Chapter One

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Ross led Sky along a pathway, before stopping at the young ones request.

"What is it, Sky?" Ross questioned once they'd stopped. Sky let go of his hand and took off his shoes, feeling around on the ground until he found a sharp stick, sticking it through the sole, carving around the edge until it fell out, then doing the same to the other. He put them back on, smiling at where he felt Ross would be and reaching his hand out again.

Ross made a sound of acknowledgement, figuring he did that so he could get around better, how being beyond him. He took Sky's hand and led him along again, until they got to a small room he stopped in.

"Sorcerers may try to attack you down here. Try to start up a conversation with them, and once you feel like you can, show them mercy or run away. Here, this is a dummy. Feel free to talk to them." Ross said calmly, guiding Sky until he was right in front of a dummy.

"Hello! I'm Sky, who're you?" Sky said, smiling at where he figured out the dummy was. The dummy didn't really seam much for conversation, Sky determined.

Ross clapped his hands together, and Sky felt his kind smile and friendly gaze as he turned back towards him. "Hey Ross?" Sky asked, curiously.

"Yes, my child?" Ross answered, taking his hand again. He felt Sky stiffen up at that a bit, before loosening up again and responding,

"What're Sorcerers??" Ross hummed at the question, smiling at the child's curiosity. It turned to a sad smile as he remembered most likely why the child didn't understand.

"They are one of the races that used to thrive above this mountain. Long ago, five races thrived above. The Humans, The Sorcerers, The Hybrids, The Mobs, and The Abnormals. The humans were like you, so not much explaining is needed. The Sorcerers, magic wielders that didn't have much difference in appearance compared to Humans, yet their insides working completely differently. Their Souls always unstable, filled with different colors of magic, their main one varying. They are also the least trusting, most aggressive species down here."

Sky was already enjoying this history lessen, and was soaking up everything presented to him.

"The Hybrids were mixes of two or more species, wether it be with Human and animal or Sorcerer and Mobs. The Mobs were abnormal creatures sometimes referred to as 'Monsters'. They usually vary in size, strength, and hope, though sometimes there will be exceptions."

Sky felt Ross' hand stiffen as he started on The Abnormals.

"And finally, The Abnormals are extinct beings with extremely powerful souls, having a bit of every kind in them, usually looking more like one or the other. They were wiped out for fear of taking everything over, which they would've never done, but t-the humans didn't understand that."

Sky noticed because of the way Ross' voice cracked and his hand shook that it must've been a sensitive subject for him. He hugged the male, receiving one back as he wiped his eyes and stood straight again, no longer shaking.

"Which one are you??" Sky asked, avoiding the question of why they were down there in the first place. He felt he might not want to know.

"I am a Hybrid. Sorcerer and Mob. Father a Mob, Mother a Sorcerer. Wonderful people, really, sadly desist." Ross answered, happy they were changing the subject.

Sky felt sad for him, but at the same time felt he could relate. He never got to know his parents, but his sister did for a little while. And she said, from the little she remembered, they were horrible people. Sky didn't want to believe it, but he knew it was true. He let a quiet sigh go, walking along with Ross.

Soon Ross paused, his hand stiffening a bit.

"..My child, I must ask you walk ahead. I apologize in advance." Sky felt paranoia crawling beneath his skin, shuddering but nodding all the less. He felt the need to pull out his heart, as if that was some sort of protection, but didn't.

He heard footsteps leaving quickly, until it was silent. He did as was told, fear rushing through him, questioning wether or not he should've trusted the man.

He held the stick from earlier, and it being fairly long, more than he remembered, used it as a sort of walking stick as not to fall over anything. Eventually he felt a hand on his head, and a quiet relief filled laugh.

"Good. You know how to be independent. I was scared for a bit there." He could hear the smile in his voice. Sky got the feeling Ross would've done this wether he was blind or not.

Sky felt his hand be taken again as he was led through another series of hallways. He tried to remember each step, turn, and twist, but found himself unable to do so.

After a while the two got to a room, and Ross said he had to take care of something and to stay put, giving him a phone with the numbers standing up, which Sky was grateful for.

