Chapter 2: Meeting The Kwami's and Best friend

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Marinette: I could agree more let's get going.

Ethan: Right!

With the both Marinette and Ethan went off to get some rest after that moment that accord.


It was still night and the two heroes were still walking to their designation while continuing their conversation an hour ago.

Marinette: So let me get this straight, in your dimension the miraculous do not exist or any of the heroes we have in my world.

Ethan: That is correct Marinette, none of those things exist where I come from and not even those other heroes I read about in New York City.

Marinette: Really?, Knight Owl, Sparrow, Victory, Majestia, Doorman, Mercury, Snowflake, Agents Red, Yellow, Blue, Sting, Thorn and Uncanny Valley they do not exist either in your world.

Ethan: Nope but I have to say they remind me of comic heroes that I read as a kid called the Justice League and the Avengers.

Marinette: Justice League and Avengers, those sound like awesome team names which hero is your favorite.

Ethan: Captain America, the first Avenger as well as the first super soldier.

Marinette: Super Soldier?

Ethan: Yes rename Captain Steve Rogers who was in the middle of World War 2 and scientists created a formula called the super soldier formula who make a normal human being into a strong person with incredible reflexes and agility. Captain America was a great hero during the war, and fought so many dangerous enemies but his most dangerous enemy was the Red Skull who wanted to destroy the world by laughing nukes until Captain America sacrificed himself by sending the bombs along with himself into the icy glaciers until seventy years have past and he found in a strange time with a group of heroes called the Avengers who protect the world from evil and later on Captain America became a member and continue his role as a hero. Here I have a picture of him so you can see what I am talking about.(Ethan explained to Marinette who Captain America is showed her an image of him)

Marinette: Wow!, he looks just like Victory but with a circle shield and completely different outfit but other than that he looks like true solider fighting for justice.

Ethan: Yea his shield is actually made out of a strong metal called vibranium that is stronger than steel and could cut through anything.

Marinette: Amazing! I would like to read your comic books and know more about these Avengers and Justice League some day.

Ethan: Sure, and by the way when I was looking at both you and that Cat Noir guy; you two remind me of two heroes from the Avengers comics and share some similarities but with different outfits.

Marinette: Really who are they?

Ethan: Their names are Spider-Man and The Black Cat who are also my second and third favorite heroes, here see for yourself.

Marinette: Oh my gosh!, they do look similar to me and Cat Noir though I have to admit that Black Cat does share a lot of similarities to Cat Noir and Spider-Man shares similarities to me.

Ethan: Yea but you wanna know something about them.

Marinette: What?

Ethan: Black Cat, all she does is flirt with Spider-Man and tries kissing him because she thinks they were made for each other while Spider-Man tries to avoid her flirting every single day even during on hero missions.(Ethan saids to Marinette who looks at him with wide eyes knowing that she and Cat Noir are the same as these comic book heroes)

Marinette: Oh my gosh!, thats the same thing here in my world!, Cat Noir all he does is flirt with me and keeps telling me that he and I are made for each other, as well as tries to kiss me during patrols around Paris.

Ethan: Wow you and him are definitely similar to Spider-Man and Black Cat who knows maybe they might make you guys into a comic book soon.

Marinette: Oh geez, I can tell Cat Noir would flip with excitement if he reads those.

Ethan: Hehehe, hey can I ask you something before?

Marinette: Sure what is it?

Ethan: Why didn't you defend yourself against those thugs if you cannot use your powers since it has to remain a secret.

Marinette: Well that is because I don't know what to do, and I got so nervous I couldn't think clearly.

Ethan: Wait a minute? you mean to tell me that you and Cat Noir have no proper training to defend yourselves in or out of hero suits.

Marinette: Yea is that a bad thing?

Ethan: Of course it is Marinette, if you don't have the proper fighting training then you might as well ended up dead in the hands of those thugs or worse. I mean didn't anyone train you how to fight or something.

Marinette: No, the guardian of the miraculous only taught us how to use the miraculous, and he didn't say anything about defending ourselves against other people who try to hurt us.

Ethan: Seriously, you guys have no necessary formal training on how to defend yourselves or to fight in combat.

Marinette: No, and I am sorry Ethan; I have a lot of mind and never the time for such training such as that.

Ethan: Well hows about I teach you how to fight like me, so that you can easily defend yourself if you ever come across guys like them again and it help your fighting against these Akuma's that I read about.(Ethan saids to Marinette who looks at him with a surprise look)

Marinette: You.....would actually do that for me Ethan?

Ethan: Of course I will, and what I can tell you need the training and we do it on the weekends if you like if your not too busy.

Marinette: I would love too!, and I could use some lessons of how to defend myself in combat or against thugs.

Ethan: Then it is settled starting soon you and I are gonna do some training in the ways of combat and self defense.

