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The plan worked. They saved Olivia and Roper and the 5 started to walk to the dungon. The rest of Ava's group left to guide the freed prisoners back to base. They knocked the skeleton-clara out. They where going through a maze of halls and stairs when they found the dungon. Vechs walked up and down the rows  of empty cells until he found one containing a 19 year old girl with long, brown hair, a white shirt with a cyan, light blue and white checkered jacket, jean shorts, sneakers, and a pair of headphones.

"Hey Ruby! We did come to get  you see?" Vechs said as he started to pick the lock

"I knew you would. Now let's get the heck out of here!" Ruby said as Vechs finished picking the lock

"Ruby, these are the other members of the rescue party, Olivia, Ava, Roper, and Helen." Vechs said as he pointed to each of them. The room of prisoners was now empty. They even saved the little boy. Ava picked up clara and started to walk to the exit.

"Why are you taking that?" Ruby asked

"She used to be a member of my team. I leave No One Behind." Ava said, still walking to the exit

When they reached base Roper and Olivia got yelled at by sky, Vechs and his group went back to work and Ava took Clara to the best healer-person in all of the game, Seto.

"Who is it?" Seto said when she entered his lab room

"Ava from Mining group 4." Ava answered. Seto took one look at Clara and immediately understood the urgency.

"Ava, I need you to go and find Jsano19, got it? Also, if this happened to anyone else bring them here as soon as possible." Seto said quickly. Ava ran out of the room and found cat and sent her to seto even though the man never fully changed her. She found Jsano in the medical wing talking to a doctor.

"Jsano! Seto needs you right away!!" Ava told him quickly. He immediatly started to run down to seto's lab room.

They where in there what seemed like months but was just a day. Seto finally came out.

"Clara should be okay and I could find nothing wrong with Cat." Seto said happily. Then, they started to feel light again. That means it's time for another announcement.They appeared in the same place they where last ti

"Well, it looks like a mere couple of players managed to free all of my prisoners. For that I will give you a little treat, to make this more interesting. If your skin is a fairy you will be able to fly and do fairy stuffs. If your skin is a cyborg you will be able to do cyborg stuffs. If your skin has a enderman or creeper face or any mob face on it you will have their abilities. Enjoy. There is a catch though, 3 times the mobs will spawn. Have fun!!" The man said followed by an evil laugh. Everyone was teleported back.

Sorry for not uplaoding! My computer broke so, kinda hard to type when you monitor is broken..... The top and only answer from q2 is, drum role please, tenbeeblurple submitted by FaceInTheSpace! Very good job! Here's another question:

Square Square Circle Square?

If you have a fun question just leave it in the comments and I will probably use it! Pi and goodbye!

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