Chapter 10: A trip to New York!

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New York City, one the most biggest cities in the world where there are over millions of people living in it and not only that but it also has its greatest heroes who protect it from bad guys who want to destroy or take over it and they are called The United Heroez, the cities greatest protectors and crusaders. But during this time a new threat is coming to this city and hope that the heroes of New York can handle what is coming for them because this could go beyond what they have ever fought in their life times. So right now two young heroes were on patrol of the city and they are the side kicks of two of the greatest heroes Knight Owl and Majestia, their names are Eagle and Aeon. 

Aeon: My censers indicate this part of the city is clear which means there is no crime happening.(Aeon saids to her teammate)

Eagle: Man this is so boring, where is the fun and the action!; I want to hit something so bad.

Aeon: Don't worry maybe we will see something sooner or later only time will tell right?

Eagle: Yea I guess your right

Aeon: Come on lets keep on patrolling and maybe just maybe we will find something that we can handle.

Eagle: Sigh....alright lead the way

With that said both Eagle and Aeon went off to explore the rest of city to find something to do until they started to hear an explosion coming from not too far from them.

(Explosion sound effect)

Eagle: Whoah! what was that just now?

Aeon: looks like an explosion not too far where we are and it looks like it was coming from the cities power plant.

Eagle: Well if there is an explosion that means that there is action and which also means someone is causing damage which also means that we get to fight someone! Let's go!(Eagle saids to Aeon who nods and they both head to the cities power plant to see what the explosion was)

Both Eagle and Aeon head towards the power plant and when they got there they saw that all of the buildings as well as the electronics and wires were all destroyed or more like ripped out along with power batteries included for unknown reason.

Eagle: Whoah what the heck happened here?

Aeon: looks like what or who ever did this took almost every electronic and power battery and destroyed the whole place leaving no traces strange this happened before.(Aeon saids which got Eagles attention)

Eagle: Wait this happened before when?

Aeon: About like a month ago I was detecting some explosions that were happening around the city but so far I couldn't figure out what was causing them and the only thing my censers could find were destroyed factories along with wires, electronics, and power batteries I don't even know why they were taken.

Eagle: It could be Techno Pirate again, I mean he already escaped prison maybe he is behind all of this?

Aeon: Negative Techno Pirate was re captured two days ago by Knight Owl.

Eagle: Oh yea thats right but if it wasn't him they who?

Eagle and Aeon were thinking who could cause these explosion if not the villain they were thinking about until Aeon censers were picking up something.

Aeon: Wait my censers are picking up something!

Eagle: What is it?(Eagle saids while getting into fighting stance)

Aeon: I do not know it is coming from on the other side of the damage power plant?

Eagle: Well let's go see and stay low we don't want them or what they are to see us.(Eagle saids to Aeon who nods and they both head towards where Aeon was sensing)

Aeon and Eagle moved quietly around the rumble and hid behind some broken down pillars and to see who was responsible for the destruction until Aeon was picking up the same reading again.

Aeon: I am picking up the same source and it coming from a couple feet from us.

Eagle: Alright let's take a look at who we are dealing and kicked their butts in the next week.(Eagle saids to Aeon who nod as they both look who they are going to face and when they did they looked beyond shocked at what they were looking at and never seen anything like it)

(Cyclobots from Power Rangers Time Force)

Aeon and Eagle were looking at the things that were holding the wires, electronics and power batteries in their arms while they try to figure out what these things are because they never seen anything like them before.

Eagle: Uh? what the heck are those things? 

Aeon: Hmm...they look like machines but I never seen machines like these before?

Eagle: Do a quick scan on them and see who created them maybe they are Techno Pirate's?(Eagle saids as Aeon nods and does a quick scan of the machines until the scanner saids unknown origin)

Aeon: Scanning complete....

Eagle: And?

Aeon: Unknown....I have no idea what these things are or who created them and they do not belong to Techno Pirate because these machines are highly invasive.

Eagle: Unknown how could that be and you said highly invasive hows is that possible?

Aeon: Not sure but what ever they are they do no look very friendly and check out the weapons they have I never seen weapons like those before.

Eagle: Now that you mention it they do look quite odd though? I wonder what they want with all that junk for?

Aeon: Whatever it is, it could be bad what you want to do?

Eagle: What we always do we kicked their butts of course!

Aeon: But we don't know what they are capable of?

Eagle: Who cares they are the enemy and were the good guys and we stop anything from harming our city.(Eagle saids as she comes out of her hiding place and heads towards the machines with Aeon following behind)

Aeon: Very well then....

Meanwhile with the machines who were gathering the electronics and wires as well as power batteries, Eagle and Aeon made their appearance and decided to greet their new guest.