Marinette: I really appreciate the offer but don't you have to get back your dimension soon?

Ethan: Actually my parents team and the silver guardians are working on a way to reopen the portal that brought me and Q-Rex here.

Marinette: Q-Rex?

Ethan: Oh yea there is something I forgot to tell you Marinette about the Power Rangers, you see after we defeat our enemies in battle their leaders give them a power boost that makes them grow into gigantic size and to defeat them we Rangers have these vehicles called Zords that are giant robots with incredible power and when combined together they form into a super zord called a Megazord.

Marinette: WOW!!! so where is this Q-Rex of yours, I mean how could something so big wonder around without anyone knowing?

Ethan: Well when we landed here, I had the Q-Rex stayed in water and used his camouflage to blend in with the environment.

Marinette: I don't suppose I could meet him if you wouldn't mind me asking Ethan?

Ethan: Sure not all lets head over to where he is hidden, but you may want to take a couple steps back because he is really big.

Marinette: Sure thing thanks for the reminder

Ethan took Marinette back to where he has hidden the Q-Rex and decided to introduce her to him and what Ethan can tell is that Marinette is gonna get the shock of the lift time.

Marinette: Is this where he is hidden Ethan because I don't see anything?

Ethan: Just watch, Q-Rex de-camouflage and reveal yourself!(Ethan saids to his morpher and then something happens which made Marinette stumble to the ground)

Out of the water the Q-Rex zord as emerge from its hiding place and greets his friend and a girl next to him.


Ethan: Marinette Dupain Cheng meet the Quantumsaurus Rex or Q-Rex for short, Q-Rex this is our new Marinette.(Ethan introduces Marinette to his friend and he introduces the Q-Rex to Marinette)

Marinette: Oh my I know what you mean by big, he is gigantic and magnificent!!


Ethan: He saids he appreciates your kind words and would like to be friends with you.

Marinette: You can understand him?

Ethan: Of course I can, my dad taught me how to communicate with him when I was a little and years later Q-Rex and I bonded more closely.

Marinette: Wow your parents have to be great people to raise such fine boy like yourself.(Marinette saids to Ethan who looks down in sadness even Q-Rex looks down as well)

Marinette: Ethan......whats wrong did I say something that made you upset?

Ethan: My parents..........their no longer around, they died in the hands of old enemies of theirs called the Mutant Orgs and I tried everything I could to save them but I was.......😢....too late to save them.(Ethan saids with tears coming down his face and Marinette looks horrified that he lost both his parents in battle against dangerous beings)

Marinette: Ethan.......😢........I am so sorry I shouldn't of said that.....please forgive me I am such an idiot!(Marinette saids with tears of her own looking stupid for saying something that made Ethan upset)

Ethan: your not an idiot Marinette, and you don't have to feel so bad even though my parents are no longer around they will always be in my heart and in my memories, I also have my Uncle Wes who is the Red Time Force Ranger along with my parents friends to make sure that I am never alone.

Marinette: How old were you when they died......sniff...... 😢.

Ethan: I was eighteen when they died, and a year later Wes became my legal guardian along with his father who became my grandfather so that way I won't be alone ever again.

Marinette: Your uncle was probably a good man to help take care of you Ethan.

Ethan: He is, and one of the greatest Rangers to pick up a morpher and he taught me how to fight like him and my dad and soon a became a member of squad called the Silver Guardians who go around the city and protect innocent lives from danger.

Marinette: You know I would like to meet your uncle Wes and these Powers Rangers you talked about some day.

Ethan: Sure and what I can tell is that you will get along with them quite well along with their zords as well.

Marinette: I would love to meet them.

Ethan: I am happy that I made a new friend even if she is from another dimension and a cool superhero.

Marinette: And I happy that I made a friend from another world who is the son of two of the greatest heroes who defended the earth from evil.


Marinette: And yes you too Q-Rex!(Marinette saids to the zord and pets his head to show that they are friends as well)

After talking more about themselves and the battle they fought as different heroes, the two headed towards Marinettes place while Ethan had the Q-Rex sent back into the water to hide.

Marinette: Here we are home sweet home!!

Ethan: You live in a bakery Marinette, thats great; I love the sweet smell of bake goods everyday when ever I enter a bake store.

Marinette: I am glad you find my home amazing, come on lets go inside before it gets cold out and I will introduce you to the Kwami's.

Ethan: Kwami's?

Marinette: Yea they are tiny god creatures that gives us our powers once they enter of miraculous and they have been here since the cosmos.

Ethan: Ah, so they are like centuries old makes sense since Princess Shayla and Eric are hundreds of years old after hiding on the island of Animarium for son long.

Marinette: Wow that is a long time for them....

Ethan: You will get used to it trust me I am still trying to.

