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I stared in shocked amazement at the guy standing before me. He looked just as surprised to see me as well.

"You okay sweetie?" I heard Christopher murmur

"Y-yeah, it's just that I know this guy. I'm just shocked that Brandi is dating him."

"Is that a good or bad thing?"



"Well good because she says that he treats her right... but bad because that's Leo's best friend."

And he was a cold heartless bastard that didn't do emotions, only the person that has them the last time I saw him. Pun fully intended. I hadn't muttered his name in over a year...and it still stung to say it, and all of the connotations that came with it.

"Well as long as Leo's not gonna show up, I think it's fair to say that everything will be okay. Right?" Chris asked

I looked up at him. Grey eyes with golden flecks stare back at mine.

"Right." I replied

He kissed my cheek and hugs me to him.

"Looks like he's coming over to say something to you. I'll be over there if you need me."

He walked off just as Josh crossed over to stand directly in front of me. Chris knew I wanted to do this alone, it seems he knew me well.

"Ellie... long time no see." He smirks

"Like wise, Josh. How have you been?"

"I've been well. Glad to see you're doing well yourself."

"Thanks. and Brandi huh? How'd that happen?" I asked, a little more forced than necessary

"Fate I guess. She's a very lovely girl."

"Hm. And I trust that you are treating her properly?"

He chuckled.

"I know what you're getting at, and trust me Ellie, I'm all in. It's been a year."

"Like you said, time with you doesn't dictate how you eventually feel. So I'm warning you, treat her right, she's gone through a lot." I said, feeling immensely protective of my best friend.

He threw his hands up in mock surrender.

"Of course. She's my only priority at the moment. With the club now being open in several different locations, everything is working out. She's an excellent girlfriend, and I treat her the best I can."

"Well good. No cheating on her either. Got that?"

"Yes ma'am." He smirked amused

"Glad we have an understanding." I said

"Okay, now that we got all of the hostility out of the way, how about we try being cordial? I mean, it's safe to say that I have done nothing bad to you, but you're using me as an effigy for the person that did. And trust me, they're truly sorry."

"Who cares about all of that, the past is the past and I've moved on with my life. I'm not angry with anyone, all I am saying is, treat my girl right, I know how you are."

"No, you know how I used to be. You've been gone two years, that's a lot of time to make improvements to myself, including my behavior and how I treat women."

"Good. I would hope so. But really, it's nice to see you again Josh." I finally said with a smile

He smiled back.

"As for you Ellie. Believe it or not, I have a huge respect for you doing what you did the past two years. Not many people do that."

"It was a great opportunity. I loved the country as well as the natives, I learned so much over there, including things about myself."

"I can see that. Well, you look great, and I really like your hair."

"Thank you. You look as if you haven't aged at all. How old are you now?"

"Twenty Nine."

"Well good. And honestly, I hope that your club does very well."

"Come visit sometime. You're always welcome, and your membership is free."

"How many locations in the city do you have?"

"Three. Just tell them your name at either one and you'll gain access. You and your boyfriend should check it out." He smirked

"I don't know, might not be his scene. But, you never know."

"Well, just letting you know you have a full access with your name on it. Think about it."

He nodded and walked away to go get him something to drink, even striking up a conversation with Christopher. Brandi soon came over excitedly.

"Sooo, what do you think?"

"He's alright. As long as he treats you nice, I don't mind. I'm guessing you know about his club?"

"Yeah. I never thought I'd be interested in what he does...but I am."

I smirked.

"Is that what you and.... you know who used to do?" She asked

"It's alright Brandi, you can say his name. He's not Voldemort."

"Heh, well I know it's been awhile and that you have a new guy... but that night still worries me."

"I know. I promise I won't be doing that anytime soon. Besides, I'm happy now and I want things to stay good. So I'm not dwelling in the past, instead I'm on to the future."

"Excellent! But tonight we'll talk, I promise."

"We better. There are things I want to know."

"And you will. Promise." She smirked

"Alright. Seems those two are getting along." I remarked, looking over at our men

"Yeah. Your man is a charmer definitely. I'm so glad you're back Ellie, life wasn't the same without you."

"I missed you guys too. But I won't be leaving home for a long time, I missed it here."

"And we love having you." She beamed

I hugged her again with a smile as Amber came over.

"Don't tell me I wasn't invited to the group hug?"

We opened up and waved her in. I missed these girls, they were always there for me when I needed them, exactly the way it should be.

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