Part 1 :- Missing You

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Xian's POV

Mia and Cheng don't tell me where we are going even after having asked n number of times. After almost half an hour of driving, Mia hands me a scarf and asks me to tie it around my neck.

"Come on guys, is this really necessary?", I crib but take the offered scarf nonetheless. 

 "We want it to be a surprise, Xi." Mia turns around and whispers before winking.

"Why are you whispering, it's not like there is anyone else in the car with us," I say shaking my head disapprovingly at the stupid things my friends come up with.

"Just do as she says dude, that's the only way to shut her up." Cheng who is driving the car, suggests.

I sigh and do as I am told and a few moments later the car slows down.

"Gas," Cheng announces, and I hear the car door open and close, a couple of times.

"Guys, is everything okay?" I ask when it takes longer than usual.

"Everything's fine, Xi. Cheng had forgotten to take his wallet." Mia answers and goes quiet, but I can tell that there is something on her mind. I want to ask her what it is, but I decide against it.

'Maybe she will feel uncomfortable to discuss it in front of Cheng.' I tell myself and continue to remain silent.

Though many in college think that Mia and I have been going steady since junior high, the truth is that Mia is like my best friend and sister, all rolled into one. It was through Mia, that I had met Cheng. Mia and Cheng were neighbors and grew up in each other's homes. I guess, that is what happens when your parents are best friends. If it were up to their parents, they would have probably already married my best friends off to each other, but unfortunately they had realized that their kids had long since friend-zoned each other.

Their parents were shocked but had soon moved on. Thus when Mia had found and befriended me, Cheng had just casually entered my life as well.

But lately, I have not been feeling comfortable with Mia coming over. Especially when Jun was around, Mia, who only ever used to talk to me, had started engaging Jun in our conversations. She had started smiling and laughing at his dumb jokes. If that wasn't enough, she had also started bringing over her experimental cooking for Jun to taste as well.

And Jun... he was always overtly polite to her, greeting her, giving her suggestions...tasting her food... Compliment on what a good cook she was turning out to be, thanking her for keeping me company. What's more, the last time Mia and Cheng had come over for finishing our joint assignments he had even asked them to stay over for dinner and a movie!

An unreasonable yet possible thought had started taking shape in my mind. What if Jun had started liking Mia? I mean, I already knew for a fact that Mia was attracted to Jun... I can't blame her though. Jun is a very desirable man. But what about Jun? Did he too desire my best friend?

This though had bothered me for months now, but not anymore. Last night, something had changed. I could feel it in my bones. I could feel it in my soul. Like a faint voice of conscience that tells us what is right and what is wrong, I could hear a voice in my heart, a voice that told me that my feelings were right and they were mutual.

"Dude! We are here." Cheng yells in my ear, pulling me out of my musings and I feel him take off my scarf.

"Happy Valley!?" I blurt out, "Guys, are you kidding me right now?" I ask in a highly put up on tone.

I hear someone clear their throat in a ladylike fashion and turn to look at the source of the noise.

"Qing?" I say, coming face to face with the most beautiful girl in our class, "Hi." I add belatedly and smile, when she pouts showing her displeasure at not being greeted properly.

My saying 'Hi' seems to do the trick. It seems to me that every time I smile, I am forgiven. Be it my teachers, seniors, juniors, or peers, almost everyone seems to give me what I want when I smile.

No, I am not trying to be arrogant right now. I am just stating facts.

The only one, on whom my smile has never worked, is Jun. 

 Unaffected.... Unmoving... Mine.

Qing walks towards me and hands me a package wrapped in shiny red wrapper, with a black satin lace tied around it. "Happy eighteenth birthday, Xian." She wishes me warmly, and before I know it, she kisses me on the corner of my mouth.

After having failed to stop her from kissing me, I lean away feeling awkward and uncomfortable. "Thanks," I mutter.

"Can we please go in now." Mia snaps at no one in particular and I look at her and mouth 'Thank you.'

I accompany Cheng to buy tickets while the girls wait.

"Dude, what the hell is she doing here?" I bite out, as soon as we have put a considerable amount of space between the girls and us.

"Aren't you happy, Xi?" Cheng snaps back.

"No. I am not. Why would I be happy to have almost a complete stranger accompany us on our day of fun and freedom?" I ask feeling irritated.

Cheng shakes his head looking like a man who had just lost a battle, , "Dude, I couldn't refuse her. She approached me yesterday. Somehow she knew that we were planning for your birthday and she said that she really liked you and that it would make her happy if we would let her tag along."

Then it hits me, 'He likes Qing. Damn it!' 

 I voice my thoughts, but Cheng doesn't respond... He doesn't have to, I can see it in his eyes.

He looks at me, "Xi, do you like her... I mean, are you going to accept her proposal?"

"Hell no. I don't like her. I will never like her." I say, resolutely and look at my hands that are gripping the gift she had given to me. My eyes fall on the black satin ribbon and my thoughts wander off to the night before. I close my eyes and I am back in his strong arms, surrounded by the distinct aroma of sandalwood.

"Dude... " I hear Cheng's voice and I feel him shake my shoulder. I open my eyes and instantly feel the loss of Jun's cool.... almost cold body.

I miss you, Jun.

"The girls are waiting." Cheng reminds me, brandishing the tickets in front of my face before walking to where the girls are waiting.

I nod follow Cheng, my fingers caressing the black satin ribbon.

Did you get my note, Jun?

Did you wear what I chose for you?

I am missing you, Jun. Are you missing me too?

We enter the amusement park but to my great discomfort, I find that I am unable to distance myself from Qing even after trying my best till Mia has pity on me and pulls her to a candy store.

'Could the day get any worse!?' I think to myself as the afternoon draws closer and we decide to have lunch at The Valley Restaurant.

We take the place next to the window and sulk. Not only was I not with Jun, but I was now also awkwardly sitting between Qing and Cheng, after Mia had giving up on saving me.

My mood continues to worsen as the day moves at a snails pace. Qing keeps sticking to me, and I feel like a bird trapped in a cage. And Cheng keeps throwing me apologetic looks.

I don't know how much more of it I can take.

We eat the overpriced undercooked meal and Cheng drags me to the 8 D movie hall. He makes me stand in the queue and pulls Mia away on the pretext of getting desert.

I hear a buzzer go off and I find Qing and myself being pushed inside a dark hall along with the sea of people waiting with us.

"Dearly departed souls, welcome to the underworld." A voice booms over the speaker and Qing grabs my forearm and plasters herself to my side.

'Fuck you, Cheng!' I curse Cheng, my soon to be ex-best friend, internally.

The floor starts shaking and everyone around me, especially girls, start screaming their lungs out. Qing is no different. Her screams pierce my eardrums, and I feel anger bubble inside my heart.

I am about to pull my arm away, but just before I can do that, I feel a familiar fragrance assault my senses. A fragrance I have started associating with happiness, with want, with desire... with love....with My Jun.

'Sandalwood' My mind supplies. I close my eyes and breathe in...surronding myself with the distinct fragrance of what's mine.

{Note :- That's it for today's update.

For those who read my rants, I would like to inform you that I have submitted my ONC entry 'The Accidental Pet' it's one of my few completed books and my only non mature rated story 😅😅😂😂

On another note, I have not been keeping well for the past few days, so I will probably not be updating tomorrow. I will try and update The lonely bridge in a couple of days, and I will update Mine the day after (hopefully).

Please Vote to show your support for this update if you have enjoyed.

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day}

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