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After dinner, I was so stuffed that I couldn't even make it to the couch and so I settled for the floor. We had ribs, grilled shrimp, corn, and a few glasses of wine. Well, I had a few glasses of wine. Christopher sure could cook!  


"So, did you like dinner?"  


"Loved it. It was so good. Thank you for cooking." I said softly  


"No problem. I'm glad this was a good welcome back day."  


"One of the best I've ever had."  


I rolled over and kissed him. He groaned, giggling as I rolled onto him more.  


"How long until you feel like driving?"  


"Ugh, give me a minute." He groaned  


I laughed and rubbed his hard stomach.  


"Ellie don't do that." He warned  


"Why not?"  


"Because for one, you're way too close to a certain 'area' and I really don't want to be embarrassed."  


I felt that familiar shift to my naughty side and smirked.  


"What's there to be embarrassed of?"  


"I uh....come on let's get you home."  


He started to sit up but I softly pushed him down.  


"Oh no mister, tell me. You always talk but you have no action. Why's that?" I asked with a wicked smile  


"Baby please, don't make me tell." He said dramatically  


"I want to know."  


I was rolled over so quickly that it didn't register until I was looking at him.  


"It's a fight enough to keep my hands off of you after not seeing you two years. Plus you're beautiful, I can't ever lose control with you."  


"Why? Maybe that's what I like." I smiled  


He gulped. I giggled and rolled him off of me.  


"Why you always teasing me?" He laughed  


"It's fun."  


"Fun huh?"  


He lunged towards me and I ran to his room laughing, him close behind. Next thing I know I'm hoisted in the air and brought down on the bed. He crawled atop of me still in a fit of giggles and kissed me, deep and slowly this time. A kiss of passion.

My hands stayed lying flat on the blanket. He pulled away and moved towards my sides. He moved downward and kissed the side of my neck, biting me. I gasped quietly and he froze.  


"Am I hurting you?"  


"'s fine. I...i like it." I smile   


He smirks back.  






He kissed me again and then got up.  


"I should get you home." He says  


"You scared?" I teased, getting up  


"No, it's just late."  


"I have nothing to do tomorrow."  


"But I have to go to work tomorrow."  


"Oh. Well alright, let's get me home then." I said disappointed  


He walked out of his bedroom and then towards the door. I followed behind him and soon joined him in the car, a bit disappointed I might add. I sat in the passenger seat quiet the whole ride to my house. When we pulled up, I thanked him and went into the house after giving him a good night kiss.  


"How was your date?" Brandi asked  


"Meh, it was okay." I said  


"Uh oh, I know that tone of voice. What happened?"  


"You mean what didn't happen." I pouted, sitting down in a nearby chair  


"Let me guess, no lovin' tonight?"  


"Yeah, none at all. Now don't get me wrong, he's been such a sweetheart for me all day and he was even nervous, it was cute. But he said it was hard for him not to touch me, then we were on his bed making out, and all of a sudden, it ended with 'I have to go to work tomorrow'."  


"Yikes. Well hey, you two just got back, I'm sure that night of passion will be back very soon. But in the mean time, let's just get some sleep."  


"Yeah. See you in the morning."  



At about 9 Am I heard my phone ringing shrilly. At first I thought it was a dream, but then as the sound only reverberated and intensified, I realized I'd better wake up. I did so and reached over, grabbing my phone and answering it.  




"Ellie!" I heard a male voice yell  


I rubbed my eyes.   


"Is this Caine?" I asked groggily  


"The one and only dear. I heard that you were back and just wanted to call and say I am glad you're back."  


"Thanks. I'm glad to be back."   

Ugh, now many times would I be repeating this line?


"Great. I...i hate to ask but how is Brandi?"  


She's fine Caine. But I am mad at you."  


"What ever for?"  


"Why did you do what you did to Brandi?"  


"I....I made a mistake Ellie."  


"A huge one at that. But hey, it's fine. Guess some of you men think alike." I said bitterly  


"That's a cheap shot."  


"Yeah? Or the truth? Name one man who doesn't fit that category that we both know."  


"How about Leo."  


I swallowed hard at hearing his name. I had went two years happy not thinking of or hearing about him, and now only forty eight hours back and that's all I hear.  


