Chapter 4: Meeting Cat Noir and The Truth

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It was morning, Ethan was already up since he spent the night with Marinette and Alya working on plans to know who Hawk Moth is while trying to figured out what to do with Lila Rossi who has done terrible things in her life as well as thinking about how to tell Adrien that his advice could lead down the wrong path which Ethan is gonna have that talk with him once he meets him. But before that Ethan decided to go out for a little bit and buy some new clothes to wear since he gonna be in this new world for knows how long he might as well get settled in. Meanwhile Marinette and Sabine were in the kitchen making breakfast before Marinette has to go to school later on. 

Marinette: Hey mom do you know where Ethan went I haven't seem him since I woke up?

Sabine: Oh he went to the clothes store to get some new outfits to wear since he is gonna be here, he might as well get settled in. 

Marinette: Good point, still it is nice that you and papa offer him a job and a place to stay since he has no where else to go. 

Sabine: No problem Marinette, he is fine young man and hero as well, which reminds me if by any chance you two ever got together I would be more happy to watch my daughter fall for such a handsome man who would do anything to protect my little girl.(Sabine to saids to her daughter who blushes at her comment)

Marinette: MOM!!, I just met him and he doesn't belong here, he belongs with his family who misses him dearly.

Sabine: Well I am just saying since Adrien didn't except your feelings for you and I thought it was time for you to have a change of heart. 

Marinette: Yea I know what you mean, but I am not ready to get back out there and meet another boy who can love me for who I am. 

Sabine: Just take your time sweetie and you will find that special someone, I still think you and Ethan would make a lovely couple.

Marinette: MOM!! please stop your embarrassing me......

Sabine: Hehehehe, sorry sweetie, oh look at the time it about time for you go to school. 

Marinette: Alright, tell Ethan I said that I am heading to school when he gets back.

Sabine: I will love you Marinette!

Marinette: Love you too Mom!

Marinette ran down the stairs and waved her father goodbye as well who was getting ready to open up the bakery. 

Tom: Have a good day sweetie!

Marinette: Thanks papa see you guys later!(Marinette saids then headed towards school) 

Once Marinette made to school on time she was greeted by her friends who were waiting for the teacher to arrive. 

(Minus the teacher present) 

Alya: Hey girl!, you actually made it on time, so hows it going with Ethan is he settling in ok. 

Marinette: Yea he is doing alright, my parents offer him a job at the bakery and a spare room where he can stay. 

Alya: Thats good to hear, so where is he at now?

Marinette: Mom told me he went to pick up some new outfits to wear since he is gonna be staying at the bakery with us. 

Alya: That would help him a lot, since he has nowhere else to go from here on then.

Marinette: True

Who you girls talking about?(The person who saids this was Alya's boyfriend Nino)

Alya: Oh hey Nino, we were talking about somebody who moved to Paris last night and saved Marinette's life from a group of dangerous thugs who were going to hurt her.

Nino: Seriously Dudette?!! whats the dudes name who saved you?

Marinette: His name is Ethan Myers, he saved me from being killed by those thugs and I thought I was a goner if it wasn't for him. 

Nino: That was a brave thing for a guy to do something that heroic for you Marinette. 

Marinette: It was, I couldn't thank him enough, and also..........(Marinette was about to say something until certain liar came up and said something)

Lila: Oh Marinette you poor thing.........if I only have gotten there in time to save you none of those thugs wouldn't be able to hurt you.(Lila saids with crocodile tears) 

Marinette/Alya/Nino/: Oh please.........(They said in thought while rolling their eyes) 

Kim: That was the most bravest thing you would ever do Lila and Marinette don't lie saying that a made up person saved you because we all know that your nothing but a lying no an all while Lila here is the one telling the truth. 

Marinette: I am not a liar!, and second of all Lila wasn't even with me when I was being attacked by those thugs. 

Lila: Marinette, how could say such a thing after everything I tried to do to help.....(Lila showing crocodile tears again while the other students glare at Marinette) 

Nino: Just let it go Marinette, they will not listen to any of us.

Alya: Yea you got that right, how could they believe in one thing that comes out of that snakes mouth. 

Marinette: I don't know, let's just get this school day over with. 

Alya and Nino: Yea your right

While everyone was getting settled in a blonde guy comes in and greets his friends while the other three Marinette, Nino, and Alya looked away from him knowing that they can not believe he sided with those who believed in little miss liar and told them that her lies are not hurting anyone. That person is Adrien Agreste aka Cat Noir hero of Paris and the holder of the cat miraculous. 

