Part 1 : The Uninvited

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Xian's POV

I had been feeling so high strung for the past few weeks. And as we had left the camping grounds, I had felt like if I didn't come clean, I would explode. Then once I had made up my mind, I had not stopped. And by the end of it, we had confessed to each other. Well, in a way.

I could see that he was very uncomfortable crossing the thin line we had been threading for the past few days. I knew, to some extent, what he might be thinking. But only his heart held all the reasons, all the answers. I did not want to push him.

Now that I knew he was mine and mine alone, I could wait till he came to me. Yet, the way he looks keeps testing the limits of my endurance. I am young. Most of the time, I am either thinking about Jun or missing him, so when an opportunity to monopolize his lap presents itself, I don't hold myself back. I get closer. I am bold and shameless, going as far as mentioning his aura when he struggles to get away.

He stops struggling, and when I pull myself closer, and his hands settle on my waist. My shirt had ridden up, and without meaning to, Jun caresses my waist. His usually cold hands are slightly warm. I look into his eyes, and his restrained desire calls to me; I decide to tease him some more, "You really want to have your way with me, don't you?" I ask, and as expected, his cheeks color. The tips of his ears turn scarlet.

""N..No, I don't." He says, trying to defend himself, but I already know that he is guilty.

How had I missed this before? 

More importantly, since when has Jun begun to have these feelings for me? 

 Was it when he had started spending time locked away in his study, or was it when he was sleeping with multiple women daily?

I don't stop to mull over these questions, for I have more important things to deal with at the moment. Someone was spying on us, but I couldn't care less. I just wanted Jun, so I don't give him a pass. I move closer still and whisper, "Lying is a sin, Jun. And you are a terrible liar."

Like a lion in a cage, he glares at me. It only serves to turn me on more. I kiss his jaw, "Relax, let me take care of you." I add, and he stops breathing and moving altogether. He closes his eyes too.

Are you so scared of what I might do, Jun? 

I trace his lips and lick them open. I feel his breath hitch and his heart pound. Slowly, I slip my tongue into his mouth. As our tongues mate, his grip on my waist tightens. I feel his body relax as I suck on his tongue. I realize that he isn't demanding anything. Even in this, he is letting me have what I want, do what I want.

I don't want him to surrender like this; I want him to push me into the sheets. I want him to be rough with me. Then it dawns on me that perhaps he is not even ready for that step yet. I wonder why that is. But I know that it's not the right time to ask.

Just as slowly as I had started, I stop and break out kiss, "Sorry." I say softly, and he smiles, "It's alright. You did nothing wrong. Was it your first?"

First what? I wonder and almost immediately realize that the last time, even though it was I who had initiated the kiss, it was Jun who had taken the lead.

Was I terrible? 

Did I fall short of his expectations!? 


As if reading my mind, he cups my face, "It was perfect. Just like you. Thank you for choosing me."

The emotions his words stir in me are incomprehensible. I want to kiss him senseless. Why does he always undervalue himself like this!? Does he not see how beautiful and kind he is? Should I not be the one thanking him?

 I open my mouth to voice my thoughts, but just then, the doorbell goes off.

Jun's head snaps towards the main door, and his eyes narrow. He gestures me to remove myself from his lap and crawls out of the tent, "Stay here." He directs, and fixing his shirt and running his fingers through his hair, disappears into the house.

Thought I was instructed to stay, after barely a few seconds, I follow suit, careful to remain out of Jun's sight. 

 I watch him peep through the peekhole and sigh irritatedly before looking again. His brows crease, and he tilts his head to a side before shaking his head and opening the door.

Who could it be at this hour?

"Mr. YiJun?" A sharp, clear voice drifts over to me, sending a wave of heat surging through my body. I grab the door frame with all my strength. I try to clear my mind, which is commanding me to approach the owner of the voice. I resist. I look at Jun, and calm washes over me. My grip on the door frame loosens.

"You are Qing, Xian's friend." Jun states, and I can't help feeling irritated. I huff and turn to go back inside the tent. I don't care what she thinks. I am not going to waste a single moment on her. But then I recall the voice I had heard just now and stop dead in my tracks. 

"Yes. I am. Is Xian around?" I hear Qing enquire and restrain myself from running over and yelling in her face, 'I am not fucking interested in you! Leave me the fuck alone.'

