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"Ming please..don't do this please.." Kit cry hard hoping Ming will listen to him. That tall guy has gone crazy after he know that Kit is pregnant and sick.

"No ..sweety..we have to get rid of him so you will be fine." Ming said and caress Kit face with his thumb. He tied Kit hand and feet on the bed and walking back and forth looking so anxious.

He smile and stop walking when he heard a doorbell rang. "Wait here sweety..I'll be back."

He said and walk away. He close the door. Kit struggle to free himself but he fail. He want to cry again when the door open again. But just close his mouth when he saw its not Min who open the door.. But its the maid.


Kit's pov

"Oh my god.. Calm down sir Kit.. I will help you.. Promise you will run away . Sir Ming going to kill your baby.." She said as she untied the rope. When I already free..I thank her and run out from the house use the slide window from that room. I even ask that maid to go away and said she know nothing.

" Hang in there sweety.. We will go far from here.. Granpa will help.." I run and run..far from that house. I find the public phone and call my dad.

After a few minute a car stop infront of me. I smile and glad that someone that I know in that car.

"Young master are you okay?"

"I'm okay Khun..Lets go..I don't want him to find me." I said and hop into the car. Khun drive away leaving everything behind us.


Ming's pov

I smile as the doctor walk with me to the room where Kit is. I'll make sure he okay again by remove the seed away from him.

I open the door to my room where Kit should be.

"Please com-

My brows furrowed when I saw no one on the bed. I look around and saw the glass window is wide open. I groaned and throw everything that infront of me. The glass vase scatter all around.

"Kit!!!" I scream and run out leaving the dumfounded doctor alone in the room.

I start my car and drive away. He won't be far from here. At least that's what I thought.


And I was wrong..because its has been 4 years and he still far from me.

And believe it or not I already married with someone. And she is a woman. And we have a son. Well he not mine actually. She already pregnant when we married.

I found her crying alone at the bus station, at first I thought that I just want to help her..But after a few weeks I ask to marry her.

Just to forget Kit..that maybe won't come back to me again.

Its hurt to do this. But maybe this is the best anyway. At least I will stop looking for Kit and start focus to my wife and son.

"Ming..are you still thinking about him?" My wife ,Amy sit and hand me a glass of orange juice.

"Kinda." I said and look at the star . "Do you think I will see him again?"

Amy just shrug his shoulder and sip his drink slowly.

Amy know everything about me and Kit .. I told her everything. And all this time we don't have feeling to each other. Amy has been dating with someone. And I keep remember about Kit.

You is such a pathetic guy Mingkwan.


"Mr. Ming.. Today the investor from Dubai will come here. He is on the way to his hotel. " My secretary said and hand me a paper.

"This is the hotel where he is staying." He continued.

"Thank you, Prem." I said and smile at him.

"You are most welcome Mr.Ming.." He said and walked out from my office room.

This investor is the biggest investor for my company. He own 40 percent of the company share. So basically if he back off..my company will collapsed.

I stand up and grab my car keys.

"I will go and meet him. So please cancel all my appointment for today okay.." Prem nod understand what I said.

I drive to the hotel with a nervous feeling. This is my first time meeting him. He usually send one of his man to meet me. But now I can meet him personally. After 2 years long.

Approximately 20 minute I arrived to that hotel. I park my car and walk to the reception.

"Good Evening Miss. May I know what room Mr.Copter Panuwat is?" I ask with a smile.

"May I know who are you?" She ask me back.

"I'm Ming. Mingkwan Dechapanya."

"Wait a second." She said and pick up a phone and dial a number.

"Hello ,Mr.Panuwat . There someone is looking for you." She paused a few second. "Okay ,Mr.Panuwat."

"You can go to the room 107 on the second floor Mr.Dechapanya.." She said and point his finger to the elevator.

"Thank you." I said and walk away.

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