Chapter 5: Meeting Cat Noir and The Truth part 2

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After the fight between the three miraculous heroes and the power ranger who were dealing with Lila's alternate ego Volpina, the heroes head towards the Eiffel Tower to talk about her and also to explained to a certain cat about his stupid advice in which a power ranger found out about as well as his identity, also to tell him that the ranger is from another dimension.

On the Eiffel Tower:

Cat Noir: Ok lets start from the beginning, you mean to tell me that your from another dimension, where we do not exist and you have these heroes called power rangers who stop dangerous forces from destroying the earth and somehow you got sucked through a portal along with a giant robot called a zord and have no way of returning home.

Quantum Ranger: Yea that is right Adrien

Cat Noir: Again stop saying that I am not Adrien!

Ladybug: Adrien stop we know who you are and he figured you out including us.

Cat Noir: Then he must be working for Hawk Moth if he knows you are!(Cat Noir saids to Ladybug while getting in battle stance)

Rena Rogue: Adrien it is the truth, he even showed us proof that he comes from another dimension and his parents were rangers as well.

Quantum Ranger: Alya that is enough

Cat Noir: Wait Alya?

Rena Rogue: Hey Adrien, hows it going

Cat Noir: Alya is that really you?!

Alya: Yes it is me Adrien, and please stop ok Ethan is not our enemy and he wants to help us defeat Hawk Moth.

Cat Noir: Wait a minute Ethan as in Ethan Myers who saved Marientte from being attack by those thugs, that Ethan?!!

Power Down!(Ethan power downs and shows his face to Cat Noir)

Ethan: Yes it is me Adrien and I think is best that you and I talk alone if that is ok with you.

Cat Noir: Uh sure, because my mind is completely blown away by all of this.

Ethan: Yea I am still getting used to the fact you guys transform into heroes using jewelry.

Ladybug: You will get used it sooner or later Ethan

With that said both Ethan and Cat Noir went to talk alone while Ladybug and Rena Rogue discuss their plans for Hawk Moth and Lila Rossi.

Cat Noir: So how did you figure out our identities Ethan? I mean were wearing mask after all.

Ethan: It is not that hard to figure out people in this dimension are just too blind to figurer out, you look like Adrien, have the same hair, same eyes, you wear the same ring only different color, you even talk like him and the voice gives it away.(Ethan saids to Cat Noir who looks shock knowing that Ethan found out so quickly)

Cat Noir: Oh man!..........geez someone actually figured me out so quickly I am such an idiot.

Ethan: Your not an idiot Adrien, you just got to wear a full mask that covers your whole head like me and maybe add a voice changer to hide your real voice so that no one can figure you or the other heroes identities.

Cat Noir: Huh, I never really thought about it that way, and it is good advice. So you know the identities of everyone who used a miraculous am I correct.

Ethan: That is correct except Hawk Moth which I am still doing research on, and I made a promise to both Rogue and Ladybug that I will keep their secret safe as well as yours if they keep mine as well.

Cat Noir: Well if you say what is true then I will keep your secret Ethan after all you did save my friend from being attacked by a group of thugs.

Ethan: Thanks Adrein but I need to tell you about myself and how I got here as well as my families history so that you know what I do.

Cat Noir: Very well but is ok if I de-transform because my miraculous is almost up.

Ethan: Sure, and it is just us two talking and the girls are discussing plans for Hawk Moth.

Cat Noir: Thanks Ethan, Claws in(Adrien saids and transforms back to normal)

Cat Noir transforms back into Adrien Agreste and his kwami comes out and meets Ethan in person.

Plagg: Man I sure am beat.......

Ethan: You must be Plagg, Tiki told me about you pleasure to meet you little guy my names is Ethan Myers.

Plagg: Anyone who is a friend a sugar-cube is a friend of mine and speaking of which kid do you have any cheese on you I am starving.

Adrien: Sorry Plagg you will have to wait until we get home.

Plagg: Awww.......

Ethan: Here you go little guy, Tiki told me you love cheese so much so I decided to bring some just in case.

Plagg: Awesome!, I like you Ethan

Ethan: Thanks, now Adrien let us talk about who I am and also to tell you about something you made a big mistake about.

Adrien: Sure thing and what do you mean by mistake did I do something wrong.

Ethan: You did and it wont turn out well and lets just say a certain someone knows about it and she is very heart broken.

