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"Wow, only your first day back and already you have a date. How do you do it Coleman?" Brandi asked as I got ready for my lunch date 

"If I knew, trust me I'd tell you. Well what about you and Josh, what's he doing today?" 

"He and Leo has this meeting to do today." 

"Oh. So I have another question for you." 

I started un braiding my hair. 


"When's the first wedding meeting." 

"Next week, won't be long though. You can bring Christopher if you'd like." 

"You don't mind?" 

"Of course not. I want him to get to know everyone. Evan and Jack will be here until the weddings over, but we have a long year ahead of us." 

"Indeed we do. But alright. Who's going to be In the wedding party?" 

I saw her grimace in the mirror behind me and turned to face her. 

"What?" I asked 

"Uh...well, I might as well tell you now. You know Josh's best man will be Leo right?" 

I swallowed hard, but let no ounce of discomfort show on my face. 

"Yeah, I saw that coming. But I'm not there for Leo, I'm there for you. If this will make you happy, I'm sure we'll be able to get along." I smile 

But deep down I was nervous. I hadn't seen nor spoken to Leo since I left him in his house that day two years ago. Though just because I hadn't, doesn't mean that he hadn't seen me since then. He had come to visit me in the hospital.... or he tried to. Everyone thought I was asleep that night, but honestly, I was wide awake.... 

"Where's Ellie? I want to see her." 


"She doesn't want to see you Leo, haven't you done enough?" I heard Amber interject 


"Please...please just let me talk to her." 


"I think it's a little too late for talking. I mean, look at where she is right now!" Jack yelled 


"That's not all my fault!" 


"No, but what else does she have to go through, huh Leo!? You know she has been through total hell with men, and then she finds you kissing your ex, the same one you swore that you had no feelings for!? To think that we thought you loved her." 


"I do love her!" 


"Then if you love her so much, why are you just now showing up? You've said nothing for months, never showed up or called." 


"She didn't want me to. She quit the practice and disappeared." 


"She was at home! You have a key, did you maybe think you could come to check on her?" 


"She refused to talk to me, what else could I have done? I gave her time to cool herself again." 


"And you see how great of a plan that was." Jack said disgusted 


"I can't believe you man. You put our girl through enough, and now it's time for you to go." Evan said 


"Guy's come on. Just let me see her and try to talk to her. Tell her how sorry I am." 


"Honestly, what you should do right now is give her some space. If it's meant to be man, it'll happen. If not, you have to accept it for what it is. It's time for you to go." Evan said 

"Fine. Make sure she gets these." He said gruffly, leaving after that.

I awoke that next morning to find they were the flowers that I loved. I had Amber throw them away after that and for awhile, I avoided them like the plague....


"El, you there?" Brandi was asking

"Huh?" I asked, coming out of my flashback

"So you're okay for this?" She asked 

"Of course. I'll be with Christopher anyway, so I'll stay focused on him." 

"Atta girl. Now I hope you have a good date today. I'll see you later." 

"Thanks. Why don't you and Amber go hang? She's not due to leave until tomorrow anyway." 

"We might. But for now, let's get you off to your own date." 

I heard the door bell ring just as I was slipping on my shoes. 

"Just in time." She smiled 

I walk to the door and open it, seeing a happy but nervous Christopher standing there. 

"Hey there, you ready to go?" He asked with a smile 

"Of course. Bye Brandi." I waved, closing the door behind me. 

We both got into his car and then he pulled off from the curb. 

"So what would you like to do first? Lunch or shopping?" 

"Hmmm, shopping sounds good. What are you getting at the mall?" 

"This is a trip for you amour." 

"What's the occasion?" 

"Well, your welcoming back of course." 

"You sure?" 

"Yeah. At least let me buy you some shoes or something." 

"Just one pair. But it would be fun to model clothes for each other. What do you think?" 

"I think that sounds like fun, let's do that." 

"So what have you been doing since I was gone?" I teased 

"Waiting for you to come back. But also, I got a job at an office. It's great pay, good hours. Just a calm environment where I can relax. And the people are great too." 

