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Author's pov

Kit sigh and look at Forth. " Can you bring Kim to the mall and buy him a food or something Forth.."

"Gladly Mr.Panuwat." Forth nod and walk into the room. After a few minute he walk out with Kim in his hand.

"Bye daddy.." He said chirpy and walk out of the hotel room. Leaving Ming and Kit alone with the akwardness and unanswer question around them.

"Tell me why you run away from me Kit??" Mingbask.and look right into that small guy eyes. He sit on the couch and wait for Kit to open his mouth.

"Ming..do you forget that you almost kill our baby? You almost kill me Ming!" Kit said and look at Ming ,trying to hold his anger.

"Kit..I-I never meant to do that thing.. I just ..Just don't want to lost you..you are my everything -

" By killing our baby??" Kit raised his left eyebrow and cross his arm on his chest . He want to get mad..He want to hit Ming...but he can't and he won't.

"Kit look I'm sorry.. I really regret for every stupid thing that I did. Please.." Ming now kneeling on his knee and grab Kit feet. His tears fall as he hug that small guy feet. "Kit..I will do anything..everything so I can get you back.. Please Kit..You can hit me..you can take everything from me..just please come back to me.. Give me a chance to take care of my son..and you."

"I don't know Ming...please give me a time to think.." Kit said avoid looking at Ming face.


Forth's pov

Its has been 3 years I work with Kit..and I never see him sad even once. But today..the moment he saw Ming I can sense a sadness in his eyes. Honestly I never know what exactly happen with them but I do know that Kit has go far away from here because of Ming.

"Uncle Forth ..lets go there.." Kim excitedly point his finger to the theme park near the mall.

"Sure.." I said and look for an empty parking spot. After I parked my car ,I walk over and open the door for Kim. He run and jumped around. I just smile at his cuteness.

He keep running with his small leg and doesn't realize he run toward someone. "Kim..be caref-

" Arhh.." Kim fall on his butt and pout.

"Oh my..I'm sorry... Are you okay little guy.." That someone smile and lift Kim in his arm. He caress that small guy cheeks and hand him a chocolate.

"Here..take this.. As my apologize to you.." He said.

"Uncle Forth..look I got a chocolate.. Maybe I should start bump other people more..." Kim said and laugh.


" Hey..its not nice to do that..beside you cannot take anything from stanger.. its dangerous.." I smile as that person said that.

"Is that true Uncle Forth?" Kim look at me with his furrow brows.

"Yes..sweety..its dangerous. Now..come.." I take Kim back from that person arms.

"I'm sorry.." I said and smile.

"Its okay..I like kids.." He said and chuckles. "By the way.. I'm Beam..Owner of this theme.. So if anything that you want to ask..just ask me okay..I'll be right there.." He smile and about to leave ,when I suddenly stop him.

"Beam...Why don't you play with two of us today..? Well if you don't mind .." I scrath my head and chuckles. "I'm Forth by the way.."

"Ermm...Why not.." Beam said and lead the way..


Ming's pov

I admit what I did in the past is wrong.. My love for him is eating me up..I almost become a monster..I almost kill people that I love.. I keep controlling the love..And without I realize.. Its slowly leaving me. But he's back now..And this time I won't let it go again. Even I have to die for it.

"Ming..I have something that I want to talk with you.." Amy sit infront of me with his luggage. I furrow my brows and look at her.

"What is that? where are you going?" I ask and sit properly as my eyes fixed on her.

"My boyfriend and I has decide that we will get married.. " She said.

"Well ..thats great..I will send the divorce paper later.." I said and smile a bit. I hope she and Mark(the son) will be happy with Sam(boyfriend).

"But theres one problem.." She pause a bit beforw continue. " I can't bring Mark with me.. So please..can you take care of Mark.. I promise I won't disturb the two of you.." What she just said is like a bomb to me.

"What?? Are you crazy?? you gonna leave Mark your own son..Your own flesh and blood..because your boyfriend.. Idlf he can't accept Mark..he is useless okay..How can you still meet that kind of guy.. Mark is freaking your son..!!" I said and look at her. I try har to surpress my anger.. I don't want Mark to heard anything.

"Ming..please...you don't understand.. I love him okay..I won't disturb the two of you anymore.. I will leave for good.. Okay.. Just take care of him. " With that she just stand up and walk away.

I just sit there speechless and dumfounded. I chuckles in frustration.. Why ??

I stand up and walk to Mark room. I sit beside him and caress his cheeks.

"I will take care of you fom now. Only you and me. I promise.. I will never leave you.. I know how hurt it is to be alone." I kiss his cheeks and lay down on that small bed.

I love you all Babiesss...and I so miss you 😘😘

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