Chapter 8: The Date and Confession

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Today was the day, that Parises finest hero better known as Ladybug which is also named Marinette Dupain Cheng daughter of Tom and Sabine Cheng who is excited for her date with the hero from another world who goes by Quantum Ranger though his real name is Ethan Myers the son of Eric and Taylor Myers who are Power Rangers. So right now Marinette is planing and thinking about her date with Ethan while Ayla her best friend was trying to help her find the perfect outfit to wear for her romantic date with Ethan.

Alya: I am so proud of you girl!

Marinette: Why Alya?

Alya: Because you finally have someone to spend your life with and his is taking you out on your first date.(Alya saids to her best friend)

Marinette: Yea I know, since things didn't work on for me and Adrien I thought it was time to have a change of heart and Ethan did so much for me I couldn't be anymore happier than the way I am.

Tiki: I know what you mean Marinette, Ethan did so many good things for us and he helped us reunite with Nooroo and Duusuu and helped us defeat Hawk Moth and brought balance back into the world.

Kwami's: Ethan is amazing!

Alya: Hehehe, they have a point girl and I am also amazed that he found out everything about Lila and what she did and I am gonna laugh my head off when she gets exposed.

Marinette: I am gonna enjoy watching her be kicked out of Paris then France and then off to prison where she belongs.

Alya: Yea, so anyway have you decided what you want to wear for your special day with a certain ranger?

Marinette: Yea I was thinking of something red and black since I really admired Ethans suit including mine, I think thats what I want to go for.

Alya: Well then Marinette lets find something that is perfect to wear, you guys want to help me decided what would look good on her.(Alya saids to Marinette then looks towards the Kwami's for advice)

Kwami's: Sure!

Alya: Oh yea one more thing Marinette, do you have any idea where he is gonna take you for your date because he didn't say anything to me or any one else.

Tiki: Well Alya maybe he wants it to be a surprise and doesn't want anyone to spoil it unlike you who always spoils everything that we say.(Tiki saids to Alya in which made her blush and made everyone in the room giggle including Marinette)

Alya: I DO NOT?!!

Marinette: Hehehe, actually Alya you kind of do, and I mean you do it everyday when ever I go somewhere and tells everyone in school about it and then later it speeds all over the place.

Trixx: They have a point Alya, you kind of do those things and that stuff is private after all.

After couple of minutes of thinking and remembering everything, Alya finally knew that what she did over the years was the truth and decided not to spoil this one because it is for her best friend and she deserves to happy without anyone ruining this special day.

Alya: Sigh......yea I guess you guys are right maybe I do spoil too much, and I promise not to spoil this one because this day is for you Marinette and for Ethan as well so I want you to be happy as much as you can.

Marinette: Thanks Alya your the best friend I could ever had

Alya: Hehehe, I know I am, so lets get back to finding you that special outfit for your man.

Marinette: Yea your right!

Meanwhile with Ethan:

Ethan: Let me see here? Which outfit would look great for my date with Marinette?(Ethan saids to himself while choosing the right outfit to wear for his date today)

Back with Marinette:

Marinette: Here! this is the one would be perfect for my date with Ethan.(Marinette saids to Alya and shows her the outfit)

Alya: Girl! that outfit is absolutely gorgeous!!

Tiki: I like it Marinette

Kwami's: Us too!

Marinette: Alright this is the one I will wear for my date with Ethan.

Alya: Marinette you gotta let me take some pics before you leave for your date.

Marinette: Of course Alya!

So Marinette finally found the outfit she wants to wear for her date with Ethan and tried it on and what Alya and the kwami's saw was not Marinette or Ladybug but a beautiful angel who is cannot wait to see her knight in shinning armor. Meanwhile Ethan found his outfit as well and decides to head downstairs to wait for Marinette and once he got downstairs he was greeted by Tom and Sabine.

Ethan: Hello Tom, hello Sabine

Tom: Hello Ethan!

Sabine: Hello dear and my don't you look very handsome today!

Ethan: Hehehe thanks, it was very hard to find the right outfit to wear for my date with your daughter.

Sabine: You are taking my daughter out on a date!! Aaahhh!!

Tom: Yess finally!!!

