Chapter 1: Family Legacy and The Journey To Another Universe!

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Alright let's do this one last time, my name is Ethan Myers I am nineteen years old and I am a power ranger called the Quantum Ranger in which my father Eric Myers was originally before he retired along with my mother Taylor who was the yellow ranger of the Wild Force Rangers who live on a floating island in the shape of a turtle called Animarium home to the Wild Force Zords and Princess Shayla as for my dad was part of the Time Force Rangers who came from the future to stop evil beings called the mutants who try to destroy the world along with the Wild Force enemies called Orgs. My parents were the greatest power rangers ever and they fought for man kind everywhere along side their friends and leaders. Soon during the end of the final battles between the mutants and Orgs, my parents retired from being Power Rangers and decided to settle down and get married where I was born a year after the final battle and everything was amazing over the years. My dad taught me how to fight when I turned fifteen and my mom taught me how move and how to think like a true ranger would, dad even took me to work with him and help me become a member of the silver guardians along side his close friend Wes Collins who was like an uncle to me. Wes was the leader of the Time Force Rangers and was the Red Ranger who defended the earth along side my parents and their teams. Wes even introduced me to his friends from the future who latter became family to me along with my mothers friends from Animarium. Once I turned seventeen, my dad gave me his Quantum morpher and he taught me how to use it and its secrets which includes the blaster, armor form, voice commands, how to transform, as well as control the Q-Rex zord which the zord and I bonded really well. Soon after I became a member of the silver guardians along side my uncle Wes while my parents enjoyed retirement and they couldn't be more proud to know that I will do anything to protect those around me and those in the city. It was the beginning on a new year for me and I finally turned eighteen and was ready to start my day with the silver guardians on a mission until everything I knew changed and made my life crumble. One year later old enemies of my parents returned called the Mutant Orgs came back and did something that made my heart break into million peaces, they murdered my parents in front of my eyes even though they fought brave and heroic they were still no match for the Mutant Orgs, I did what I can to stop them but I wasn't strong enough to beat them and for that my parents were gone for good until the Power Rangers from both teams came to my aid and destroyed the Mutant Orgs for good but at cost my parents sacrifice themselves to save me and I was all alone. Me along side my uncle Wes and his friends and my mothers team came to their funeral with me so that I won't suffer the pain inside me, after the funeral the Time Force Rangers went back to their time and promised me to never give up and be brave while the Wild Force Rangers went to me and gave me a group hug to show that they will never make me feel alone. One year later I turned nineteen and Wes Collins became my legal guardian and my teacher to show how to become a true Power Ranger just like me parents and protect the world from evil; I became the new Quantum Ranger and mastered the Quantum morpher along with the Q-Rex which I had all that is left of my father Eric and the book of my mothers adventures as the Yellow Ranger. I made myself a promise that I will protect the world from evil and let nothing stand in my way of doing it and it was a promise to my parents who are looking down on me even though their not with me they will always be with me in my heart and in my mind. 

My names is Ethan Myers and I am the Quantum Ranger! 


Present: Collins Mansion

It was Monday morning and Ethan was about to get ready to go patrol with his uncle Wes until Wes needed to talk with him a moment and it was very important and top secret. 

Wes: Ethan there is something I need to tell you and you may not like what I am going to say. 

Ethan: What is it uncle Wes? 

Wes: Ethan I am going away for while and I don't know if I am gonna come back and I just want to let you know that I will always think about you and how much you become such a great fine young man just like your father. 

Ethan: Uncle if this like a secret mission that you have to do, then it is ok with ok with me and made a promise that I will protect the city from evil and I am old enough to make my decisions. 

Wes: You mean your not angry with me going away?

Ethan: Of course not uncle Wes, you been there for me all these years and besides Rangers go on secret missions all the time I mean Jen went on a secret mission so why not you. 

Wes: Hehehe, you really are Taylor's son alright, you get her courage and honesty from her, thanks Ethan and do take care of the city while I am gone. 

