Chapter 7: Training The Hero

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It was Saturday morning in the beautiful city of Paris and with great news. Because Hawk Moth has been dealt with which means there will be no more Akumatised villains or any bad guys to fight except for normal criminals that are rommning the streets of Paris and hurting innocent lives but thanks to a certain new hero who arrived everything was going terrific and his name is Quantum Ranger, Ladybug and Cat Noir's new alley who not only helped them deal with Akuma's but also help reunite a broken family which made a certain blonde model very happy and thought of the new hero as like a brother figure while a certain bug thought as him as romantic partnership. And speaking of Ladybug better know as Marinette Dupain Cheng daughter of Tom and Sabine who the best bakers of all around Paris, she and the Quantum Ranger better known as his true name Ethan Myer got along a lot well and he offer her to train her in self defense combat if she ever encounters more thugs who want to hurt her but also he offer her to take her on a date after he helps her with the training she needs to defend herself. So right now Marinette is in the kitchen with her mother Sabine making breakfast while Ethan is still sleeping after a long day of taking down criminals.

Sabine: Seems like you slept well Marinette, and your in a really good mood anything exciting happening today?

Marinette: Like that fact that Ethan offered to train me in self defense today and keeping Paris safe after he and Ladybug along with Cat Noir took down Hawk Moth, so yes mom I am in a good mood.

Sabine: I am very proud of that boy and the work he has done for the city and for here as well, I have never met someone who will do anything to protect those around him.

Marinette: Yea Ethan is truly something else mom(Marinette saids with love while blushing a little)

Sabine: Oh is a certain daughter of mine thinking about a certain someone right about now?(Sabine saids with a smirk)

Marinette: What?!!! I don't know what your talking about mom........

Sabine: Marinette just admit it you like Ethan, and I promise I wont tell your father or anyone else.

Marinette: You promise you wont tell?

Sabine: Cross my heart

Marinette: Sigh.......ok yes I do like him like really like him after what he has done for me and for us I have never met anyone like him before and he is even nice to my friends and is always there for me when I am need of help. He even asked me out on date for tomorrow which made me very happy.

Sabine: Oh my gosh my little girl has finally found someone to spend her life with, I am very happy for you Marinette and Ethan as well.

Marinette: Thanks but I don't know how long he is going to be here because he has to go back home to his world and I don't want to loose him, he makes me feel important and I couldn't bare the thought of him leaving.(Marinette saids while looking sad of Ethan leaving her)

Sabine: Oh honey, but you heard what Ethan said he can't figure out how to return home so which means he will be by your side always.

Marinette: But still.........I think I am starting to fall in love in him.

Sabine: Ethan is a good man, he will do anything to make sure to keep you safe Marinette just like how his parents did after they gave their lives to protect their only son.

Marinette: I guess that is true, thanks for understanding of what I am feeling mom.

Sabine: Your welcome sweetie, now I think it is time for you to wake up a certain ranger from his beauty sleep because a hero needs his breakfast in the morning.

Marinette: Hehehe, ok I will go wake him up and you promise not to tell papa about what I said about me liking Ethan.

Sabine: I promise Marinette

Marinette: Alright, I will go wake up Ethan so we can all have a family breakfast together.

Sabine: Alright but make sure to knock first before entering his room.

Marinette: I will mom

Marinette left the room to go wake up Ethan, then out of nowhere Tom was hiding in the closet and heard everything in which Sabine saw him coming out and they both giggled.

Sabine: You heard everything honey?

Tom: Sure did, and I knew something was going on between those two and I couldn't be anymore happier!

Sabine: I agree, if those two ever get married and have kids I would be very happy to see all their kids running around the house playing.

Tom: Me too sweetie me too and let's tell her at the right moment so she will be surprised.

Sabine: Good idea

While the parents were talking to each other about Marinette and Ethan their daughter was on her way to get Ethan up from bed so they can have breakfast together and have their training.

Knock! Knock!

Marinette: Ethan are you up, it is time for breakfast?

Knock! Knock!