Ethan: there something I should know about?

Sabine: We kind of betted on if you were going to ask our daughter out on a date in which I betted on that you will ask her yesterday.

Tom: While I betted on that you would ask her out today and it turns out I lost.....

Sabine: You sure did honey now pay up(Sabine saids with a smirk)

Tom: Yea Yea I know.....(Tom hands the money to his wife)

Ethan: Wow this day couldn't get even more weirder and weirder by the minute?(Ethan saids in thought)

Sabine: So anyway Ethan where you planing on taking Marinette?

Ethan: Sorry Sabine but I cannot spoil the surprise and goes for you too Tom sorry.

Tom: Dang It........

Ethan: Yea sorry guys but I want this to be special for not just me but for Marinette as well.

Sabine: We understand Ethan, and we hope you two have fun together.

Tom: And Ethan there is something that I........

Ethan: Tom I would not harm your daughter, I made you two a promise that I will protect Marinette with my life and stay by her side for as long as I live, she is someone who is truly special to me and I don't want anything happening to her; I already lost two people in my life and I don't want to loose another and I won't make that same mistake ever again.

Tom and Sabine were surprised of what Ethan said to them and deep down they knew that Ethan is a good man and a wonderful person to be with their daughter Marinette, and not only he is a Power Ranger but their daughters savor. They couldn't be more happy to have someone like Ethan Myers in their lives and who knows they might have a future son in law someday.

Sabine: Oh Ethan you truly are a wonderful human being and we are very happy to have you with us including our daughter.

Tom: You show courage, bravery, honesty, and has such a large heart to take good care of our daughter Marinette.

Ethan: Thank you two really appreciated your beautiful words.

Sabine: No your the one who said the most beautiful words to us Ethan thank you.(Sabine saids and hugs Ethan in which he hugs back)

Tom: Thank you Ethan for everything you did for us and Marinette.(Tom saids and hugs Ethan along with Sabine)

Ethan: Your very welcome and I am happy to meet such lovely parents that love their daughter very much.

Mama! Papa! I am ready!(Marinette saids as she comes downstairs)

Marinette comes downstairs wearing the outfit she picked to wear for her date. She is wearing a beautiful red dress shirt and black skirt while having her hair down which is a good for her.

Tom: Wow sweetie you look very beautiful!

Sabine: And you are letting your hair down that is wonderful Marinette!

Marinette: Thanks so do you know where Ethan is because I didn't see him upstairs?

Ethan: I am right here Marinette and I must say you look absolutely gorgeous!(Ethan saids to Marinette who looks at Ethan with awe and she never see how Ethan looks hot and attractive before and so handsome)

(Ethan is wearing a black button shirt with black jacket along with black jeans and boots)

Marinette: Oh my...............Ethan he looks so handsome!!!(Marinette saids in thought while blushing pink)

Marinette: Wow.....Ethan you look so so........

Ethan: Handsome, drop dead gorgeous, cute, good looking yea I know what you about to say angel.

Marinette: Yea..........lets go with that still you look really nice Ethan.

Ethan: Thanks I could say the same thing for you Marinette, that outfit really brings out the inner you and I love your hair this the first time I seen it down it looks great.

Alya: Hehehe, I told you having your hair down was a great idea.

Marinette: Yea I guess you were right about one thing Alya.

Ethan: So beautiful you ready for our first day together Marinette Dupain Cheng.

Marinette: Yes I am Ethan Myers, my savor and protector

Alya/Sabine/Tom: Awwwww how romantic!

Ethan and Marinette: Hehehehe!(Both giggled at the same time while blushing a little)

Sabine: Ooo, hows about we take couple of pictures before you two go!

Alya: Thats what I was thinking Sabine!

Tom: It will be perfect!

Marinette: Should we let them Ethan?

Ethan: Might as well just to get it over with so they can embarrass us even more when we get back.

Marinette: Yea good point

After Sabine, Tom, and Alya took so many pictures of Ethan and Marinette together, the two headed out and what Marinette saw in front of her eyes was absolutely amazing.

Marinette: Whoah Ethan is this yours!

Ethan: Sure is Marinette, I got it a couple days ago, and the place were going to is far so we need to drive there if that is ok with you.