Ethan: I promise Wes, you and Dad taught me everything to be a silver guardian and a Power Ranger I will not let any of you down. 

Wes: Thats what I like to hear Ethan, you are my favorite nephew after all. 

Ethan: Well I am your only nephew, but good luck on what your doing and I hope we do see each other again. 

Wes: Thanks Ethan and you too, I love you so much.(Wes saids and hugs his nephew)

Ethan: I love you to uncle Wes(Ethan hugs Wes back) 

Wes: Once a Ranger!

Ethan: Always a Ranger!

With that Wes and Ethan salute each other one last time before Wes leaves the mansion to go on his secret mission while his nephew watches him leave with a tear coming down his face saying that he will miss his uncle so much. Wes gets in his car and drives away far from the mansion leaving the young Quantum Ranger alone again. 

Ethan: Goodbye Red Ranger...........(Ethan while still saluting to his uncles farewell) 

Don't son he will be alright after all he is a Collins after all.......(The person who saids this was Mr.Collins, Wes's father who retired from his company after Wes took over) 

Ethan: I know he would, he is just like my parents always running off to save the world from evil. 

Mr.Collins: And just like you as well son, I know your parents would be proud of what you have done for the city and for the silver guardians. 

Ethan: Thank you grandpa, I can always count on yours and Wes's guidance for help.(That right Mr.Collins became Ethans grandfather after he was born and the two got along pretty well over the years) 

Mr.Collins: Go on I think the silver guardians need their ranger for another mission. 

Ethan: Oh right, I will back soon don't wait up for me!(Ethan saids as he runs off to be with the silver guardians on another mission)

Mr.Collins: Eric, Taylor if you can only see what a wonderful man your son has turned out to be.(Mr.Collins saids while looking up in the heavens) 

Meanwhile in the city: 

Soldier: Commander Porter we found something unknown in abandoned factory and the signal front it is strong very strong.

Commander Porter: What is it soldier? 

Soldier: We are not sure but looks to some sort of vortex of unknown region? 

Commander Porter: Well then let's go what all the commotion is all about! 

Soldier: Yes Sir!

COMMAND PORTER!(Ethan arrived on time and sees the commander and asked what is going on)

Commander Porter: Ah Myers right on time, we could use an ascendence right now!

Ethan: Why what is going on Commander? 

Commander Porter: Our soldiers found something in the abandoned factory and could be dangerous. 

Ethan: What is it another Mutant or an Org? 

Command Porter: No some kind of weird energy reading of unknown better bring the Q-Rex just in case something big happens. 

Ethan: Very sir, Q-Rex come forth!!(Ethan summons his zord) 


Ethan: Good boy, now let's go see what all the commotion is about. 

Commander Porter: Right! all units let's move out!!

Soldiers: Sir Yes Sir!!

Once everyone leaves to get into their vehicles while the Q-Rex follows them, they all arrived at the abandoned factory and did some recon to see what the strange readings were. 

Commander Porter: Alright I want everyone to search everywhere for the strange readings and do not do anything until you report back to me am I clear!

Soldiers including Ethan: Sir Yes Sir!! 

Commander Porter: Myers you and the Q-rex go around back to see if you find anything while we search the inside of the structure. 

Ethan: Copy that sir, Q-rex let's move!!(Ethan saids to his zord who follows him to the back of the factory) 

With that both the zord and Ethan went around the back of the factory trying to find out what was going on and what the commander was talking about until after so many minutes of searching around the area Ethan and the Q-rex couldn't find nothing and decided to report back to the commander. 

Ethan: Looks like there is nothing here? might as well report back to the commander. 


Ethan: What is buddy what is wrong? 


Ethan looks at his friend in worry until the zord points to what was going on and when Ethan turned toward his direction, he couldn't believe his eyes.

Ethan: A portal?(Ethan saids as he jumps on top of his zord head to get a better look)


Ethan: Well I'll be, so that was the strange readings the commander was talking about. Better call in and let them know what we found. 

