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"So how's staying with Leo?" Brandi asked me over the phone.

"Fine. Why?" I asked, adding an annoyed edge to my voice

"Out of all of us, why did you choose to stay with him?"

A few weeks had passed since that scary night, and once again like it had been for the last few weeks, Brandi and I were arguing over the same thing.

"Like I've explained for the last few time, I have no choice! Besides, you're never at the apartment anymore. You're always with Josh, Amber is always with Cairo, and Evan and Jack don't live there anymore. You know this wasn't my first choice but it was the best one. You heard the cops, Chris could be anywhere."

"I know that Ellie. I'm just saying....after all you've been through with this man."

"It's not like this is permeant. It's just until they find Chris."

"Maybe for you Ellie. But are you sure Leo feels the same way?"

"Of course. We're just friends Brandi." I sighed

"Alright girlie, I'm just saying. Be on the lookout alright? I'll see you next week at rehearsal."

"Bye Brandi."

Since it was late, I decided that sleeping was a good option. Though I dreaded the ensuing nightmares....I cut off the lamp at my bedside and closed my eyes anyway. As I drifted off into sleepy land, I realized that instead of the usual torture, my brain was deciding to be nice to me tonight and gave me a pleasant memory. Of course, Leo just had to be in it.

Leo had been in his room for almost the whole day and asked that I not disturb him while he was having his "Artistic Moment". I thought of leaving and going to go visit friends, since it was the weekend and I had nothing else to do. But then he told me that I couldn't go anywhere, since I was his on weekends. So I decided to go listen to music and read a little. I got bored of that after a while and decided, against rational judgment, to barge in and demand he spend time with me.

"Are you almost done? I'm getting bored out there."

"Pet please, all I want is to finish this painting. I need to concentrate."

I peered over his shoulder at the swirls of brilliant blues, sultry reds, tantalizing greens, and opulent oranges. It was abstract of course, but just as beautiful as I could've ever imagined. How could he say it wasn't finished?

"Wow....that is beautiful." I whispered

"Thank you. What are you listening to?"

"Jenny was a friend of Mine."

"Let me guess: Muse right?"

"Wrong! The Killers." I smiled smugly

He dismissed it quickly and turned away from me, and  when he saw that I wasn't going anywhere, he sighed and put his paint brush down.

"You aren't leaving are you?"

"Well I would've went to go visit Brandi and Amber, but you brought this on yourself." I teased

"You're right. I guess I could take a break."

The next thing I know, I'm picked up and tossed over his shoulder, my headphones dangling precariously down his back.

"Put me down!" I screamed in laughter

"Oh I'll put you down alright."

I felt something soft underneath me and realized it was his bed. He crawled atop of me and stared at me.

"Now, do you feel attended to?" He asked

"Nope." I smirked

He leaned down and kissed me.


"No....I want to be held."

"Then held you shall be."

He rolled off of me and gathered me into his arms in one fluid motion. I breathed in his intoxicating Old Spice cologne and closed my eyes in the familiarity of it. He stroked my hair and we laid there in silence for little while, me just hearing his heart beat.

"You think you could do this everyday?" He suddenly asked me

"Do what?"

"Us just laying in bed and cuddling."

"Who couldn't do this everyday?" I smirked

"Not just the cuddling, living together. Maybe even getting married."

"Married?" I asked softly

"Yeah....then it could be me and you just like this everyday."

"You'd want to marry me?"

"Of course. Why do you make it sound like I wouldn't?"

"No reason."

My heart raced at the possibilities of being Mrs. Calavry. What if I didn't meet his expectations of a wife? I didn't particularly fit the part.

"Talk to me." He urged

"Trust me, you just wouldn't want me to be your wife. You deserve someone you'd be proud to show off. Like, a very prized trophy."

"You're not a trophy. No woman is, even when it comes to courtship. With a trophy, you win it and then it sits on a shelf neglected for others to see and stare at. But a wife....a wife is to be cherished everyday and shown that she is more important to a man than anything else in his life. You think I wouldn't be proud to have you?"

"Uh, no. I know I'm your submissive, but that's all we really are..."

"We're also dating, have you forgotten that?."

"I guess."

"Don't guess Pet, but know who you are to me. You are my lovely flower, and my beautiful princess, Understand?"

"Yes sir." I said with a smile.....

"Ellie." I heard someone call

Maybe I was still in my dream. And maybe I could dream the disturbance away.

"Ellie." They said more urgently

Or not....

I rolled over to the disturbance and opened my eyes to a pair of dazzling green ones crinkled by smile lines.

"Whaaat?" I wined

"Get up I want to show you something."

I lazily looked over towards the clock and saw that it was almost 5 AM

"Come back in four hours."

"In four hours it'll be gone. Come on, please?"

Was Leo Calavry begging? This must be good.

"Fine." I sighed

I shrugged out of bed and got a glimpse out of my window. It was still dark outside!

"Okay, what gives Leo? It's still night time!"

"No, it's dawn. And we need to hurry. Get dressed and meet me in the living room in ten."

He disappeared out of the room swiftly while I hurried up and got dressed. I had the best sleep in weeks and now I was awake. Whatever this was, it better be good.

I met Leo in the living room groggy but alert. He was spry and seemed wide awake.

"Hurry before we miss it."

He grabbed my hand and we hurried outside after I had gotten dressed.

"Miss what?"

"You'll see."

The beach soon came into view and the waves were lazily lapping at the shore. Soon we came across a blanket and some pillows.

"What's this?" I asked

"Sit." He softly commands

He lets my hand go as I sit down.

"Get comfortable. Lie back."

I do so and soon he joins me.

"Okay, now what?"


"So you brought me out here to have me lie back and relax when that's exactly what I was doing in my nice warm bed?"

"There is a purpose to this. Just listen to me."

"Alright." I said, doing what he asked

"I have a confession Ellie."

"What is it?"

"The last week or so I've heard you scream in your sleep. I always come to check on you and I'd even sit in the room with you to make sure you're okay."

"Really?" I asked softly

"Yeah. I know you have the nightmares, and all I want to do is hold you. But I have a feeling your recent training would be on me."

I laughed a little but kept my eyes closed.

"This morning you're going to be renewed. Starting right here, getting everything out."

"Leo, I am fine. You don't have to save me."

"You aren't fine. Now come on, just relax and listen to me."

"Alright. "

"What is your biggest fear?"

"Chris." I answered honestly

Even though I hadn't spoken his name since the night that he attacked me, his name alone filled me with dread. We had mentioned him a bunch of times, but only using pronouns.

"And why do you fear him?"

"You really have to ask that question?"

"Yes. facing your fears will make them easier to conquer."

"I really don't want to go to that place." I said quietly

"I'm here, and if at anytime you feel like it's too much, we'll stop. I promise."

"You promise?"

"Pinky swear."

I peeked out of my left eye and saw that he actually had his pinky out, waiting for me to latch onto his with mine.

"Pinky swear." I replied

"Close your eyes."

I did so and waited for his next command.


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