"What did I do?"

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(E/N)=Exceed name
(Y/N)=Your name
(F/C)=Fav color

((You think that your brother is EVERYTHING and uber powerful, sorry if that's not something you would normally do.))

*****Sting's P.O.V. *****

When I got home I expected (Y/N) to be there like she always was to greet me, I looked around though and couldn't find her. Finally I looked in her room and saw a note:

Dear Onii-chan,
I'm very sorry I don't know what I did to make you mad but, I am going training so that I will be stronger and, someone worthy of being 'The Amazing Stings' sister. Tell the master that I am going on a training trip for me please, and take care of (E/N) for me as well. Thank you Onii-chan for all you've done for me!

Love ya Onii-chan, (Y/N)

I didn't understand why was she leaving? "Cuz you were an idiot, she went to the guild this moring and you walked right past her. She was always there for you, every time you called yourself the 'Amazing Sting' she agreed with you. You stopped talking to her so she thought you were mad at her. You did this stupid." Rogue said in the doorway.

I looked at him, "I thought she wanted some space to do what she wants for once instead of following me or you."

Rogue sighed "she'll come back but, learn to realize that sometimes you should leave well enough alone." Rogue told me I nodded sad how could I have just driven my own sister away without realizing? *sigh* I'm so stupid sometimes.

*****(Y/N)'s P.O.V. *****

As you got off the bus you thought of (E/N) and sighed well at least they wouldn't have to be with you training. You went to a shop dragging your suitcase and dufflebag around ((carrying dufflebag cuz I actually do sometimes drag mine around so just to make a clarification and, the duffle bag is filled with camping gear.)), and bought some food, after that you started up the mountain to go train.
+#*#%Time Skip#*@&#*
When you were close to the top of the mountain, you saw a clearing and started to set up the tent you brought. After that you started a fire you watched the flames and thought about your brother, you loved him and never wanted to leave him but you felt unworthy of being The Amazing Sting's sister. Besides you felt as though you had never tried to get stronger, so now was your chance!

**+++Time Skip till moring brought to you by WORDS. :I+++**

You woke up and got ready to train, you got changed into black yoga pants, a pair of black and (F/C) Nike's with a short sleeve light weight (F/C) top. You put your hair up in a pony tail ((just skip that if you have short hair)). You walked a little ways away from your makeshift camp and started to try and channel your power, you slowly built up power until you unleashed your most powerful roar but, it wasn't even 1/3 of one of Stings or Rogues roars. 'Thats what I'll work on first' you thought determined, you began channeling more energy. You continued until lunch in which you ate a sandwich, chips and some candy you had gotten ((or whatever you want to eat for lunch.)).

Your roar had gotten better but it still wasn't good enough but, you were exhausted and needed a break you walked over to a nearby stream and watched fish swim as you watched you saw a bigger fish swim, closer and closer until he shot forward and swallowed four of the smaller fish whole. You stared for a second before shaking your head and getting up going to go train more. 'I WILL get stronger Onii-chan, just wait for me.'

****Sting's P.O.V.****

I told master that (Y/N) was going on a training trip and he looked at me funny.

"The little bar maid with (H/L) and (H/C) hair?"

"Yes sir."

"I'll miss seeing her around, the only reasons I let her stay is because 1. shes your sister and should be strong and 2. She was funny to watch, she was didn't take anything from anybody especially if they said something bad about you, Sting. Funny to watch very funny."

I was surprised that the master liked her that much but, it makes me wonder if he had any pervy thoughts on my little sister. He best not have, or I'll kill him or just REALLY hurt him. Because the way he said that was strange, he watches her? Wtf, 'old perv' I thought walking out of the guild to go join Rogue. We were going on another mission.

Word count: 804

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