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Raya woke up, instantly smiling. She was a morning person, and getting up to her didn't seem like a bad ordeal. Plus, she was excited for the day. She was going to the Recreations museum. It was a two hour drive from her house. Originally she invited her two friends, having seen a insanely good deal of the admission tickets, but they both were busy. She decided not to waste the ticket, and just go by herself. She would still have fun.

  She changed into light blue jeans, a red shirt that had the Levi logo on it, a black Jean jacket, and brown ankle boots on her feet. She brushed her black hair, letting it fall on her shoulders. She liked how it naturally curled, making it springy on her shoulders.

  Raya spend the next hour gathering her luggage she packed the night before, gathering food, and grabbing the few last minute items. After dumping all that stuff by the door, she proceeded to stuff it in her car. She had a little Volvo wagon, but she loved it. She was able to comfortably fit all of her stuff in. Going back inside, she made sure all the windows were locked, and the blinds closed. She lived by herself, so therfore was responsible for keeping all the security. Walking to the door, she stopped, giving the kitchen one last look.

"I'll be back soon," she said to nobody, walking out the door.


Raya was now parking in the parking lot at the museum. She now carried only her backpack. She was a pretty prepared person, so a little bit of everything was in there. Clutching her ticket in her right hand, she walked across the sparce lot and towards the doors. The front of the museum was almost completely glass, with two revolving doors. She went through one of them, coming into a large reception area. It was open, and very bright. A pretty chandelier hang from the ceiling, and modernistic torches were on the walls. A large desk stood right in front of the doors, three ladies behind it. A few people walked by, laughing and talking. A security officer smiled at her slightly who was standing near the entrance. Raya smiled back, walking up to the desk.

"Just you?" The lady with curly blond hair asked her, taking her ticket.

"Yep," Raya said.

"Alright." The lady handed back her punched ticket, and gestured Raya to hold out her wrist. Raya did, and the lady fastened a red bracelet.

"Have fun dear," the said said to Raya, handing her a map. "Don't get lost!"

"I'll try not to, thanks!" Raya said back, heading to the side, out of the way. More people began coming in behind her. She unfolded the map, gazing at all the sections. There were three floors. Upstairs were all the geology, wildlife, sea creatures, Egyptian exhibit, and everything like that. Downstairs were the dinosaurs, and what she came to see; the undead exhibit.

   The undead exhibit was an interesting one. An exhibit that held precious remnants of the last undead. Werewolves and vampires. Raya had read up on this. 50 years ago, these creatures roamed the earth. The books say both werewolves and vampires were bloodthirsty, ravaging, ruthless and cunning creatures, that manipulated and murdered people. The government, being the dictatorship they want to be, declared them dangerous, launching a full scale attack. But this is what the government wanted people to believe, not giving them the full truth. Raya read deeply into this, not believing what was only on the surface. What really happened was, the majority of the beings wanted peace. They didn't want to be hiding all the time, perceived as monsters. But the government cast a shadow over that, believing that since they were different, they needed to be extinguished. They told everyone that vampires and werewolves were beings to be feared. Beings that lurked in the shadows, made of pure evil. They launched an attack, completely wiping out both races. The vampires and werewolves, wanting only peace, didn't fight back or resist. The government ruthlessly murdered them all. That's why it was a short battle.

   Raya headed to the exhibit. Two black doors stood in front of her, marking the exhibits entrance. Pushing both of them open, she stepped in. The lighting was dim, and the room slightly colder. It was a smaller room, a glass case encircling the perimeter of the room. Walking around the outside, she gazed in the displays. There was many displays of Werewolf teeth, claws, and fur. All the pictures, Raya noticed, were deliberately taken only when a werewolf looked faintly aggressive. Reaching the other side, there was many sets of vampire teeth. Then she saw what was the main attraction. An actual vampire.