Adrien: You mean Ladybug? what did I do to make her so upset?

Ethan: I will tell you after my story about me being the Quantum Ranger and landing here in your dimension.

Adrien: Alright lets start, tell me from the beginning.

Ethan: Ok but be warned some things might shock you.

Adrien: Understood

Ethan began telling him about the power rangers of how they all colorful costume heroes who bravely defended the earth from dangerous villains who want to conquer or destroy the earth, and he told that he is the son of two different teams of power rangers; TimeForce who are rangers from the year 3000 who were sent to the past to stop dangerous criminals called the mutants from destroying earths future while WildForce are a group of rangers who stop a group of evil beings called Orgs who want to destroy the earth along with the floating island called Animarium where it is home to the wild zords and a Princess Shayla who is the protector of the wild zords and Animarium. Ethan also showed him images of the power rangers that came before and those who are new as well as his parents named Eric and Taylor Myers who was the original Quantum Ranger and Yellow Ranger bravely defended the earth from the battle against the mutants and the orgs and when he was born they offer to train him along with his uncle Wes Collins who the Red TimeForce ranger to become the new Quantum Ranger and learn the secrets of the quantum morpher that is on his wrist as well as the Q-Rex which is still in the water hiding. Ethan also told him that he lost his parents against the Mutant Orgs which made Adrien sad knowing how he lost his mother so he can relate, and Ethan fought with all he could but too late to save them while his parents team mates came in and took down the Mutant Orgs once and for all, then a year later Wes became his legal guardian along his father Mr.Collins who became his grandfather and was assigned to join the silver guardians who were a team of soldiers that protect the city from dangerous threats who want to hurt the innocents. Ethan then told Adrien that one day he and his men where picking up a strange energy reading coming from an abandon factory until he found out it was portal of some sort and began to sucked both Ethan and his zord into it and landed in Paris but not the Paris he knows. Once Ethan has finished, Adrien looks upon Ethan with total shock and yet amazement knowing that there other other worlds out there with their own set a line of heroes protecting man kind from dangerous threats.

Adrien: Wow........amazing, heroes from other worlds who can turn into super heroes called Power Rangers who fight evil and protect the innocent from dangerous threats. Kind of reminds me of us when were fighting Hawk Moth.

Ethan: Yea, except our enemies don't turn humans into super villains using butterflies with their negative emotions.

Adrien: Point taken, though I am sorry for your parents Ethan, it must be sad to not be able to see them again; I lost my mother a long time ago.

Ethan: Thanks Adrien, and I am sorry about your mother; even though my parents are no longer around they will always be in my heart and in my mind as well in the heavens looking down on me.

Adrien: They would be proud of you Ethan very proud and thanks for telling me about yourself.

Ethan: No problem, but now it is time for the problem you did that could make things worse for everybody which includes Marinette.

Adrien: What does this have to do with Marinette?

Ethan: Marinette is Ladybug and I figure it out after I did some research on you guys and she looks exactly like her, and has the same features like eyes, hair color, hair style, and her voice gives it away as well.

Adrien: Marinette is my BUGABOO!!!, oh my gosh how can I not knew that all this time.

Plagg: Well finally you figured it out kid

Adrien: You knew!!

Plagg: Not just me but Tiki as well, we decided to keep a secret you know with Hawk Moth being around.

Ethan: And theres more you have to stop calling her you lady and bugaboo because when she found out your Cat Noir and only like for just being Ladybug it broke her heart.(Ethan saids to Adrien who looks confused)

Adrien: What you mean it broke her heart? Now that she knows I am Adrien we can finally be together.

Ethan: Thats the thing, you only loved her for just being Ladybug and not the real her; if you only loved her for just being Ladybug and only Ladybug that was not love Adrien it was saying your just a crazy fan or a stalker in which that broke her heart.

Plagg: He is right kid, you only seen Marinette as a friend and were madly in love with her alternate ego and not the real her.

Adrien: But I thought we were meant to be

Ethan: Adrien you can not live in fantasy where the girl magically falls in love you, this the real world and you have to learn to live with it; also she gave up your love for you after you rejected her for her alternate ego.

Plagg: I told you Adrien you can not live in fantasy forever, things change and you need to face the facts.