Marinette: Sure not at all Ethan

Ethan: Great, here is your helmet beautiful(Ethan saids and hands Marinette her helemt)

Marinette: Why thank you my ranger(Marinette saids and hops on the bike with Ethan)

Tom and Sabine: Have fun you two!!

Alya: Marinette tell me everything on your way back I want to know what happens!

Ethan: Thanks guys and we will!

Marinette: We promise bye!!

Ethan and Marinette rode off and heads towards the place where Ethan wants to have their first date together and what Marinette can tell while riding with Ethan on his bike, she felt happiness and comfort knowing that she has found someone to spend her life with even Ethan agrees with it because he has never met anyone like Marinette before and would love to spend the rest of his life with her. So after driving around Paris for a couple of hours, Ethan has slowed down because he found the place he was looking for which was called Chez Marie.

Ethan: Well Marinette here we are Chez Marie, I found out about this place while I was looking at some new outfits to wear while I was staying here in your world and thought it would be a great place to have our dinner.

Marinette: Chez Marie, it is a beautiful place and it looks lovely especially that it has my nickname Marie in it which makes me very happy.

Ethan: Your nickname is Marie? I never knew that?

Marinette: Is it that bad Ethan?

Ethan: No it is kind of cute actually(Ethan saids to Marinette who blushes at the comment)

Marinette: He thinks my nickname is cute!!!!(Marinette saids in thought with excitement)

Marinette: Hehehe thank you Ethan........

Ethan: Your welcome so shale we enter

Marinette: Lets!

Ethan: After you beautiful woman

Marinette: What a gentleman thanks

The two enter the restaurant and once they walked in they couldn't believe how nice the place looks even though it is small they still think it is quite lovely.

Marinette: Wow this place looks nice

Ethan: Yea, I knew picking this place was a great idea even though the other places were too big and too expensive.

Marinette: Oh yea agree but this would work Ethan.

Ethan: I am glad you like it because I do as well.

Waitress: Hello and welcome to Chez Marie how may I help you!

Ethan: Hello I have reservations for a Myers and Dupain Cheng

Waitress: Oh yes here you, if you two would just follow me and I will show you to your table.

The waitress took both Ethan and Marinette to their table and once Marinette saw the table she was speechless because the table was well stunning and beautiful.

Waitress: Here you are table for two as requested and I will be right back with some ice water for the both of you.

Ethan: Thank you much appreciated

Marinette: Ethan did you do all of this for me(Mairnette saids while looking at the table with amazement and love)

Ethan: Absolutely I told you I wanted this date to be special and so I did.

Marinette: Well consider me impressed!

Ethan: Thanks here let me get your chair for you

Marinette: Aww that is so sweet of you Ethan(Marinette saids to Ethan who pulls out her chair for her and pushes her in)

Waitress: Alright here are your ice waters and the menus and I will be back with some fresh bake bread and butter for you.

Marinette and Ethan: Thank you!

While Ethan and Marinette got settled in and took sips of their water and open their menus to see what they want to order, Marinette wanted to ask Ethan something about his family back at his world.

Marinette: Hey Ethan while we wait can you tell me more about your family back in your dimension if you don't want to or not I understand.

Ethan: Oh no of course not Marinette I will be happy to tell you about them. Here this is something I wanted to show you from the very beginning but never had the chance to show you.

Marinette: What is it Ethan?

Ethan: This is a picture of my family the Time Force and Wild Force Rangers.(Ethan shows a picture of his family to Marinette who was amazed how big his family was)

Marinette: Wow so they are the Time Force and Wild Force Rangers you told me about.

Ethan: Yea, the one wearing the yellow jacket is my mother Taylor and the guys wearing the silver guardian uniforms is my father Eric and my uncle Wes.

Marinette: Wow your mom is very beautiful Ethan and you look just like your dad but you have your mothers eyes.

Ethan: Thanks I get that a lot sometimes, heck even the silver guardians and rangers get confused between who is Ethan and who is Eric.

Marinette: Hehehehe, well can't blame them because you are the son of Eric Myers after all.

