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Adam Daghlberg. A newly twelve year old boy, who has been blind since he was a baby.

A boy who has yet to be adopted with his older sister, as no one seems to want a child with a disability, and his sister refuses to leave him.

A shy boy who can't bring himself to speak up, even though he has so much to say.

A boy who is currently running for his life.

Adam ran up a hill, his curly hair placed in a loose pony tail bouncing on his back. He had no idea where he was going, or where he had been. All he knew was he heard footsteps and he had to keep running, despite being exhausted.

Something told him, despite the fact that eventually he'd have to stop, he should keep running, for just a little while longer. And frankly, one of the main reasons he was still alive was because he followed his instincts.

He kept running, running, running, until he knew his legs were about to give out. Just as he was about to stop, giving up, he tripped over a root of a tree, he decided, and fell into a hole. He fell, and upon impact blacked out, the people chasing him somehow not noticing and running past.


Adam awoke with a start, as he felt someone lift up his arm, slightly touching what he assumed was a deep cut he hadn't noticed due to the adrenalin. He cried out, scrambling to push away from whoever was there, mainly using his right hand after discovering it hurt to move the damaged left.

Once he felt he was a safe-ish distance away, he felt his face, noticing he didn't have his sunglasses to hide his eyes. He usually kept them closed anyways, it was more a comfort thing.

He gently touched the wound, quickly biting his lip to suppress another cry as he ripped off the sleeve covering it, trying to keep the pressure off.

"Child, what happened to you?" A gentle, quiet, male voice asked. One of which Adam automatically trusted.

"I.. I.. Who are you...?" Adam asked, not really knowing what to say, and his fear still being present enough to be cautious.

"I am Ross. I check here everyday to see if any humans have fallen through. It seems you have." Ross replied calmly.

"My name is A-.." He paused, contemplating before deciding against telling his real name, "Sky. My name is Sky. I was being chased by some people and I tripped and fell, and then I blacked out."

He remembered the amulet around his neck, and felt grateful he'd remembered to tuck it into his shirt like his sister had instructed. For whatever reason he felt it was something that shouldn't be shone.

"Well Sky, you may come with me to bandage your wounds if you wish. If you do not, you are free to explore on your own, but keep in mind this place is very confusing, even for myself, who has been living in this place for several years." Ross replied, sitting down in front of the child on the soft purple flowers.

"... I'll go with you." Sky responded hesitantly, though, he felt his cautiousness fading to trust.

"Alright then. I shall guide the way." The mystery man said. Sky heard shuffling, and then steps getting quieter. He hurriedly cried out,

"H-hey!! Wait up!!" Before scrambling to get up, walking towards where he assumed he was. He heard a slight giggle.

"Child, that is not where I am." Sky heard him pause, the humor draining from his voice, "You can't see, can you?" He asked, sympathy layering his tone.

"Uh.. No, no I can't.." Sky replied timidly.

"Oh. Well, come along, I shall guide you." Sky was partially shocked by the apathy towards the subject from the man. He was indifferent? Most had treated him differently, wether negative or not, because of his disability, but here this man was, not caring in the slightest. Sky smiled and reached his hand out, feeling the mans' hand gently take his and lead him along a path. He decided he liked this person, and trusted them completely.


A/N: 700 words!! That's not a lot, but this is only the beginning!! I have a lot planned this. If you have any questions, want little sneak peaks, or wanna see designs before characters appear then head on over to my blog on Tumblr for this, mctale or MineTale!! See you lovelies!! - Destiney Is Trying To Get Into Writing Again, And So Far Is Really Liking It.

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