"Excellent, I'm proud of you." I smile 

"Thanks mami. I'm pretty proud of myself too. I think the Army was a defining experience, but it's in my past. I'm so ready for my future." 


I kissed his cheek and he smiled. 

"If I've said it once I'll say it again: I'm so glad you're back Ellie." 

"Glad to be back. Be honest, when I left did you ever think we'd be like we were now?" 

"Of course not. I remember you were so pissed at me because I told you I had a girlfriend but didn't." 

"Yeah. I remember that night perfectly. And you took advantage of a girl in a hospital bed high on morphine." I teased 

"You were not high, they had just started you on the medicine when I walked in. Either way you  listened to me. What a night that was." 

I was sitting in bed, watching tv on the hospitals tv when I heard a knock on my door. 


"Knock knock." Chris said 


I felt a bit more happy now that he was here. 


"Hey Chris, come on in." 


He seemed to walk in with purpose, like he had a mission he just had to fulfill. I sat up in my bed a little more, ignoring the dull ache in my stomach. Who knew just having your stomach pumped would hurt so much? 


"Alright, what is it? You have that look in your eye." I smiled 


He sat down in the chair next to my bed and looked as if he was bracing himself for a shocking revelation. 


"I have to talk to you." He says quietly 


I felt a little bit of panic, but I hid it. Unfortunately my heart monitor didn't. 


"It's nothing bad, I assure you." He chuckled 


Slowly I started to calm down. 


"Okay...what is it?" 


"Please don't freak out...just listen." 


"I'm listening." 


" know how I feel about you don't you Ellie?" 


"Yeah, we're friends. I mean I know back then you liked me romantically but... I get it now, we're just  friends." 


"Back then? Who said I ever stopped?" 


"You did." I said slowly 




"When you told me you had a girlfriend." 


He chuckled. 


"Well... the thing about that...I lied." 




"I thought it would help me get over you." 


"I have a feeling that's not the only reason." I smirk 


"Okay fine, I hoped it would make you jealous. But you were just so in love with him... I see why it never happened." 


"Ugh, what is with you men?" I said, throwing my pillow at him 


"I'm sorry Ellie. Really, but I wanted to come clean." 


"Meh I'm not mad. Besides, I kinda figured something was up when you asked me to go with you to an opera instead of your girlfriend. And your reasoning wasn't the most clever." 


"Enlighten me." He smiled 


"Well for one, opera's are dark, intimate, and something couples or old married people with disgruntled husbands go to for date night. And now that I think of it, even if we did go that night, would that have been a date?" 


"You got me. I forget how smart you are sometimes." He smiled 


"And don't you forget it. Look...Chris you're a nice guy and-" 


"Say no more, you don't feel that way for me it's alright." 


"That's not it. It's just that, I've been through a lot and right now I know doing anything with you wouldn't be fair to you. I'm a mess....and It'll be a long road of recovery for me. They're keeping me in here awhile until I get the proper counseling and medicine." 


"I'll wait." 


"Don't do that. You wouldn't want to wait on the crazy girl." I said, looking down


Something about that brought tears to my eyes. It was a dull ache but so ever present. I was now gonna be known as the girl that tried killing herself. Sigh, rash decisions never made good results.


"You're not crazy. You wanna talk about crazy, look at me. I mean, the reason I came to you was because I tried killing myself too. The army fucks you up, but then again so does life." 


"Yeah....and the people in it." I said softly


"Hey, he made a mistake. But then again, that's his loss not yours. I get it, you love him. And I'll be here if and when you need me. I'm not going anywhere. Alright?" He said softly 


He wiped my tears. 


"Thanks. You're so nice." 


"Meh, so I've been told. But you were there for me when I needed you. Whether it was because it was your profession or you truly cared, you were there." 


"Well of course I care. It's the reason I became a psychologist. So patients wouldn't end up here....oh the irony." I chuckled sardonically 


"Well you have to remember that you're only human. A human with real life emotions and feelings. I mean, once again take a look at me: I was in the army. Everyone expected me to be the 'tough' guy, never show weakness or pain. But the damage of that is the nightmares started long before they were discovered. And then I couldn't take it anymore and I broke. But we're strong people Ellie, even if you don't believe so." 


