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After the party was over, we cleaned up and then put the extra leftover food away in the refrigerator. Christopher and Josh stayed behind to help and it made it go by even quicker. Brandi showed Josh out while Chris lingered awhile.   


"Thanks for coming." I said happily  


"Thanks for inviting me. I'm so glad you're back."  


"Glad to be back."  


"So...when are we gonna have some time to hang out?"  


"Hm, I don't know. It's not like I'm working right now, I still have to find a job."  


"You're a smart girl, you can find a job anywhere."  


"Thanks. I do have a few offers lined up for the next three weeks. Maybe one of those would work out."  


"See? You're already half way there. I have total faith that you will land at least one, if not all of your job offers. Then all that's left is to choose your best fit."  


"That's true." I smiled  


"Well look how about this: When you get a job, I want to take you out to celebrate. How's that sound?"  


"Sounds pretty great. But you know you can't be my patient anymore right?" I teased  


"Yeah yeah, I know. I got a new doctor anyway."  


"Good. I see they are doing well, you seem better."  


"It's a battle, but my PTSD has gotten much better, and I hardly have nightmares anymore, so it's all good."  


"Good. I'm so glad to see you."  


He kissed me with a smile.  


"As am I. You know, you really had a guy waiting for a long time." He teased  


"I was still moppy. And I see where it got me."  


"Yeah, I know. It scared me, I hope it doesn't happen again."  


"It won't. I'm better now I promise."  


He looked at my arm with all the battle scars and kissed them.   


"Good. Come on, walk with me to my car I have something for you."  




He smiled.  


"Yep, but keep your eyes closed."  


I closed them and felt him take my hand. He was a bit wary of running into things, but I trusted him. He covered my eyes with his hands and walked behind me as I walked forward. We stopped a few feet later and I felt him take his hands away.  


"Alright, keep them closed while I get it for you."  


I did and waited until something soft was place into my hand. Then something fragrant.  




When I did I saw my favorite flowers and a blanket.  


"What's this for?"  


"Well, the blanket my mom and I made for you, family tradition. And your favorite flowers of course.  


"You remembered?" I smiled  


"Well of course I did, you're my girlfriend."  


"Thank you Chris, I love them."  


He beamed.  


"I'm glad you do. The blanket is pretty warm, so I hope you enjoy it."  


It smelled just like he did.  


"It smells like you."  


"I would hope so, I slept with it for a few nights, so that I would always be there if you needed me."  


"Or I could call and ask you to come over." I teased  


"Hm, that too." He smiled  


I hugged him and he hugged me back.  


"I'm so lucky to have a guy as great as you."  


"And I'm lucky to have a girl as wonderful as you."  


I kissed him and wrapped my arms around his neck, standing on my tippy toes. He wrapped his arms tightly around me.  


"Come home with me." He said in a soft voice  


I giggled.  




"Please mami? It'll be fun I promise." He said


I laughed and pushed him away.  


"No.  Now go home."  


He chuckled.  


"Fine. Can I at least have another hug?"  


"Of course you can."  


I hugged him tight.  


"Can we hang out tomorrow?" He asked  


"Sure, I'm not doing anything. Where we goin?"  


"How about lunch and some shopping? Pick you up at twelve?"  


"Sounds great."  


"I'll see you then. Bye Ellie."  


He let me go and walked around to the driver's side of his car. He looked up at me and smiled.I couldn't help but smile back.  




"I uh...nothing." He said  


"Tell me."  


"You're beautiful, that's all."  


I start smiling big.   

"Thank you Christopher."  


"Well I will see you tomorrow."  


"See you then"  


He got in and drove off with two beeps of the horn as I clutched my gifts to my chest and turned to walk back into the house.  

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