. . . Teaming Up. . .?

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C. Baby's POV~

I sat up on the carpet as the others were asleep, especially the human. I looked down at the journal and started to write down about everything. . .

'Well, we now know what had happened to Puppet and were he has been for the last few months or so. . . But that still doesn't change the fact that he's lost his memories. . . But. . . I need to keep tabs on the new human. . .

There's something familiar about him. . . His eyes, his hair and voice reminded me of someone I knew a long time ago. . . I'd rather not write any unknown names here in case F. Foxy or someone else finds this and starts to ask questions about this.

But the problem at hand is far more important. Puppet's memories all seemed to be reseted or compressed by an unknown code. . . I might need to look more into the old coding incase I spot anything. . . I'm just worried that the Villains will show up at the worst possible time. . . I better get some sleep or F. Foxy isn't going to hear the end of it. . . Until next time. . .

I closed my book and looked aroujd me, everyone was safely asleep. Tomorrow F. Foxy wasn't going to take any risks so, we're going to be doing night shifts for our safety and Puppet's safety... I looked over at Puppet, F. Freddy was asleep next to him. . . I smiled, F. Freddy and Puppet were almost like family, Puppet always kept F. Freddy out of trouble and told him what was right from wrong. I actually remember how Puppet used to be a nervous reck when he first came. . . He was afraid. . . Of HIM returning. . .

-Before F. Foxy was put in-

I felt myself turning on. I saw a light!!

I looked around and was impressed, "Must have moved us to the new location. . . It sure is different.", I jumped off my stage and realisation hit me, "!!!", "Puppet!!!", I ran around to see if he was here!

I suddenly heard. . . Sobbing. . . I looked in the second main room. . . I saw his box and. . . Him sitting down in front of it. . . He was holding his head with one hand and the other just lay across his lap. I ran to him, "Puppet!!", I immediately pulled him into a hug, he was. . . Shocked at first but, he soon hugged me back and cried into my shoulder, "It's OK, Puppet... Everything is fine... They're not going to do anything more to you...

Not on my watch."

Puppet's POV~

My eyes snapped open! It took me a few minutes to remember where I was or how I got here... Mike's ankle was twisted pretty bad... Apparently we all be staying here for a while... I got up and left the room...

I sat on the stage and closed my eyes, I opened my eyes again and thought about everything. . . If I originally was here. . . Why did I---Something suddenly struck me!!!

"YOU'LL NEVER GET AWAY WITH THIS!!!!", I struggled as they strapped me down to the table, "Oh, we will. Know that we have you back in, we JSUT need to make some. . . 'adjustments'. . .", I way he'd as he filled searched his box while she explained,"I mean. We can't have you walking around with all that knowledge? Can we~~", he came over and gently moved my scarf that hid old scares and," DON'T!!!!", I continued to struggle until he held my head, "F. Baby. If you would.", she reached to my neck and hit something. . . - - - - -

I didn't realise that I had stopped breathing. I took deep breaths, I didn't wanna wake up everyone! Who knows who else could be in here...,"Puppet?", I looked up to see F. Freddy, "Are you alright?....", I stayed silent... He calmly walked over to me, "Listen... I know I'm not exactly the best person... But, I'm really sorry that I scared you back there...", I nod, "Um.... F. Freddy? I need to ask you something...", he sat down next to me and nods...

F. Freddy's POV~

"I remember... Before I met Mike... I was... Somewhere... Dark... There was Baby... Expect she looked.... Different... There was also a man... But... He was... I can't remember his face but, he moved my scarf and I started to struggle... He held my head down to make me still.... Then... I think think the other Baby.... Hit something on the neck... ", I was astonished. I gently tilted his scarf and I understood... They had just reset him... He pulled the scarf close to him so it hid his neck. I put a hand on shoulder," You know..", he looked at me," You were always the one that told me from right and wrong... Now it's time for me to help you get your memories back...", he was shocked but he soon smiled...

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