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After a very nice day at the mall, we got into Christopher's car and drove to the other side of the city.   


"Hm, I have the distinct feeling this surprise is at your house."  


I saw him smile.  


"You got me. But honestly, it's completely harmless. I'll drive you home afterwards."  


"Alright, I trust you." I smiled  


He gripped my hand and squeezed.  


"One of the best presents you can give me." he said sincerely  


He parked in the parking lot of his apartment complex and we both got out, walking to his door. He unlocked the door and we both stepped in.  


"Man those ribs smell good."  


I sniffed the air as he shut the door behind me and took my jacket off of me.  


"Thank you. And yeah, they smell pretty great. Where are they being cooked at."  


"In my kitchen in the slow cooker. They should only be another 30 minutes if you don't mind waiting."  


"Of course not."  


I saw him move towards the darkened living room and heard rustling. Soon I saw the quick flick of light and then another flick of a candle being lit. Then he cut music on and I smirked a bit. I saw him look towards me.  


"Come over here. I won't bite." He chuckled  


I walked over and joined him on the couch, careful not to sit too close, but close enough.  


"Would you like a tour?" He asked  




He stood up and flicked on some lights.   



"This is the living room we're standing in, and over there is the kitchen."  



I saw that the living room and the kitchen were basically in the same close vicinity of one another. I looked in the kitchen and saw a small table with two chair at it shoved into the corner. The counter was small as well, with a few appliances and of course the slow cooker.   




He grabbed my hand and led me towards the back where there was two doors. Obviously one being the bathroom and the other his bed room.   


Heh, no kinky rooms. A nice normal guy, just what I need.  


His bed room was bigger than I thought it would be. Enough room for a large bed, a tv, a closet, a drawer, and even an end table.  


"This is my room, and the other door is the bathroom."  


He shut the door and then took us back to the living room.  


"And that is the tour."  


I smiled.  


"It's a nice place."  


"Yeah, but small. I'm trying to find somewhere else to live. But for now this is what I have. Hope you don't mind." He said, a little self conscious  


"I don't mind, I like it. I mean, I've spent the last two years in a hut. This is like the deluxe model believe me."  


He slowly smiled and started leaving the room.   

"I'll go get us something to drink."  


He hopped up once more and then went into the kitchen. A few seconds later, he was back with a bottle of red wine and some glasses.


"So...did you have a good time today?" He asked nervously as he poured my glass.  


"Of course. I love hanging out with you."  


"So you enjoyed yourself....good." He said quietly  


I placed my hand on his arm and he looked at me. I could see nervousness in his eyes.  


"I had a good time. Really. Did you not have fun or something?"  


"I had a blast. I thought I might have had a little too much fun is all."  


"I get to hang out with my boyfriend, what's better than that?"  


He smiled back quietly and I slowly reach up and pinch his cheek playfully.  


"You okay?" I asked him  


"Yeah...I'm fine."  


"Then why are you so nervous? It's just me you know." I smirk  


He scoffs and smiles.  


"'Just you' huh? If you only knew how much you meant to me."  


I felt my heart melt a bit and I kissed his cheek. He hugged me to him and held me.  


"Are the ribs done yet?" I asked mid hug  


"Hungry huh?"  




"That's what you get for only having salad for lunch." He teased 


"I mean, I am on a diet, I can't go crazy. Plus, I have bee a vegetarian for almost three years now because of my stint. That, and I don't want to be a fatty again, I'm healthy now."

A/N: Yeah, I've heard you'll probably go vegetarian doing this. Which is such awesome news for someone who likes her chicken and beef :( Lawdy I'm be so small when I get back in the states, if I get into the program that is lol


"You never were fat. I loved your body then and I love it now. Know why?"  


"Why?" I asked with a small smile  


"Cause when I lay on you, you'll be like a nice pillow. Exactly how I like my girls." I heard him smile  


"Ass." I laughed, hitting him in the chest  


He chuckled.  




"Well you're fit, trim, buff and you like bigger girls? I swear, where do you guys come from?"  


"Just because I like to work out, doesn't mean I want some one like me. I like women who like to eat and aren't afraid to show it. I love you as you are. If you want to lose weight because you think you need to, I'll support you. But don't say you're fat, or I'll body slam you on this couch."  


I giggled as he tickled me a little.  


"Okay okay, I'll stop."  


"Good. Don't ever let me hear you say that, or I'll have to show you how beautiful you are.  


"Stop trying to get me into bed you jerk." I teased  


He laughed and rubbed my back, placing a arm behind his head.  


"Oh amour, so good to have you back."  


"Good to be back. You didn't cry when I was gone did you?"  


"Don't tease Ellie."  


I peeked up at him feigning innocence. I saw a smile slowly spread on that sexy face of his.  


"Yes, you know what you're doing. Don't give me that innocent look."  


I leaned up more and laid my head on his shoulder. He looked over at me and looked at me as if he was studying me.  


"So beautiful." He murmured, stroking a thumb on my cheek    

I felt my heart swell and I smile. He kissed me and I kissed him back. He slipped his heated tongue to meet mine and we had a hot and torrid wrestle. It was funny but I tried not to giggle. I always laughed when I got nervous and it annoyed me because it was always a dead give away.

I also noticed that he kept his hands in one place, never moving. I liked that.

He pulled away and kissed my cheeks, nose, eyelids and all over the rest of my face. I giggled and he moved to my neck and pretended to bite me. He kissed my jaw line and then got up.  


"That's cruel."  


"What?" He asked, walking to the kitchen  


"Getting something started and not finishing."  


"Dinner's ready now. Unless you want to take these to go."  


"No, I'm hungry now."  


I got up and followed him into the kitchen. He got the plates and I got silverware.  

A/N: Aren't I such a tease? Muhahaha

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