Chapter 3: Meeting The Kwami's and Best Friend Part2

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Once both Marinette and Ethan made upstairs to meet with Tom and Sabine to discuss Ethans story of who he is and where he came from as well as who the Power Rangers are. Ethan took in the room that they were in and found it to be quite nice.

Ethan: Nice place you got Tom and Sabine, it is very beautiful and it smells like sweets.

Sabine: Why thank you Ethan, now hows about you and Marinette sit down while we grab food for us to eat while we talk about yourself.

Ethan: Sounds good to me, I could something to eat right about now.

Tom: I love a boy who enjoys our company and appreciates our humble home!

With that both Tom and Sabine were in the kitchen making the food while Marinette and Ethan sit on the couch and watch television while they wait.

Ethan: Your parents are very nice people Marinette, I can see why they love you so much.

Marinette: Thanks Ethan, though sometimes they can embarrass me sometimes whenever I bring home friends or a cute boy.

Ethan: Hehehe, thats what parents do Marinette, and it is kind of funny.

Marinette: Yea I know, I still love them; by the way while we wait can you tell me about these villains called Mutants and Orgs because I never heard of beings like those before, and are they really that dangerous.

Ethan: Yea they are Marinette, and they are nothing like Hawk Moth, these guys are savages who would stop at nothing to take what they want and destroy anyone who gets in their way. I mean if you or Cat Noir came across them you wouldn't survive, their powers are strong and can tare you apart limb from limb until your nothing but dust.(Ethan saids to Marinette who looks horrified knowing not to encounter those kinds of villains)

Marinette: Gulp........yea I will make sure not to encounter guys like them but what do they look like if you don't mind me asking Ethan?

Ethan: Here I will show you, but be warned they might creep you out.

Ethan shows Marinette images of the Mutants and the Orgs that his parents and their team have faced over the years and Marinette couldn't believe her eyes at what she was seeing which brought chills down her spine knowing if these guys were around Paris who knows what they would do or worse what would Hawk Moth do if these got Akumatised.

Marinette: So......these are....the mutants and the orgs you were telling me about.....(Marinette saids as she was scared of how terrifying they look)

Ethan: Yea thats them, luckily they were all destroyed and locked up so they will not cause anymore problems.

Marinette: Thats good news but which ones were the ones who hurt your parents?

Ethan: The three of the top left, they are the Mutant Orgs, half mutant and half org.

Marinette: My gosh.......

Ethan: It took all of my parents friends to take them down since they were so powerful than normal mutants and orgs, and thank god they are gone for good.

Marinette: Your parents who be proud of you right now, and knowing that they had their friends looking out for you as well as your uncle.

Ethan: Thanks Marinette

Sabine: Alright kids the food is done, now we can have that talk with you Ethan.(Sabine saids as she and Tom bring the food to them and Ethan couldn't help but stare of how this food looks so good)

Ethan: Wow all of this looks delicious Sabine, thank you so much.

Sabine: Your quite welcome Ethan and please help yourself

Ethan: Oh I will, it is been while since I had food that looks this delicious.

Tom: So Ethan why don't you tell us about you who are and where you came from and what we can tell is that you are not from around here.

Ethan: Of course Tom but I have to warn, some things might shock you both just beware of that.