Ethan: Hehehe yup thats right, anyway the others in the color jackets are the Wild Rangers while the ones in the white suits are the Time force rangers.

Marinette: What are their names?

Ethan: Well the red jacket one is Cole Evans who is the leader of the team and he likes to talk to animals, spending time with his friends and saving the world but also enjoys the beauty of nature. The blue jacket one is Max Cooper who is the blue shark ranger who likes to have fun with everyone, taking down bad guys, saving the world, try to impress ladies which didn't work out so well, and talking to animals. The black jacket one is Danny Delgado who is basically the same as Max who does mostly the same things he does except impressing the ladies part. The pink and white jacket one is Alyssa Enrile who is Coles girlfriend who loves to spending time with Cole along with her friends and saving the world from the Orgs and soon became like big sister to me and Cole is like a brother to me. The guy in the wolf get up is Merrick Baliton who was one of the ancient warriors form the past who was trapped inside the body of the wolf spirit named Zen Aku the knight wolf and was soon free from his prison and later become the lunar wolf ranger to help the rangers against the evil Orgs who try to destroy the world, he really enjoys spending time with his friends and with the princess because they are like his family. At last is Princess Shayla who is the one that Tiki told you about and she is the protector of the floating island and mother to the wild zords as well as the kwami's before they left to come back here; I tell you Marinette you will not find anyone more amazing then princess Shayla, she has been like a god mother to me even since I was born.

Marniette was amazed by all of this about the wild force rangers and the princess that she would like to meet them some day if they ever came to her dimension because she has so many questions for them about what they do and how they helped raises such a great person like Ethan to become what he is today.

Marinette: Wow Ethan they all sound amazing and I never knew that princess Shayla could be so beautiful, I can see why Tiki and others loved her so much because she looks like a wonderful person to be around.

Ethan: Thanks Marinette, and what I can tell she would definitely like to meet you and see the kwami's again after so many years.

Marinette: I would love to meet her and the rangers as well they all seem so nice to be part of your family.

Ethan: They sure are Marinette they sure are.(Ethan saids while looking at the pictures of his family)

Marinette: So since I already know about your parents and your uncle Wes what can you tell me about the other Time Force Rangers?

Ethan: Well for starters the woman wearing the black get up is Jennifer Scotts or Jen for short and she was the pink ranger who was suppose to marry Alex who was the original red ranger before Wes took over but things got complicated between them and the whole engagement thing broke off and she decided to be with Wes who was Alex's ancestor, she likes helping people like the other rangers do as well as hanging out with them and stopping the mutants from taking over the world but what made her a great person was that she got to be my god mother who taught me everything about being a ranger and showing me some of her fighting techniques to help me in battles as well as what mutants are and how to stop them. The other girl in time force uniform is Katie Walker who is strong Marinette and I mean really strong that she can break your hand in a instant trust me you could never find someone who is as strong and power as Katie and she was the yellow ranger of the team who taught me how to be tough and brave like her and show no fear. The one one the bottom in the middle of my uncle and Max is Lucas Kendall who is the blue ranger has a crush on a formal enemies daughter named Nadria and he loves to drive a lot and help his team mates against the mutants and possible threats that may happened. And last but not least the one with the green hair and the gem on his forehead is Trip and he is an alien from another planet and he is like the tech guy on the team and he is the green ranger who likes spending time with the team but mostly Katie I don't know why though but I have a feeling they will get together some day maybe but other than that he is a really cool guy to be around he is basically like Nino only without the glasses.

Once Ethan has finished explaining everything about his family, Marinette was very impressed and excited that these heroes were not only amazing but great people to be part of Ethan's family and she really did like this Jennifer Scott so much and would like to meet her and ask if she could get some tips on becoming a much greater hero than ever and what she can is that Adrien will get along with the Wild Force rangers pretty well.

Marinette: Ethan your family is by far the greatest, I have never knew that were such a great people who helped you become the hero you were meant to be.

Ethan: Thank you Marinette, if it wasn't for them I would have been crushed by the mutant orgs like my parents but I knew deep down they truly love me as well as my parents.

Marinette: Ethan if your parents were still around would they like me for who I am?

Ethan: Of course they will Marinette because you are a special person who I deeply care about and want to be with you for who you are.