Marinette: Ethan? maybe he is still asleep might as well go wake him up myself.(Marinette saids as she opens the door and when she walks into Ethans room she finds the bed is empty)

Marinette: Huh? He is already out of bed but I didn't see him leave? I wonder where he........(Marinette saids to herself then hears a voice behind her which belong to Ethan coming in)

Ethan: Oh Marinette sorry I was already up and had to grab a shower before I start my day.

Marinette: Oh that is ok Ethan I was j.......j......j......jus........just.....just.......(Marinette stops talking after what she sees in front of her)

Ethan comes into the room wearing pants but with no shirt, which made Marinette blushing bright pink after seeing how Ethan looks really fit and his arms as well as his upper body is expose.

Marinette: Ohhhh my..........not only he is handsome and cut but he is so ripped and those arms and that body wow............if this is a dream please don't wake me up.(Marinette saids in thought while blushing at the view in front of her)

Ethab: Uh Marinette, you ok you look a little pinkish there? Do you have a fever or something?

Marinette: trying to form words whiling blushing more)

Ethan: Huh? What are you? Oh right hehe sorry....(Ethan figured out what she was saying and puts on his black shirt)

Ethan: Hehehe sorry about that Marinette, I should of put my shirt on first before I walked in. I didn't mean to shock you.

Marinette: Oh!, of course I will be fine really, I mean I didn't mean to look at your hot body. I MEAN I DIDN'T MEAN TO LOOK AT YOUR STRONG ARMS!! I MEAN DIDN'T MEAN TO LOOK AT YOUR ABS!! I MEAN IT IS TIME FOR BREAKFAST AND I WAS GOING TO GET YOU!!.(Marinette saids whiling blushing and panicking at the same time)

Ethan: Ok?.............well shale we get going

Marinette: Sure sure of course just follow me........and I wouldn't mind seeing more of you like that.(Marinette saids to Ethan while whispering the last part to herself)

Ethan: Wow she is even cutter when she blushes as well as when she panics.(Ethan saids in thought)

Ethan and Marinette: What a guy/girl(Both said in thought)

Ethan and Marinette both went to the other room to have breakfast with the family and what Ethan can tell is that he was much more happier to spend time with Marinette and her family just like how his parents did when they were still around. After breakfast was finished Ethan got his training gear as well as Marinette and they both went out to go to a place where they can do some training together.

Marinette: So Ethan any place would be perfect for our training session?

Ethan: Yea I thought we could have training session at that big park next to the Eiffel Tower and there is plenty of room to stretch out and work on many different forms of fighting techniques and self defenses.

Marinette: Great idea, I always love going to that park to work on my designs and to relax.

Ethan: Then shale we head right over there

Marinette: Sure!

Both heroes walked towards the park when all of sudden they bump into two familiar faces who were just passing by and their named were Kagami and Adrien better known as Ryuko and Cat Noir.

Adrien: Hey Ethan! Hey Marinette!(Adrien greets his friends)

Ethan: Hey Adrien hows it going

Adrien: It is going pretty well Ethan thanks for asking and what about you Marinette?

Marinette: I am doing quite well Adrien thanks for asking

Ethan: And who might you be miss?(Ethan saids to Kagami)

Kagami: My name is Kagami it is pleasure to meet you Ethan, Adrien told me so much about you.

Ethan: What I can tell she is Japanese?(Ethan saids in thought)

Ethan(In Japanese language): The pleasure is all mine miss Kagami.

Everyone except Ethan were in shock that he spoke Japanese so perfect and didn't mess up on anything which amazed both Kagami and Adrien but brought shocks towards Marinette and she never knew Ethan can speak Japanese so good.

Adrien: Whoah Ethan I didn't know you speak Japanese as well?!

Kagami: And it was absolutely perfect?

Ethan: Thanks me and my family went to Japan for three weeks and I took some classes at their schools and then about a week later I learned how to speak Japanese perfectly without using those language books to help me.

Marinette: Amazing.......

Adrien: Hehehe Ethan you are full of surprises I tell ya.

