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Christopher and I were on the way to the first official meeting for the wedding, which was being held at Josh's house. I parked on the street and walked towards the house, Chris' hand intertwined with mine.   


"You gonna be okay tonight?" He asked softly as I rang the bell  


"What do you mean?"  


"You know....with him here?"  


"Yeah, why wouldn't I be? I'm not worried about him, I have you." I smiled towards him  


He smiled back.  


"Good. Then I have no need to worry right?"  


"Duh." I chided, playfully pushing him  


The door opened and there stood Josh with a welcoming smile.  


"Ellie, Chris, just in time. Come in, everyone's in the living room."  


I walked in with Chris trailing behind me as Josh shut the door.  


"Nice place."  


"You seemed surprised." He smirks "Come on, everyone's through here."  


I internally steeled myself, straightening my back and un-slumping my shoulders.  


"Game time champ." Chris murmured into my ear  


I smirked and we followed Josh until we came to an open Den like area with couches and a huge flat screen tv on the wall. I saw Amber and Cairo sitting on the couch with a space beside them, clearly for us. And then I saw Brandi sitting on this huge couch, which no doubt had a spot for Josh on it. He sat down and we both walked in. I took the room in more and saw Evan and Jack sitting on their own love seat....and then I saw him, sitting in the corner, quiet and observant. But when we entered, his eyes jumped to me and seemed to come alive. I looked away quickly and subconsciously squeezed Chris's hand.   


"Hey you two, come sit next to us." Cairo smiled  


We both said our hello's and sat down next to Amber and Cairo. I ignored the man I knew was in the corner closest to the door as we sat and looked towards Brandi and Josh expectantly.  


"Well you guys, uh, welcome to our first meeting." Brandi said  


We all clapped with smiles and waited for the two love birds to speak.  


"As you know, we've been dating for two years now and we think that it's time for us to take the next step. We are so happy that you guys are close enough that we can count on you to be apart of this wonderful occasion."   


"Hey, can we ask questions?" I asked  




"Well you know, since I've been gone for two years, I never truly knew how you two met. Could we get a recap on that?"  


"Yeah. It's funny really, fate intervened. I remember I was on my way to go see some family and my car broke down. Now mind you it's raining and everything, so I want to get home as quick as possible. But also I was on a deserted road, so there were barely any cars coming through. Well he did in his huge pick-up truck and a glistening smile on his face. I thought he'd keep going but he stopped, got out of his car, and the rest was history. And we've been dating since." She remarked, looking up at him  


"Never thought Josh as the romantic type." I teased  


"He's changed, that's for sure." He suddenly said with an easy chuckle  


"What can I say? It was time I found the right girl and settle down. That's what I did." Josh smiled at her, but also making eye contact with him.  


"Alright, let's get to what we're really here for: the meeting. Now as you know Amber and Ellie, you're the maids of honor and Brandi's sister's are to be bridesmaids. The gist of this one is for everyone to know their parts in the wedding. Evan, Christopher, Cairo, and Jack, you're my groomsman. And Leo, my best man."  


"So when's the big bachelor party?" Evan smirked  


Josh chuckled.  


"Closer to the wedding. But, it'll be in Vegas."  


"Whaaaaat, and you're cool with that Brandi?" Jack asked  


"Yeah, I trust my man." Brandi said affectionately, rubbing his arm  


"I'd like to say that I am flattered you guys are including me in the wedding, even though you hardly know me." Christopher piped up  


"Oh go on, you're with Ellie, she's has good tastes... usually." Amber commented, cutting her eyes over at Leo, "But none the less, you're dating our girl, so it's only right that we include you in."  


"Yes. Plus, it'll be a small ceremony anyway, and that's saying something since I have a huge family. I'm Latina, you know how we get down." Brandi commented  


"Hey, same with my family. Only I don't see them often, they're all over the place." I smiled  


"Are your parent's still in Ghana?"  


"Yep. I actually visited them during my stint. My mom's a saint, she actually did another Peace Corps stint herself a couple of years ago. Her and my dad met on her first stint, and she and he go back often in places around Africa."  


"That's amazing. You're like a legacy."  


"I have a heart after people." I smiled "But hey, enough about me, this is about you guys so let's get back to it."  


"Well everything has been settled. But we would like to ask that you all join us for dinner at a place not too far from here."  


"Sounds good. Just one question." Evan said  


"What's sup?" Josh asked  


"Do we have to pay?"  


"Nah, it's on me. It's catered and food is already there, so let's get going."  