"Well I am still here." 


"It's for a reason I assure you. There was a reason Amber came home when she did to find you and a reason you just didn't go. I don't yet know what that reason is, but we'll figure it out one day." 


"We?" I asked  


"Yep. Whether as a friend, lover, brother, or whatever, I'm there. Don't forget that."  


"I won't." 


"But nothing even happened that night, all we did was talk." I remarked as he parked 

"Just because I'm a guy doesn't mean all I want is sex. I meant it when I said I'd always be there. But I mean if you wanna have relations, hey, I won't stop you." He teased 

I pushed him playfully. 

"What ever, get some lotion and go to town." I teased 

"Okay I'm gonna pretend that I didn't hear you say that." 

I laughed as he slipped his hand into mine and we walked towards the mall and he held the door open for me. 

"Thank you." 


We walked into the immediate noisiness that was the mall at mid day on a Saturday afternoon and started to walk around. The first store that came up was a costume store and I pulled him in. 

"Awh Ellie, this store is for kids." 

"They have adult costumes. Come on it'll be fun." I wined 

"Alright alright fiiine." He chuckled 

"Yay! Let's split up and find the goofiest outfit we can and then meet at the dressing rooms." 

"You're on. But I will find the best costume." 

"You're on tough guy." 

He kissed my head. 

"You're on princess. Go." 

We both went off in our own directions and chose outfits that were undeniably silly. I picked up a salt costume and also one with a turn table. I walked back to meet him and saw that he himself has a couple of costumes. 

"I hit the jack pot." He smirked 

"Oh? I can't wait to see this. We have five minutes." 

We both rushed in and got dressed. I came out in my Big Baby ensemble. Only there was footy pajamas not a diaper. He came out in a cave man costume....with only a loincloth and a rock necklace and nothing else. Jesus are you trying to give me a heart attack!? 

"We agreed on silly, not sexy." I teased 

"I liked it. definitely win on the silly costume by the way." 

"Compared to that of course I do!" I laughed 

"Think I should get this for Halloween?" he smirk, pushing his eye brows up and down in a repeated fashion 

"No, I don't. Know why, because I'm not trying to fight off crowds of women all night." I smirked 

"Hm, that would be awesome." He teased 

Playfully I smacked him in the chest. 

"But you'd be the only girl I'd notice there." 

"Nice save." I teased 

I turned to walk back into the dressing room when he grabbed me and twirled me around, gathering me close. 

"I mean it amour." He said, low sexy, and roughly. 

I suddenly felt as if I couldn't breathe. I saw his eyes focus on mine and slowly he moved towards me. But I met him first and kissed him on the cheek. 

"Ready for next outfits?" I asked him with a smile 

"Uh...yeah." He said, put off 

I felt guilt rise up a little before scooting back into my own dressing room. While putting on my second costume, the day of our first kiss popped into my mind. 

A year later I was about to embark on a life changing trip. . The night before was a perfect one, all of my friends and I went out on a night on the town. We went to a hot club, out to eat, even for ice cream like little kids. Then the morning of, I was all packed and ready to ship out. I didn't think the emotion would hit as hard as it did, but all I can say is, I cried on my friends shoulder for a good hour. Everyone was there, including Christopher. After the spectacle, we drove to the airport. Having gotten the bulk of emotion out, I noticed that as we neared my gate that I was gonna be okay. Even as I left my life behind to help those in their own, I realized I was strong, that where I was going would be where I was supposed to be. Though my flight wasn't for another hour or so, we all decided to have one last rendezvous before I  took off. I looked to see other volunteers sitting and waiting, and the few I had become friendly with waved and I waved back.  


"See, you'll be fine." Brandi smiled 


I hugged her and Amber, Jack and Evan and Christopher, one of many hugs that day. As the hour wound down, I noticed how close Christopher stuck by me. We sat next to me, his thigh touching mine. We talked awhile, everyone else in their own conversations. Then finally I got my call. The volunteers got up and started walking towards the plane, with one of the girls promising to save me a seat next to her. 