Ethan: Commander Porter, do you copy over!

Commander Porter: I hear you loud and clear Myers what do you find something?

Ethan: Yea me and my zord found a big portal, and I think that was the reading you guys were talking about. 

Commander Porter: A portal, very good Myers stay right you are, we will be there soon!

Ethan: Copy that over and out! 

Call Ended! 

Ethan: Well buddy now we know what was causing all that strange readings but what portal is this, and it is definitely not the time force rangers portal. 


Ethan: Yea I think it is best not to go near it until we figure out what brought it here and where it came from. 

Once Ethan was about to get off his friends head, the portal begins acting up and started to pull object into it like some sort of black hole, even the Q-Rex was being pulled in even though it was heavy. 





Ethan: Quantum morpher is there anyway to stop this thing from sucking us in!!

Morpher: Negative!, strange energy readings are too powerful to handle. 

Ethan: Oh just perfect!!



While both Ethan and his zord were handing on for dear life, the silver guardians arrived and couldn't believe what they were seeing and when they saw their friend being sucked in the portal they knew they had to try something. 

Commander Porter: MYERS WHAT IS GOING ON!!! 




Commander Porter: UNDERSTOOD MYERS BUT HOW ARE YOU.............

Q-Rex and Ethan: ROOOOAAAARRR!!!/AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!(Both get sucked into the portal and the portal disappears without a trace) 

Commander Porter: ETHAN!!! 

The silver guardians looked at horror knowing that their friend has been taken away along with the Q-Rex through a strange portal that could lead anywhere. 

Commander Porter: Soldier get me line to the rangers and tell that what happend!

Soldier: Yes Sir!! 

Commander Porter: We will get you back Ethan count on that. 


Meanwhile in the portal: 










Once both Ethan and Q-Rex go through the light in front on them they were blinded by how bright the light is and when the light dyed down they different feel any pain on anything. Once they both landed, the Q-rex landed in water while Ethan landed on the ground. 

Ethan: head what hit me and where are we? 

Q-Rex: Roar........

Ethan: Oh you landed in the water while landed on solid ground perfect just perfect!(When Ethan got up and stretched he took around his surroundings and he couldn't believe where he was neither did his zord) 

Ethan: Wait is that the Eiffel Tower? and thats the church over there, and Q-rex your in the river where the boats come in, holly mother of god, WE'RE IN PARIS!!! 

Q-Rex: Roar.........

Ethan: But something is different, this doesn't look like the Paris from our world everything looks so so beyond different I can not describe it?

Q-Rex: Roar?

Ethan: I think that portal must of brought us to a totally different world like another dimension, that could be the answer what you think Q-rex. 

Q-Rex: Roar.........

Ethan: Yea I agree with you, I am going to have look around and see what I can find and you stay in there so no one can see you or discover you.(Ethan saids to the Q-rex who goes under the water to hide and uses his hidden system to blend in with the water while Ethan looks around) 

Ethan: Alright lets have look around and see if I can find any information about this dimension. 

Once Ethan decided to have a look around he came towards a television that had two people dressed in a Ladybug and Cat costume and while a news reporter was mentioning them. Ethan couldn't believe what he was seeing with his eyes that there are heroes in this dimension. 

Hello This is Nadja Chamack with the lastest news, and once again thanks to Parises beloved superhero duo Ladybug and Cat Noir once again saved Paris from another Akuma attack that took place later on this evening and we couldn't be more than happy to know that our beloved superheroes are out there protecting us from the evil Hawk Moth and his Akuma's; Ladybug and Cat Noir we thank you for you all you have done for us and good luck! This is Nadja Chamack with the news. 

Ethan: Ok yea these guys are definitely not in my dimension and what kind of villain name is Hawk Moth and what the hell is an Akuma? I better find a computer so I can do more research on these guys and maybe find a place to crash I mean it is dark out and thank god I took french classes for three years so that I can talk to people in Paris. 

