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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
After your conversation with Sting (E/N) asked you to go get a snack with her. You nodded and walked to the snack stands. You got (E/N) and yourself some icecream. The two of you walked back to see Yukino about to fight.

"Yukino is fighting?"

"Yes" Rufus answered.

You looked on and gulped, you had a bad feeling about this. You looked and saw that (E/N) looked uneasy as well.


Yukino she.... She....... She lost. You were about to cry. You knew what would happen to her. You rushed out onto the field and helped her. People were leaving but as they left you saw Mira look at you confused. You knew you had tears running down your face, you didn't care. You helped Yukino up and the two of you walked back to the guild.


The master was making her strip, he made her remove her guild mark. You were crying, you hadn't know her all that well but, she was nice. You couldn't believe Yukino was gone.

"(Y/N)" the master boomed.

"Yes master?"

"You helped the worthless thing off the field did you not?"

"Yes I did master."


You heard gasps and knew Rogue had to be holding Sting back. You striped ready to remove your guild mark.

"Now pick up your clothes and return to your room. If Sting and Rogue lose in the team battles, you will be out of the guild. If they lose its obviously because you are holding them back."

"I understand master."

You said before picking up your clothes and leaving. You got to your room and burst into tears. You had to strip in front of everyone, then you would have to face them tommorow! After a couple of minutes you were almost done crying when Sting, (E/N) and, Lector came in. Sting hugged you and told you he would win no matter what and that you wouldn't be kicked out. You smiled and nodded telling him it was just the striping that got you and that you knew he would win. After that you and (E/N) talked then changed into your sleep wear and went to bed.


You woke up to a crash and stuff being throw. You and (E/N) shared a look. 'It was probably just Sting doing something stupid.' You thought. Until... A shirtless Sting ran into your room and hugged you saying that he was happy that you were ok. You and (E/N) both looked confused.

"Who's causing all the fuss?"

"I don't know."

You pushed Sting out of your room and changed. Then you, (E/N), Lector and Sting made your way down the stairs. Rogue was already down there and told you what was going on. You watched impressed by Natsu. Until the Lady resolved things. You smiled when you saw her, she was finally back! You remembered that you were supposed to be in your room and tapped Stings shoulder made a motion that you were leaving and went with (E/N) to your room. Minerva came in a few minutes later and looked at you.

"I heard what happened."

"Let me guess your disappointed?"

"No. I'm mad, you had to strip! How dare he?!?! You are to innocent to have to do that. I also heard though that you were posing in a bikini and that Mirajane blew you a kiss. Is it all true?"


"Yes! You might finally have a love life!"

"Your not mad its a fairy?!"

"Not if you get a love life. I have to go but, we are talking more in the moring!"

The lady left and you and (E/N) went back to sleep.


It was the third day and when Orga went down to the arena you smiled and cheered him on.  You and the Lady had talked more about her wanting you to her wanting you to het a love life. You smiled at her and she grinned. You were happy that she was back. You saw how mad fairytail was and it worried you. They kept glaring at Sabertooth. You hid behind The Lady and Sting.

"Why are they glaring at us?"

"Because they're fools."-Minerva

"And because we're awesome."-Sting

You sighed but decided that they could glare all they want. You had to strip too so they shouldn't be glaring at you!  Natsu was still glaring when you stuck your tounge out at him. The two of you made faces at each other until Minerva steped in.

"(Y/N) stop looking at him, you might get the stupid disease from him."

You nodded and looked away. You looked at Mira and smiled. She looked at you and looked away. It made you sad that she didn't want to see you. You looked away and sighed. You were amazed when Erza beat all one hundred monsters.

"So what will the others do? I bet Orga-kun will win anyway."

The others looked at you and nodded wondering what they would do for the others.

"I bet Orga-kun will win anyway too!" Lectoer said.

"Fro thinks so to!"

Word Count: 863

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