   No, not a live one. They had captured him, forcing it in a refrigerated box. They waited until he froze to death, then moved it to this museum. They propped him upright on a stand in the glass case for display. It also functioned as a freezer, to ensure it stayed frozen. It was set to -100, where it had been kept for 45 years. Scientists aren't completely sure whether it's completely dead, but been sitting so long without moving, they deemed it safe.

  A paper was next to it. 'Captured while viciously trying to bite a genreral.'

    Sure looks vicious Raya thought sarcastically to herself. She gazed at him sadly. He looked to be her age, 18, but she knew he would be much older. But he looked peaceful. His face was so calm, his eyes shut, and his mouth resting calmly in a thin line. Clean cut black hair rested on his head, a few strands falling over his face.

"I'm so sorry," Raya whispered, resting a hand on the glass. She quickly yanked it back though, when a security officer entered the room. She pretended to read the paper, while he gave her a glance, quickly strolled through the room, and back out. She let out a sigh.

"I can't belive people are so mean. We see one difference, and immediately judge, without hearing them out." She sighed, looking down. She closed her eyes for a moment. Then she decided it was time to go. She looked back at the boy once more. Wait. She remembered his arms dangling by his sides, but now they were propped up on the pegs that had held him under the arms. Staring curiously, she looked at his face. Then his eyes opened. The color of blazing fire stared intently back at Raya. She gasped, stumbling back. A scream caught in her throat, and she fell onto the floor. She watched breathlessly as the boy heaved himself onto his feet. He gritted his teeth, as his arm swung back, and came forward, completely chattering the glass. Raya held a hand over her face instinctively, and felt shards of glass falling on her. He fell out of the case onto his knees and hands. Raya instinctively shuffled back, as she felt the frigid air seeping out of the case.

"How-" she started, but choked up as the boy looked at her. He slowly stood up, flexing his fingers. Raya scooted back more, but was prevented when she reached the other side of the room. She could feel herself shaking, out of both fear and the cold. Her eyes were wide, unblinking. The boy still looked her stright in the eyes.

"I have no intent on hurting you human." He spoke calmly, having an accent that Raya did not recognize. "But I will not hesitate if you have that thought towards me." His eyes turned hard, and it made Raya feel immense fear when looking at them.

"N-no, no, I don't," Raya stuttered.

"Good." He smiled, but only slightly, and it was gone in an instant. He suddenly jerked his head to the side, a frown coming over his face.

"I need to leave. There are more humans, hostile, coming." He looked back at Raya. "You, you are a kind one."

"Thank you." She responded quietly.

"Come with me." He said, holding out a hand.

"I-" Raya said hesitantly. She didn't have much to lose, and this was a almost never possible chance, but here she was. Looking at his eyes, they were a mix of both calm waters, and rage. A mix of serenity, but terror. Power, but withstraint. She felt she could trust him. The boy was waiting for a response calmly, but she could see the urgency on his face.

"I will." She said, standing up and grabbing his hand. It was freezing, but she held on. He ran towards the emergency exit door, Raya following. He grabbed it with one hand, and ripped it off the hinges with amazing strength. They shot out into the back parking lot. Raya heard shouts from behind her, and barely glanced back to see an officer, emerging from the door. The boy must have heard it to.

"I haven't done this in a while," she heard him say. "Trust me."

Raya nodded, then screamed as he tossed her on his back. She clasped her hands around his neck as he kept running. Then he jumped. But he didn't fall back down. He kept going up, higher. They were flying. A smile broke out on Raya's face, until she heard a crack. Looking back down, she saw about 15 security officers in a line, dawning either a pistol or a rifle, aiming at them.

And they didn't stop firing. It seemed they would get this boy back, no matter if she was killed in the process.  

Raya held onto the boy for dear life and he ducked, swerved and moved through the air, avoiding the bullets. He flew extremely fast, and after a minute they had flown out of the bullets range, and now making their away out of the city.

   Raya looked back, seeing all she'd ever known growing smaller and smaller behind them. She hoped she had made the right decision, helping this boy.

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