Chapter 6: Hawk Moth's Identity Reveal and Defeat!

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Yesterday after Ethan explained everything about who he is to Adrien and everything about Lila as well as his Gabriel being Hawk Moth, it was time to end the battle once and for all and thanks to the spy camera's that Ethan gave Adrien to place in his fathers office they can finally see where his Hawk Moth's lair is so they can take him down once and for all. Once Hawk Moth is defeated it was time to expose the liar for the psycho path she really is. So right now all four heroes were in Marinette's room discussing the plan to take down Gabriel Agreste and retrieve his miraculous as well as any other miraculous he kept hidden. While Ethan looks at the camera's to see what Adriens father is up to so far nothing is happening. 

Marinette: Ethan anything so far?

Ethan: So far he is just working on his designs for the next up coming fashion event.(Ethan saids while looking at Gabriel doing his designs) 

Marinette: Which means nothing yet right?

Ethan: Nope, maybe once his miraculous reacts to a negative emotion then were see where he goes and so we can find out where the lair is located and take him down. 

Adrien: It was an awesome idea to use tiny spy camera's to see what my father is up to since he never lets me see what is going on in his life. 

Ayla: Was he always like this Adrien you known cruel and stubborn and doesn't like anyone who wants to be your friend. 

Adrien: No when mom was around he was always kind, generous and a great dad but after what happened to mom he changed all of sudden and now he is hurting people by using a miraculous to get want he wants. 

Ethan: It is his own dam fault for not being there for you, because of what happened to your mother and what I can tell is that she would be disappointed of what he turned out to be. 

Adrien: I agree with you Ethan and thanks again for showing me a better path for myself and for helping me to understand that not only my father is horrible person who only cares about power but to also show me the truth about Lila being a liar and psycho path. 

Ethan: Your welcome Adrien as soon as we take down your father, we will expose that vixen for the fraud she is. Also Adrien there is something I would like to do for you in return and I think you need it more than anything.(Ethan saids to Adrien and takes out a box that he holding in hands which made all three heroes confused)

Adrien: What is it Ethan?

Marinette: Whats inside it?

Ethan: Adrien, this was giving to me by Alex who was the original Red Ranger in the year 3000 before my uncle Wes took over as the new Red Ranger and he only gave me six of them and I thought you should have one of them.(Ethan saids as he opens up the box and it contained a sparkling ball that made everyone including the kwami's eyes looked upon what was in the box)

Alya: It is so is like a galaxy only smaller?

Tiki: It looks so amazing Ethan

Plagg: What the heck is it?

Kwami's: Yeah?

Marinette: Is it some sort of power-up stone?

Ethan: No, Adrien this is a restoring orb which could restore a persons life and heal them from any sickness or in any case suffer from death.(Ethan saids to everyone who looks completely shocked of what he just said including Adrien) 

Marinette: I didn't know you power rangers could create such a thing?

Ethan: Only the Time Force rangers Marinette and what I can tell is that Adrien needs this more than anyone. 

Adrien: But Ethan why give me this?

Ethan: So that you can be with your mother again without using the miraculous which could destroy this world and it is completely safe, Alex used it to save my grandfathers life after his was attacked by mutants and it restored his life. 

Adrien: 😢sniff......Ethan I would nothing more than to have my mother back and if you say what is true than I will take it.(Adrien saids with a tear coming down his face knowing that the healing orb would not only heal his mother but he can finally be with her once again) 

Marinette: Ethan....that is the most sweetest thing you every done for someone, and your right nobody deserves to be without a mother. 

Alya: You are a good person Ethan, I can tell your parents would be proud of you. 

Ethan: Thanks Alya, and I think I have a bette solution to getting Gabriels miraculous without him causing more Akuma's. 

Marinette: What do you have in mind?

Ethan: We go to him and tell him about the situation and tell him we have a way to bring back his wife so he would stop all of this and stop hurting innocent people. 

Alya: Are you sure that is a good idea Ethan?

Ethan: Either that or we take on more Akumatised victims which could last months or years.(Ethan saids to everyone knowing they are tired of taking down villains everyday and year and this needs to stop)

Marinette: Sigh.....I am tired of fighting villains and I do need a break from fighting and this has been going on for years now, Ethan I have to except your idea. 

Adrien: Same goes for me as well, my father needs to stop all of this. 

Alya: much as this plans to a bad idea, I am with you as well Ethan. 

Kwami's including Tiki and Plagg: Same goes for us as well!