"What about him?" I snapped  


"Ellie he's miserable."  


"Oh? What's wrong with him? Him and Donna didn't work out?"  


"He doesn't want Donna. He misses you, wants to know how you are doing. I heard you were in the hospital though he won't tell me why."  


"That was over two years ago. It's something in the past, and so is Leo. If he was so concerned he should've just asked me himself. Let's just drop it. "  


"Alright. Well, I just wanted to welcome you back. And also, if you need a job, please consider us. We'd love to have you back."  


"No promises. But thank you Caine. I'll see you."  


I hung up and tried to go back to sleep. Then my phone rang again. I groaned and turned over once again to answer it.  




"Hey baby.. can we talk?"  


"I thought you had to work Christopher." I asked surprised 


"I'll call out. Figured we'd spend more time together."  


"Nah, don't do that. Besides, I wouldn't want to be an inconvenience."  


"Why would you be?"  


"Well you seemed to want to get rid of me pretty quickly last night. If we're going too fast I understand but I just wish you'd tell me something."  


I heard him sigh.  


"I'm sorry about that. I'd like to talk to you about it."  


I heard a knock at my bedroom door.  


"Come in."  


My door slowly opened and I saw Chris step in with his phone still to his ear. I hung up mine first and so did he.  


"Let me guess, Brandi let you in?"  


"Sure did. You two play nice now." I heard her say, walking past my door to her room.  


Chris shut the door behind him and sat at the foot of my bed.  


"Okay, what do we need to talk of?" I asked him, stifling a yawn. I was still jet lagged  


"Okay....I've missed you and over the internet and letters we had a good run didn't we?"  


"Yeah. Wait, you said a good run... are you breaking up with me or something?" I asked uneasily  


"No! God no, but I'm nervous about how I feel is all. I'm not a very emotional guy when it comes to speaking of it, but in letters I could bare my very soul."  


"And I still have your letters too, some of the sweetest things I've read. But why now in person does all of that passion stop?"  


"It doesn't. It didn't. I feel it every time I see you, every time you smile or laugh."  


"If we feel the same way...then why are you tentative? Unless there is something you want to tell me?"  


"Yes, but in due time. Meanwhile, I came to see you." He smiled  


He crawled towards me and propped up on his arms, he kissed me making me smile.  


"Oh...wait, I should go brush my teeth." I blushed  


He kissed me on the cheek and laid on his back.  


"Hurry back."  


I got up and walked towards the bathroom, brushing my teeth, washing my face and then coming back out. I had brushed my hair and put it into a puffy pony tail as well.  


"Ah, and the beauty returns." He smiled  


I blushed and settled back on to my bed looking at him.  


"I'm actually glad you came over."  


"Oh?" He smirked  


"Yeah. I was gonna come over and demand you spend time with me. But now I don't have to do that."  


"You forget who's the strongest here."  


"Me?" I joked  


"Heh, almost."  


He leaned forward and kissed me. I placed my hands on his neck and pulled him closer towards me, briefly brushing his soft hair. He smelled sophisticated, delectable. I loved his smell. He groaned and rolled over top of me, my hand now on the back of his neck, gripping some of his hair in between my finger tips. We both wrestled for dominance, giggling in the process. His hands started moving up my sides and underneath my shirt. I jerked a bit when I felt his thumb rub one of my nipples. I feel a shiver pass down my spine with each flick of his thumb. He squeezes and then pulls away, kissing downward and then lifting my shirt over my head. I lifted off his own t-shirt and took in his frame. I subconsciously ran my hands across his stomach with a smile. Nothing but chiseled glory.  


"Like what you see?" He asks tentatively  


"Yeah. And you?"  


