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Ming's pov

I push the bell two times before someone open the door for me.

"You must be Mr. Dechapanya. Welcome in. Can you please wait for a while my boss is going out buying an ice cream for his son."

"Its okay Mr. Forth.. I can wait." Forth is the person who always show up in the meeting instead of his boss.

Copter Panuwat.

I'm dying to meet you..


Kit's pov

Copter Panuwat..

My real name that change my life after I take over my dad company. I try hard to forget the past and just continue my life. After my dad sent me to London ..I live there. My dad get me the best doctor and the best place to stay.

Thank god my son is healthy when he born.

Lately he has been asking about his dad. And I just said that his dad has work far from here. I never told him that his dad doesn't want him..because of his love to me.

I don't want my son to get hurt. Its enough for me to know all about that.When I know that its Ming's company that my company invest for last 2years. I decide to come here.

Not for revenge or anything. I just want my son too see his dad even for once. I know that Ming is married and also has another son.

I look at my 3 years old son and smile.

Your dad is coming and I will let him meet you .And prove to him that we both fine without him.

"Daddy.. This place is hot.." I chuckles to my son as he use his hand to fan his face. He really can't stand the hot weather. I have to agree..Thailand is getting hotter since the last time I'm here.

"Let go back to hotel okay.." I said and open the car door and turn the aircond to the max.

"Thats better Daddy.." my son chuckles and place his face near the aircond. I shake my head and drive away.


Ming look at the door imediately when he heard a doorbell. Forth get up and open the door. After a he open the door a small kid run inside with an ice cream on his hand.

"Uncle Forth..this place is so hot. I really can't stand it. Look at the sweat on my face." That kid whine. And he making me smile. He is so cute. He has a deep dimple and has a white smooth skin. Also he look like someone.

"I know Kim." Forth smile and close the door back as that small guy walk in.

"Ohh..who is this uncle Forth?" He ask and look at me.

"Daddy friend." Forh said and ruffled that cute guy hair. He wipe his sweat and tell him to wait in the room. And he just nod to what Forth said.

Again ..the doorbell ring..and this time Ming sure that his business partner who ring the bell. He stand up as Forth open the door.

Ming feet melt as his eyes saw the peraon who walk into the room.

"Hi..Mr.Dechapanya " Kit smile bitterly and walk slowly toward that tall guy.

"K-Kit?" Ming stutter and try hard to balance himself right now.

"Its has been like forever since the last time I heard someone call me with that name. But anyway..don't call me that anymore. I'm Copter Panuwat..one of your biggest investor. So please..You are here to talk avout business and don't talk about the past with me...it make me feels disgusting.. ." Kit said and sit infront of Ming that look so pale right now.


" Don't talk about the past Kit.. I told you right..Only business.." Kit remind him.

"No Kit!! I have right to ask! Why you leave me why??!!" Ming start to raised his voice.

Kit sigh and look at Forth. " Can you bring Kim to the mall and buy him a food or something Forth.."

"Gladly Mr.Panuwat." Forth nod and walk into the room. After a few minute he walk out with Kim in his hand.

"Bye daddy.." He said chirpy and walk out of the hotel room. Leaving Ming and Kit alone with the akwardness and unanswer question around them.

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