Marinette: Ethan...........(Marinette saids in thought while blushing)

Ethan: I have never anyone who is full of love and passion as you Marinette Dupain Cheng.(Ethan saids to Marinette while placing his hand on hers)

Marinette: And I have never met a boy who would do anything to protect those around him and has such a wonderful family that cares about him.(Marinette saids and places her other hand on top of Ethans hand)

After staring into each others eyes for a couple of good minutes the waitress came back and the two have decided what to order for dinner. Ethan got the Filet and Marinette got the Linguine Al Pesto which means pasta. Soon after waiting for many hours the food has arrived and they begins to see how delicious their food looks in front of them.

(Ethans Filet)

(Marinette's Linguine Al Pesto)

Marinette: Wow this looks so good!

Ethan: Same here Marinette, so shale we enjoy our dinner together.

Marinette: Absolutely Ethan!

The two began to eat their dinner and found it very delicious and the waitress came back to their table and collected their dishes and asked them if them would like to do desserts in which they both agree to and decided to share a caked together. After waiting again for a couple hours the cake and once they got a good look at it, it made them look very excited to see how it taste.

(Ethan and Marinette's dessert)

Ethan: Wow this looks so good, Marinette would you like to take first bite.

Marinette: Sure Ethan(Marinette takes out her spoon and tries a bite and she finds the cake to be very good)

Ethan: So how does it taste Marinette?

Marinette: Oh Ethan you have got to try this!

Ethan took a bite of the cake and he to found it to be very delicious and good

Ethan: Wow! your right this does taste amazing!

Marinette: Hehehe told you

Ethan: Oh you got a little cream on your lips there?

Marinette: Oh thanks I will get it off

Ethan: Allow me(Ethan saids as he takes his finger and wipes the cream off her lips and licks it in which made Marinette blush red)

Marinette: Oh my gosh! I thought he was gonna lick me lips!!!(Marinette saids in thought while still red)

After finishing their dessert and paying the bill for the meal, both Marinette and Ethan left the restaurant and drove off to go to another place that Ethan was wonderful. The place that he was taking Marinette was the park where they had their training but this time it was during a beautiful sunset while the Eiffel Tower glows.

Ethan: It is very beautiful isn't it Marinette

Marinette: It sure is Ethan and I just love how the colors change during a sunset like this, it is breathing.

Ethan: You know what would make this beautiful night better Marinette.

Marinette: What is it beside being someone who is so kind and generous like you.

Ethan: Marinette Dupain Cheng would care to dance with me under a beautiful sunset.(Ethan saids while holding out his hand to offer Marinette to dance with him)

Marinette: I would love to Ethan Myers but what are we gonna do for music?

Ethan: I got that covered and I have the perfect song for this special night for ourselves.

Marinette: Really what is the song called?

Ethan: It is called I'm Gonna Love You by Jennifer Love Hewitt.

Marinette: Oh she is a great singer and her voice sounds absolutely wonderful.

Ethan: Well than let us dance to the song, Marinette care to dance with me.

Marinette: Yes

Marinette takes Ethan's hand and he plays the song to begin the dancing

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Angel in disguise, stories in his eyes
Love for every true heart that it sees
Was it just a lucky day that it turned to look my way
Or is it Heaven right before my very eyes

He showed me all new things, the shimmer of moonbeams
I was blind, but now he's helped me see
I was lost but now I'm found, his happiness surrounds
And now I find that my dreams can come true

'Cause I'm gonna love you for the rest of my life
I'm holding you safe here in this heart of mine
I can't live without you 'cause my soul would die
You know I'm telling the truth, I'll spend the rest of my life loving you

It didn't start this way, it happened just one day
You smiled at me and I saw you, differently
Now I'm a tremble just to be a part of you as we
Begin a life that's sure to never end

'Cause I'm gonna love you for the rest of my life
I'm holding you safe here in this heart of mine
I can't live without you 'cause my soul would die
You know I'm telling the truth, I'll spend the rest of my life loving you
Rest of my life, yeah, loving you

(Song by Jennifer Love Hewitt)

After the song was finished and both Marinette and Ethan stop dancing; they both stared into each other eyes showing that they will always be together no matter what.