Eagle: Hey tin cans! I don't who you are and what you are doing with those in your arms but I for one think you should surrender and give up!(Eagle saids and her and Aeon take their battle stance while the machines look towards them and all nod and got into formation in which they pointed their weapons at both Eagle and Aeon)

Aeon: Uh wrong thing to do?

Eagle: Hehe yea......

The machines took their formation and started firing their weapons at both Aeon and Eagle which came out of their weapon red energy beams that could really hurt someone who worse.

Eagle: WHOAH?! 

Aeon: These are definitely not any machines we ever encounter before!

Eagle: YOU THINK?!

Both Eagle and Aeon dodge everyone of the machines fire blast thanks to their amazing reflexes and training from Knight Owl and Majestia but then all of sudden one the machines was holding something in its hand and it looked like a bomb which got both girls startled.

Aeon: Scanners indicate that they are going to throw an explosive device at us and I suggest we move out of the way.

Eagle: Good thinking! Now Run!(Eagle saids to Aeon as both her and her friend run when the machine toss the bomb at them unleashing a powerful explosion)

BOOM!!!! 💥 

The bomb exploded and everything that was near Eagle and Aeon turned into more rumble in which they both got trapped under the fallen bricks while the machines left without a trace with the stuff they took.

Eagle: Argghh.....what what happened?(Eagle saids while being under the rubble with Aeon)

Aeon: It would seem that they used the explosive and threw it at the remaining's of the building in which it fell on top of us but luckily were ok for now.

Eagle: Good can you blast us out of here, I don't like to end up smooch under rubble)

Aeon: Sure thing...(Aeon saids and blasted the rubble off her and Eagle and look around them seeing that the machines are gone along with the stuff they took)

Eagle: Sigh...looks like they are gone and they took the stuff with them but why though?

Aeon: Unknown but what ever they are they must be working for someone we never knew or met or faced before and it could be very dangerous.

Eagle: You could be right let's head back and inform the heroes of what we found maybe they have an idea of what they are.

Aeon: Alright let's go

Aeon and Eagle left the destroyed power plant and headed back home while unknown someone or something was watching them in a very dark corner and he looked dangerous.

Unknown figure: So my bots were right all along there are heroes in this city but no matter they will soon fall along with the rest of the world, when my I have all the parts I need to complete my design this world will soon feel my wrath! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!(The unknown figure saids and then disappears without a trace along with his bots who took the stuff from the destroyed power plant)


Meanwhile on the other side of the world in the city of love known as Paris:

Paris, France's capital which is also the major European city and global center of art, fashion, gastronomy, culture, as well as superheroes who protected the city streets from a former ex villain named Hawk Moth who took over Paris by using a magical jewel called a Miraculous who wanted to get his hands on two Miraculous who belonged to two of Paris's greatest heroes and their names are Ladybug and Cat Noir who defended the city against Hawk Moth's power when he used dark butterflies called Akuma's who can change a person into a super villain based on their negative emotions in which Ladybug uses her power of creation to save the lives of those fell into Hawk Moths hands and purified the butterflies while using her power of lucky charm to heal the damages to the city and its victim who became Akumatised. So for the past six years Ladybug and Cat Noir defended Paris with their lives to find out who is Hawk Moth and how to stop him from hurting more innocent people but so far they couldn't figure it out which put them on a tight spot even in their civilian lives. Ladybug and Cat Noir also live normal lives like everyone else does and they go by the names Marinette Dupain-Cheng a daughter of two of the most best bakers in Paris Tom and Sabine Dupain-Cheng while Cat Noir's name is Adrien Agreste who is the son of the famous fashion designer Gabriel Agreste who is also the super villain Hawk Moth. Both Marinette and Adrien never knew each other identities because it was the rule of the Miraculous in which the guardian of the Miraculous known as Master Fu got too old to be the guardian of the Miraculous and made Marinette the new guardian to protect the secrets along with her best friend Alya who was known as the fox hero Rena Rogue who Marinette trusted with her life to help her keep the city safe with her partner Cat Noir aka Adrien Agreste. Then soon a DJ named Nino found out about his girlfriend Alya along with Marinette being the Miraculous heroes Ladybug and Rena Rogue and became their newest member and permanent holder Carapace who got the turtle miraculous which originally belong to Master Fu before he retired. Life was going well with Marinette and she had such great friends and a wonderful family and dreamed of becoming a fashion designer since she was a little girl until a girl named Lila Rossi changed all of that and made Marinette's life a living nightmare by telling lies that her friends were eating up except for those who didn't believe Lila like Alya, Nino, Luka, Kagami, Chloe, and Adrien who ask that Marinette to take the high road saying that her lies were not hurting anyone and that was when Marinette realize that her love for Adrien broke apart and after he rejected her feelings because he told her he was in love with someone else but she moved on with her life but still had to deal with Lila lies all day long for a couple of years and one by one each of her closest friends turned against her except for those who don't believe in Lila lies and they were her true friends well Chloe sometimes. 