"Yes, he is." Jun replies and looks at Qing's companion, "Pardon me, but I don't think we have met. Who are you?" He questions indifferently.

"My bad, I am Hua. Zhu Hua. Hasn't Mr. Jin mentioned me yet?" He asks, and once again, my body grows hot. I shake my head and look at Jun. The words, 'You are my universe.' come back to me, and just like that, I feel like I am in control again. Yet, I can't shake the feeling that the man accompanying Qing was bad-news.

"No, he hasn't," Jun replies, and I hear the man laugh; I feel like I have heard it before, multiple times. But I fail to place it.

"Then I would urge you to check your phone." The man says, but this time I am prepared. I fill my heart with the reminder of the sandalwood fragrance that clings to Jun's skin as if it belongs there and nowhere else. I surround myself with the feeling of his cold lips on mine and build an impenetrable wall around my senses. And as expected, the voice does nothing to me.

Meanwhile, Jun fishes for his phone in his pocket without success, and Qing suggests cheerfully, "Maybe Xian can help you find it."

"That won't be necessary." Jun dismisses and grabs the cordless from the kitchen sideboard.

He dials a number and a moment later speaks, "It's me. There is someone at..." He trails off and nods, "Mn." A second "Mn." joins the first. After which, multi-syllabled, incomplete sentences make their presence felt.

"But then who... "

"Oh. Is that so. But... "

"Can't it be..."

"Fine. But I am not pleased."

Jun sighs and finishes dejectedly, "You shouldn't have." before disconnecting. Walking back to the two people standing patiently at the door, he pulls it open, "Please, come in and make yourself comfortable. I will be right with you."

I soon as the words are out of his mouth, I run back to the tent and pretend to be busy with my phone. 

 As expected, he enters the tent a few moments later and looks at me apologetically. He leans in, and his cold breath fans the side of my face, "Xian, I am so sorry, but we have guests, and I can't turn them away."

"Why?" I ask. Wanting to show my displeasure, I cross my arms over my chest and huff, "We may have returned from the trip, but you are mine till tomorrow night!"

"A Xian, I am not yours till tomorrow night," He whispers, turning my face towards him. He catches my eyes and smiles before unexpectedly leaning in and kissing the tip of my nose, "I am yours always. Only yours." He adds and kisses the corner of my lips. When he leans way, I can feel that he is restraining himself from doing more. His eyes linger on my lips for a moment before he purses his lips. 


"It's Qing. She wants to see you." He informs, looking over his shoulder. "She is here with her brother."

So the man at the door was Qing's brother. I feel more confused. Why did his voice have that strange effect on me, I wonder. In any case, I was not interested, "I don't want to see her. Why can't you turn them away?" I enquire, and Jun sighs, "Did you know that Qing is the daughter of Zhu Chao, owner of Fènghuáng Huǒ Entertainment?"

"The company that bought the rights of your Demon's Favor trilogy!?"

Jun nods. His face clouds, "Yao made a mistake," He pauses and contemplates for a moment before continuing, "Long story short, I need to entertain them, whether I like it or not. Unfortunately, that means that you too have to do your part."

I frown. "Why should I!?" I bite out, and Jun narrows his eyes at me, "Xian, I am still your guardian, and you are still under my roof, and I demand that you show her some respect. She is our guest, after all."

With that, he turns away and leaves.

I leave a shaky breath; I can feel my heart race. I am furious; I want to hit someone: preferably Qing and her brother. But as the moment passes, I realize the error of my ways. No matter how much I disliked him, Yao was Jun's only friend, and I should not have put him in such a position.

Xian, why are you so fucking stupid!? 

I close my eyes and recall the cold feeling of Jun's lips on my mine. An idea takes shape in my mind, and all of a sudden, I feel excited.

Jun, keep watching; I am going to be the best host that I can be. No, I will be more than just a good host. I am going to be a very good boy, the best boy.

After all, Jun, you asked for it, didn't you? 

{Note :- That's it for this update.

I had updated my RanWan fic Chu Wanning's Second Chance a few days ago, mentioning it here in case anyone missed the notification.

Unfortunately, I am still very busy and things on the personal front are not very positive either so it will be a while before I can reply to your lovely comments 😭

Please Vote on this update if you have enjoyed it. When I feel that you guys are enjoying it, it motivates me to update faster.

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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