Marinette: Ethan this has to be the best date I ever had and I want to say thank you for everything.

Ethan: Your very welcome Marinette and I am happy you enjoyed yourself including me. But there is something I want to tell you from the bottom of my heart and I hope you would understand.

Marinette: Is it gonna say he cannot stay because if says this it could break my heart all over again and I don't want him to leave me, he makes me feel happy and I never met anyone like Ethan Myers before.(Marinette saids in thought while panicking with fear and sadness knowing what Ethan is going to say)

Ethan: I love you Marinette, I always loved you and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you.(Ethan saids to Marinette who looks complete in shock of what he just said to her)

Marinette: What......what did you just say Ethan.........(Marinette saids who still didn't know what Ethan said to her)

Ethan: I said that I love you Marinette Dupain Cheng and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you.

Marinette's eyes widen as she heard those words that Ethan said to her and her heart was beating so fast in which brought the girl to tears but tears of joy and love.

Marinette: 😢 sniff........I.....I......I love you too Ethan......😭.....and do you mean it...(Marinette saids with tears of happiness and joy)

💋 (Passionate Kiss on the lips)

Ethan kisses Marinette on the lips which made her heart skip a beat and melted the kiss and she was happy really happy that someone loves her for the real her and not Ladybug. The kiss ended and they stared into each other eyes to show that they really love each other.

Ethan: Yes Marinette I do love you and I will always be with you no matter what.

Marinette: 😢sniff.......Ethan you made me the happiest person in the world, and I want to be with you forever.

Ethan: And I do as well Marinette and I am gonna say something that always wanted to say in front of you.

Marinette: Is he gonna say it!!!(Marinette saids while holding in her excitement)

Ethan: Marinette Dupain Cheng would you like to be my girlfriend.

Marinette: YESSS!!!!!(Marinette saids with excitement and hugs Ethan with joy while spinning around in circles)

Marinette and Ethan: Hahahahahaha!!!(Both laughing while enjoying their new relationship)

Marinette: This is the happiest day of my life!!!

Ethan: Hehehehe, mine to Marinette!!

The two of them stopped circling around and looked into each others eyes again and showing how much love is in their eyes.

Marinette and Ethan: I love you.....(Both said in union)

After the night they had together which was the greatest day of their lives, they decided to head back home and Ethan gave Marinette his jacket because she was getting cold due to weather. And so they drove back to the bakery where Ethan parked the bike and Marinette open the door and they both were felling sleepy and decided to call it a night.

Marinette: Ethan thank you for being in my life and thanks for a wonderful night I really enjoyed myself.

Ethan: I am also happy that I have a girl like you in my life and I am happy you enjoyed yourself.

Marinette: Yea but for now Yawn!............I am feeling a sleepy right now.

Ethan: Same here and here let me give you something before you got to bed.

Marinette: What is........

💋(Kiss on the lips)

Marinette was shocked again but deepen the kiss and enjoyed it as well as Ethan.

Ethan: A good night kiss for a beautiful girlfriend

Marinette: And I loved it my Power Ranger

Ethan: Heheheh, good night Marinette

Marinette: Good night Ethan see you in the morning

Ethan: You too

With that Ethan went to his room and Marinette went to hers and once Marinette was in her room she let out an excited squeal of joy.

Marinette: EEEEEEEE!!!! I have a boyfriend!! I have boyfriend!!! EEEEEEEE!!!!!(Marinette squeals with joy and then heads up to her bed and thinks about the time she had with Ethan)

Marinette: I love you Ethan Quantum! love.(Marinette saids then went off to sleep)

In Ethans Room:

Ethan: Mom, Dad if you were here with me you should see that your son has a beautiful girlfriend to spend with and to love.(Ethan saids to himself while looking at a picture of his parents in his hands)

Ethan: I love you guys so much, and I miss you a lot but I must be strong and you want me to move on with my life and thats what I am going to do. Rest well Quantum Ranger and Yellow Eagle Ranger may your spirits live on in me. But most importantly good night Marinette I love you so much.(Ethan saids to himself while paying respect to his parents and saying night to his love life)

Chapter 9 Coming soon!

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