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(F/C)= favorite color.

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
You and (E/N) talked a bit before going to bed. The two of you were talking about if you might be able to see Mira tommorow. You knew Stung would want to walk there with you so you got a balloon and filled it with mustard to keep him busy while you left.

You got up took a bath then got dressed in (one of the outfits below or just imagine)

After you got dressed you and (E/N) walked out of your room. (E/N) got the balloon you two made last night. You walked down the hallway to Sting's room and knocked on the door. You figured he would be asleep and you were right. You opened the door and walked into Sting's room. You steped into his bed the jumped your feet landing on his stomach. He groaned right as (E/N) let the balloon filled with mustard drop on his hair. He sighed and felt his hair. You looked at Sting and smiled.

"Wakey wakey!"

"Mustard really?"


He sighed and sat up, you still smiling got up from his bed and walked out of the room with (E/N). You both grinned happy the plan worked and, began heading towards the arena. You had put mustard in his hair so he couldn't go with you ehem you left since he would have to wash it our first. You wanted to see Mirajane again. Even if you didn't get go talk to her you still wanted to see her. You thought she was absolutely gorgeous. You wouldn't go out of your way but, if you went early enough you could see her more than likely. As you walked with (E/N) a body collided with yours. You hit the ground and groaned.

"Natsu, Gray look what you did! You hit someone!"

You could see pink hair and instantly knew who it was. The weight was lifted off you and you got up. (E/N) looked at you and glared at the people behind you. You turned to see both Fairytail teams.

"(Y/N) are you alright? He didn't hurt you right?"

"I'm fine (E/N) don't worry."

"Wait aren't you the girl we saw yesterday? Why aren't you with everyone else in your guild?" Gajeel asked.

"Yes to your first question and to anwser you second question, Sabertooth leaves at different times and I didn't want to be by the others."

"Why not?"


"Natsu, Gray apologise to this girl." Erza said.



"It's fine, you didn't hurt me."

"Why were you so scared about your master finding out you talked to us yesterday?" Mirajane asked.

"He would have kicked me out of the guild more than likely, I'll be lucky if he doesn't just because I don't fight. I don't need to anger him further. I'm sorry but, this is good bye. I'll be lucky if Sting let's it slide again that I smell like fairys."

You turned picked (E/N) up and ran away. You would be lucky if Sting and Rogue kept their mouths shut about it. You got to the Sabertooth balcony and the others were already there. Sting and Rogue both looked at you.

"You smell like the fairies." They said simultaneously.

"Natsu crashed into me when he was fighting Gray. They apologised and I agreed to let it slide this once."

They all looked at you then you saw Natsu looking at you. You glared at him and he looked away. You sighed, and watched as Sting agreed to go in the event. You had face palmed before he had even left. They all looked at you confused.

"Chariots, he'll be on something moving. Motion sickness, ring a bell?"

They all face palmed as well. Sting got last place when he got back you smiled trying to cheer him up.

During the event though all you did was watch Mira out of the corner of your eye. After what Natsu had said most of the guild was in tears. You really didn't care, you couldn't. If you did the Master would find out and kick you out of the guild.

Then the first fight was announced. You watched Elfman and Bacchus's fight, it surprised you that Elfman won. 'He has endurance' you thought. It disgusted you though that he wanted to have Mirajane AND her sister. Then it was Mirajane vs. Jenny. When everyone went down there you couldn't believe it! You, (E/N) and, Yukino shared a look before saying:

"I wouldn't go down there!"

Then Mira did somthing you couldn't believe, SHE BLEW YOU A KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Mirajane just blew (Y/N) of Sabertooth a kiss! Is there something going on that we don't know about? Or is she trying to get (Y/N) to come on down to the arena and stop being so shy? It seems Sabertooth girls are a little shy! That's surprising isn't it?"

"Not cool!"


"Yes master?"

"Get down there and make Sabertooth proud!"

"Yes sir."

You jumped into the arena. You would have been fine just watching Mira but, the master thought they were making Sabertooth sound weak. So here you were in a bikini. A (F/C) with black straps bikini. You smiled and winked blowing a kiss. You snickered when you saw Rogue, Rufus, and Orga holding Sting back from beating up everyone who looked at you. Yukino was standing in front of him waving her hands trying to get him to settle down.

"Bikinis with thigh highs!"

Your socks were black with slight swirls in them, the swirls were a tiny bit lighter than the rest of the sock not much though. You smiled and waved looking at all the guys in the audience. You posed and you saw out of the corner of your eye Mira looking at you. You smiled and winked at her, you did it to where no one would see you though. She slightly blushed and you smiled in victory. A couple more rounds continued it surprised you when Rogue came down to be your partner for the wedding thing.


"Yup he said he wanted someone he could trust to make sure no one made a move on you."

You laughed and then the old lady danced in a swim suit. You needed some bleach after that.

"Let's just go." You said to Rogue.

He nodded and the two of you went back to the Sabertooth balcony. Sting was fuming, you snickered.

"What's wrong brother, mad that you didn't get your way?"

"Why were you showing so much skin?"

"I had to show off for Sabertooth, duh."


Word Count:1120

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