While Ethan continue to walk around the city, he came upon a small cafe that was still open and it had computers which means he could get the information he needs about these heroes and this Hawk Moth. So Ethan decided to go in and thank got he brought money that is for Paris in case of emergency. 

RING!(The bell ranged and Ethan went inside) 

Cafe Worker: Oh hello there sir what can I get you for today? 

Ethan: Hello, I would like a medium size ice tea and two croissants, also to be allow use the computer if you mind. 

Cafe Worker: Of course sir right away and yes the computers are free to use for paying costumers. 

Ethan: Thank you

After Ethan payed for his stuff, he went to the computers and did his research on the heroes of Paris and super villain, and what he saw blown his mind like crazy that these heroes get their powers from their jewels called the miraculous along the villain named Hawk Moth who uses his for evil and turns people into super villains based on their negative emotions by sending out a dark butterfly, and when the butterfly lands on the persons object it turns into something ugly. Ethan was blown away by this and made sure to keep his emotions in check, and he also found out that there are more miraculous heroes as well like Viperion, Carapace, Queen Bee, Rena Rogue, Ryuko, King Monkey, Multiple Mouse, Pegasus, Pigella, and Eagle. Ethan looked at them on the computer and they remind him of the Power Rangers except they don't have zords. After getting a lot of information he needs from the computer about the heroes and their powers, Ethan left the cafe and goes looking for a place to stay. 

Ethan: Wow people that can use magical jewelry to turn them into superheroes, kind of reminds me of the rangers when they transform into their suits. Most importantly this Hawk Moth guy sounds like threat to this world and needs to be stopped but I can not get into other peoples problems, me and Q-rex need to find a way home and fast otherwise were both...........

HELP!!!!(A girl was screaming for her life) 

Ethan: What was that, better go check it out? 

Once Ethan found out where the screaming was coming from, he sees a beautiful bluish blackish hair girl with blue eyes who was being attack by a group of thugs and there were six of them and it looks like she needed some help but what caught he eyes was that when he looked closely at the girl and her features he knew that the girl was this Ladybug hero. Ethan can tell be the hair and girls appearance that this girl was the hero of Paris. 

Ethan: Ladybug? but what isn't she transforming into her superhero suit, I mean is it wrong here or probably doesn't have these miraculous on her. Whatever the case she needs help and I am the right guy for the job.(Ethan saids as he makes his way to the girl) 

Girl: Please take whatever you want! just don't hurt me!! 

Thug 1: We don't want your things we want you!!

Thug 2: Yea you got a smokin hot body there chick! 

Thug 3: Hey boys lets have some fun with this one tonight!

Thugs: Yea!!!!


Thugs: Hehehehe!!!!


The thugs and the girl turn to see who was calling them out and it was a guy who looks like a cop but different and had blue eyes, and black hair which made the girl blush a little and his name was Ethan Myers. 

Thug 1: Hey get lost! buddy this doesn't concern you!!

Thug 2: Yea what he said get lost and you won't get hurt!

Ethan: I think you assholes should be the ones to get get lost and leave the poor girl alone. 


Ethan: You heard me assholes! 

Thug 1: Come on boy take out your guys and lets show this hero we mean business!

Thugs: Yea!!!(All the thugs took out their guns and knives and got ready to take down Ethan while the girl looked scared of whats gonna happened) 

Thug 1: Any last words before we kills you bud!

Ethan: Yea this, QUANTUM POWER!!(Ethan saids and begins to transforms into his ranger form which made all the thugs and the girl shocked seeing him transform)

(Minus the other scenes just focus on the transformation) 

Quantum Ranger: QUANTUM RANGER HA!!

Girl: Another miraculous hero..............impossible but I never seen one like this before?(The girl saids in thought while in shock) 


Thug 2: What do we do now boss!! 

Quantum Ranger: I can tell what you all can do surrender now and nobody gets hurt! 