Sabine: Sure Ethan

With that Ethan began telling Tom and Sabine about that he comes from another dimension where the miraculous heroes like Ladybug and Cat Noir do not exist, and there are a group of heroes called the Power Rangers who are a group of people who save the earth more times then they can count as well as stop villains that are more dangerous then these villains called Akuma's and the evil Hawk Moth. He told them that his parents were also power rangers from two different teams called WildForce and Time Force where the powers rangers of WildForce live on a magical floating island in the shape of a turtle and is home to the wild zords which are giant robot vehicles that the rangers use to stop their enemies when they get gigantic, and face the evil beings called Orgs who were demonic creatures who love to destroy and conquer worlds to approve their strength as well as the mutants who are criminals from the year 3000 who escaped into the past to ruined the future and it took a team of power rangers to stop them from ruining the timeline. He also told them at his father was the original Quantum Ranger and his mother was the yellow Eagle ranger from the wild force rangers who bravely defended the earth against the orgs and mutants but at a cost they died in the hands of mutant orgs in which Ethan showed them the images of the beast which brought both parents into horror knowing that Ethan was left alone without a family until he told them that his uncle Wes who was the red time force ranger became his legal guardian after his parents died in battle while his and their parents friends became Ethans godparents so that way he wont be alone. Ethan told that after year has past he became a member of the silver guardians who were a aliterate team of cops who defend the city against mutants who try to escape from prison in the future along side his uncle Wes. Then he told that when he and his team were on a mission to investigate a strange energy reading at an abandonment factory, where he is and his zord the Q-Rex found a strange portal in which sucked both of them in and brought him and his zord to their world and no way of returning home unless the Power Rangers find a way to bring him home. After he finished speaking, both Marinette, Tom and Sabine looked upon Ethan with sadness knowing that he went through all of that on his own but was able to find happiness when he had his parents friends at his side along with his uncle Wes.

Sabine: Oh you poor boy......I am so sorry about your parents.

Tom: You been through so much in life and yet you were about to find happiness from your uncle and these rangers.

Ethan: Even though my parents are no longer around, they will always be in my heart and looking down on me in the heavens.

Tom: Still we feel really bad that you have no way to return home to your dimension.

Ethan: Don't worry I know that a fact that the rangers are finding a way to send me back, it might take time and I don't know how much but I will still do what I do best and help innocent people from dangerous foes like this Hawk Moth and maybe I can lend this Ladybug and Cat Noir my assistants since they could use all the help they can get to stop this mad man from taking over the world.

Marinette: I think Ladybug would really appreciate the help Ethan and with such an amazing skilled fighter such as yourself and an incredible Power Ranger; Hawk Moth will not stand a chance.

Ethan: Thanks Marinette, so since I am gonna be stuck in this world for a while I might as well settle down and find a place to stay for the time being and look for a place where I can get paid.

Sabine: Hey I know, why not you work at the bakery Ethan and you will get paid as well since we could use more help here since it is just the three of us and Marinette usually goes out with her friends time to time.

Ethan: Are you sure I mean I don't want to be a burden Sabine?

Tom: Nonsense Ethan, you proven yourself to be a very generous young man who would do anything to protect those around you and you did save Marinette's life and we would be honored if you would stay here with us and have a paying job as well. What you say?

Marinette: And we do have some spare rooms you can use and your own bathroom.

Ethan: Hmmm....well since you put that way and I was good at doing bake goods when I was fourteen, sure I would love to work for you and if i there is danger around I must be there to stop it.

Sabine: We except your proposal as long as your safe and sound, and our daughter doesn't get hurt.

Ethan: Sure and I am planing on teaching her how to defend herself and learn fiscal combat if she ever encounters more thugs, so that way she can take care of herself.

Tom: Oh that would be very helpful Ethan!, thank you so much.

Ethan: Your quite welcome Tom and I am glad I met a new friend who has parents who love her so much.

Marinette: And I am happy that I met a hero who happens to be a great friend who would help me in any way.

Once everyone was finished talking, Tom and Sabine took the food plates while Marinette took Ethan to her room to meet her Kwami friends and when Ethan saw her room, he has seen a lot of pink and some really nice fashion designs which means Marinette wants to be a fashion designer.

Ethan: Wow you sure do love pink don't you Marinette?

Marinette: Yea hehehe, I was gonna change the color but I had other things to do like commissions, babysitting, homework, super hero duty, patrols.

Ethan: Oh I understand, so are you gonna introduce me to your little friends?

Marinette: Oh yes of course, Kwami's you can all come out now!!

Marinette saids as tiny little floating creatures came out of a box and what Ethan looked upon them, he thought of them like cute little dolls who can float in the air or pixies from a storybook and what he can tell is that Princess Shayla would love to meet these guys.