Adrien: Hey guys how you been!

Everyone except for Marinette, Alya, and Nino: Hello Adrien!

Once Adrien sat down in his spot, Lila came over and hugged Adriens arm knowing that Lila is only using him to get his money so she can have all the attention she wants. Adrien actually didn't like Lila clinging onto him but didn't have a problem with his childhood friend Chloe who is also Queen Bee former hero of Paris and the Akumatised villain known as Queen Wasp. When everyone has arrived in class, the bell began to ring and the teacher made it and walked into the classroom to greet her fellow students. 

Good Morning Class how are you all today!(Teacher name was Caline Bustier)

Everyone: Good Morning Miss Bustier! 

Caline: Now before we begin our lesson, would everyone please turn in their last night assignments so I could grade them after class. 

With that everyone begins to hand in their homework, but however Marinette began to freak out because her homework was not in her backpack and anywhere for that matter. 

Marinette: Oh no where is it!, where is it, where is it, where is it!!(Marinette panicking)

Alya: Forgot your homework again huh?

Nino: Keep it in your bag next time when your done dudette?

Marinette: I am so doomed!

Caline: Marinette, where is your homework? don't tell me you forgot it again haven't you.

Marinette: Miss Bustier, I.....I......

Caline: Marinette, if you don't turn in your homework in the next two minutes than I will fail you and your grade will be dropped as well. 

Lila: Looks like Mari-Trash is gotta get it now.(Lila said in thought while having an evil smirk on her face) 

Chloe: Hahaha, looks like Dupain-Cheng forgot her homework again just like last time.

Marinette: I am done for, I can not keep on doing this anymore(Marinette saids in thought while looking down in shame then raises her head up and hears a knock on the door)


Caline: Come in we were about to start our class lessons!(Caline saids as a person who looked very handsome wearing a blue shirt, with black hair and blue eyes which made all the girls blush at the site of him even Marinette)(Ethan Myers has came into Marinette's classroom with papers in his hands) 

Ethan: Hello there miss, my name is Ethan Myers, and I came here to drop off these papers who belong to Marinette she forgot them and her mother ask me to bring them to her. 

Caline: Oh why thank you Mr.Myers, your off the hook Marinettte but next time don't forget alright. 

Marinette: Yes Miss Bustier and thanks Ethan

Ethan: No problem Marinette

Kim: Wait did you say your name was Ethan Myers?

Ethan: Yes it is why you ask?

Rose: Is it true that you saved Marinette from a group of thugs who tried to hurt her last night?

Ethan: Of course it is I even have proof of me defending her from those thugs, there was about six of them and highly dangerous but that didn't stop me from taking them down. 

Caline: Could we see this proof of yours Mr.Myers?

Ethan: Sure and please call me Ethan(Ethan saids while pulling up a video of him defending Marinette from a group of thugs without his ranger form. Which made Marinette blush knowing that Ethan would do anything to protect her, even offer to train her) 

After the video has ended, everyone look upon Ethan with such confidence except Lila who was looking at him and thinking if she could get him on her side as well. 

Mylene: Wow that was so brave of you to defend Marinette from those thugs!

Alix: I'll say those were some awesome fighting moves you got there. 

Nino: Totally awesome dude and thanks for saving our friend

Ethan: No problem, I just do what is right to help others in need. 

Rose: Just like Ladybug and Cat Noir who defend us from Hawk Moth!

Adrien: Where did you learn those moves from Ethan?

Ethan: My parents and my uncle taught me when I was sixteen, they taught me everything there is to know about how to defend yourself from dangerous people. I know karate, martial arts, kung fu, taijutsu, many different forms of fighting styles and reflexes. 

Juleka: Wow such strength and so handsome.....(Julekea said in whisper while blushing)

Ethan: Well as much as want to stay and chat, I have to get going I will see you back at bakery Marinette and the rest of you enjoy your day.(Ethan saids and leaves the classroom) 

Caline: Thank you Ethan and have a nice day yourself. 


Ethan: Because miss drama queen, after I helped Marinette she offer me to stay at the bakery with her and her parents offer me a job there so I can get paid after all I did just moved here last night and I couldn't thank Marinette enough for her kindness any way later.(Ethan saids to Chloe who looks shocked while Marinette blushes with a smile while Lila who looks at Marinette with glare) 

Lila: I think is it time I make myself know to this Ethan Myers(Lila saids with an smirk)

Adrien: What you say Lila?

Lila: Nothing just want to get this day over with since I have plans after words.

