Being Followed?!?

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Mike's POV~

As we gathered a few things for the trip and headed to the door, where Freddy and Foxy were waiting,"You ready, Mike?", "Yep! Look after the Pizzeria Chica!!!", "BYE!!!!!", Foxy and Freddy and they looked at the map and the address, "OK... We need to head up with way. . .", I followed them and also helped them read the map. . .

¦¦A few hours Later¦¦

"There's actually a short cut.!!", "Where?!", I looked at the map, "There...!", Foxy pointed to the woods, "No.", Freddy placed a hand on my shoulder, "Mike... We don't exactly have a choice... We need to get there as soon as we can to see Puppet.", I sigh, "Alright....", Foxy nods and starts to lead the way. . .

Freddy's POV~

The woods were definitely more scary at night... I looked around us and felt my servos get a cold feeling. . . I looked at Foxy, he was convenient about this and Mike was keeping his eyes slightly down. I guess he also didn't have a good feeling about this... A cold brushed past us and Mike shivered slightly, "Mike?", "I'm alright... Just a bit cold.", I suddenly heard something snap, "Huh?!", I looked behind me and there was nothing, "Freddy?", I looked around, "Yeah, I thought----", "What was that?!", I turned to Mike and saw him looking at a dark path way. . . I saw a shadow outline of something. . . We all looked at each other, "RUN!!!!!!", we started to running away!

Mike's POV~

I heard footsteps behind us as we ran!!! I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up for long. . . I felt someone grab my hand, "Keep up, Mike!!!", Foxy and I continued to run.

We saw Freddy waiting for us, "FREDDY!!!", Foxy ran on as I continued to follow, "Guys!! Thank God!!!", as I ran, I suddenly tripped and fell, "MIKE!!!!", "GET AWAY FROM MIKE!!!!!!", my vision was slightly off and the ringing in my ears were loud, but I felt a pain in my ankle, "Mike?!? Mike, are you OK?!?", Freddy helped me sit up as Foxy gasped, "Y-Yeah... I'm fine, I think.", "A FEMALE LOLBIT?!??!", we all turned to see Foxy standing over an unconscious animatronic. . .

Foxy's POV~

After I knocked this female Lolbit and turned to Mike and Freddy, "Mike, are you alright???", he nods, "Yeah... I think I'm OK...", Freddy helps him to his feet, "OW!!", that alarmed me, "Mike?!", "N-Nothing... It's just my ankle...", Freddy quickly helped him to the curb and sat him down, "Let's look at it.", I took a look at his ankle, "I think you twisted it... Badly.", he didn't look to good, "OK. Freddy you carry Mike, maybe the Sister Location can help us.", "Y-Y-You don't have to carry------", before Mike could even finish his sentence, Freddy picks him up, "So. How far?", "Not far. Follow me!", "Put me down!!!", we started to continue to the Pizzeria. . .

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