Then everything changed when Marinette the hero of Paris known as Ladybug met someone who came from a another world and he was a hero just like her but different, he was called a Power Ranger defenders of the earth of protectors of man kind; he went by the name Ethan Myers who was the son of two legendary Power Rangers who gave their lives to protect their only son, in ranger form Ethan was known as the Quantum Ranger in which his father Eric Myers was the original before he died and together he and Marinette became a team along with Cat Noir and the other miraculous heroes who took down Hawk Moth who was revealed to be Cat Noir's father Gabriel Agreste who wanted to use the Miraculous to bring back his wife but what he realize that if used the Miraculous he would have to give up his only son to bring her back until Quantum Ranger used a healing orb to restore his wife Emilee back and by doing so Gabriel gave up being Hawk Moth to be with his wife again along with his son who was happy to have his mom back and his father being norma again while his accident Natalie was the ex villain known as Mayura also gave up the Miraculous and they both gave them to Ladybug which means the fight between hero and villain came to an end but there was still trouble to deal within the city like crimes and robbers around the city in which Cat Noir decided to take a break from hero work to be with his family while Quantum Ranger and Ladybug became a duo as well as a couple after they both confess their love for each other after getting to know each other and also exposing Lila for the lier she is and she ended up in prison and kicked out of Paris for a long time. Marinette and Ethan relationship grew marvelously for more than a month now and they both love each other very much and enjoy spending time together even during hero work as Ladybug and Quantum Ranger but during hero work they take their jobs seriously. 

One month later after Hawk Moths defeat and Lila Rossi exposed:

It was Sunday in the evening in Paris and everyone was enjoying a splendid day in the city of love until an alarm went off in a near by bank where a group of mask men were robbing a bank and their bags filled with stolen cash and lutes.

Robber 1: Come on hurry up we don't have all day!

Robber 2: Hey I am going as fast as I can!

Robber 1: Well make it quick I don't want no cops coming!

Robber 2: Well sorry! 

Robber: God you are so useless you know that!

Robber 2: Looks lets get the money and get out of here before somebody hears us!

You know for a couple of guys in black mask you really should keep your voices down because we can hear you from all the way up here!(A female voice saids from above a building in which got the robbers attention)

Robbers: Huh?

Yea you guys are so loud, hey can blame you because well you know your just criminals who are robbing a bank on very nice day out am I right!(A male voice saids to his partner in which she nods in agreement)

Robbers: Oh no...its its them.....its!

Thats right!(Both said in union and did their poses and the two who said it was known other than Ladybug and Quantum Ranger)

Ladybug: Hero of Paris! Miraculous Ladybug!

Quantum Ranger: Time Force! Quantum Ranger! 

Ladybug and Quantum: Heroes together Miraculous Rangers forever!(Both said in union)

Robber 2: Lets get out of here!

Quantum: I don't think so, Ladybug if you would!

Ladybug: On it!(Ladybug saids as she jumped down from the building and used her yoyo to tie up the second robber to make sure he didn't get away)

Robber 2: Ah! let me go!

Ladybug: Sorry but you are not getting away! Your up next Quantum Ranger!

Quantum Ranger: Awesome! Heyaaaaa!!!!(Quantum Ranger saids as he jumps from the building and did a swirl kicked towards the other robber in which he got knocked out cold)

Robber 1: Arghh.........(Robber saids then gets knocked out from the attack)

Ladybug: Nice one and I can not believed that worked!

Quantum Ranger: I told you it would, now lets I already call the police so they should be here right about now.(Quantum Ranger saids to Ladybug then hears police sirens heading towards them)

After a while now the police came and took the robbers away while the police thanked Ladybug and Quantum Ranger for helping.

Police Officer: Thank you Ladybug and Quantum Ranger you both done it again.

Quantum Ranger: Please were only here to help officer ain't that right partner.

Ladybug: Indeed we are just glad no one got hurt 

Police Officer: Thats what I like to hear, keep up the good work you too!(The cop saids and heads back into his car while taking the robbers to jail leaving Ladybug and Quantum Ranger alone)

Ladybug: Pound it

Quantum Ranger: I was wondering when you were going to say that.

Quantum Ranger and Ladybug: POUND IT!(Both said in union while bumping fist)

Ladybug: That pose we did came out perfect! and we actually got it right this time.

Quantum Ranger: Yea after so many tries we actually nailed it!

Ladybug: And the way you did the swirl kick off the building was absolutely incredible!

Quantum Ranger: Thank you Thank you, you are to kind Lady Ranger.

Ladybug: Hehehe well I try my Power Ranger 

Quantum Ranger: You wanna head home?

Ladybug: Yea I kind of beat right now after all the patrolling the city and catching bad guys.

Quantum Ranger: It is the part of life of things Ladybug and we got to live with it.