Kwami's: Hello Marinette!!

Marinette: Hi everyone, sorry I was late I had a run in with a group of thugs who were trying to hurt me.(Once she said that the Kwami's gasp with horror and then a little red Kwami came up to her and hugged her cheek and her name was Tiki)

Tiki: Marinette!!, why didn't you say something sooner and I wouldn't gone with you!!

Marinette: I am sorry Tiki, that made of you worry but I wasn't hurt at all, someone saved me who was very brave and has skills in combat and he is also a big time hero.

Tiki: Really who?

Ethan: That would be me little one(Ethan steps forward and speaks to Tiki who looks at Ethan in shock along with the other Kwami's knowing that the secret of the miraculous and them must be kept secret)

Tiki: MARINETTE!! what have you done!!, you know the secrets of the miraculous and us must be kept a secret!!!

Marinette: Relax Tiki, Ethan figured me out on his own, and let's just say he is from another dimension where the miraculous don't exist and you guys for that matter, and he showed me proof of where he came from and he is a hero called a Power Ranger who fights for justice and freedom.

Ethan: Its true I have my fare share of magical beings in my dimension, I mean if you guys met Princess Shayla from Animaria you would know.

Tiki: Wait who did you just say?(Tiki saids while both Ethan and Marinette looked confused)

Ethan: I said Princess Shayla of Animaria why is something wrong?

Tiki: My goodness we haven't seen the Princess of Animaria in so long!

Ethan: Wait how do you guys know about Princess Shayla and Animaria, last time I check Kwami's and the miraculous don't exist in my world.

Trixx: That is because we once fought along side the guardians of Animaria centuries before we had to return to our world.

Marinette: What?!! you mean to tell me all of you were at Ethan's dimension before!!

Tiki: Indeed Marinette, as matter of fact Princess Shayla was like a mother to us Kwami's and she cared about all of friends including the wild zords that live on the floating island.

Ethan: You also know about the zords as well?

Sass: Of course we do, after all their energy is basically the same energy as us.

Tiki: And Ethan was it Marinette said you were a Power Ranger are they the guardians like we knew centuries ago.

Ethan: Yes but they look something like this let me show you. They called themselves the Power Rangers WildForce in which my mother the yellow Eagle ranger was a member.

Fluff: Oh wow!! they look absolutely amazing!! and they match the wild zords really well.

Tiki: So which one are you Ethan since it has been centuries since the orgs were defeated and Shayla lived on the island with these new guardians.

Ethan: Actually to put it plainly, there are more Power Ranger teams besides this one and I am part of the team called Time Force, where power rangers from the year 3000 had to stop criminals called the mutants from destroying the space time continuum. My father was a member and he was called the Quantum Ranger and was the owner of the Q-Rex zord which is a giant dinosaur. Take a look for yourself. The red ranger on the left is my uncle Wes and the one on the right is my father Eric and the others are rangers from the future.

Kwami's: WOW!!! There is more of them!!

Ethan: Of course there are hundreds of us all around the earth!

Wayzz: Incredible, would it be alright if we all see you in your ranger form if you don't mind young man.

Ethan: Not at all since I did use it to save Marinette's life, sure why not.

Roaar: Oh I am so excited to meet a new guardian!!

Ethan: QUATUM POWER!(Ethan saids as he transforms into his ranger form which made all the Kwamis smiles more even Marinette who still likes his suit)

Quantum Ranger: Quantum Ranger Ha!

Tiki: He looks just like Marinette when she transforms into Ladybug!!(Tiki saids with excitement)

Kwami's: So beautiful!!

Power Down!

Ethan: Thank you for your words guys really appreciated

Tiki: Now that we know who you are Ethan and what you do, what brings you our world?

Marinette: He along with his zord were sucked through a portal that appeared in his world and he has to wait until his parents team mates find a way to bring him back so he will be staying with us and he will be helping us deal with Hawk Moth and his Akuma's.

