with

"Well come on, it's getting cold."

I followed behind him and went into his kitchen where a full spread was awaiting. I had also noticed that all the food cooked....was all of my favorites. From sausage to pancakes and doughnuts and such.

"You made all of this?" I asked

"Yep. All of your favorites." He said nonchalantly.

"You remembered?" I asked surprised

"Of course. I never forgot a thing about you." He said quietly, pouring me some milk

"Oh really?" I asked, smiling despite myself

"Of course. Would you like to quiz me?" He smirked

"You know, I think I would."

"At least make your plate first, and then you can ask me whatever you want."

"Deal." I replied

After making my plate and Leo making his, he sat down across from me and looked at me expectantly.

"Whenever you're ready." He said

"Okay. What's my middle name?"

"That's easy: Ophelia. Ellie Ophelia Coleman." He said

"What's my favorite animal?"

"Are you kidding? Bunnies."

He sounded funny saying 'bunnies.' it made me giggle.

"What's so funny?" He asked giving a light laugh

"It's the way you said 'bunnies' It's funny for some reason." I smiled

"Okay, I will ignore that. Don't stop, keep on with the questions." He smiled

I took a slight pause and thought about my next question. I might as well ask or regret doing so.

"Why'd you save me?" I asked quietly

He looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked

"You know what I mean. I've been such a bitch to you....and you could've ignored my call for help. Why didn't you?"

"I care about you and your well being. I promised you, I'd never let anyone harm you. Girlfriend or not." He said seriously

"That's good to know." I said sheepishly

"I have a question for you." He said

"Shoot." I said

"Why was I the one you called? Evan and Jack are still in town aren't they?"

"Well yes, were closest."


"You're so lying." He smirked

"I am not!"

"You are. Ellie, you forget how well I know you. So now it's your turn to spill the beans."

"Fine. I've never felt safest than when I was with you." I said, averting my gaze

"Is that so? Ellie, why don't you just admit that you miss me as much as I miss you?" He said

I squeezed my eyes shut as I contemplated admitting that very facet. How long had I been thinking about him more often than fleetingly? Or actually liking our sparring sessions more than I used to? When did I start noticing his old spice smelled better than any other scent I've ever smelled again? When did I start to notice my heart quickened whenever I saw him at work or even sitting in front of him at this very moment? 

When did Leo Calavry steal my heart again like he had three years ago? 

It was infuriating: I tried so hard being mad at him, so hard to keep holding on to the fact that he and Donna kissed.... but here I am, staring into the eyes of the man I once loved, and still loved I noticed. Maybe my love for him never truly went away, my heart was shielding it behind pain and anger. Maybe my heart had always been his. Maybe no one else would ever truly take it, because it already had an owner.

Or maybe I'm just crazy and I myself need to be put into a mental institution, whatever comes first.

"If you can't admit it, that's alright, I won't make you. But we do have things to talk about." He said softly

"Like what?"

"Like where are you going to stay and are the police going to be involved?"

"At my apartment and no."

"What do you mean 'no'? This guy is a danger to you Ellie, he said he'd be back for you! You have to be protected."

"So where do you propose I stay? With you? In case you haven't noticed, he knows now where you live too

"I'll protect you, I promise."

"Leo, he's harmless. He won't be back for anyone."

"Ellie are you hearing yourself!? Look what he did to you! I know for a fact the very damage just brought you to tears not too long ago." He said visibly upset


"No, listen Ellie, I don't care what you say you're staying here."

"It's not worth getting into my mess."

"Well guess what? I want to be. It's settled: you'll stay with me and not another word about it."

"Fine." I said quietly

"After you finish eating we're going to your house to pack up some things and then we're gonna come back here."

"And then what?"

"Let you get settled. What's mine is yours."

"You don't have to do this. Honestly, you've already done so much for me."

"Nonsense. Now, come on, we're going to your apartment right now to get your things." He said, grabbing his keys

Since I still wore the clothes from last night, I figured I'd take my shower when I got back. I saw that there was no reason to try and argue about it, so I decided to discard my empty plate in the sink and join him at the door.

"You sure about this?" I asked

"You're with me, it's alright. I won't let anyone hurt you." He said with firm conviction

I nodded silently and walked out of the door before he did. In the daylight, the damage to my car was greatly noticed and would need lots of repairs. The back of my car was smashed in so horrendously it's amazing I was even able to still drive it here.

"Still don't want a new car?"

"Hey, be nice to Eloise....she's gotten me from A to Z a bunch of times. And last night, she got me here to safety." I said, laying a hand on her crinkled hood.

"I see you changed her name." He teased

"She just seemed like an Eloise." 

"If need be, we can carpool to work. After all, we're roomies." He smirked

I gave a wry smile back as we walked to his car and got in.


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