We all stood up and Chris grabbed my hand kissing me on the cheek. We all walked back the same way we came not too long ago and headed for the door. But I noticed that I had to go to the bathroom.  


"Hey Chris, I have to go to the bathroom. Mind waiting in the car?"  


"Sure. Key's please." He smiled  


I passed them and he left. I saw Josh and Brandi next.  


"Hey guys, mind if I use the rest room?"  


"Sure. Walk down that hall, last door on the right."  


"Thank you."  


I hastily walked down the hall and did what I had to do. I remember clicking off the light and walking out around the halls corner when I felt that I had ran into a brick wall. I bounced slightly and felt a strong hand reach out for me.  


"Careful." I heard a soft voice say  


I looked at the hand that still laid on my arm and held my breath. Unwanted nostalgia washed over me, but I fought against it and forced it out of my mind.  


"Thanks." I stuttered out  


I looked up against my will and into those deep green eyes of his. I hated the rush of warmth I got from them...and even a rush of tears. But I held it all back and stared at him with a hard, straight mouth.  


"So how have you been?"  


"Fine." I said quietly, slyly stepping back out of his touch and clearing my throat.  


"Fine, and you?" I repeated, crossing my arms across my chest.  


"Uh, I've been well myself."  


"Awesome. Well I have to get back. See ya."  


I walked around him and hastily walked back the way I came joining Christopher in the passenger seat. The car was silent and he looked annoyed.  


"What's the matter?"  


"Damn car won't start. It's time for me to get a new one."  


"Just try it once more."    

He turned the key and of course, it wouldn't start.  




I saw him look around.  


"Wait, who's car is that in the drive way?"  


I looked over and saw the same Lexus that he had 2 years ago. Oh just my luck.  


"Leo's." I said with a groan, knowing what was going to happen  


"Do you think he'd help?"  


"Yeah, probably." I said dryly  


"Be right back."  


He got out of the car and crossed the street as soon as we saw Leo leave the house. I sat in the car waiting for Chris to come back. I couldn't believe this is how fate would play it out. Having to ask for help from the last person I would even want to rely on. Next thing I know Chris is popping the hood and grabbing jumper cables from the trunk. Leo pulls his car around directly next to ours, his drivers side door facing my side. He cut his eyes briefly to look at me in which seemed like forever and then got out of the car, walking to stand beside Chris. I rolled my eyes once he was out of ear shot.  


"Alright, lets get this thing started." Chris said  


I sat there and watched the two as they hooked up the battery and even chatted a little. After all of that, we got Chris' car restarted and were on our way.   


"Hey, you alright over there?" He asked me a few minutes later  


"Yeah, I'm fine."  


He grabbed for my hand and I squeezed his back.  


"I don't know about you, but this year is gonna be great. Don't you agree?"  


"Yeah. I mean, one of my best friends is getting married. I'm happy for her."  


"As am I. You seem happy yourself."  


"You guys just bring out the best in me is all."   


"Were you this happy while in the Dominican Republic?"  


"Of course, the natives were nice and they accepted me as one of their own. I learned so much about a culture that wasn't like mine. That's something you don't get to do everyday"  




"What was your favorite part of the Dominican Republic?"  


"The beaches. Some of the most beautiful I've seen. The clear blue water and the sugar colored sand. A very beautiful sight indeed."  


"Yeah. I remember that, didn't we have our first date on a beach?"  


"Yes. I wasn't even expecting you then either. You definitely saw what morning Ellie looked like."  


"She wasn't that bad. Might make a few children cry, but hey, not bad." He smirked  


"Shut up!" I laughed, pushing him slightly  


I was in my cot, sleeping peacefully when I heard knocking at my hotel rooms door. I awoke slowly grumbling. This was my week off and I was enjoying sleeping in for once. It was still dark outside and when I looked at the clock, it read 5:30 Am.  


"Coming." I said in Spanish  


I walked to the door trying to wipe all scowl from my face before opening it. I was only going to open it a crack, the safety chain still on it. When I did, I was surprised that Christopher was standing there with a huge smile on his face.  




"Christopher?!" I said excitedly  


"The one an-"  


I cut him off by rushing him and hugging him tightly. I was so happy to see a familiar face. I heard him chuckle and he hugged me back.  


"Hi Ellie."  


I let him go.  


"Come in." I said excitedly  


He did so and I shut the door behind him and  saw him looking around.  


"Alright, when did you get here and how long have you been here?"  


