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A/n: I'm feeling crappy so I thought I could write a little to take my mind off of it. I might put up another part after this. We'll see.


We pulled up to Brandi's house and saw that it was eerily dark. She cut off the car and we all got out. I looked over and saw that my car was parked in the driveway. Old faithful Gloria, I'd missed her.

"It's like you wanted me here all along." I smiled

"Well, since you need a place to stay, we decided to get your car here. Also, I hope you don't mind but I've been driving it to make sure it stays running correctly."

"I don't mind. Thank you for that. Now all I have to do is find a job."

"Well...what about your old practice? Caine says that more doctors are needed." Brandi mentioned

I felt that familiar clench in my chest. Anything that reminded me of him, I shied away from. Including my old practice.

"Maybe....if I need a job that badly, I'll go then. But I'm sure there are other great practices still in town I could apply to. And besides, what happened to you and Caine anyway?"

"The bastard cheated on her." Amber interjected

I looked towards Brandi with a sad look.

"I'm so sorry." I said sadly

She waved her hand dismissively.

"Don't. We're friends now and adults, so we're capable of having a nice, mature, and civil relationship. Plus my guy treats me like his princess, so it isn't all bad."

"I really have to meet this guy. When can I?"

She unlocked the door and we all stepped in.

"How about right now?"

The lights came on and I heard "SURPRISE!" being yelled

I smiled and looked around at the few but meaningful people in Brandi's living room. I saw a banner that said Welcome back Ellie! on it, food, a huge cake, varieties of drinks, desserts, and anything else you could imagine. Music cut on and one on one I greeted my guests. I got happier when I saw Evan and Jack. I hugged them tightly and didn't let go. Jack was a blonde now, cut into a tasteful spiked style, and boy did he look good.

"Oh my god, look at you! All curled, lovely, and tanned!" He exclaimed

"Me? Look at you, gorgeous and blonde. I see Cali has changed you a little."

"Yes. That and my drop dead honey."

I looked towards Evan who looked a lot more built since the last time I had saw him.

"Whoa, well hello physique, biceps, triceps, and pecs." I smirked

He hugged me and actually lifted me off of the ground.

"Oh Ellie I have missed you!" He said happily

"I missed you too Evan." I said strained

He sat me down quietly with a smile.

"How's married life treating you?" I asked

"Very well. Getting to be with my prince everyday is nothing short of a fairy tale. But I love every minute of it." Jack said lovingly

Evan hugged him.

"I'm going to go get something to eat. Ellie, make sure we all go and hang out soon."

"How long are you guys in town for?"

"Awhile. Don't worry." He smiled

"So, when do I get to meet this new mystery boyfriend of yours?" Jack asked me happily

"He's coming by tonight. Do you know anything about Brandi's boyfriend?"

"Not a thing. But you can best believe I've been on her about telling me. She just won't."

"She says we'll meet him tonight." I smiled

"Can't wait. Well, go and see everyone else, I'll see you later."

I turned away and went to go greet each of my guests. We ate, drank, and laughed. And at around ten, I heard the doorbell.

"I'll get it."

I went to the door and answered it.


I felt them take me into their arms and kiss me, cutting off the words I was about to say. He walked forward and I walked backward. He kicked the door shut and my back was flush against the wall. He finally pulled away from me with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

"Hi." He said with a smile

"Hi yourself. You must be in a good mood." I beamed

"No, just been waiting a year and a half to do that. I haven't seen you in six months, I missed you. You look beautiful." He said quietly

I blushed slightly.

"Thank you."

He kissed me once more and finally pulled away.

"Come on in, I want you to say hi to everyone."

I took his hand and lead him into the party. When we appeared I swear every eye was on us.

"Whoa, stop the presses! Is this your new boyfriend!?" Brandi smiled

"Well.... for the last six months, yes." I said

He squeezed my hand.

"I want all of the details after the party." Brandi warned

"Alright alright." I smiled

"I'm going to get myself something to drink. You want anything?" He asked me

"No thanks." I said with a smile

He kissed the top of my head and walked away.

Evan and Jack then walked over with huge smiles of their own.

"So that's all you El?" Jack asked me with a huge smile

I giggled.

"Yes, but we've only been dating six months. It's nothing major-"

'Nothing major? ' Ellie this is major! You've been keeping this a secret from us. I'm even more shocked you didn't want to tell me." Jack said

"Oh stop it, Brandi's man gets revealed tonight too."