Ethan: Thanks Adrien really appreciated

Kagami: So where are you and Marinette heading off to if you don't mind us asking?

Ethan: I promised Marinette I train her in self defense and combat because ever since I saved her from those thugs she could use the training she needs to defend herself if she has the same problem again.

Marinette: And I was very happy to except the offer, I could use some training to help defend myself against thugs and criminals.

Kagami: I think it is a wonderful idea that you offer to train her Ethan and I wish you good luck.

Ethan: Thanks Kagami

Marinette: So what about you two where are you guys heading off to if you don't mind us asking?

Adrien: I am taking Kagami out on a date to the movies and then we are going to go to restaurant for dinner.

Ethan: I am proud that of him that he is moving on with his life and he has a girlfriend.(Ethan saids in thought while being proud of Adrien)

Marinette: You two got together how did this happen! I am so happy for you two!!

Adrien: Hehehe, well after everything I been through and I got my mom back, I thought it was time for a change for myself and what better way is to express how I truly feel about Kagami and after spending time together with her I decided that I want to spend more time with her and be by her side.

Kagami: And I couldn't been more happy that you expressed how you truly feel about me Adrien thank you 💋(Kagami saids while giving Adrien a kiss on the cheek)

Marinette: Awwww!!

Ethan: I am proud of you Adrien and good luck with Kagami and keep her safe or better yet she will keep you safe.

Adrien: Thanks Ethan and good luck with training Marinette and if we ever have the chance hows about all four of us hang out some time.

Marinette: That sounds like a great idea Adrien

Ethan: I am down with that Double A

Kagaimi: Double A?

Ethan: Nickname for Adrien Agreste

Adrien: Hmm, Double A I like it

Marinette: Well as much as we want to talk more, we have to head towards the park Ethan.

Ethan: Oh of course, we will see you guys soon and have fun with your date.

Kagami: Thanks Ethan and see you two around as well

Adrien: And try not to hurt Marinette to bad because she is fragile.

Ethan: Hehehe, don't worry I will make sure she wont get hurt, I made a promise to her parents that I will keep her safe.

Adrien: Good to hear, alright later guys!

Kagami: It was nice meeting you Ethan!

Ethan and Marinette: Bye guys!

Adrien and Kagami left to go on their date while Ethan and Marinette head towards the park to train. Until they came across a television that has something that would surprise the two and the person who was talking was Nadja who was a news reporter.

Nadja: Good evening people of Paris this is Nadja Chamack with the news, today the people of Paris are celebrating their new hero knows as the Quantum Ranger who Ladybug and Cat Noir's newest alley who bravely defended a group of people from dangerous criminals and saved family from their house that was on fire. Quantum Ranger where ever you are, we want to thank you as well as the heroes of Paris for all you have done for us and we welcome you into our city. This is Nadja Chamack with the news.

Marinette: That is so brave of you to do all those things for these people Ethan and they couldn't be even more happy which includes me as well.

Ethan: Thanks Marinette, I just do what is right for this city

Marinette: And I am very thankful including Adrien and you did a beautiful thing for him after you brought back his mother, and now he finally has his family back the way it should be.

Ethan: And I am happy he does, but anyway shale we get going because you little miss LB are gonna get the training you deserve.

Marinette: Hehehe, true on that QR, and that is a nickname for Quantum Ranger.

Ethan: I like it

The two heroes continued to walk towards their destination and when they stopped they have reached their destination.

Marinette: So which spot would be a perfect place to train Ethan?

Ethan: Hmm...hows about over there, because that spot has more room to stretch out our legs and arms as well hands room for us to work on our fighting techniques.

Marinette: Good eye Ethan, lets head right over.

Once both of them got to the spot to train, they took off their stuff and got into their training gear and this what they were wearing for self defense training.

(Ethan Myer training outfit)

(Marinette Dupain Cheng training outfit)

Ethan: Wow you look good in those clothes Marinette

Marinette: Thanks so do you to Ethan(Marinette saids while blushing)

Ethan: Thanks, so you want to do some stretches and pushups before we do anything?