"Got here last night. I'm staying down the hall."  


I sat down on the bed with a smile on my face.  


"But why? You have so much going on back at home trying to get your promotion and all."  


"I pretty much have it in the bag Ellie. Besides.... on our video chat you seemed a bit sad and lonely. I wanted to make sure I could change that even a little. So I took the red eye and made sure I got here."  


I hugged him.  


"That's so sweet of you. But wait....your vaccines, what if you get sick?"  


"I'm a native of the Puerto Rico but I grew up here in the Dominican Republic. So trust me amour, I am fine." He smiled  


He kissed my forehead.  


"its so good to see you, but I have six more months here.... this'll only make me miss you more."  


"I couldn't wait anymore, I had to see you in person. I missed you so much."  


"I missed you too. How is everyone, my friends and such?"  


"Everyone is great. I check on them often just as you asked, and I check on you just as they asked."  


"Good. But you came at a really bad time." I said  


"I did?" He asked confused  


"Yep. I just woke up and I have morning breath."  


He waved his hand in front of his nose and scrunched up his face.  


"Si amour, you have it."  


"Be quiet." I pouted playfully  


He pulled me towards him and hugged me tight, kissing me.  


"But that's alright with me. But you do have to go and get ready though."  


"To go back to sleep? Race ya!"  


"No... get dressed I'm taking you some where."  


"Is it a good surprise?"  


"Yes, but you have to get ready if you want to find out. And quickly, this surprise expires very soon."  


I got up off of the bed.  


"Alright...I trust you."  


"Atta girl. I'll be here."  


"Pick out a nice out fit for me will ya?" I asked, walking into the bathroom  


"Right away."  


I closed the bathroom door and got ready within ten minutes. I was showered, dressed, with teeth brushed and hair styled in a tasteful twisting style.  


"Wow, look at you. All beautiful and such." He smiled, coming over to hug me  


I hugged him back and took in his scent. No old spice, but something better: Axe chocolate spray. It reminded me of warm chocolate cake in the oven, or hot chocolate on a cold winter's day. I didn't want to let go.  


"Come on amour, let's go."  


"Alright alright Mr. Impatient." I teased   


He grabbed my hand and whisked me outside of my room, with me barley being able to grab my key and other essentials before he did so. We were basically running down the hotels halls now, be barely able to keep up with him.  


"Slow down." I giggled   


"Can't we have to make it!"  


We pounded down the stairs and into the lobby, my sandals slapping against the marble floors, he and I laughing all the way to his rental car. He ushered me in and hurriedly started up the engine, taking off down a narrow road flanked by buildings; an alley. Pretty soon I saw a beach appear and he stopped the car.'  


"Whew, we just made it!" He said excitedly  


"Made what?" I asked confused as he got out of the car and rushed to my side to open my door.  


"Thank you." I said, still a bit confused  


He took my hand and hoisted me up out of the car. I hear him unlock the trunk and see him pull something soft and plush out of it. A blanket. He slams the trunk closed and comes towards me.  


"Alright, come with me amour." He smiled, holding his hand out  


I take it with a smile and walk with him towards the beach. The morning air is already warming up yet still cool. It's a comfortable feeling. We walk onto a sand dune and then he finally set the blanket down, spreading it out on the ground. He sits down and I sit next to him.  


"Okay, can I finally ask what the big surprise is?"  


"You're looking at it. Look at the sky."  


And once I did, I saw the sun peeking out from the horizon, the sun making the sky come alive in bursts of orange, pink, blues. It was as breathtaking as the sun setting. And immediately I fell in love with the sky and all of it's beauty and wonders.  


"This is a nice surprise." I whispered, letting the sea's air carry my voice to his ear  


He lazily smiled and laid back, softly pulling me with him.  


"One of the things I am so thankful that I still get to see."  


In a way he was speaking for the both of us. If I had actually died that night....would I have ever known how simple pleasures like the watching the sun rise and even set feel good to the soul? No, I'd be 6 feet in the ground, surrounded by darkness, pain, despair. Believing in a higher power, I know where my soul would have been cast. I hope He forgave me for all of the disservice I had done to my temple.   


"Amour...why are you crying?"  


"Huh? Oh... sorry." I said sheepishly.  


He wiped his tears with his free hand and kissed my head, hugging me a bit tighter.  


"Tell me." He asked concerned  


"Oh it's nothing.... just really beautiful."  


"I know, it's beautiful. If this is the case we should watch the sun rise more often."  


"I'd like that."  



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