Marinett/Alya/Nino: Heheheh yea right(Both said in thought) 

Class has finally begun and Ethan was exiting the building until he decided to place some spy cameras around the school so that he can tell what little miss liar is up to. 

Ethan: So that sausage hair girl is Lila, have to admit she is even more ugly than the mutants even with those snake eyes of hers. Get ready Lila Rossi because soon as we take down Hawk Moth your kingdom will crumble until you are nothing but dust.(Ethan saids to himself while finishing putting the spy cameras everywhere and begins to leave and heads back to the bakery) 

Meanwhile back in the classroom: 

Lila: I think it time for Volpina to have some fun for a change(Lila saids in thought then begins to rase her hand to ask the teacher something) 

Lila: Excuse miss Bustier may I used the restroom real quick if you don't mind. 

Caline: Not at all Lila, just be back on time for the note taking

Lila: I will!(Lila saids and leaves the room leaving Marinette and Alya knowing what she is planing) 

Alya and Marinette: This can not be good(Both said in thought) 

Meanwhile in a dark fortress with butterflies flying around: 

Hawk Moth: little vixen wants to have fun again, very well then Lila you will have your powers back now.(Hawk Moth saids while making another Akuma)

Hawk Moth: Fly away my little Akuma and evilise her!(Hawk Moth saids while his Akuma flies away to Lila Rossi) 

The Akuma flies away and it reaches the school where Lila is standing next the bathroom while holding us her necklace and she sees the Akuma and catches it and places it into the necklace. 

Lila: Hello Hawk Moth, it so good to see you again I am here for my powers so I can make people lives more miserable then before. 

Hawk Moth: Lila Rossi, it is good to see you as well, and yes you will get what you deserve but you know what you must do for me in return am I correct. 

Lila: Yes I know Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculous got it!

Hawk Moth: Thats a good vixen now your powers have return to you! 

With that Lila's whole body turns purple as she begins to transform into her alternate evil ego known as Volpina. 

Volpina: HAHAHAHAHA!!! get ready Ladybug and Cat Noir because Volpina is back and ready to case more harm!!(Volpina saids to herself while a certain spy camera got everything on tape and the person who was watching it from the bakery was known other than Ethan Myers) 

Ethan: Hehehe, oh poor little miss liar pants, you are gonna get what you deserve as well along with Hawk Moth. 

Sabine: Ethan who are you talking to? 

Ethan: Oh sorry I was checking the news on my phone, anyway I just got an alert saying that there is an Akuma that appeared somewhere near the school.

Sabine: Marinette is in there!

Ethan: Don't worry I will get her out of there Sabine just stay here and keep out of site, I don't nothing happening to you or Tom. 

Sabine: Alright be careful Ethan and do keep Marinette safe.

Ethan: I will, QUANTUM POWER!(Ethan saids and transforms into his ranger form) 

Sabine: I still can not get over how much you look amazing in that suit Ethan. 

Quantum Ranger: Thanks, wish me luck!

Sabine: Good Luck! 

Back at school: 


Volpina saids out loud then after a while Ladybug and Cat Noir along with Rena Rouge have appeared in front of her and got ready for battle.

Ladybug: Give up Volpina!, and surrender now

Rena Rogue: Yea, give up you cheap knockoff!

Cat Noir: Hello M'lady and Rena Rogue lovely day for a fight isn't it.

Ladybug: Cat focus on the mission at hand!

Cat Noir: I am focus, focus on you Bugaboo!

Ladybug: How did I fall for someone like him in the first place and were gonna have a talk with him after words.(Ladybug said in thought)

Rena Rogue: She is right Cat Noir we need to stay focus on the problem here.

Cat Noir: Oh right sorry, give up Volpina!

Volpina: Never and now watch me destroy you all and take away your miraculous once and for all!(Volpina saids as she attacks the three heroes one by one) 

Cat Noir: Argh.....she is even more stronger than the last time we fought her M'lady!

Ladybug: Keep trying Cat, we need to try to get her necklace and release the Akuma from it. 

Rena Rogue: Heyah!(Rena kicks Volpina into the wall)

Volpina: Arghh!!! you will pay for that hero stiller!

Rena Rogue: Your the one who is the hero stiller here little miss vixen!

Volpina: I think I had enough games for right now, and I think is about time I end this battle right here and now!(Volphina saids and plays her flute and summons cannons and rockets and pointed them at the heroes) 

Cat Noir: This is gonna hurt a lot

Ladybug: Come on team we can still do this!