Adrien: Sigh......I guess your right maybe I am just crazy fan and a stalker, Marinette deserves to be with someone who loves her just her and not Ladybug.(Adrien saids looking down sad then Ethan puts a hand on his shoulder)

Ethan: You may not have the girl of your dreams even though it was a fantasy, but she never stoped being your friend and your first friend tell me Adrien you still like being her friends with her.

Adrien: Yea I do, Marinette is a great friend and an amazing one at that, you know what you guys are right it is time to stop living in a fantasy and just move on with my life.

Plagg: Thats the spirit kid!

Ethan: That good Adrien but there is something you need to put a stop too.

Adrien: Whats that Ethan?

Ethan: Telling Marinette to take the high road because she called out Lila Rossi for being a liar.

Adrien: Ethan if Marinette exposes Lila she would

Ethan: Akumatised I know I recored her doing it while she was talking to Hawk Moth.

Plagg: What?!!

Adrien: Lila was talking to Hawk Moth but how?!!

Ethan: Before I left your school I place hidden cameras everywhere so I can expose that psycho lying murderer once and for all.

Adrien: Lila is not a murderer how can you say that?

Ethan: Because she is Adrien, she caused the deaths of four students from different schools by lying to their classmates and turning them against them which caused them to commit suicide.(Ethan saids to Adrien and Plagg who look horrified)

Adrien: She actually did those things........

Ethan: See for yourself, look up Lila Rossi on google and you will see.

Adrien took out his phone and look up Lila's name and what he found was the truth, and what he saw made his stomach fall flat and eyes with horror knowing what he said to Marinette could cause her own life.

Ethan: So you see Adrien, Lila is not just a liar but a twisted murderer who says lies to gain attention as well as make others lives miserable that could lead to their deaths. Marinette could of been the next victim if only you shouldn't be there for her instead of telling her to take the high road and trust me taking the high road is not always a good idea.

Adrien: What have a done.......what have a done to my friend, I swear Lila will pay for the crimes she has caused and for those students she killed.

Plagg: There is the Adrien I know!

Ethan: And your right about one thing Adrien

Adrien: And that would be?

Ethan: Exposing her now is not the right time because since she is working with Hawk Moth, he can always akumatise her over and over again, so I came up with a better plan.

Adrien: What is it?

Ethan: We take down Hawk Moth first then we expose the murderer for the lying bitch she is, and it could not only kick her out of Paris but also sent to prison for a very long time.

Plagg: Good plan Ethan I like it!

Adrien: I agree with the plan lets do it but we do not know who Hawk Moth is?

Ethan: Who were the people, that you guys figure out who he was the first time?

Adrien: Well Marinette thought it was my father at first but he got himself akumatised so it couldn't be him.

Ethan: Or it could be Adrien, and maybe he did that to himself so you guys wont figure out who he really is.

Adrien: But if that was true Ethan why would my father hurt innocent people?

Ethan: What does Hawk Moth want from you two, if he is sending so much of those Akuma's after you?

Plagg: He wants the their miraculous so he can make a wish, which comes at a terrible price.

Ethan: Adrien is there another thing that your father cares about more than you?

Adrien: I don't know Ethan he is never really there for me and he always never around when I need him, he is always in his office doing work.

Ethan: There has to be something or maybe someone he cares about can never let go of?

Adrien: Well he does care about mom but......wait could that be the reason why he is doing this.....

Ethan: What happened to your mother Adrien?

Adrien: She died of an illness in which I do not know of?

Ethan: Could that be the reason why he wants the miraculous and to use the wish.

Plagg: If he does that he could destroy the balance of the world?!!!

Ethan: Or kill his own son in the process, if the price is terrible than that could mean if he brings back your mother Adrien then you will be in her place.

Adrien: Oh my father is doing this all because of what happened to mom!!!(Adrien said in anger and sadness)

Ethan: So all the stuff you did for him meant nothing to him, he only cared about getting those miraculous and evil ways.

Adrien: 😢 could you father how could you do this to everyone, to me, my friends and mom she would hate you for what you have done.

Plagg: Were here for you kid, you will not be alone in this.

Ethan: He's right Adrien, we have your back and we always will so which means your never alone.

Adrien: Thanks Ethan for everything and helping me on a good path.

Ethan: No problem, it whats friends are for even though were from different dimensions.

