Laurroth/Garrence One-Shot #1 Part One

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Hey guys! I'm soooo sorry that I haven't updated in such a long time.

So, I'm going to write a Laurroth (Laurence X Garroth) one shot because my friends requested me to. This is just part one. Part two will be posted soon!

Now, let's get on with it!
Garroth's POV:

I heard my door creak open, and I looked up to see a familiar gorgeous brunette staring at me.

"Hey babe," Laurence said. He leaned against the side of the doorway, smirking.

"H-Hey," I said. Me and Laurence had been dating for about three months now.

Laurence pushed himself off of the frame of the door, and he stepped forward, shutting the door behind him.

"You're cute when you stutter," Laurence remarked.

I turned a bright red, trying to keep myself from smiling too much.

"H-Heh, thanks," I said, rubbing the back of my neck. I paused. I wrapped an arm around Laurence's waist. "How do you put up with me?"

Laurence held a finger over my lips. "Garroth, you know how I feel about you. I don't put up with you. I enjoy being with you."

Laurence laughed, placing his hand on my chest. Laurence came closer so that he could whisper something in my ear.

"Now stop being freaking hot," Laurence whispered in a hoarse voice that made my heart leap. I could feel his breath on my neck.

"Only if you do," I remarked, laughing.

Laurence locked his eyes with mine, making my heart explode like a firework. Laurence's hand that was on my chest clenched my shirt. A fistful of the material was in his hand. He pulled me closer that we were centimeters apart.

Before our lips could lock, I jumped backwards, smirking.

"Come and get me," I said. I sprinted out the door, and into the living room.

Laurence tried to grab me by the waist. but I made a sharp turn, ending up outside of the bedrooms.

"Stop right there!" Laurence said with a grin.

I laughed. "Make me."

A wicked grin appeared on Laurence's face as he darted towards me. I started to run into Laurence's room, but once I got inside, I realized that Laurence had me by the wrist.

"Make you?" Laurence asked, his smirk growing. "I know how to make you."

Laurence spun me around to make me face him. As soon as I was facing him, I felt Laurence's warm lips against mine.

I opened my eyes wide in shock, my hands up in utter surprise. A current of warmth from his lips surged through my body.

I sunk into the kiss. I closed my eyes in pleasure, holding a fistful of Laurence's hair, pulling him deeper into the kiss.

Laurence, who still had my wrist in his hand, lifted my wrist up and pinned me against the wall. He smiled behind the passionate kiss, his lips gliding downwards so that our lips overlapped. He trapped my bottom lip with his own lips, gently sucking. I let out a moan of pleasure.

Laurence walked backwards, not pulling our lips apart much. With a smirk, he closed the door with his foot.

Parting our lips for a second, I pushed Laurence down onto his bed. I climbed on top of him, pinning him down on the bed.

I took the lead, roughly kissing Laurence. Laurence moaned, wrapping his legs around mine. I flicked my tongue out, asking for entry. Laurence quickly let my tongue in, and we continued to make out, our tongues memorizing every crook and cranny of each other's mouth.

Laurence reluctantly tapped my shoulder, and I pulled away to let him speak.

"Gotcha!" Laurence said, out of breath.

"Oh shut up!" I exclaimed.

"Make me!" Laurence said with a smirk.

"I'd be glad too," I whispered in a husky voice as I slammed my lips back onto his.

One year later...
Garroth's POV:

Sitting on the couch, I laid my face in my hands, trying to fight back the tears.

"Garroth!!! I did not kiss him!! He kissed me!!" Laurence said, trying to keep his temper. "I tried to get away!!!" Laurence sat down next to me. He placed his cheating hand on my back, but I quickly jumped off the couch, flinging his hand away.

He didn't have the right to touch me with those hands anymore. He had played my heart like a game, and I wasn't about to let him play me again.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME YOU CHEATER!!!" I screamed. I boiled with fury, stomping away into the kitchen to grab a drink.

I pulled out a beer, popped it open, and began to chug it down. I tried to drink away my anger and despair. However, I knew that it wouldn't work. The only thing that could fix a broken heart was time, and time alone.

I furrowed my eyebrows and slammed my fist into the kitchen wall bedside me.

"GARROTH!!! Please!!"

Warm tears began to roll down my cheeks, down to my jaw where they would drop to the floor.

I took all my anger out on the wall, pounding it over and over as I began to sob.

"Stop, Garroth! Don't you see what you're doing?! You're going to break your fingers!!!" Laurence yelled.

I glanced at my fist punching the wall. Blood trickled down the side of it, leaving blood stains on the wall. Well, what was left of the wall. I had created a hole the size of my fist.

The hole wasn't as big as the hole in my heart.

I didn't feel the pain of my hand though. I only felt the pain of my aching heart.

In my other hand, the beer bottle hung loosely from my hand, and drops of the substance formed a small puddle on the ground.

I took a large gulp of the alcoholic beverage, and continued to walk around the kitchen, trying to calm myself.

It didn't work though.

