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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*

You struggled against the ropes trying to get loose. He wheeled the chair by the table with the knifes and scalpels. He wheeled the chair so that the table would be on your right. The chair clicked and he crouched down to finish locking the chair in place. You reached out trying desperately to get one of the kinfes. Your skin burned, the ropes were digging into your skin. You were almost there, just a little more...


Your head was sent snapping to the left. He had smacked you so hard the chair moved. He tied your hands down so now instead of just your forearm being tied down.

He crouched back down and finshed securing the chair. He walked away and went to a room to your left. You heard metal clanging and rustling. You leaned down since there wasn't any real rope keeping you up right. There was one around your stomach but, it was pretty loose. You grabbed a knife with your mouth and began cutting. You got your forearm and ripped your arm out of the other two ties. You got the rope off your left arm and began working on your legs.

You got your self free. You took off running with the knife still in your hand. You ran into the room you came in from and kept running. You heard noise behind you and saw a dead end infront of you. You tryed to use your magic but, it seemed just out of reach. You ran into a room on your right. The room was a meat locker. It had people in it. You ran to the far left corner where a freezer was. You hid behind the freezer not moving knife clutched in your hand.

The door slamed open, he walked in.

"Come out come out wherever you are."

You held your breath.

He walked closer and closer until the freezer was sent flying. He stabbed your stomach and you got his eye. You ripped the kinfe our of his left eye and stabbed it right into his nether regions. He fell backwards and let go of the knife he stabbed you with. You ran out of the meat locker locking it behind you. You ran down the hallway with the knife still in you.




Dead end.

Back up.




Dead end.

Back up.




You climbed up the ladder and pushed on a wooden cover. Eventually it gave and lifted up. You crawled out hearing a crash and footsteps running towards you. You set the wooden cover back down. You took off at a run trying to figure out where you were.

You saw hills and a town in the distance. You had to be at least 5 miles away. You would never make it in this state.

You pushed yourself. You decided that you had nothing to lose and screamed at the top of your lungs.

"MIRA!!!!!!!!!! ONII-CHAN!!!!!!!!"

You ran faster. You pushed yourself to the breaking point. You crashed through a stream and over a group of rocks. You saw a big tree with a hole in it. You moved twigs and brush in the hole making it look like you were trying to hide in it. You started running again. You got to a cave in a hill. You ran in and moved rocks to form.several hidey holes. You ran back out hearing shouts of frustration near you. You climbed up the rocky hill and went to a smaller one several feet above the top of the larger one and, barley visable when looking up from the ground. You pushed yourself to the very back of the second cave. You heard footsteps.

"Where did she go?!"

You heard him moving rocks and looking all around the cave. About ten minutes later he ran out yelling and screaming. He looked around and looked up. You watched him from the back of your cave wishing you were invisible. Your magic still wasn't back yet and you didn't have a weapon since you couldn't take the knife out without bleeding to death.

He started to climb. He was getting closer and closer. You were about to cry when you realized something: you couldn't wait for help. You had to help yourself. And if you didn't kill him, he would kill you.

You grabbed a rock. He saw the cave you were in and went over toward you. He saw you.

"*Grin* come on now, you can't hide from me, be a good girl and come out here."

You took a step forward before lunging. You slamed into him and knocked him down. You hit him three times with the rock. He was unconscious but not dead. You got off him and climbed down. As soon as your feet hit the ground you took off.

Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Right.

It was the only thing you could focus on. You could barley move. You were close to the town though. You saw a light. You ran as fast as you could which was about a jog at this point.


A boy saw you and looked scared.

"Please... Help... Me."

He ran over to you and helped you to the town. He took you to the hospital. You saw a nurse and doctor before you let yourself fall unconscious.

Word Count: 912

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