Part 2 :- Missing You

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YiJun's POV

On my way to meet with my editor, I can't help keep my mind on the road or on the meeting that was going to decide if my book would be adapted into a movie or not.

Yes, I am a writer. I write fantasy books. I specialize in writing about angels and demons. Ironically, in all my books, demons almost always win.

Why? Because I am jealous of them. Yes, they are condemned. But they can live their life without feeling guilty. They can love who they want without feeling like they are doing something terrible... something immoral... something sinful.

I don't even realize that I have now been driving for over half an hour when I reach my destination.

I hand over my car keys to a wallet and walk into 'Emperor's Cafe', one of the most well-known restaurants in Beijing.

"I am here to meet Mr. Jin," I inform the smartly dressed hostess, and am escorted to a quiet corner away from the prying eyes of the rest of the public having a late breakfast at the Cafe.

Jin knows me well. He knows that I hate crowds and socializing. He sees me approaching, and walks over to greet me.

"YiJun, how have you been, old friend." Jin greets, taking my cold hands in his warm ones, smiling at me.

Jin, has been my editor for almost ten years now. When I had first met him, he was a young man in his early twenties. With bright eyes and a welcoming dimpled smile, I had liked him instantly.

His father was the one who had introduced us when he was retiring, "Mr. Wang, please support Jin and overlook his flaws." The old man, had said.

Now, ten years later, Jin is one of the few people who I can call my friend. We are not very close by any means, but I know I can trust him to keep my identity a secret.

By identity, I don't mean what I am.

Jin doesn't know that I am a fallen angel. But he does know my name and where and with whom I live. And he has never disclosed it to anyone.

'Wangji' That's my pen name. It's what everyone knows me as.

To keep my identity a secret after falling, I had realized two things almost immediately. One, that I needed to conceal my aura, and second, I needed to earn money, and make a living.

Archangels feel hunger too.

The first few days of my life among humans were like a learning experience. Luckily for me, humans, especially human females were always willing to lend a hand, provide shelter...and much more.

But very quickly, I realized that with a newborn child, that was not the best way to live.

I had observed humans since time immemorial, so I knew what was expected of a guardian... a care taker....a protector.

So, I once again did, what was expected of me. I tried to make an honest living...But that turned out to be much more difficult than I had expected. I could do manual work, but that paid too less and I had expenses, newborns, as I realized, had needs... and to fulfill those needs, I had to have a stable source of income. After all, I couldn't keep taking refuge with kind families. I had my pride and I had Xian.

So one day, when I was staying with a kind old lady, who ran a mess for underprivileged kids, I decided to entertain the kids with stories. After everyone left, the woman of the house suggested that I should give writing, a try. The idea somehow appealed to me, and I started writing, first, short stories and then novels.

As my stories grew in popularity, publishing companies started taking notice and after rejecting a few well-known companies I chose The Gusu Publication house. Though relatively smaller than the others, the then chairman, Jin's father Mr. Meng, had agreed to my terms of secrecy and confidentiality, and had personally taken care of my account.

With time, both The Gusu Publication and my name, had grown and flourished. So when Mr. Meng had told me that he would be stepping down, and his son will take over my account, I was a little apprehensive, but Jin was his father's son, both in words and in actions. He not only made sure that he kept my identity hidden but also tried his best to promote my books.

"Why do you try so hard?" I had asked him once, a couple of years ago. To which he had simply replied, "Because I love your books and I am your number one fan."

I had smiled at his simple yet sincere reply and not dragged the conversation any further. I was also very glad that Xian had not heard this statement. Because according to him, all my stories were his and no one had the right to like them as much as he did.

Possessive, isn't he?.... My Xian. 

I nod, "I am fine, Jin. So, why did you want to meet me in person? I thought that they had already agreed to our terms." I ask, reminding Jin that we had already discussed my conditions and remuneration in detail in our previous online meeting.

Jin sighs and I can see his reluctance to continue.

