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"Will you stay? Even If it's for a little while?" He asked softly, stroking my cheek

"You know Chris, I really have to go soon." I said firmly

He cuddled up to me and laid little kisses along my neck and collarbone.

"I've missed you." He muttered in my ear

He started to kiss in that place that made my knees weak, the one right below my ear. I hated when he did that! My resolve was melting by the second.

"I know." I said, trying to make it seem like I wasn't being affected.

Why was I such a weakling?

"I have something for you." He said quietly

"What is it?"

He got up from the couch and disappeared into his room for a second. When he came back, he held a dress in his hands. Knee length, tapered at the waist in a beautiful periwinkle color. He also held up a bag in the other hand.

"What's all this?" I asked

"It's an 'im sorry' gift. I got you a dress, some shoes, and jewelry to go with it. "

"Thank you Chris." I said with a smile

Even if I was still mad at him, he sure did have good taste in clothes.

"Why don't you model it for me? I hope I got the right size." He said with a small smile

"Okay, I'll play along, but after this I'm leaving. Be right back." I said

I was in his room for about ten minutes make sure everything was right. The dress was on point and hugged every curve I never thought I had. My calves popped and everything!

"You look so good in that dress." He murmured

"Who knew you had such good taste?" I commented

He kissed my neck again and ran his hands up and down my sides. I knew this was a payoff and I was so annoyed with myself for falling for it.

"How long until you have to leave?" He murmured

"Meeting's at 8 and it's all the way across town."

"It's only six. There's plenty of time."

"I don't know." I said unsure

He hauled me up and turned me around, bending me over onto his bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked laughing

I felt him lift the hem of the dress, and yank my underwear down. I felt his breath on my bare vajay-jay (A/N: the word 'Pussy' makes me highly uncomfortable. And yes I know I've used it before but it makes me uncomfortable lol) and I wobbled.

"Let's get these heels off." He mutters

I lift my feet for him individually and he takes them off, chucking them across the room to land God knows where. He put his attention back on my kitty using his finger tips to probe and open me up more. I heard him sniff and moan in approval. He then stuck his tongue deep inside of me sucking at the same time. He licked up and down my slit making delicious noises in it's wake. But all too soon it was over, and I was being disrobed and flipped over onto my back. Mt bra was taken off making me completely naked. Chris took off all of his clothes as well and crawled atop of me, grey eyes piercing my brown's. I didn't even have time to react before he thrusted himself into me. It was ferocious movements, forced pants and satisfied groans. He pushed so hard that it hurt.

"Ow Chris, you're hurting me!" I said annoyed

"Isn't this how he used to do it?" He asked with a grunt

And immediately my semi working sex drive died completely. Lord, it was so time for me to get out of this. I had to stop being stupid and realize that I deserved better than this. it was no use, Chris was never going to change, he was never going to stop comparing himself to someone that he wasn't even in the same league with. And until he wanted help, that's when he'd get better.

It took one more thrust until he collapsed on top of me exhausted. I was sandwiched between him and the bed. I couldn't go anywhere and I was stuck. After what seemed as forever, he rolled over and faced away from me.

"You should go to the meeting now." He said quietly

Wow, dismissed right after "sex", how low could I get?

I said nothing to him as I wordlessly I got up and walked across the room to grab my clothes. I felt like a cheap whore, even if he was my boyfriend. But how long would he be? Hmm.

 Literally he just paid me for sex with a new outfit.  

I left without even saying good bye and just drove to the church. 

I was a good hour early so I decided to stay in the car and have a little cry. I was so tired and stressed out. Why did I care for a man that treated me so badly now? Was my self worth that  low that I was overly dedicated to someone that abused me? It shows that anyone can be in an abusive relationship, no matter how smart they were. I made dumb decisions based on my emotions alone, but I still considered myself pretty smart.  No one was ever going to love me, and the very facet only made me cry harder. It's not like I was even worth it. 

If I had noticed the car coming I would've dried my tears quickly, but I didn't. Even if I felt like I was in complete privacy, I was still in public and easily seeable. So when I heard a sharp rap on my car window and turned my tear stained face towards it, I saw none other than Leo standing there with empathetic eyes. He motioned that he was walking over towards the other side of my car and I nodded. As he walked around the front, I quickly wiped my eyes and composed myself as he got into the car.

"Hey, what's the matter?" He asked softly

I shook my head and buried my face in my hands.

"Tell me." He urged

"He's just so different now Leo, he won't talk to me, he's violent and-"

"Whoa, what do you mean 'violent'?" He asked


"Never mind." I said quietly

"No, fuck that! What do you mean violent?"

I sighed and spilled the beans of my three month nightmare.

"Sometimes.....he gets really angry and really drunk. And it's like, he's not himself anymore. All he does is drinks. Recently he's been getting worse even when he's sober."

Does he hit you?" He asked

I looked towards him with weary eyes.


"Does he?" He asked with more edge to his voice

"Just a few times, but he was drunk and angry, and it was my fault."

"No, you stop that, it is never your fault! This asshole better hope that I don't see him!" He growled

"Leo, it's ok I can handle this."

"He's ex army, do you know how they are trained? They're trained to kill. It might seem minor now, but he could kill you. That's not happening." He said

I heard two sharp beeps behind us and looked back to see Brandi waving excitedly with Josh sitting next to her in his truck.

"We'll finish this talk later. For now, just pretend to be excited and wave." He said

And we both did just that.

A/N: Leo To the rescue? Hm, let's find  out :3 I'll be honest, even though I made this character up, he's even getting me to fall for him. 

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