Part 3 :- Greed

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Xian's POV

After cleaning the mess my beautiful angel had made in the kitchen, I decided to take a shower. After all, as much as I love chocolate, I can't go to bed smelling like Original's: the cake shop. Moreover, I like going to bed surrounded by the fragrance of sandalwood.

Returning to my room, I pick out my nightclothes and set it on the bed. I recall Jun's flour-covered salt pepper hair and feel the edges of my lips lift.

I walk into the shower cubical, and a second later, hot water hits my torso. I close my eyes and sigh.

Tomorrow, I need to make my wishes known to Jun. I have no clue what to ask for, yet. All I know is that I want him close and next to me, forever.

'Xian...' I hear someone whisper. But when I turn around, there is no one there.

My eyes fall on the bathroom door that I have left ajar by mistake, and I contemplate whether I should walk out of the warmth that is now engulfing me and close it.

I decide against it, and close the cubical door instead. I close my eyes once again and increase the temperature.

Heat has never bothered me.


I open my eyes, only to find myself surrounded by darkness. I look around, feel the frost clinging to my fingers... They hurt when I try to move them. 

'Xian....' I hear someone call me again. It's clearer... It's Jun. I would recognize his voice anywhere. 

"Jun, where are you?" I yell, "Jun, I am scared. It's cold." 

I can feel the frost climbing up my arm. The pain spreads to my arms, and intensifies. 

"Jun, " I call out and look around in the pitch darkness. A moment later, I hear it again. Jun's voice.

"You were a mistake." The voice announces. 

"What? Jun, stop teasing. Where are you?" I scream, running blindly towards Jun's voice. 

"I should have killed you when father had ordered me to." Jun's voice is filled with regret. 

"Jun! Stop it! Stop saying that." I bite out between sobs. 

Jun scoffs. "It's the truth. You are an abomination, a curse. You are the reason I have no one left to call my own."

No. It's not Him. It can't be. Jun can never say such things to me. He will never...

I can feel the frost climbing up my shoulder. I can barely move my arms without letting out a scream. 

Where is he? 

Why can't I see him? 

Suddenly, I find myself standing in front of a mirror.

My reflection smiles, and morphs into Jun. 

"JUN!" I whisper and try to touch my morphed reflection, but find my arms glued to my side... It's the frost, my mind supplies. My eyes fill with unshed tears. And my vision blurs.

The reflection morphs into a handsome man. It's him. The one with piercings eyes. The one who had sat on a thrown in the red hall and had addressed Jun as Didi. 

The reflection speaks, "He will leave you one day. He is bound to. Won't it be better for you to forsake him now and save his life?"

"No. Never. You are lying. He will never leave me and I will never forsake him!" I challenge, and the man in the mirror smirks, "Are you sure about that?" He retorts, and his tone is confident, like he has already won. Like Jun has already left me.

I shake my head and close my eyes. I make up my mind not to believe anything this man has to say to me.  

 'Are you sure about that?' The voice echos in my mind. It shakes me to the core. 

"Jun will never leave me." A bite out, and the man laughs. 

"Are you sure about that?" I hear the words; the question again, and open my eyes.

Jun challenges again, "Are you sure about that?"

"You are not Jun. You are him. Jun will never leave me. He has promised me." I want to sound confident, but it comes out desperate. 

I try to struggle against the frost that has me immobilized, and then it hits me, it's not real. I am dreaming.

"Jun! " I yell. Maybe he can pull me out of this place; deliver me from this pain. 

I start crying in earnest. It's a dream anyway.

"Jun, come get me. Jun, can you hear me!?" I continue to yell. I side-eye the reflection that has once again taken the shape of the mysterious man. 

He laughs. "Leaving so soon? Stay. You will never be his. You are mine. And I am coming for you."


I don't want to hear his lies. I can't let myself believe his false words.

"Jun! Jun!... " I yell. "Come find me." 


I feel a cold hand on my shoulder, and I snap my eyes open.

I find a pair of concerned eyes looking at me, "Jun, will you stay with me tonight?" I request, and he nods. He looks worried.

Sorry Jun.

I feel insecure, like if he leaves my side now, he will disappear for good. I can't let that happen. I won't. I will make sure he stays by my side, always.

I keep my eyes glued to him as he dries and dresses me. 

'Are you sure about that?' I remember the man's voice mocking me; challenging me.

Jun tries to leave me to go get changed, but I don't let him. I watch him as he takes off his damp clothes and dresses himself in my pajamas.

He returns to bed, and I hold him.

Please don't leave me, Jun. 

I know he is worried. But what can I tell him? Should I tell him what I saw? Won't that just worry him more? No. That would be unnecessary.

I bury my face into the crook of his neck and breath him in.


I feel him caressing my back, and I find myself relaxing under his comforting touch.

I keep breathing him in and try to drown out the images of my latest nightmare. Was it really a nightmare though? I have my doubts. But I don't want to think about that right now. Right now, I am with Jun, and that is all that matters.

I feel Jun trying to move away from me, and I can't let that happen. I feel anger bubble inside me. "No. Stay. You have to stay the night." I command, and he obliges. I feel him holding me closer.

Yes, that's more like it. 

I feel moist lips on my forehead and hear Jun address me as his love. I must be dreaming again. It's a nice dream. A dream where Jun kisses me, addresses me as his Love, and holds me close because he wants to, and not because I asked him to, would indeed be wonderful. 

But for now, it's enough that he is next to me and holding me. 

Constant... Concerned... Mine

{Note :- My apologies for the pain.
Please let me know how you guys liked this update, if you can spare a few moments.

I updated The Fine Print yesterday, in case anyone missed it.

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Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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