Sky sat down, waiting a few minutes before getting up, using the stick to make his way around.

He gasped as he felt his amulet being pulled at by an invisible force, noticing quickly the box in mid-air he was in the middle of. He could move in the air, he noted, feeling a strange coldness surrounding him. The amulet tugged itself out, Sky feeling it, along with his hair and clothes, have basically no gravity.

He felt something coming at him, gasping as he attempted to dodge, barely succeeding. He felt whoever was doing this stop, and fished around in his cargo pants, finding nothing but a box of bandaids. He felt he'd need those later.

"Please stop!" He attempted to cry out, a quiet growl followed by a,

"You humans are nothing but evil," before they continued their attack.

Sky cried out in pain as he felt something pierce his skin, grazing his arm. He felt tears crawl their way down his cheeks and quietly cried as he grabbed a bandaid, somewhat glad it was on his injured arm so he could actually get it on. He felt the pain ease a bit, yet the silent tears kept coming and he felt a tad bit woozy.

He felt another onslaught coming his way, and felt a shield form around him, causing him not to fell the attack, which he assumed hadn't even hit him.

Soon the pause came again, and he hit his stick along the cage like thing, feeling a hole he could probably fit through should he try hard enough, if only a tight squeeze. It was bigger than he anticipated as he fled, gravity coming back to him as he fell to the ground with a thud, followed by a cry as he felt something in his arm seemingly break.

He quickly managed to call Ross, tears falling down his face as he did so. He stuttered out words in hopes of getting help. Rod asked if he was where he left him, but after receiving a negative, asked where he'd gone.

Soon Ross knew where the boy was, and quickly rushed to the fallen child. Sky felt a pair of arms pick him up, holding him close as he cried, being wary of the, now even more, injured arm.

Ross picked him up, letting him cry into his neck as he walked the rest of the way home with the child. He gave Sky a piece of candy, saying it was butterscotch, which Sky had grown to love.

Sky had managed to dry his tears, now attempting to hold his arm and suck on the butterscotch as a distraction while Ross got some medicine. He couldn't even move the arm without a wave of pain shooting up it, into his neck, and leaving it sore, so he tried not to let it move.

"I am so sorry I left you all alone my child. I.. I believed they would not hurt you.. I apologize for my foolishness." He heard Ross mutter as he gentl grabbed his arm, Sky feeling the semi-familiar sting that was known as disinfectant as Ross rubbed it.

"It's not your fault. You couldn't have known. B-besides, I'm fine now, right?" Sky mumbled, a slight smile on his face as he attempted to face the hybrid as he felt a cotton like substance be placed gently in the wound and wrapped in bandages going all the way around his arm.

"I suppose that is true, but yet, I still wish I could have prevented it somehow. Yes, you are plenty alive, but you are incredibly injured! How could you be so forgiving of this.?" Ross said, his voice trailing off a bit as distant memories filled his mind. Sky frowned.

"Because everyone makes mistakes.  It's ok." He whispered, using his good arm to pat Ross' hair, letting his hand fall to his cheek followed by a tired smile and a yawn.

Ross laughed, a calm smile replacing his frown as he replied.

"You are but a child, yet here you are, attempting to comfort me, the adult. Thank you anyways, though."

There was a silence as Ross finished the bandaging. Not a bad, nor a good, just.. Calm.

Ross picked Sky up, holding him close to his chest as he walked along the hall, opening a door and walking inside. He lifted the blankets of a bed, placed Sky in the bed, and covered him with the blankets, walking away. He paused at the door.

"If you need anything, just holler. Good night my child." And with that he was gone. Sky yawned, snuggling into the blankets, brushing against his shirt and realizing his amulet wasn't out. That's odd, he noted. He could've sworn it was left out. Not that he was complaining. He felt it more private than any of the people above would care to admit. The hearts were always flashed about as the wearer pleased, happily showing very one what they were. Sky shuddered at the mere thought.

He sighed as he felt himself sink even farther into the extremely comfortable bed, deciding he'd worry about it in the morning, as he felt darkness embrace him.


(1739 words)

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