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A/N I think that all the dragon slayers (Rouge excluded cuz I don't know Frosh's gender =I ) have an exceed their gender your exceed will be your gender sorry just the way I'm going to do this. You use white dragon slayer magic like your brother but, also know some shadow dragon slayer stuff from Rogue. This is about a year before fairytail cones back, and you are 1 year younger than Sting. A/N over

(F/C)= favorite color
(H/L)= hair length
(F/P)= favorite pastry
(F/D)= favorite drink
(E/N)= Exceed name
Your exceed went on a trip, for some reason cuz I forget to add it so yeah give me a chapter or two. They went with Frosh and Lector on a vacation... For six days.


*****(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*****
You woke up and got dressed in a (F/C) sleeveless crop top, with a (F/C) long ankle length skirt that had a slit on the right side that went up a bit above mid-thigh, and sandals (change it if you don't like it).
You brushed out your (H/L) hair, put it in a ponytail (if you have short hair ignore the ponytail part or if you don't like them), and ran outside the apartment you, your brother Sting and, Rogue shared ((Sting didn't want other incident to occur, one of the dudes was drunk and walked in on you talking a bath.). As you ran down the street your shoes slapped against the ground making shoe noises ( -.- IDEK anymore). You slowed down by a coffee shop you got (F/P) and (F/D). You ran to the Sabertooth guild hall you were so exited to get to the guild since Sting and Rogue would be coming back from a mission today. Once you got to the guild hall you saw Orga and ran over to him "Orga-kun are Rogue-kun and Onii-chan back yet?" You asked excited. He looked at you "Stings right over there." He replied pointing toward the bar. The bar was on the left side of the guild and Master Jienma's (is that how you spell his name) chair *cough cough* throne *cough cough* was at the back so when you walked in you saw his chair first, then on the right side were tons of round circle tables. You ran over to Sting but before you got there The Lady was over there talking to him leaning on him with her arm over his shoulders (he's siting). You were about to walk over when he got up with The Lady and left walking right past you. You turned and left running to your house you grabbed your stuff and shoved it in a suit case (and a duffle bag since the camping gear didn't fit in the suitcase), running out the door. You headed toward the train station, you had felt like Sting was avoiding you since he NEVER talked to you anymore. You didn't understand what you did that made him so mad at you. All you knew was that you were going to train and get strong. You were a barmaid and weren't very strong so now it was your time to shine. You packed and left a note for the Sting, then got on the first train that was available, the train was heading to Mt. Fillmore ( I have no clue why I choose a dead presidents last name for a mountain but yeah). When you got back you would be someone for Sting to be proud of! 'To bad I will being leaving (E/N)' you thought, 'but I know that (E/N) knows how to take care of herself and, Sting and Rogue will help them! You sat looking out the window of the train as it left the station, 'I hope Onii-chan gets that note' you wondered what his expression would be like when he read it, would it be one of joy, anger, sorrow? Then the motion sickness kicked in, yours wasn't nearly as bad as Stings and it was more or less simply an unpleasant feeling in your stomach, nothing more.

Was that to rushed?

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