Adrien: Hehehe, true on that my friend

Ethan: One last thing before we head back with the girls, take these Adrien.(Ethan hands Adrien tiny spy cameras)

Adrien: What are they?

Ethan: Spy cameras, place them in your father office so we know where his lair is so we can take him down and take away his power and end all of this once and for all.

Adrien: Good Idea Ethan!

Ethan: Thanks this way we can see where he goes and how he sending his Akuma's.

Plagg: I am starting to like this guy even more by the minute.

Adrien: Come on lets head back, I have some apologizing to do and to help expose a liar and an evil father.

Ethan: Good lets go!(Ethan saids to Adrien and Plagg)

Adrien: Plagg Claws Out!(Adrien transforms back into his hero form)

Ethan: Quantum Power!(Ethan transforms into his ranger form)

The two heroes walk back to Ladybug and Rena Rogue to tell them what they have plan for Hawk Moth and Lila Rossi.

Ladybug: So are you two done talking?

Cat Noir: Yes and Marinette, I am so sorry for everything that I did and said about taking the high road and about Lila since I now know the truth about her being a real liar and a murderer as well, and I want to help expose her.

Ladybug: Adrien........are you saying this for real....

Cat Noir: Yes, I am sorry for everything and for not loving the real you because I was just living in a fantasy but not anymore thanks to Ethan's advice, I want us to remain friends and you deserve to be with someone who loves you for who you are and not Ladybug. So friends

Ladybug: 😢sniff.....always Adrien and thanks for believing in me and thanks for seeing Lila for who she really is.(Ladybug saids while hugging her friend Adrien)

Cat Noir: Thanks for being my first friend Marinette, and my partner in crime.

Ladybug: Thanks for being my friend Adrien and my partner as well.

Quantum Ranger: We found out who Hawk Moth is and why he wants the miraculous.

Rena Rogue: Really who is it?!

Cat Noir: My father Gabriel Agreste(Cat Noir saids which brought Rena Rogue and Ladybug in utter shock)

Rena Rogue: Your father, the famous fashion designer is the evil Hawk Moth?!!

Cat Noir: Yea and he is gonna pay for what he has done to me and for everyone I cared about.

Ladybug: But how could he be Hawk Moth?

Quantum Ranger: Simple, he akumatised himself when you two fought him so that he can hide his secret so that known of you could figure out who really is.

Ladybug: I knew he was up to something but I didn't know until now!

Rena Rogue: So now we know and what else did you find out?

Quantum Ranger: He wants to use the miraculous to bring back his wife who suffered an illness of unknown reason, and the price gets worse.

Rena Rogue: How worse?

Quantum Ranger: If he brought back his wife, he could do that and not only destroy the balance of the world but also Adrien will take his mothers place which means.

Cat Noir: I will die from my mothers illness.......

Ladybug and Rena Rogue looked at Cat Noir with horror and great sadness that his own father would do something that could end his sons life and also destroy the world.

Ladybug: Adrien........😭 I am so sorry!!!!(Ladybug cries tears of pain)

Rena Rogue: How could he do this to his own son!!!!

Quantum Ranger: A man who is twisted by power and greave that what and won't stop at nothing to get what he wants.

Cat Noir: I think is about time my father learned his lesson and to end all of this pain and suffering.

Rena Rogue: I am with you always Adrien

Ladybug: Me too Adrien

Quantum Ranger: Count me in as well, and also me and Adrien talked about Lila and we came to a decision.

Ladybug: And that would be?

Cat Noir: We want to expose Lila after we take down my father because he can still use her at any time and when we take my father down she will have no chance to escape or turn into Volpina ever again.

Rena Rogue: Good Plan!

Ladybug: I like that idea Adrien, lets do it!

Quantum Ranger: I gave Adrien some spy cameras to place in his fathers office so we can find out where his lair is at and take him down.

Cat Noir: And take away his miraculous for good!

Rena Rogue: You two came up with such an awesome plan!

Quantum Ranger and Cat Noir: Thanks!

Ladybug: Alright then the plan is settled for now lets head home and meet back here tomorrow so we can get everything ready and finally end this battle for good.

Quantum Ranger/Cat Noir/Rena Rogue: Right!

With that said the four heroes headed home and Adrien put the cameras in motion so that they can find out where his father goes to turn into Hawk Moth. While Marinette and Ethan talk about plans of attack.

Chapter 6 coming soon!

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