Thug 1: Never open fire boys!! 

Quantum Ranger: TOO SLOW QUANTUM DEFENDER FIRE!!(With that Ethan has shot all the thugs so fast that the girl couldn't believe her eyes at what she just saw) 

After Ethan took down all the thugs, he went towards the girl and asked if she was ok and why she didn't use her powers to back her up. 

Quantum Ranger: Are you alright, you are not hurt are you? 

Girl: No I am fine thank you but who are you, are you another miraculous hero? 

Quantum Ranger: No I am hero called a Power Ranger and this device on my wist is not a miraculous, it is called a morpher and it based on science and technology and it was given to me by my father who was the origianl ranger before me. 

Girl: Power Ranger? I am not sure we heard of those kinds of heroes before. I mean you fought just like Ladybug and Cat Noir and you share similarities to her even with the colors. 

Quantum Ranger: Thanks, by the way why didn't you transform into your super hero form if you were out numbered by these guys? 

Girl: W......what.....what you talking about I am not super hero....hehehe...

Quantum Ranger: Don't play dumb with me Ladybug, I know it's you because you look like her, have the same hair, same eyes, and the voice gives away; I mean honestly are people in dimension that blind? 

Girl: HOLLY MIRACULOUS HE FIGURED ME OUT?!!!(girl said in thought) 

Girl: How do you know so about me and what did you mean dimension? 

Quantum Ranger: Well did my research on the computer about you miraculous heroes, and about where you get your powers from, and for the other question I am from another dimension which I don't know how to return.(Ethan saids to the girl who looks beyond shock) 


Quantum Ranger: Uh yea I just said that? 

Girl: Wow my day couldn't get even more stranger by the minute?

Quantum Ranger: Trust me I had worse

Girl: Ok well if you say what is true, are there more like you like more of these Power Rangers? 

Quantum Ranger: Of course there are, there are like hundreds of all around my dimension and they come in many different colors and suits along with powers. Here let me show you the list.(Ethan saids as he shows the girl the list of every power ranger and she couldn't believe her eyes that there was so many of them in such amazing color costumes)

Girl: Oh my gosh!, there is so many of them! I never seen so many heroes like this before which ones do you come from? 

Quantum Ranger: Well I was born from two power rangers from different teams, my dad was the original Quantum Ranger so he is in the Time Force Power Rangers where rangers came from the future in the year 3000, and my mother is the yellow eagle ranger and she came from the Wild Force Power Rangers who live on a floating island called Animarium which is in the shape of a turtle. 

Girl: Power Rangers from the future! and rangers that live on a floating island! 

Quantum Ranger: Yea unbelievable right?

Girl: Well as long you showed me proof where you came from and the heroes then I trust you. 

Quantum Ranger: Thanks Power Down! 

Girl: Is that how you lower your suit? 

Ethan: Yea it is, my name is Ethan Myers pleasure to meet you hero of Paris from another dimension. 

Marinette: My name is Marinette Dupain Cheng it is a pleasure to meet you as well Quantum Ranger from another dimension. 

Ethan: Marinette, thats a beautiful name for a gorgeous girl such as yourself. 

Marinette: Oh Ethan......(Marinette blushed at him calling her gorgeous) 

Ethan: Say do you know a place where I can stay since I am gonna be stuck here for a while and could use a place to sleep until i find my own place to stay. 

Marinette: Oh sure you can live at my place for the time being. 

Ethan: Really thanks Marinette!

Marinette: Your welcome and can you promise not to tell anyone who I am because if Hawk Moth finds out he could hurt the people I care about the most. 

Ethan: Understood your secret is safe with me and if you don't tell anyone who I am either. 

Marinette: Sure thing Ethan

Ethan: I can tell this gonna be a start of a beautiful friendship

Marinette: I could agree more let's get going. 

Ethan: Right! 

With the both Marinette and Ethan went off to get some rest after that moment that accord. 

Chapter 2 coming soon! 

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