Ethan: Then what are we waiting for?

Everyone: Let's do it!!

Marinette: Tiki Spots On!

Adrien: Plagg Claws Out!

Alya: Trixx Let's Pounce!

Ethan: Quantum Power!

All four heroes transform into their superhero suits and begin to leave and head towards the Agreste mansion to talk to Gabriel and have him stop being Hawk Moth as well as saving the love of his life Emilee Agreste. And once they arrived at the mansion, Ethan was surprised how big the place was. 

Quantum Ranger: Wow and I thought my grandfathers mansion was big but yours is bigger?(Quantum saids to Cat Noir)

Cat Noir: You will get used to it, for now let's stop my father from doing something he shouldn't do. 

Everyone: Right!

The heroes walk up towards the mansion and knock on the door and the person who knocked on the door was an accident named Natalie. Who was surprised to see the three miraculous heroes and the Quantum Ranger as well. 

Natalie: Ladybug, Cat Noir, Rena Rogue and Quantum Ranger? What brings you to the Agreste mansion? 

Cat Noir: Natalie we can here to speak to my father, and we know about him being Hawk Moth and why he wants to use the miraculous.(Cat Noir saids to Natalie who looks upon them in shock and shocked that Adrien is Cat Noir)

Quantum Ranger: And I take that your Mayura, am I correct?

Natalie: A......Adrien is that you and how did you.......

Cat Noir: Quantum Ranger figured it out on his own and told me as well as he knows who we are under the mask. But Natalie there is something you must know about the miraculous and the wish. 

Natalie: You know about the wish, that your father wants to use to bring back your mother?

Quantum Ranger: Miss Natalie there is something you should know about the miraculous of Ladybug and Cat Noir.

Natalie: What is it?(Natalie looks confused)

Cat Noir: Natalie, if my father used the miraculous to bring back mom, it could not only restore her life but it could also destroy the entire world in the process. Millions of people will suffer and the earth could fall into chaos.(Cat Noir saids to Natalie who looks beyond shock and horrified that the miraculous could do such a thing)

Ladybug: But is also another thing you should know........

Quantum Ranger: The miraculous would not only restore Adriens mother but he will suffer her fait. A life for a life which mean Adrien will die.(Quantum Ranger saids to Natalie who is now horrified and scared about that happened to Adrien and if his mother found out it could leave the family heart broken all over again)

Natalie: Adrien is this true..........would you suffer your mothers fait if Gabriel used the miraculous to bring her back. 

Cat Noir: Yes......(Cat Noir saids looking down sad) 

Rena Rogue: But we found a better solution to bring her back without the miraculous power.

Natalie: What would that be Rena Rogue?

Quantum Ranger: This here is a healing orb, place it into Adriens mothers hands and it will restore her life which means Gabriel wont have to use the miraculous to bring her back and it works, my uncles friend used it to restore my grandfathers life and he was completely healed from it.(Quantum Ranger saids while showing the healing orb to Natalie who looked upon it with amazement and never seen such beautiful) 

Natalie: It looks so beautiful......I never seen something like this before.

Quantum Ranger: There is about six of them and what I can tell Adrien needs this more than anyone including Gabriel, I know he misses his wife but that doesn't mean he can use a miraculous to hurt innocent lives; he sure of been there for his son and not become this super villain that turns people into villains as well. 

Cat Noir: He is right Natalie, and you know it as well even if you did try to help my father as well, this needs to stop right now would you really hurt innocent people just like him. 

Natalie: Sigh.......your right Adrien, this does need to stop I will take you to him and Ladybug take this it belongs to you after all.(Natalie saids to Adrien and takes out the peacock miraculous and hands it to Ladybug)

Ladybug: Thank you Natalie, you did the right thing. 

Natalie: I will take you to Gabriel now, he is in his office now.

With that Natalie open the doors and took the heroes to see Gabriel who was still working on his designs.


Gabriel: Yes?

Natalie: Sir your have some visitors who need to speak to you.

Gabriel: Sigh....very well show them in

Natalie opens the door and when Gabriel looks towards the door he sees the three miraculous heroes and the Quantum Ranger as well carrying a strange box in his hands. 

Gabriel: Ladybug. Rena Rogue, Cat Noir and Quantum Ranger? What brings you here to my home?

Cat Noir: Father we know what your doing and we came to ask you to stop hurting innocent people.(Cat Noir saids to Gabriel who looks shocked that Cat Noir knows who he really is)

Gabriel: I have no idea what your talking about and wait did you say father?