"What is it?" I ask, urging him to speak.

"YiJun, I am sorry, but I don't think we will be able to proceed with the deal." He informs, and sighs again before continuing, "The CEO wants to meet you in person before signing the deal."

"Why? What changed?"

"He said that, his son is a big fan of your books and has demanded a personal meeting with you." Jin looks away from me, embarrassment colors his face, "He said that he knows it's unacceptable to you, so he is willing to compensate you for your troubles." Jin answers, shaking his head.

I am left speechless by Jin's admission. I study his expression carefully and can tell that there is more to it than he is letting on.

I look at him and catch his gaze, "What else?"

Jin smiles, his eyes are sad, "Yijun, there is nothing else. I leave the decision up to you."

"Jin....tell me." I snap and he flinches.

His shoulders slump, "Fine. I made a mistake." He sighs once more before telling me how he has invested in the deal as well. How when his father had refused, he had borrowed money from the loan sharks and how if this deal were to fall apart, it would spell the death of his business as well.

"Damn it, Jin." I sigh and he mutters a sorry under his breath.

"Fine," I say, checking my wristwatch. "Set up a meeting with him."

"YiJun, are you sure?" Jin asks as if not believing his ears.

"We don't have a choice. I owe a lot to your father and can't see his life's work fall apart."

Jin nods and I leave the chair.

"YiJun, we aren't... " Jin starts but I don't let him continue, "I have a prior engagement. Just tell them that I have agreed, but as to when and where we will meet is something I need time to decide." I pause remembering my promise to Xian and add, "I won't be available for the next three days. Tell them that I will contact them four days from today." With that said, I leave the Cafe and start driving towards Happy Valley.

A couple of years ago, when I had argued with Xian, he had run away from home, leaving me worried and frustrated. When I had finally found him, hiding in the biology lab at his school, I had decided that I couldn't let this happen again. I had asked one of my then lady friend who happened to be a hacking expert, to install a bug in his phone. A bug that lets me know his location at all times.

Sneaky, aren't I?

No, I am not a control freak. What I am, is concerned. Xian is young and naive. Though he has not displayed any supernatural qualities yet, I can never be sure that he won't in the future either. And so, I must know where he is and whether he is safe or not. I need to be prepared to protect him, if need be.

Yes, I am aware that he is safe right now. That he doesn't need me. That he is with his friends... enjoying himself.... without me. But since the time Cheng had told me about their plans, I had felt uncomfortable. The fact that the boy was trying to hide something from me had me feeling restless. So I had decided to check on Xian...just to make sure that he was okay.

I reach the amusement park and check Xian's location. Following it, I arrive at what looks like a long queue for the horror 8D show.

What the hell does that even mean?

I am sure that this attraction was not here during my last visit to this park.

Curiosity gets the best of me, and I join the queue, all the while looking for Xian, who was nowhere to be seen.

A buzzer goes off next to my ears, and all of a sudden I am being pushed into the dark hall along with what feels like a sea of youngsters.

I feel several delicate hands on my behind and can't help but mutter, 'Shameless' under my breath.

The door through which I had entered just moments ago, closes with a loud thud and the crowd falls silent.

Less than a second later a voice booms into the hall, "Dearly departed souls, welcome to the underworld." And the floor starts shaking.

I look at the neon dials on my watch, and curse my lack of foresight.

How will I search for my Xian in the dark? What if he sees me before I can spot him? Will he feel embarrassed? Or hurt? Or angry? Will he still want to come home at night? 

Will he still want to come home... To me

{Note :- Hey lovelies, hope you all have been well.

I would like to mention here that I have no clue how a publishing company works, and what I have written is how I think it works. So if it's not accurate, my apologies.

As mentioned earlier, I am not feeling well past few days and thus my writing has suffered as well.

I will try to update The Lonely Bridge in a day or two. (if possible)

Please Vote to show your support for this update if you have enjoyed it.

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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