"This is you we're talking about. See, you thought you could never get some one this good looking, and now look, you got him. I wholeheartedly approve." Evan smirked

"Well thank you."

"He does treat you good right? I mean, no baggage and no other women in the picture?" Jack asked carefully

I roll my eyes playfully with a smirk.

"It's okay, you don't have to be cryptic. I'm over the past and I'm ready to move on with my future." I smiled

He smiled warmly.

"Good. Let me know if he doesn't treat you right, I'll sic Evan on him."

I giggled.

"Won't be necessary. He's a total sweet heart. You know, he came to visit me when I was stationed in the Dominican Republic, I got a few days off for vacation. And I found out that the village he came from was the same I was working in. I'm guessing fate intervened."

"That So, did he take you on a date at least?"

"Yeah, we had a picnic on the beach."

"I am so happy for you Ellie. So happy to see you smiling and blushing."

"Yeah yeah, I know, I was a wreck. But I've bounced back. And during those two years I've realized that I should love me first, and the guy second. So I did, I started eating better and exercising. I'm losing weight like crazy and I love it!"

Jacks face suddenly got serious.

"I know that, I see how happy you are. But I don't want to see you that low again. You know that night had us worried the most."

I remembered that night. So much blood, and alcohol...and those pills. The hospital wasn't the best place to wake up in. He even came to see me, but my friends refused to let him in. How did he even find out that I was in the hospital anyway? But that was also the night that Christopher came to visit me. I guess it was then that I saw I had feelings for him too:

I had just woken up, groggy, and still a bit out of it, but I was pretty aware. All I remember hearing was the steady beep of my heart monitor, feeling the dryness of my throat, and the pain in my head, no doubt from me hitting my head on the bathroom sink a few hours prior. I looked forlornly at the scars, new and old, criss crossing my arm. They had cleaned up the vertical cuts that should've ensured my death, though Amber had found me in time. I would always hate myself for putting her through that. I'm so glad she didn't hate me afterwards.The knock on the door frame made me look over at my door and saw Christopher standing there, a little worried.

"Hi." I smiled


He didn't move from that very spot.

"Oh? The smooth Latin delight has nothing to say?" I smirked

He gave a weak smile and slowly walked into the room.

"Well what could I say? Usually I visit when you're asleep and I sit with you during the night."

"How did you pull that off?" I asked

"Told all of the nurses I'm your adopted brother. Since I'm such a charmer, I usually stay as long as I need to. You know that you talk in your sleep?" He asks

"Oh great, another weirdo quality of mine." I scoff

He smiles.

"Who said it was weird? I...actually think it's kind of cute." He says, not looking towards me

I smile to myself.


"I brought you something." He says slyly

He reaches into his coat pocket and produces a set of Uno cards, setting them on the tray directly beside me. Then I see him reaching over for a bag that I was just noticing and pulling out a white greasy bag .

"What's in there?"

"Hot wings, French fries, and soda. Do you like these foods?"

"Well...yeah. But we're in the hospital." I said quietly

"I won't tell if you won't. Besides, I thought you could use something much better than the food here.

I smirked.

"You're so bad. But I appreciate the food and will take up on your offer. Docs said that it's been long enough so I can finally keep down solid foods."

"Great. Well, let's chow down, and then afterwards, I can whup your butt in Uno."

"Oh you must not know 'bout me, I'm the reigning champ for Uno three years consecutively."

"Yeah, against yourself." He teased

"Oh, now I'm definitely gonna beat you. Just wait." I smiled

He smiled back at me with a certain gleam in his eye.

"You're on Princess."

"Yeah. I promise, I won't do it again. I'm just glad it doesn't black ball me from being a Psychologist. I got my Ph.D while over there too."

(A/N: Just adding that I know you can get your masters while serving in the peace corps but i'm not sure about the Ph.D. For the purpose of the story we're gonna roll with it)

"I am so proud of you." He smiles at me

We hug and he murmurs in my ear how he'll always be there for me, and for once in my life, I actually believe a guy when he says that he'll stay with me. Once Christopher came back over, we all had a good long talk. And in the midst of it, the doorbell rang again. I was too entranced with Christopher to notice the huge surprise behind me.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet my Fiance!" I heard Brandi announce excitedly

I involuntarily looked over and saw the man that Brandi introduced. It made my mouth drop open. I saw the blue eyes first, then the chocolate brown hair and the porcelain colored skin, along with a beard.

"This is Josh."

I gulped hard. Of all of the men she could've met and dated and fallen in love with, why oh why did it have to be this one?

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