Natalie: Gabriel they know about you being Hawk Moth and me being Mayura and they came here to talk not to fight and I gave Ladybug the peacock miraculous because this needs to stop.

Gabriel: How did you figure it out!(Gabriel said in anger)

Quantum Ranger: It was me Gabriel, I figure out now only your identity but theirs as well and your son is Cat Noir.(Quantum Ranger saids to Gabriel who looks shocked again looks towards Cat Noir who nods in agreement)

Cat Noir: Hello father

Gabriel: A...A..Adrien is that really you.....

Cat Noir: It is father and we came here to talk about what happened to my mother.

Gabriel: If that is true then, you must hand me your miraculous so I can use them to bring her back to us.

Cat Noir: Father the wish would not only bring back mom but it would also destroy the entire world killing millions of live and including me.

Natalie: It is true sir, if you used the wish then Adrien will take her place and it could ruin your family forever. 

Gabriel: Could that really happened, if I brought back Emilee then Adrien will suffer her fait and I could loose my only son forever.(Gabriel said in thought and looked horrified that the wish could kill his own son in the process)

Gabriel: Nooroo is this true?(Gabriel saids as his kwami which was a tiny butterfly came out of hiding and appeared next to his master)

Nooroo: It is master, if you used the miraculous of Ladybug and Cat Noir you could not only bring back Emilee but also kill your son in the process and doom the whole world. 

Ladybug: We are telling the truth Gabriel, Adrien could die in your wife's place and you could loose the next important person in your life. 

Cat Noir: Father how would mom think if she saw you now and what you have done to Paris and these people. It could break her heart. 

Gabriel: All I ever wanted was us to be a family again so we can all be happy once more.(Gabriel saids in sadness)

Quantum Ranger: And you can Gabriel with this.(Quantum Ranger steps forward and shows Gabriel the healing orb inside the box) 

Gabriel: What is this? I never seen something so beautiful?(Gabriel saids while looking at the healing orb with amazement just like Natalie when she saw it) 

Cat Noir: Quantum Ranger saids it is called a healing orb which could restore a persons life who suffered from an illness or near death. With this father we could have mom back and wont have to use the miraculous that could cause the world to fall apart. 

Gabriel: C....could this actually bring back the love of my life.(Gabriel saids in shock)

Quantum Ranger: Yes, a friend of my uncles used it to heal my grandfather who was attacked by dangerous criminals and it completely cured him. 

Gabriel: How does it work?

Natalie: They said that if you place it into Emilee's hand it will undo the damages to what happened to her. 

Ladybug: And what did happened to her?

Gabriel: She suffered from dark energy that was from the damaged peacock miraculous which caused her to suffer a deep coma. 

Cat Noir: So thats what happened to her....

Quantum Ranger: Where is she now Gabriel?

Gabriel: Follow me, and I will take you to her(Gabriel saids as he looks at the painting of his wife and then presses some buttons)

Everyone took turns using the secret elevator to get where they are going and once they reached the button of the place their going, the heroes looked upon something that shocked them the most. It was hidden underground place with a butterfly symbol and under it looked like casket of some sort. 

Cat Noir: So this is where you kept her all these years father?

Gabriel: Yes son, this is where she has been after what happened to her.

Quantum Ranger: Is she inside that thing in front of us?

Gabriel: Yes, come I will show you

Gabriel took everyone to see his wife that was in the casket and when that saw her, Adrien couldn't believe his eyes knowing that his mother still looked very beautiful from before. 

Cat Noir: Mom.............😢 really is you.

Ladybug/Rena Rogue/Quantum Ranger: She's beautiful...(The heroes said in union) 

Gabriel: She is and this casket has been keeping her stable for so long and I don't know how long it would last. 

Quantum Ranger: Well now that is all going to change, open the casket Gabriel and place the orb into her hands.(Quantum Ranger saids to Gabriel who opens the casket and takes the orb and places it into his wife's hand)

Gabriel: What happens now?

Quantum Ranger: Just watch, and Adrien transform back because what I can tell is that your mother would like to see your face again. 

Cat Noir: Your right, Claws In.....(Adrien saids and transforms back to normal)

Once Adrien transforms back, everyone looks at the healing orb and sees it disappearing into sparkles and going towards Emilee's body which means the healing orb is doing its job. 

Rena Rogue: It is working.......