Marinette: Hehehehe.......come on lets in.(When Marinette was about to walk into her home she was yelled at by two people)

MARINETTE DUPAIN CHENG!!!(The people who yelled were her parents Tom and Sabine)

Marinette: AHHHHH!!!, Mama! Papa! don't do that you could of gave me a heart attack!!

Tom: Where have you been young lady, we were worried sick and we thought you were hurt.

Sabine: And we were about to call the police and have them look for you, it is not safe during night wonder off while there is Akuma's out and dangerous people lurking about.

Marinette: I am sorry for not coming right back home soon, I was walking home until a group of thugs came out of nowhere and wanted to hurt me but I am fine now.

Tom and Sabine: WHAT?!!!

Marinette: I think I just made things worse........(Marinette saids in thought)

Sabine: Marinette!, you could of been killed or worse taken away!!

Tom: You are no longer to wonder off all by yourself unless you are with someone got it!

Marinette: But Papa I wasn't alone some....................

Tom: I don't want to hear it go to your room because your grounded for the day.

Sabine: And you not allowed to leave this house until it is safe to leave.

Marinette: But......but....but....

Excuse me but your daughter didn't get to finish what she was saying so it would be rise to listen to her before saying anything.(Ethan saids as he comes into the bakery and Marinette parents look upon the young man who is very handsome and looks like someone is very protective)

Sabine: Oh I am sorry young man but were about to close up shop for tonight.

Ethan: I am not a customer mam, but the person who saved your daughter from being attack by a group of thugs who were trying to hurt her. My name is Ethan Myers it is a pleasure to meet you Mr and Mrs Dupain Cheng.

Tom: You were the one who bravely saved our little girl from being taken or worse killed by a group of thugs.

Ethan: Yes sir, I am highly skilled in combat and self defense, I was taught by my parents Eric and Taylor Myers along with my uncle Wes so that no one would get hurt while I am around. I am also part aliterate team called the Silver Guardians who protect the cities from any possible threat.(Ethan saids to Marinette parents who look upon the young man with smiles knowing that this boy have protected their daughter from being killed or taken by the thugs)

Tom: How old are you son to be able to do all those things?

Ethan: I am nineteen years old sir and I have been doing this for the past three years now, and what I can tell is that your daughter Marinette was just trying to get away from the thugs as fast as she can but was cornered by them so I step in and save her life with no injuries on her and was just walking her home to make sure she gets home safe.

Sabine: Oh my gosh thank you so much for saving her Mr.Myers!!(Sabine while hugging Ethan in which in hugs back)

Ethan: Please you may call me Ethan, a lot of my friends do including my fellow officers of the silver guardians.

Sabine: Ethan, that is a beautiful name for such a brave man like yourself.

Ethan: Thank you mam for your kind words

Sabine: You call me Sabine and this is my husband Tom.

Tom: Welcome to our home and thank you for saving our beautiful daughter!(Tom saids and goes up to hug Ethan)

Ethan: Thank you, and your quite welcome Tom and Sabine.

Sabine: How did you save my daughter from the thugs that try to attack her Ethan?

Ethan: Oh with this(Ethan showed them the Quantum morpher and they looked confused at first while Marinette was starting to freak out a little)

Tom: What is that Ethan some kind of watch?

Ethan: No sir it is called the Quantum Morpher which allows to turn into a hero called a Power Ranger, and the Power Rangers are the protectors are man kind of earth and who bravely defend earth from any threat.

Sabine: Power Rangers? Are they miraculous heroes Ethan because we never heard of them before?

Ethan: No their not miraculous heroes, and my morpher is base on science and technology and if you like I can show you my Ranger form so you get an understanding of what I am.

Tom: Oh sure of course we would like to see the person changed into this Power Ranger that saved our daughters life.

Marinette: Oh no.............if he tells them about me being Ladybug I am done for!(Marinette looks ready to panic)

Ethan: Alright but I need you to stand back and shield your eyes from the light, it could get a little bright in here.

Sabine: Very well then Ethan

Ethan: Alright lets do this, QUANTUM POWER!(Ethan saids the words and changes into his ranger form)

Once the light dyed down and everyone open their eyes, they were blown away by the appearance that Ethan has took on, he was red and black, wearing a helmet that covers his whole head and had a blaster on his side, he became the Quantum Ranger which brought the family in shock except for Marinette who already seen his transformation.

Quantum Ranger: Quantum Ranger HA!(Ethan saids his hero name and posed in front of the family who looked amazed at how incredible he looks in that outfit)

Tom: Whoah! I never seen such a magnificent transformation like this and such an incredible costume!!

Sabine: So this is how you saved our daughters life by taking on this marvelous hero form!

Quantum Ranger: Yes Sabine, in this form I am known as the Quantum Ranger defender of all that is good and truth.

Sabine: Amazing, are they other likes you Ethan you know more of these Power Rangers?