Marinette: Sure this could be a time for me to stretch out my legs and arms for a change.

Ethan: Very well, we will do some stretches first then we will work on our self defense techniques.

After couple of hours of stretching and doing some push ups, the both of them thought it was time for some self defense training.

Ethan: Alright Marinette I will be teaching you ten steps of self defenses, and it will not only help you against thugs but also improve your skills as a superhero.

Marinette: Awesome, I am ready to learn from you master Ethan.

Ethan: Hehehe, Master Ethan good touch Marinette, now shale we begin

Marinette: Yes!

Ethan: Alright get into fighting stance

Marinette: Got it!

Ethan: Alright now I am going to try to hit you and I want to see how you can defend yourself from my attack.

Marinette: Sure thing Ethan, I am ready when you are.

Ethan: Alright here I come.............(Ethan didn't finish because Marinette blocked his attack then did a kicked to the face in which Ethan fell on the ground)

(Example of the blocking then follow by the kick: I used the Mulan scene for it)

Marinette: Oh my gosh Ethan!, are you ok I am so sorry!

Ethan: Marinette that was impressive very impressive though still hurt a little but other than that nice job.(Ethan saids while rubbing his chin)

Marinette: Still I didn't know what came over me?

Ethan: It was probably your fighting instinct kicking in for the first time maybe thats why.

Marinette: You maybe right, and I think with some more training I could use it to defend myself from possible threats.

Ethan: That what I like to hear Marinette, so shale we continue my pupal.

Marinette: Yes Master Ethan, I would wish to continue.(Marinette saids while bowing her head)

Ethan: Then let the training continue!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Self Defense moves)

After so many lessons of learning self defenses which took almost twelve hours, the two heroes were tired and out of breath but were amazed that they latest this long of training in which Marinette was more thrilled to learn such techniques from Ethan who was trained by his father Eric Myers and his uncle Wes Collins.

Marinette: (Path) have to....(path).....admit...that was the best training I had in.......(path) life Ethan.......I never felt so alive right now.

Ethan: Yea.......(path) weren't so bad yourself Marinette.......(path) have some skills yourself and I am very proud of you.

Marinette: Ethan......(path) are the one who was incredible and the way you fought like that was very brilliant.

Ethan: Thanks Marinette.......(path) I am beat!

Marinette: Same here

Ethan: What do you want to do?

Marinette: Hows about we get some ice cream, I mean it is a nice hot day out and I could use something to cool me off.

Ethan: I would like that do you know a place?

Marinette: I should do Ethan, let's get our stuff together and I take you to the best ice cream place in Paris.

Ethan: Well take me away little LB to this mystery ice cream place

Marinette: Hehehehe, well follow me ranger

With that both Ethan and Marinette left the park and decided to go get some ice cream until they bumped into someone they didn't want to see and her name is and is the worst person of them all Lila Rossi.

Lila: Oh hello Marinette and Ethan what you two doing on this fine day.

Ethan: Oh great its the psycho bitch just great(Ethan saids in thought)

Marinette:Sigh what do you want Lila(Marinette saids with a glare)

Lila: Oh nothing just wanted to say hello and ask if I can have a word with this handsome guy next to you.(Lila saids with a smirk)

Ethan: And let me guess you want to tell me that Marinette is bullying you and want me to stop seeing her so you can have me on your side, well you psycho bitch that wont be happening because I don't believe the shit that comes out of the snake of mouth of yours and never will.(Ethan saids to Lila who looks shocked what he just said to her while Marinette looks happy that he said that to Lila)

Lila: But she is! Marinette has been bullying for a long time!