The affects of the alcohol started to kick in quickly. I never drank alcohol, so I became drunk easily. I began to stumble as I walked.

"I loved you!!!" I said.

"Garroth, put that bottle down and stop drinking! You know what that does to you!" Laurence said. Laurence reached for the bottle, yanking it out of my hands.

"I LOVED YOU!!!" I repeated. I leaned against the wall, sinking to the floor with my head in my hands.

Laurence looked at the ground, away from me. He was frowning, and tears began to form in the corners of his light blue eyes.

Laurence's POV:

"I love you, Garroth! Don't you see that?!" I quavered. My voice cracked with pain as tears began to fall.

The smell of alcohol and blood filled my nose. I gazed at my beloved Garroth to see him holding his head in pain. He was definitely not good with alcohol.

Luckily, I was.

With Garroth's beer in my hand, I sunk to the ground next to him, letting myself cry harder.

I stirred the beverage around, and then took a long gulp of it.

Garroth turned and looked at me. He wasn't exactly drunk, but he was very tipsy.

"If you loved me, then you wouldn't have cheated on me," Garroth whispered.

"If I didn't love you, I wouldn't have told you to stop punching the wall and hurting your hand. I wouldn't have taken this beer bottle from your hand to prevent you from getting a hangover. If I didn't love you, then I wouldn't be here right now, sitting by your side, trying to convince you that this is all a misunderstanding."

"You can't love someone with only half a heart. You're a cheater. You also love someone else. You put those lips of yours on another's lips, and you gave your heart to someone else. Well guess what, you also gave me your heart, and I'm not interested in sharing it! If I can only have half of your heart while the rest of it is to someone else, then I'm not interested in having it at all!" Garroth yelled. I sat there, soaking in his words; Soaking in all of his pain.

"FOR THE LAST TIME, GARROTH!!! I DID NOT KISS HIM!!! I NEVER HAVE AND I NEVER WILL!!!!" I screamed. Garroth flinched, his eyes wide open. Realizing that I raised my voice, I instantly felt bad. "I'm sorry for raising my voice."

Garroth did not say a word, leaving the silence to speak. I sighed.

"Garroth? Will you please listen to me?"

"Even after all of this, I still actually care about you. Go on, but don't expect me to understand why you cheated."

"I didn't cheat. That man came up to me at that party, and kissed me. I didn't kiss him. Trust me, I couldn't get out of the kiss. It was crowded at that party, and I was drunk. I couldn't react quickly, and he had kinda trapped me into the kiss. I don't even know that person's name!!!" I explained, looking away for a second before I looked back at Garroth. His blue eyes were watery with tears and his sandy blonde hair was in a ruffled mess. "Garroth, look at me," I whispered. He  sighed, refusing.

With a gentle hand, I lifted my hand to cup Garroth's tear stained cheek, afraid to break him any further. I slid my hand down slightly so that I was able to lift his chin up.

Garroth gave up, looking into my eyes.

"Garroth, you're the only one I need. I love you, and you're the only one I love. I adore everything about you, and you are the only one that I could adore everything about. You're the only one that I would ever want to be with," I said.

Garroth moved his head out of my hand, and pushed my hand away. A tear rolled down his face. "I don't believe you. You don't love me."

"Please believe me. I love you..." I whispered.

"Make me!" Garroth said. He could think of nothing else to say. He was so distraught.

I smiled, remembering that moment so many years ago. Maybe even Garroth remembers it.

"Make you? Make you believe that I love you?" I asked.

"JUST GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!! WE ARE DONE!!!" Garroth screamed. He did own the house that we now lived in. I hadn't officially become a resident because I had an apartment. I never slept there though.

Tears filled my eyes. It took all of my strength to get up and leave Garroth. I ran to our- his bedroom. His bedroom still had all of the stuff set up in it...

Set up to propose.

There was a video that Garroth was supposed to watch. There were rose petals scattered every where, and there was even the purple little kitten that I was going to give to him.

I was going to propose, but now it was no use. Garroth broke up with me, and he wasn't going to listen to me.

It's all over.

The tears fell faster and faster, until I was sobbing as I began to pack my stuff into my suitcase.

I left the proposal stuff there; The video tape with my message, the rose petals, everything. I have no need for it all now.

'I guess I also need this...' I thought to myself, pulling out the small black velvet box, which contained the ring that I was going to propose to Garroth with.

My tears landed on the box, making the velvet wet.

'I'm sorry, Garroth. I didn't mean to hurt you. I never, ever wanted to hurt you. I'm sorry that you're upset, and I'm sorry that things ended like this,' I thought, wishing that Garroth could hear my thoughts. If only he believed me.

I threw the box and ring on the bed, slumping down onto the ground, sobbing.

I don't think I can survive without Garroth.

I want to spend the rest of my life with him.

I love him.
The Laurroth!!!

Anyways, thanks for everything, guys. You guys are amazing, and I hope that you guys have a great day or night. Love ya! Bai, Unicorns! <3

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