War and future

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They ran and ran and surprisingly escaped without any problems.They ran back to the base to see hundreds of people trying to break the walls down. They had swords and TNT and evil looks in their eyes. Among the crowd trying to break down the wall she saw Frozenheart and Elle.

"Back up. Don't let them see you." Ava said taking a step forward

"No. I'm going out there with you." Jaxon said while pulling out a iron sword. The two ran around the building and scaled the wall. All of the leaders were meeting in the great hall. They burst through the doors. Inside sat all the leaders. (AN: Imagine every MC youtuber every)

"Where were you?" Aurey asked

"They took Me, A little girl, a little boy, Vechs, and Jaxon here." Ava answered quickly "But right now we need to not die."

"Let's go and fight now!!" Deadlox screamed and with that everyone took out their weapons and got their groups together. Ava got Jessica, Clara and Kat together to go out. Henry joined another group.

(Quick change to fairy tale mode)

They all charged out to battle and not all of them came back...

frozenheart136 was killed by skythekidrs

ElleIsHot was killed by jessispro

 BillyBobJoe was killed by ClaraWins

LexxCat was killed by xXGrieferXx

RoperPlaysWithTNT was killed by ThatOneVideoGamer

And many more. Some let themselves die, believing that if they died in game they would be brought back to reality. No one knows whether it worked or not. In the end good won against evil. There where few survivors, maybe 100(AN:No Idea how many people show up for minecon so let's say that 500 people showed up and 400 of them had accounts, K?). What does fate have in story for them? Find Out Next Time One Minecon!!!

JK!! I apologize for the last sentence, I just had to do it. I was going to end it here buuuuut, I feel generous!

*1 month later* (Candy's POV My attempt at first person!)

I am in the mine with Paige we have to collect some flint for arrows.

"Ughh!! I HATE gravel!!" Paige complained hitting the gravel extra hard with her iron shovel. Her black shirt and red ripped pants where covered in gravel and her very dirt blonde hair was a mess.

"It's not that bad." I say quietly, moving some of my brown hair into out of my face

"I swear Candy! You're the quietest person I've ever known!" Paige exclaimed. After a few more minutes of farming for flint, we started to head back up. We head back up to our little house.

We never went to the "Big Base" like everyone else so we live in our own little house. It's actually not that bad. It's nice and quiet and only have to worry about ourselves. Also, no war. It's not like we're missed. They probably don't even know we're here.

(Ava's POV)

Stupid war. Stupid bad guy. I hate this right now, but I can't give in now. We heard from the "Evil Man" that there are two independent players living out there somewhere and the hold the key to defeating the enderdragon. He also said that Eyes of Ender are no longer craftable and we are only missing one so they two players must have so we must find them for everyones' sakes.

Okay! Done. Kinda short but ehh. Enjoy? AnyyyWay,The winner for the Q from the last chapter.. Now let's see... After much thinking, the winner is..... CandyzCraft with the following answer!!:

If I could be any mythical creature or animal, I would be a vampire because I have vampiric tendencies sometimes like hanging around in dark places and hating to go out when it's sunny. I also enjoy things that I imagine vampires would enjoy like super rare steak. I could go on and on about this subject.

Paige was created by DarkDragon77 and Candy was made by CandyzCraft!

 Good job everyone else too!! This chapters Q:

If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?

Thnx for reading!! Cya!! Pi and goodbye!!

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