Ladybug: Let's just see.........

When the healing orb energy surrounded Emilee's body into a glow, what happen next is that everyone starts to here sounds coming from Emilee like she is breathing and then something that made both Adrien and Gabriel brought into tears including Natalie as well as Ladybug and Rena Rogue. Emilee begins to open her eyes after so many years in a coma. 

 Gabriel and Adrien: It actually worked....😢.....she's back.(Both said in thought while tears of joy coming down their faces) 

Ladybug and Rena Rogue: Oh my gosh........😢......Ethan was right.(Both saids as well in thought while tears coming down as well)

Natalie: You were right all a long, it brought her back to therm.

Quantum Ranger: Of course I was, I never doubted it for a second. 

Emilee: What......what happened...where where am I?

Gabriel: Emilee.........

Emilee: Gabriel....what is going on?

Gabriel: Emilee your back!!(Gabriel saids and hugs his wife will so much love)

Emilee: Gabriel what is going on, whats wrong?

Gabriel: Emilee, you suffered a coma due to the effects of the damage peacock miraculous and I tried everything I could to help you but I couldn't find a solution.

Emilee: I remember now, we were in battle and then I was attacked and then everything went dark after words. 

Gabriel: The dark energy that the peacock miraculous had was inside of you and put you into a deep sleep. 

Emilee: If that is true then how I am awake? 

Quantum Ranger: That was my doing miss Emilee, I am the hero known as the Quantum Ranger and I used a healing orb to restore your life so you can be with your husband and your son again.

Emilee: Quantum Ranger? Are you a miraculous holder as well?

Quantum Ranger: No I am not, I am hero called a power ranger which is quite similar to a miraculous holder but i don't have a miraculous or a kwami; I have this thing on wrist called a morpher that is made from science and technology and it turns me into the hero I am now. 

Emilee: Amazing, well thank you for what you have done Quantum Ranger, but where is my little sunshine where is Adrien. 

Adrien: I am right here mom.....

Emilee: Adrien, my boy my sweet little sunshine is that really you.....😢.(Emilee saids while showing tears of joy at seeing her boy all grown up)

Adrien: 😢sniff......Yes mom it is me...and I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!(Adrien saids whiling crying and runs to hug his mother) 

Emilee: It is you my sunshine!!(Emilee saids with joy and happiness) 

Adrien: Mom....

Emilee: Oh Adrien, your so big........

Gabriel goes over towards the two and all three of them hug like they used to before everything happened all those years ago. 

Ladybug: 😢sniff.....I have never seen such a beautiful reunion such as this.(Ladybug crying tears of joy while Quantum Ranger places a hand around her shoulder to comfort her)

Quantum Ranger: It truly is beautiful, reminds me of me with my parents all those years ago. 

Rena Rogue: You did a nice thing for Adrien Quantum Ranger, I am proud of you. 

Ladybug: Including me

Natalie: Me as well, thank you for everything and sorry for everything we did to you. 

Quantum Ranger: It is alright Natalie, we forgive you but Gabriel has return the butterfly miraculous. 

Gabriel: And I shale, and I am sorry for causing so much trouble to Paris and to you miraculous heroes. Thank you Quantum Ranger for bringing back my wife and I am sorry that I should of seen the truth about what the miraculous could of done if I used the wish. 

Emilee: What you mean Gabriel? 

Quantum Ranger: He means is that after you suffered a coma, he used the butterfly miraculous to turn himself into the super villain known as Hawk Moth and used the miraculous to turn innocent people into super villains to steel Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculous so he could use the miraculous wish to bring you back but at a price it could lead to the end of the world. 

Emilee: Is that true Gabriel, did you used Nooroo for evil?

Gabriel: Yes but when I found out the miraculous could destroy the world and bring nothing but chaos, Quantum Ranger offered me to use his healing orb to bring you back and I decided to stop being Hawk Moth and end everything I did.

Emilee: All of this because of what happened to me, why were you there for our son?

Adrien: Mom don't be angry with him, I still loved him and I also wanted you back but not the way he wanted and thanks to Quantum Rangers healing orb I finally have my mother back in my arms and my father stopped being Hawk Moth. 

Gabriel: I may have missed you Emilee a lot but I love our son more and I didn't want anything happen to him, I couldn't bare to loose him as well. 

Adrien: Father, I know what you did for me was best but sometimes you have to let things happened and move on, I love you father and I love mom including all the friends I made. And I promise that I will never leave you ever again neither will mom. 