Wayzz: Oh we are so sorry, Ethan but we do appreciate you helping us dealing with Hawk Moth!

Trixx: Yea now not only we have the miraculous heroes but we also have a power ranger on our side!, it is just like old times.

Ethan: Thanks and I will do what I can to help all of you!

Kwami's: We really appreciated Ethan!

Marinette: Now that we have that out of the way, Alya should be here anytime soon so we can discuss our plans for trying to take down Hawk Moth.

Ethan: And I could meet this hero who calls herself Rena Rogue in person.

Marinette: Yea and it is ok that you tell her everything about you because would go completely nuts over the fact your a hero from another dimension.

Ethan: Hehehehe, I can not wait.

After a while now Marinette's phone rings and the person who was texting her was her friend Alya who just arrived at the bakery and heading up to meet with her best friend.

Marinette: Alya just texted me she heading up right now so Ethan you can get yourself settled when she comes up.

Ethan: Got ya

Then after a couple of minutes a girl who has red hair and wearing glasses came up from the trap door to see her friend Marinette and the Kwami's as well as a tall handsome and yet cute guy who she doesn't know until he tells her his story.

Alya: Hey Girl!, hows it going and Kwami's and also.....................uh Mari who is this tall handsome and yet very gorgeous boy you have?(Alya saids while blushing at Ethan)

Marinette: Alya, this is Ethan Myers he is a hero as well but not a miraculous hero, he comes from another dimension where the miraculous do not exist and he figured both me and you out that were Ladybug and Rena Rogue.

Ethan: Yea it really wasn't that hard to figure out, she looks like Ladybug, talks like her, same hair style, same eyes, same face and the voice gives it away easily, seriously how people not notice you.


Marinette: Yes way, he is a hero called a Power Ranger in which there are hundreds of them and his parents were rangers themselves and he following in their footsteps, show her Ethan your ranger form.

Ethan: Sure Thing, QUANTUM POWER!

Once Ethan transforms into his ranger form, Alya was blown away by his appearance and couldn't believe how awesome Ethan looks in that suit almost reminds Alya how Marinette transforms into Ladybug.


Power Down!

Ethan: Thanks Alya, but you must keep this a secret between you, me, Marinette, and her parents and don't worry I didn't tell them that you two were the miraculous heroes so your off the hook.

Alya: Absolutely Ethan, and thanks but you have to tell me about you dimension and these Power Rangers they sound awesome!!

Ethan: Thats what I am here to do for you double R

Alya: Double R?

Ethan: Double R for Rena Rogue

Alya: Oh I like that nickname!

Ethan: Thanks not sit down this is gonna be a long story

After many hours of telling Alya about who Ethan is and the power rangers as well the orgs and the mutants as well as the zords. Alya was amazed by that there are colorful heroes who saved the earth a lot but was sad when Ethan told her the mutant orgs killed his parents but found happiness with his uncle who was also a power ranger along with the other rangers that came from the future and lived on floating island.

Alya: Wow Ethan, these power rangers are amazing and their zords awesome, but I am really sorry about your parents you must miss them very much.

Ethan: I do but they will always be in my heart and I always have my uncle Wes at my side and the friends I made including you two and the kwami's as well.

Alya: I am happy that I get to be friends with a hero from another dimension who is the son of the two greatest rangers who bravely saved the earth from those orgs and mutants.

Ethan: Thanks Alya

Marinette: Hey Alya you wanna know what Ethan discovered before he met me and my family.

Alya: What?

Marinette: He discovered that Lila is a pathological liar who is working with Hawk Moth and caused the deaths of four students in different schools and was planing on doing the same thing with me by turning all of you against me so that I would be alone.

Alya: SERIOUSLY!!!, Ethan is that true?

