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When Ava was fully teleported back she felt a hand be put on her mouth forcivly. She tried to scream but couldn't. She saw Seto run towards and try to grab her, but it was to late. Ava looked up and saw a man in a cloak. She could not see his face. She felt a pain in her head and her vision faded to black.

She woke up when a little girl, maybe 7, started to cry on her shoulder. The girl had shiny gold hair and was wearing a torn Jacket and jeans.She sat up and looked around. She was in a fancy mansion place.

"Why are you crying?" Ava asked the little girl

"B-because I wanna g-go h-home." The girl said. Ava started to smooth down her hair trying to calm her

"What's your name? I'm Ava." Ava asked calmly while she started to look around the room for other people. In the far corner sat a boy who looked to be her age and in the other corner a boy who looked about 9.

"M-my name is Kathy." The girl said

"Do you know why we're here?" Ava asked looking back at Kathy

"No." Kathy replied, still shaking. Ava picked her up and walked over to the little boy. She could now see what he looked like. He had light brown hair and was wearing a creeper shirt with jeans and sneakers. Ava held out her hand to him and he looked at her confused.

"Come on. What's your name?" Ava asked. The boy took her had reluctantly

"My name's James." The boy said standing up

"My name's Ava and this is Kathy. Now that boy over there, did he ever come over here?" Ava asked

"Nope. He just sits there." James said. Ava walked over to the other boy. He had dark brown hair and was wearing a black hoodie and jeans. Ava let go of James' had and smacked the boy across the face. He hurriedly stood up.


"That was for letting two little kids sit alone for who knows how long." Ava said in a Know-It-All kind of tone

"WELL SORRY!! I don't know where I am so 2 little kids are not my to priority, OKAY!?" He screamed

"My name is Ava. This is Kathy and James. What is your name." Ava said calmly. The boy sighed

"Your annoying, you know that? My name is Jaxon." The boy said

"Well it's nice to meet you. Now let's find a way out of here." Ava said, now serous

"I've already tried to escape. There are guards everywhere." Jaxon said. A door in the roof opened and another player fell through. The player sat up. The four walked over to him. It was Vechs.

"Oh, hey!" Vechs said looking at them

"Who is this?" Jaxon asked confused

"I could say the same to you. I'm Vechs." Vechs replied

"Hey Vechs. This is Kathy, James, and Jaxon." Ava said pointing to each of them "We got to get out of here. Jaxon says there's guards everywhere. Any ideas?" Ava asked. An evil grin reached Vechs' face

"I just happen to have a lot of TNT." Vechs said taking out the tnt

"You do now?" asked a new voice. They all turned to see a man in all black. He took the TNT right out of vechs' hand and turned to leave.

"WAIT!!!! WHY ARE WE HERE??!!!" Jaxon screamed at the man. He laughed and turned back to them.

"Why are you here?" He said walking towards Jaxon. Jaxon didn't give in "Hmm.. I think I'll tell you. We work for the man. The one who sent us here. He said that he'll let us out if we 'exterminate' about 5 people for each of us. You are the ones that will set me free." he explained. He kicked Jaxon in the stomach and turned to leave again.

Ava put Kathy down and ran straight at the man. She pulled out a hidden dagger and put it to his throat.

"I don't care what happens to you when you die. After all, this is a video game." Ava said, decapitating him. His body turned into code and he disappeared.

"What are you waiting for?  Come on!" Ava said as if nothing happened. She picked Kathy back up and the 5 of them ran.

Sorry for not updating. :-(. I was busy. Please start answering the questions people! They aren't that hard! Top answer is Triangle Grass submitted by FaceInTheSpace because no one else answered!! Good job! I need a couple characters so, do what you do best!! Give me some intresting characters please!

Question: If you could be any animal or mythical creature, what would you be and why?

Be creative!! Thanks for reading!! Pi and Goodbye!

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