Ethan: Sure she is, or your just doing that to get attention which is not really working for me because what I can tell is that your nothing more than a big fat liar who only cares about herself and lies to others to get what she wants and I know why Adrien wouldn't want to date a slime bag like you because you are nothing but a sad sad little girl who is a piece of shit.(Ethan saids to Lila who looks very pale like ghost while Marinette was trying to hold in her laughter)

Lila: So you know I am lier as well(Lila saids with a glare)

Ethan: Hehehe, yea pretty much I can see it all over that disgusting you can a face of yours and makes me want to throw a lot.(Ethan saids to Lila who mocks her for being ugly)

Lila: Either you stay away from Mari-Trash here or I will turn everyone against you as well.(Lila saids with an evil smirk)

Ethan: I don't give dam, because you don't even know who I am or where I came from or know anyone I know so nice try.(Ethans saids to Lila who is shocked again)

Lila: He's right I don't know anything about him or where he came from or his friends and family are dammit!(Lila saids in anger in thought)

Ethan: Now if you would excuse us we are going to get some ice cream, why don't you run along Lila Fucking Rossi and make fool out of yourself, oh wait you are making a fool of yourself right now.

Lila: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!(Lila screams her head off then walks away angry)

While Lila was out of site and gone, Marinette can finally let out her laughter that she was holding in for so long.

Marinette: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Oh my gosh that was the best HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Ethan: Hehehe, I know what did you see her face just now

Marinette: Oh my goodness Ethan that was hilarious!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I can't laughing because it was just priceless!!!

Ethan: Well somebody had to teach that bitch a lesson and what could be the perfect person than little old me.

Marinette: Seriously though that was amazing Ethan, and thanks for standing up to her like that and I cannot wait to see the look her face when she is exposed.

Ethan: Oh yea I am going to enjoy it the most, we should bring pop corn with us so we can watch the show.

Marinette: Oh that would be great!

Ethan: Yea so shale we continue our journey to this ice cream place you were talking about?

Marinette: Oh yea sure let's head right over!

After walking so much, Marinette stopped and pointed at the place to get the best ice cream at and it was a small stand with a big person who looks very friendly and likes to make people happy.

Ethan: Who is that Marinette?

Marinette: That Ethan is Andre and his ice cream is magic

Ethan: Magic you say?

Marinette: Yea he can tell rather a person is in love put putting together an ice cream by their features.

Ethan: Huh, I might have to see this for myself Marinette

Marinette: Come on I will introduce you to him(Marinette saids while taking Ethan's hand)

Thank you for the ice cream!

Andre: You quite welcome!

Marinette: Hello Andre

Andre: Pretty Marinette! oh how lovely to see your sweet and generous smile again!

Marinette: Hehehe, it is good to see you too Andre

Andre: Oh and who might this fine and honorable gentlemen next to you!(Andre saids while looking at Ethan)

Ethan: Hello Andre my name is Ethan Myers, I am new in Paris and would love to try your magic ice cream that this sweet and lovable person next to me told me about.(Ethan saids while looking at Marinette who is still holding hands while blushing)

Andre: I can see true love between these two!(Andre saids in thought while looking at Ethan and Marinette together)

Andre: I have just the thing you need my dear Ethan!, black berry for her, blue berry for beautiful eyes, and peach like her lips.(Andre hands Ethan his ice cream and he admires the colors because they look like Marinette)

Ethan: is delicious and your right Marinette his ice cream is magical like they say.

Marinette: I told you

Andre: And as for you my dear Marinette!, raspberry for his honest heart and blue berry for his heroic eyes.(Andre hands Marinette the ice cream and looks at it with love because it reminds her of Ethan his blue eyes and red for his hero suit)

Marinette: Thank you Andre!

Andre: And it is on the house because I have never seen such a wonderful pair like this in my life!

Ethan: Thank you Andre you are a wonderful human being who likes to bring joy to people who believes in love.

Andre: I like this one Marinette(Andre whispers to Marinette who giggles because she does as well)

Ethan: It was nice meeting you Andre and were come back again someday for more of your magic ice cream.

Andre: And please do come back

Marinette: We will bye Andre!

Andre: Goodbye Marinette and farewell dear Ethan!

Ethan and Marinette: Bye!

With that both Marinette and Ethan went to enjoy the rest of their day while having their ice cream together but soon tomorrow they will be going on their first date together and Ethan has a plan for it which would not only make Marinette happy but also help her to enjoy herself.

Chapter 8 coming soon!

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