S. Baby!

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C. Baby's POV~

I peaked round the corner at Mike. . . I was terrified to approach him! The son of Afton, yeah I'd rather live! F. Freddy and Puppet have been getting along nicely though, like the old days. . . I smiled at those memories. . .

F. Foxy came over to me, "Hey, everything alright?", I sigh, "Sorry. . . I'm just scared. . . What if we don't get his memories back in time. . .?", he sat down next to me, "We are running out of t-time. . .", F. Foxy put his arm around me, "Hey, listen. . . We'll get him back in time, didn't you promise to him?", I nod and smile at F. Foxy, "Thanks. . .", he smiled and I had a feeling we will make it in time. . .

Mike's POV~

I walked around their Pizzeria and, I have to admit, this place looks amazing!! Sure, my ankle was kind of sore, but apparently I should be fine if I didn't put any pressure on it.
I was walking by a metal door when I heard something. . . I turned back to the door and peaked in, "Huh?", there was an evaluator?!? I relaxed a bit. . .

Before someone grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth. . .

They pulled me into a room, "Well, well, well~~ Look who has returned~~", I tried to tell but anything I said was muffled along with me struggling! I suddenly felt myself get pinned against the wall, but they didn't remove their hand from my mouth, "Woah. . . I almost mistaken you for your father~ You look exactly like him. . .", "How do we get him to stop?", I listened to the new voice in the dark room, "Hand it to me.", I looked to see someone passed the first person a needle! I felt my heart beating faster as I heard one of then giggle, "Don't worry, little Mikey~", I wanted to scream but I couldn't, "It will all be over soon~~", I felt the sharp end of the needle just inches from my neck. . . I felt a jabbing pain and tried to screw, but was muffled, but tears were blinding my vision, I felt them rip it out, "S. Baby.  .  . They're looking for Mike.", this, S. Baby, let me drop to the floor as, whatever she injected me with, was taking it's effect, "Get him down to the evaluator. Don't let him out of your sight, got it. . . ~~~~~~~", her sentence was becoming more distant. . . My head was spinning and before I knew it. . .

. . .Every went out. . .

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