"Alright guys, one final hug." I announced 


We all stood up unanimously and Amber hugged me first. Jack was next, Evan, and then Brandi and Christopher. All of us were a bit teary eyed. 


"You better write us everyday! Skype as often as you can, don't do anything dangerous, remember the buddy system and most importantly, have fun and change lives." Amber said in a shaky voice. 


"I will." I said quietly 


Wiping my tears I willed myself to turn around with a wave and start to my plane. I was half way there when I heard a "wait" behind me 


I turned around and saw Christopher walking towards me. I smiled and stopped. 


"Want another hug army man? It's okay if you do." I teased, my final joke to him 


"No. But there is something I want you to know before you leave." 


"What's that?" 


He walked up to me and grabbed my face in between his hands, rubbing his thumps on my cheeks with a nervous look in his eyes. 


"What is it?" I asked quietly 


Wordlessly he leaned down and kissed me. I was overtaken with emotion, feeling a dam's worth of emotion release that I hadn't know I was holding back from. There were nights I wondered what his lips felt like or tasted like. It was amazing, and all too soon it was over. He pulled away from me, forehead against mine. I felt new tears fall, this time of happiness.  


"Why'd you wait so long?" I asked quietly 


"I wanted for it to be the right time. Call me the sucker for dramatics, but I had to do it now, while I still had a chance." 


I looked up at him with a small smile. 


"Final boarding call for flight 767 to the Dominican Republic." 


"I gotta go." I said quietly 


"Yeah, I know." 


We hug and he rubs my back. 


"I miss you already." He says into my hair 


My lips quirk into a half smile. 


"Until next time. See you soon."  


I pulled away with one final wave and got onto my plane. For once in a whole year, I felt warmth inside of me. 


I walked out of the fitting room, this time in a salt shaker costume and a dumb smile on my face. He had on a cow boys costume, again, sexyfied. 

"Okay, you obviously did not try winning." 

"I just think it's fun to just try on the costumes." 

"Well I'm in a salt costume. I'm guessing if I'm ever tied to some railroad tracks I'll know who to call." 

He laughed. 

"Funny Ellie, real funny. Or maybe: mighty fine ma'am." He said in a ridiculous southern accent. 

"Worse impression ever." I laughed

"Oh no you didn't make fun of my accent." 

I smirked. 

"Sorry babe." 

"Aw I can't stay mad at you. Come here." 

I walked up to him and hugged him. 

"Oh, and just a few seconds ago, what was with that smile, something interesting in that dressing room?" 

"No... I was just thinking about us." 

"Really? What about us?" He asked 

I heard his heart beat pick up a bit. 

"it's all good. Just thinking about our first kiss." 

"What about it?" 

"How sweet it was. Made me miss you more that's for sure." 

"Well what can I say, I'm just that great of a guy." He remarked, letting me go 

"Hmm, sure. Want to go try on shoes next?" 

"Well of course love, what ever you want." 

I hugged him again. 

"What is it?" 

"Nothing. I'm just glad I get to see you. I really missed you." 

"I missed you too sweetie. But it's not like I'm going to disappear, you don't have to hug me so tight." He said strained 

I loosened my grip. 


He kissed my head. 

"It's alright, I like the attention. Come on, let's get redressed and go check out some shoes." 

"Sound's good." 

We pulled apart and left. Once we walked in I was like a kid in a candy store. I picked out boxes of shoes and sat down to try them on. Christopher joined me not too long after and sat in the seat in front of me, a huge smile on his face. 

"I see you've found something you like." 

"I love shoes incase you didn't know." I teased 

"I've noticed. Get what you want, I just love watching you." 

"We agreed on one pair." I said 

"I know. But I'm just saying, get anything." 

"If that's okay." I said nervously 

"Yes. I insist. Now I'm gonna watch you have your fun. Oh, and I have a surprise for you tonight." 

"Really? Another surprise. What is it?" 

"You'll find out." 

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