Volpina: Any last words heroes!

Hawk Moth: Yes the miraculous will soon be mine!(Hawk Moth saids to himself until he hears someone chanting)


Volpina: What? AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!(Volpina saids when she gets hit by a beam) 

Hawk Moth: What just happened! 

Cat Noir: Whoah what was that? Who said that? 

That would be me Cat Noir! 

Cat Noir: Whoah!, who is this guy!

Ladybug and Rena Rogue: Quantum Ranger! 

Cat Noir: The who now? 

Ladybug: He is our newest alley Cat Noir, me and Rena met him last night after we took down some criminals, and no he is not a miraculous holder like us, he is a hero called a power ranger. 

Cat Noir: Power Ranger, that sounds like an awesome hero name to me, pleasure to meet you Quantum Ranger. 

Quantum Ranger: Likewise now lets take care of this psycho vixen together. 

Everyone: Right! 

Voplina: Arggh......what the heck was that and who is gods name shot me!

Quantum Ranger: That would be me, vixen

Volpina: Who the heck are you another miraculous hero?!

Hawk Moth: Another miraculous holder, but wait this one doesn't look like one and that thing on his wrist doesn't look like a miraculous? Who is this new hero? 

Quantum Ranger: No I am not a miraculous hero, I am hero called a Power Ranger and my name is Quantum Ranger a new alley to Ladybug who is about to fry your ass Volpina along with you as well Hawk Moth. 

Hawk Moth: Quantum Ranger? Power Ranger?, this is definitely not a miraculous holder and how does he know me? Ladybug must of told him about me and my Akuma's never the less he is an enemy of mine, Volpina take the miraculous and destroy that Ranger!

Volpina: Yes Hawk Moth, alright heroes get ready to.........

Quantum Ranger: To slow Quantum Defender Fire!

Volpina: ARGGGHHH!.......OH(Volpina yells while getting hit then falls unconscious) 

Hawk Moth: WHAT?!!! IMPOSSIBLE?!!!

Quantum Ranger: She all yours Ladybug, Cat Noir you know what to do. 

Cat Noir: Yes Cataclysm!(Cat Noir destroys the necklace) 

Ladybug: No more evil doing for you little Akuma, time to devilise!, Got ya, bye bye little butterfly. 

Ladybug: Miraculous Ladybug!(Everything turns back to normal) 

Quantum Ranger: Wow, amazing 

Cat Noir: I know right! 

Lila: Huh what happened?

Ladybug/Cat Noir/Rena Rogue/Quantum Ranger: Pound It! 

Beep! Beep! 

Ladybug: I have to go!

Cat Noir and Rena Rogue: Same here! 

Quantum Ranger: Me too

Lila: Hey what about me!

Quantum Ranger: You got legs that aren't broken walk yourself home. 

Ladybug/Rena Rogue/Cat Noir: Hehehehe

Lila: Hmph whatever! 

Once Lila has left leaving the heroes alone, Ladybug walked towards her partner Cat Noir and saying that she needs to talk to him about something with Quantum Ranger tagging along. 

Ladybug: Cat Noir we need to talk, meet me and Quantum Ranger on the Eiffel Tower it is important. 

Cat Noir: Oh bugaboo is gonna ask me out on a date

Quantum Ranger: Adrien enough with the baby talk this is serious. 

Cat Noir: Wh......what did you just say

Ladybug: Cat Noir, he knows who we are even under the mask and we all need to talk alone. 

Cat Noir: But how could he figure me out, I mean I wearing a suit that hides my identity. 

Quantum Ranger: You look like Adrien, same hair, same face, same eyes, same ring except in different color and the voice gives it away so easily I mean the people in this dimension are just too blind to see. 

Rena Rogue: It really wasn't that hard for him to figure out, not even us. 

Cat Noir: Oh man!, he figure me out so quickly and wait what do you mean dimension?

Ladybug: Cat Noir, Quantum Ranger is from another dimension who fell out of a portal and in his world we do not exist not even the miraculous. 

Rena Rogue: He has a group of heroes called the Power Rangers who defend the earth from dangerous forces. 

Cat Noir: Ok let's just head to the tower before I start to faint right now. 

Quantum Ranger: Right let's go girls

Ladybug and Rena Rogue: Right! 

Meanwhile in Hawk Moth Lair: 

Hawk Moth: Quantum Ranger, I don't know who you are but if you interfere with my plans again it won't be the last and soon Ladybug and Cat Noir I will have the miraculous and I will crush you.

Chapter 5 coming soon! 

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