Ethan: Yes, I hacked into the camera all around the city including your school and found a lot of seriously things about Lila here see for yourself.(Ethan saids as he hands Alya the drive and she goes to the computer and watches the whole videos of Lila doing horrible things)

Alya: Oh my god............Lila is not only a liar but she is dangerously evil!!(Alya saids as she was done watching the videos)

Ethan: Yea and all the stuff about her meeting celebrities, going on trips, meeting prince Ali, saving Jagged Stones cat which he clearly doesn't have since he is allergic to fur, they are all lies. Tell me something Alya does anybody in your school knows that she is a liar.

Alya: Well the only ones who don't believe in her are me, Marinette, Chloe, my boyfriend Nino, Luka, Kagami, and Adrien who thinks that her lies are not hurting anyone.

Ethan: Who is this Adrien and how could he not notice that her lies are hurting people I mean is living in fairly tale on something?

Marinette: Adrien is a classmate of ours and my former crush in which he rejected me because he was in love with somebody else, and he told me that if I exposed Lila she will get akumatised in which he told me to take the high road.

Ethan: Are you god dam kidding me right now! It clearly obvious Lila wants to be akumatised since she is working with Hawk Moth after all, so what if gets akumatised I will be more than happy to blast her where she stands. I mean honestly didn't Adrien's parents ever told him about this stuff like bullying and it is right to stand up for somebody else. And another thing taking the high road is the worst idea he could ever think of and it could make things worst for people.

Alya: Finally! someone who also sees through Lila, and disagrees with Adriens high road bullshit.

Ethan: And who would reject someone like you Marinette, I mean your the most beautiful, kindness, and lovable person ever, I mean who does he think is rejecting a girl who has amazing talent.(Ethan saids to Marinette who blushes knowing that Ethan really thinks Marinette is all that)

Marinette: Thank you Ethan

Ethan: Welcome and by the way is that Adrien, the boy with the blonde hair and green eyes?

Alaya: Yea thats him Ethan, he is the son of the famous Gabriel Agreste who is a fashion designer. Why do you ask?

Ethan: Because he is also the hero known as Cat Noir, I can see the resemblance even without that mask he wears.(Ethan saids which made both Alya and Marinette look at him in shock)

Marinette: Ethan!, how could you possibly know that Adrien is Cat Noir?!!

Ethan: Marinette figuring you out was easy, as well as Cat Noir. Adrien looks like him, talks like him, has the same face, the blonde hair, and the ring he wears is exactly the he wears on his finger only because it is a different color.

Alya: I knew Adrien looks similar to Cat Noir! but you never believed it Marinette.

Marinette: Because I never believed it at first!

Ethan: Well now you do, and I know another reason why he rejected you Marinette.

Marinette: Why Ethan?

Ethan: Because he loves Ladybug and not the real you, thats why is always flirting with you. Because he fell in love with Ladybug and not Marinette Dupain Cheng.

Alya: Thats why he always sees you as a friend, he loves your alternate ego more than the real you.

Marinette: He rejected me for my alternate ego.........

Ethan: The dude is living in a fantasy, I mean how could he love Ladybug, if he only loves you for being Ladybug Marinette then that could ruin a persons relationship.

Alya: What do you mean Ethan?

Ethan: I mean is that if Adrien only loves Marinette as just Ladybug and only Ladybug then it could break Marinette's heart knowing that Adrien likes the Ladybug version more than the real Marinette.

Tiki: Explains why he is always trying to kiss her while she was Ladybug, no wonder Plagg gets sick of it.

Ethan: Who's Plagg?

Tiki: He is Adrien's Kwami who is the kwami of destruction while I am the kwami of creation.

Marinette: I can not believe Adrien only just loves me for just being Ladybug and not the real me.(Marinette saids looking sad)

Alya: If he just loves her as Ladybug then thats not real love, it is just saying he is crazed up fan who is living in his own dreamland.

Ethan: That guy needs some sense knocked into him and he needs to stop living in fantasy and move on with his life.

Tiki: I agree

Alya: Same here

Kwami's: Us too!

Marinette: We can worry about that later right now let's focus on dealing with Hawk Moth and find out what his next plans are.

Everyone: Right!

Chapter 4 coming soon!

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