Visiting Fairy Tail again!

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((Do any of you watch Awkward Kids?? And have you seen this video?? Disclaimer not mine and if you love Lindsay Lohan then don't watch. But, if you can tell me the title of one of my favourite Awkward Kids rap videos then I'll follow you and mention you in a chapter or whatever you want me to do. Hint: it has Lindsay Lohan in it. Cursing when bold just so you know so yeah there is cursing and, it will get gory.))

You smiled when you saw the message Mira sent you.

'Hey (Y/N),

Do you want to vist Fairy Tail sometime today or tommorow and maybe hang out? I would go to Sabertooth but, I can't just yet. I have to watch over the guild while the Master's gone for a meeting.'

You knew about the meeting since Sting was going as well. He had asked you, Rogue and Yukino to watch over the guild. You walked over to Rogue and Yukino.

"Do you mind if I go vist Fairy Tail?"

"Going to go see Mira??" Rogue asked.

"Yeah but, don't start sayin' weird stuff!"

"I'm not your brother so I won't say anything to embarrassing but, don't keep the neighbors up all night."


"Have fun (Y/N) and will you say 'hi' to Lucy for me?" Yukino asked.


You grabbed your pouch of jewel, (favourite book), got (E/N) then ran out the guild doors.

"Hey (E/N), will you fly me some of the way there?"


She picked you up and the two of you were off. After about thirty minutes you told her she could rest if she wanted.

"Nah I'm fine, besides we're almost there."

After a few minutes you arrived at Fairy Tail. You hugged (E/N) and thanked her again and again for flying you there instead of making you ride the train. You walked in and smiled waving at Mira who saw you first.

"Hi (Y/N)!"

"Hey Mira!"

You walked to the bar and gave her (Favourite book).

"You said you wanted to read it so I thought I'd bring it with me."

"Aw thanks."

"No problem, I'm half-way though (Miras favourite book) and I can't believe they did that!"

"I know its horrendous!"

"(Ship from that book) no longer has the ability to become canon."

Everyone just stared at you two. (E/N) was over by pantherlilly talking. She seemed to really like talking to him. You and Mira looked at each other.

"I smell a ship!"

"Let's make it canon!"

"(Y/N) don't you dare start shipping me with someone and trying to make that ship canon!!"

"Yeah yeah."

You talked with Mira for the day. You really liked her and wished you had the guts to confess to her. The two of you spent the day laughing away. All to soon it was dark and you had to get back to the guild.

"Bye Mira bye Erza, Lucy, Levy, Natsu, Gray, Elfman, Romeo, Gajeel, Wendy, Carla, Lilly, Happy, And everyone else because I'm out of breath."

You walked to the train station with (E/N) beside you. A man had a cart and suddenly backed it up and almost into you. He got out from behind the cart. He had dark brown almost black hair and sunglasses on covering his eyes. He looked to be about mid 30s.

"Hey watch it!!"

"Sorry sorry my bad."

You turned to leave when he came up behind you and put a rag over your mouth. You tried to struggle but he was holding you not letting you do anything. (E/N) raced off to get help. You heard footsteps a ways away. Everything went hazy and soon black.

You woke up in the trunk of a  carriage. You were bound with magic canceling ropes and gagged. You struggled trying to get loose. Your right arm really hurt but you ignored it. You saw a bit of red and looked at your arm. You couldn't believe what was CARVED into your arm.

'Sl*t, Wh*re, Rot in H*ll'

You struggled screeching through the gag. Music was playing so you doubted he heard you. You slamed your feet into the carriage. You were terrified. You didn't know what was going on. You felt bumps and it threw you up. Your back crashed down again and pain flared along your spine. You were hurt, sacred and confused. You wanted Sting or Mira.

You managed to get the gag off and quietly cryed.

"Onii-chan, Mira please help me."

You were sobbing soon. The carriage stopped. Suddenly the trunk was opened and the man grabbed you.

"No stop please no!!!!!"

He stabed a screwdriver next to you you fell silent. He grabbed you by the hair and pulled you upward. He held the screwdriver to your ear.

"You make another peep I stab this in your ear. Understood?"

"Yes sir."

He set the screwdriver down away from you then he held the rag to your mouth again. Everything went hazy then black once again.

You woke up to being tied down to a chair. You could smell the stale blood, it made you want to vomit. He lowered the chair and began washing your hair. He washed it the blow dried it. He began brushing your hair. You weren't just mad oh no you were P*SSED. HOW DARE HE TOUCH YOUR PRECIOUS LOCKS AND BEGIN CUTTING THEM!!!!!!! You were furious.

He put dashed lines on your forehead them down your arms. He put a hair cover thingy on your hair. He smiled before putting the chair back up right. He wheeled you into a room where.... Where..... Where there were dead bodies and wigs all over the place. All the bodies had been scalped. And those wigs, had skin, those were the scalped people's hair. He smiled and took you to another room. There were kinfes and scalpels in a row on a metal table. You started to cry. He was going to scalp then kill you. You would never get to see Mira again, no! You would fight this..... Disgusting pig until you could no longer fight!!

Word Count: 1039

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