Quantum Ranger: Of course there hundreds of us in my dimension and they all come in different colors, costumes, powers, as well as weapons.

Tom: Wait what do you mean your dimension?

Quantum Ranger: I think is best we sit down, I got a lot of explain to you too and it has to saty between us and no one else.

Sabine: Understood if this a secret identity thing then we will keep it for you.

Quantum Ranger: Thanks but basically in my dimension everyone knows who I am including the others since my parents were rangers themselves along with my uncle.

Tom: Really?!!

Quantum Ranger: Yes now let us go somewhere to talk.

Sabine: Very well follow us to our dinning room and were have things for you eat.

Quatum Ranger: Thanks Power Down!

Tom: Wow that is a nice way to transform back.

Ethan: Thanks Tom

While Tom and Sabine were heading upstairs Marinette grabbed Ethans arm to ask him something.

Marinette: Ethan why did you show my parents your ranger form?

Ethan: They need to know who I am and I don't keep secrets from nobody and besides it is just between us and also no I will not tell your parents that your Ladybug because you have to keep that a secret so your off the hook.

Marinette: I guess your right and thanks for keeping my secret Ethan.

Ethan: No problem, by the way does anyone else know your Ladybug besides me and those Kwam's you told me about?

Marinette: My best friend Alya does since I told her and she is the hero known as Rena Rogue.

Ethan: You mean that fox hero I read about?

Marinette: Yup that is the one!

Ethan: Great, are there anybody I should be aware of besides this Hawk Moth guy in your dimension?

Marinette: Yea there are also two other you should be aware of......

Ethan: Who?

Marinette: Lila Rossi and Chloe Bourgeois who are my schools bullies who always pick on me and try to make my life miserable.

Ethan: And let me guess this Lila Rossi is a pathological lier who lies about everything that she did but didn't to gain attention, which also she hates your guts and even your attenuate ego while this Chloe is a drama queen who only cares about money, fame, and tries to get the cute boy while making the other person look bad and has a famous mother and her father is the mayor who is too of a chicken to stand up to his daughter which he too scared to do it. Is that correct Marinette?(Ethan saids to Marinette who blinks at him and was amazed that he knows who she was talking about)

Marinette: did you know all about that?

Ethan: I also did some digging into Parises villains and a so called hero who betrayed your trust, and I did some hacking as well and found a lot of secrets from this Lila Rossi that could have her be sent not only to prison but to also get kicked out of Paris forever. Also this Chloe was the hero known as Queen Bee and sooner or later betrayed you and decided to team up with Hawk Moth, and thats where I found out you gave the bee miraculous to a new person who by the looks a whole lot better than the old Queen Been you picked the right choice.

Marinette: Wow you do all of that yourself, I am immersed by your skills knowing a person by their true character and thanks the new holder of the bee miraculous was just perfect, and by the way what do you have on Lila that would get her not only kicked out of Paris but to sent to prison.

Ethan: I did some research on her and it turns out she didn't do any of those things like meeting celebrities, meeting this Prince Ali, saving a Jagged Stones cat which he is allergic to fur, going on this trips with her mother, being friends with Ladybug which is so not true, but once I hacked into security cameras from the city, I found something that could be threat to everyone including you.

Marinette: What did you find out Ethan?(Marinette saids with a little fear)

Ethan: Lila Rossi is also working with the terrorist known as Hawk Moth and I see her chanting for an Akuma to show up and let it Akumatise her and she also I found out she was the caused of four deaths of student from different schools for telling their classmates lies about them and turning their closest people against them in which they committed suicide. I also read about her being the villains known as Volpina and Chameleon so which means that this girl is in whole mess of trouble after what I just did after I got here.(Ethan saids to Marinette who looks ready to cry in fear knowing if Lila did those things, and told her that she will take away everything she loves she really meant it)

Marinette: What did you do Ethan?

Ethan: Oh I just hacked into the cameras, including the ones in your school which I looked up as well and downloaded everything Lila Rossi did to you and to Paris as well even the videos of her working with Hawk Moth and causing the deaths of the students from the other schools. So you know what that means don't you?

Marinette: Lila's lies will be exposed and she will never harm anyone including me every again!!

Ethan: Exactly, and I will send all of this to the police including her mother and by the time you see Lila in school her world will crumble to the ground and will be out of your life for good for what she has done.

Marinette: Sniff..... 😢.......Ethan no one has every did the most nicest and bravest thing in my life and never believed in someone who just makes stuff up. You truly are a good friend and an amazing hero as well.(Marinette saids with tears of joy and hugs Ethan and he hugs back)

Ethan: I do what I can to help those in need even their from other worlds Marinette.

Marinette: Thank you Ethan for everything, now let us go up stairs so you can tell me parents who you are and where you came from.

Ethan: Ok.

Next Chapter coming soon

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