Emilee: Even if you did those horrible things to people, you were just lost and alone and sad. But that is all going to change Gabriel because now I am back in your life and me and Adrien will always be with you. 

Gabriel: I love you Emilee and Adrien thank you for being such a wonderful son.

Emilee: I love you too Gabriel

Adrien: I am proud to have my father back again

Ladybug/Rena Rogue/Quantum Ranger/Natalie: Awwwwww!

Once everything was fine and dandy and the peacock as well as the butterfly miraculous have been given to Ladybug where then belong everyone headed back upstairs to also talk about a certain lair who is going to be her downfall. 

Gabriel: Quantum Ranger, thank you for giving me back my family I couldn't thank you enough for what you did. 

Emilee: So am I, you are a good person who would do anything to help people. 

Quantum Ranger: Your very welcome but we have another threat to deal with. 

Gabriel: Who?

Adrien: Lila Rossi, father(Adrien said in anger)

Gabriel: You mean the girl from your school what about her?

Quantum Ranger: She's dangerous Gabriel very dangerous. 

Emilee: Why what did this girl do?

Ladybug: Basically everything.....

Rena Rogue: She is a pathological liar who lies to get what she wants and to use her lies to turn people against those who were their friends. 

Adrien: She lied about knowing celebrities, how she is Ladybug's best friend, helping others, making up stories about her adventures as well as getting my friend Marinette into trouble. 

Quantum Ranger: That is not the worst part

Emilee: What is it?

Quantum Ranger: She sexual arrangement your son Adrien thinking that he belongs to her and also only likes him for his money.(Quantum Ranger saids to the Agreste who looks angry and horrified that Lila did that to their son)

Gabriel: SHE DID WHAT?!!!

Emilee: My poor Adrien, used as somebodies toy to get what she wanst.

Rena Rogue: She also turned everyone against a sweet girl named Marinette Dupain Cheng and they all bullied her and hurt her thinking that she did horrible things to Lila and they believed her over their friend they knew for years. 


Emilee: Oh that poor innocent girl how could this Rossi girl do something so horrible.

Quantum Ranger: If Lila continue to do this than Marinette would of been her fifth victim.(Quantum Ranger saids to the Agreste)

Gabriel: What do you mean victim?

Quantum Ranger: Lila Rossi also caused the death of four students from different schools by lying to the classmates and turning their friends against each other which drove the students to commit suicided in any case Marinette would be the next one. 

Emilee: Oh my goodness!

Gabriel: I am putting a restraining order on that girl for causing so much pain and for using my son to get our families money. 

Quantum Ranger: Oh she is going to get more than just a restraining order, she is getting kicked out of Pairs and France forever and then sent to prison for a very long time. 

Gabriel: Hmm...I like that idea better as long as she stays away from my family and my son including his friends than I have no problem. 

Emilee: I agree that girl deserves to be in prison for what she has done. 

Ladybug: And she will 

Rena Rogue: Count on it!

Quantum Ranger: I even have proof of her doing all these things including the murders as well and I will be taking this to the police as well as showing it to her mother so she can see what monster her daughter turned into. 

Adrien: Thats makes me very happy, thanks Quantum Ranger.

Quantum Ranger: No problem Adrien, as much as we want to stay we gotta go. 

Ladybug: Agreed it was nice meeting you Emilee Agreste and welcome back home.

Rena Rogue: And stay safe as well

Emilee: You too and thank you all so much

Heores: Your welcome! 

With that the heroes have left leaving the Agreste to bond once again after so many years of separation. Now the heroes can focus on Lila Rossi now and have her taken away for good. The three heroes then went back to the bakery to celebrate their victory and it was all thanks to Quantum Rangers brilliant plan. 

Ladybug: Spot Off!

Rena Rogue: Let's Stand!

Quantum Ranger: Power Down! 

Alya: I can not believe it after all these years we are finally free from Akuma's and Hawk Moth!!

Marinette: And it was all thanks to you Ethan and your brilliant plan!!(Marinette saids and hugs Ethan with joy)

Ethan: Heheheh, I am just glad everything is back to normal

Alya: Not just yet there is Lila to deal with

Ethan: She will be gone in no time 

Tiki: I agree with Ethan on this one!

Nooroo: It is good to be free after so long!

Duusuu: Same here!!

Kwami's: Nooroo!! Duusuu!!(Kwami's saids and hugging their long time friends after being separated)

Ethan: They are so happy to be reunited with each other. 