"Of course. You're beautiful amour." He said softly  


He grabbed one of my hands and softly pulled me up to sit up like he was. He pulled me onto his lap and kissed me again, caressing me. He pulled away from me and lowered his head, latching his mouth on one of my chocolate colored nipples. I went to go unbuckle his pants and then slowly slid my hands in his underwear, rubbing the outside of him. I heard a sharp intake of breath. My lips quirked into a small smile and I continued to play with him. I felt his head drop and I heard him groan softly. He leaned back and wordlessly gave me full access. I took him out of his underwear and moved my hand again. I rubbed my thumb on the head and he leaned back onto the wall behind him. I lean my head down and lick the head It felt soft yet rigid underneath my tongue as I licked around in small, stimulating circles. The hand that was on one of his thighs felt him tense up a bit. I peeked up at him and saw that his eyes were closed, mouth slightly open in an ecstasy filled expression. Slowly I sunk every bit of him into my mouth slowly and deliberately. I heard him groan deep into his throat and felt a hand tentatively set gingerly onto my head. I suck a little harder and feel his hand tighten, his hips bucking slightly. I unzipped his pants more and dig his balls out as well. Slowly I push myself more onto him until I am touching his public bone.   


"Oh baby don't stop." He mutters  


He pets me as I continue my mouth's assault. A few minutes later, I hear his breathing pick up and then his muttered warning as he releases. I swallow it all and then take him out of my mouth, licking my lips.  


"Your turn." He smirks, eyes still closed.  


I blush.  


"Brandi might hear me... I can be a little loud."  


And just a fate would have it...  


"Ellie, I'm going to go see Josh, so I'll be back later alright?"  


"Okay Brandi." I yell back  


A few seconds later I hear the door slam and then a few seconds after that, hear her car pull away. Chris looks at me with a wicked smile on his face.  


"Well she's gone." He comments, now with me pinned onto the bed  




I gasp as I feel his hand dip into my panties and start rubbing me on the outside. He lays down to the side of me and kisses my neck, now rubbing my clit. I close my eyes, my breathing quickening and my hips taking a mind of their own.   


"You are so wet." He whispered  


I let out a small whimper as he continued. He finally inserted a finger and it was almost my undoing.  


"Sit up for me please." He says, kissing the spot below my ear  


I comply and do as he asks. He yanks off my pajama pants and underwear and throws them behind him in a frenzy, making me completely naked.  He spreads my legs and then goes to work with me clawing at the sheets, screaming and moaning, hips bucking, and hair caressing. I came with so much force it felt as if I would pass out. He finally unlatched his lips from my own (pun intended) and looks up at me, the biggest grin on his face.  


"You okay?" He asked with light laughter in his voice.  


"Yes. Don't laugh at me." I mumbled, feeling spent  


He crawls beside me, but not before kicking of his own underwear and pants. I look towards him and he kisses me. I taste me on his tongue.  


"Ready for more?" He murmurs  


"Sure. Mind helping me under the covers?" I ask quietly  


"Of course."  


He takes me into his lap, pulls the covers back and then scoots us both back, settling back. I lay on his shoulder and feel him place the covers on me.  


"You sure you're okay?" He teases  


"Yeah, just give me a minute."  


"Do you want to take a nap?" He chuckles  


"Why? Can't keep up with me?" I smirk at him  


"You're the one practically falling asleep in my arms."   

"Maybe they're comfortable, ever thought of that?"  


He leans back taking me with him and moved my position a little, cradling me in his arms.  


"You feel good in my arms Ellie." He said, kissing my head  


"You're just saying that." I teased  


"I mean it. I care about you so much."  


"And I care about you. It's nice to know we haven't had sex for real and you can still be sweet to me."  


"Because my feelings are real. I'll treat you right, believe that."  




"Yeah. We're gonna do it all: go on the biggest trips, do the most exciting things, anything you want. As soon as I save up enough money."  


"You don't have to go all of that. I'm happy just being with you." I looked up at him  


"Don't get soft on me Army man." I smirk  


He smirks back and moves my position to hover over his lap.  


"Soft huh?" He asked ominously  


"Yeah, sof-"  


I felt his hips jerk upward and he impaled me with inch after delicious inch of him, taking my breath away and stopping any quip that I had dead In its tracks. My nerves were on fire, screaming in delectable want and need which all manifested as a loud scream that ripped from my mouth as he connected with my own pubic bone with a squish and settled with a grunt. My muscles clamped around him as he moved out, and then right back in. I moaned out and he started the cadence: in out, roughly, softly. It drove me crazy.

"Hows this for soft amour?" He asked as he slammed my down once more

I cried out and arched my back and he continued to piston into me. Jeez, I guess he really was showing restraint. Oh I think I am seriously going to like this.

Thank God no one was home.





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