Marinette: Yea it so sweet to see everyone back together again. 

Alya: Hey Marinette, now that Hawk Moth is gone what would happen with the miraculous now?

Marinette: I think it is time I give them back to their holders so they can become full time members. 

Ethan: I like the way you think Marinette, and it is a great idea.

Alya: You mean I get to keep my miraculous!

Marinette: Yes Alya you truly earned to wear a miraculous.

ALya: I love your girl!(Alya saids while hugging her best friend) 

Marinette: Hehehe, I love you too Alya

Alya: But what about you Ethan what would you do?

Ethan: I will continue what I always do, protect innocent people from danger along side Ladybug and Cat Noir. 

Marinette: But what about your family back home?

Ethan: Like I said before I don't how to return home, and I don't know if I ever get back; but I know that my family is working on a way to reopen the portal so they can take me back and it might take days, months or maybe years but that wont stop me from being the hero I am. 

Tiki: You are a wise man Ethan, and they will be proud of what you did for us. 

Kwami's: Your the best Ethan!

Marinette: If what you say is true then welcome to the team Ethan Myers.

Alya: Oh we should have a team name for our selves!

Marinette: What do you have in mind Alya?

Alya: Hows about Miraculous Friends!

Ethan/Marinette/Tiki: Uh..........

Alya: Too cheesy?

Ethan: I think I got a better name for our selves

Alya: Really what is it Ethan?

Ethan: For now on were known as the Miraculous Rangers. 

Marinette: Miraculous Rangers, I like that name!

Tiki: It has a good ring to it!

Alya: I love it!!

 Marinette: Miraculous Rangers it is!

After talking more Alya decided to head home along with Trixx and the other Kwami's went back to the miracle box to catch up for lost times leaving Ethan and Marinette alone together. 

Marinette: I am beat......after so many years of fighting Akuma's and saving lives I needed this.(Marinette saids while taking off her flats and relaxing on her couch in her room)

Ethan: What I can tell Marinette is that you needed some relaxation. 

Marinette: Yea.....what a day 

Ethan: I agree 

Marinette: Hey Ethan can I ask you something?

Ethan: Sure whats up?

Marinette: Well I was thinking after everything you did for me and as well as Adrien I was wondering if you oh I don't know want to spend some time together with me.(Marinette saids to Ethan while blushing)

Ethan: You mean like go on a date together? 

Marinette: wait I mean no.....I mean......

Ethan: Sure I would like to go on a date with you Marinette. 

Marinette: R.......really(Marinette saids while looking at Ethan while blushing)

Ethan: Of course truth is Marinette I think your very beautiful and such a wonderful person. I don't care if your Ladybug, I care about spending time with Marinette Dupain Cheng the girl I saved from the thugs and offer me a place to stay and has been really good to me as well as has such loving parents who treat me like I am a somebody.(Ethan saids to Marinette who could'nt believe those words he said to her and he likes the real her more than the Ladybug version of her)

Marinette: Could this be, have I found someone who loves me for only just me and not Ladybug.(Marinette saids in thought)

Marinette: Do you really mean that Ethan?

Ethan: Of course I do, your someone who is truly special Marinette and I will make sure nothing happens to you, I made a promise to your parents that I will keep you safe after all. 

Marinette: Ethan, you truly are a wonderful person!!(Marinette saids while hugging Ethan again)

Ethan: Thanks Marinette, and so are you 

Marinette: So when do you want to you have our first date?

Ethan: Hmm....hows about the day after tomorrow because remember I still have train you in the ways of self defense and combat. 

Marinette: Oh yea thats right!

Ethan: So its a date on that day after tomorrow.

Marinette: Yea I guess it is

Ethan: Well then I will see you tomorrow for training and then the next day is the date.

Marinette: Yea I will see you in the morning Ethan

Ethan: Alright then good night Marinette

Marinette: Good night Ethan

Ethan: Oh wait I forgot something 

Marinette: What did you.......

💋(Kiss on the cheek) 

Ethan: Thats for everything you did for me Marinette 

With that Ethan left to go to sleep leaving Marinette stunned at what just happened

Marinette: He....he.....he kissed me(Marinette saids while blushing red) 

Marinette: He actually kissed me!!(Marinette saids while smiling so big and blushing with love)

Marinette: Maybe mom was right maybe there is something between me and Ethan.

Chapter 7 coming soon! 

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