Ladybug: Yea I guess your right, lets go.

Quantum Ranger: You know something before we go?

Ladybug: What is it?

Quantum Ranger: You should let you hair down, I mean you had same look since you first became Ladybug as well as the day we met I think a new look is probably is order.(Quantum Ranger saids in which got Ladybug's attention)

Ladybug: You really think so?

Quantum Ranger: I know so and you look beautiful no matter what hair style you choose I will always respect your choice.(Quantum Ranger saids in which made Ladybug blush while smiling)

Ladybug: Well when you put that way I guess I needed a new look after all.(Ladybug saids as she takes out her hair brads and letting her hair out which got her partners attention)

Quantum Ranger: Whoah.........(Quantum Ranger saids while staring at how beautiful Ladybugs long hair is)

Ladybug: do I look.....Eth......I mean! Quantum Ranger?

Quantum Ranger: You look absolutely gorgeous my Lady Ranger.(Quantum Ranger saids as he runs his hand into Ladybugs hair while Ladybug was blushing more while giggling at the comment)

Ladybug: Aww you are so sweet

Quantum Ranger: Hehehe I try come on let's get home and relax ourselves to some goodies and maybe a movie.

Ladybug: I would love that very much!

Quantum Ranger and Ladybug headed back home which was a bakery that smelled like delicious pastries and they decided to land of the roof instead of taking the front door since Sabine and Tom already know about their daughter being Ladybug since she told them a month ago in which they took it pretty well since they already excepted Ethan for being the Quantum Ranger and for being there for their daughter all the time which they respected their privacy even during hero work. 

Quantum Ranger: You know we could of taken the front door right?

Ladybug: Yea but I wanted to spend some quiet time with the man I love and actual alone time since mama and papa are out doing stuff which just leaves me and you.

Quantum Ranger: True but were not alone, the kwami's remember?

Ladybug: Oh yea thats right? 

Quantum Ranger: Want to spend some time in my room

Ladybug: I would like that very much 

Quantum Ranger: Great Power down!(Quantum Ranger saids and changes back into Ethan Myers)

Ladybug: Spots Off!(Ladybug saids and transform back into Marinette Dupain-Cheng)

Ethan: Wow even without the mask you still look gorgeous sweetie.(Ethan saids to his girlfriend in which she blushed)

Marrinette: you Ethan I really appreciate....the....Hmm!(Marrinette saids then feels her lips being on Ethans)

💋 (Kiss on the lips)

Ethan kissed Marinette on the lips in which she melted the kiss and wrapped her arms around her boyfriends neck showing that she loves him and he loves her. Then after a while they separated and looked into each others eyes showing they will always be together.

Ethan: I never get tired of that

Marinette: Hehehe me neither your still a great kisser even the day we had our first date.

Ethan: Still loved it by the way 

Marinette: Yea me too sweetie 

Ethan: Come on lets get inside, I will make us something to eat while you pick which movie we can watch together sound good.

Marinette: Yea that would be great!

Ethan and Marinette headed inside while Tiki and the other kwami's have time to themselves since they didn't want to disturb the happy couple. While Marinette went to Ethans room to pick out the movie to watch, Ethan was in the kitchen cooking up something delicious to eat for him and his lovely girlfriend until he notices plane tickets for four on the table.

Ethan: Plane tickets? And their going to New York City! When was she going to tell me this?

Ethan looked at the tickets but shrugged it off later and went back to cooking him and Marinette something to eat while they watch a movie to see together after fighting crime as Ladybug and Quantum Ranger. Then after many hours later of cooking and Marinette deciding on which movie to watch with her man they both finished doing what they were doing. After Ethan finished cooking the food and cleaned up the mess he did, he went back towards his room to see his girlfriend waiting for him on the bed.

Ethan: Hey babe I am back and I got our food ready for movie night.

Marinette: Awesome and mmmmm...smells delicious and it looks amazing.(Marinette saids as she looks and smells at the food Ethan made)

Ethan: Yup special food for a lovely lady like yourself and a handsome gentlemen like me.

Marinette: You are very handsome by Quantum Ranger 💋(Marinette saids as she kisses Ethan on the cheek and sits right next to him)

Ethan: Aww thanks so what movie did you pick?

Marinette: Oh I chosen Mary Poppins, do you know that movie?

Ethan: Mary Poppins of course I know that movie I watched it when I was a kid, it was my favorite movie of all time and even like the songs from each scene.

Marinette: Really which one is your favorite mine is Spoon full of Sugar and Feed the birds those songs sound lovely to my ears.

Ethan: Mine are Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, Step in Time and Lets go and fly a kite.

Marinette: Oh those are great songs to listen to

Ethan: I know right and hey before we start the movie can I ask you something?

Marinette: Sure what is it sweetie?

Ethan: While I was cooking the food I found four plane tickets to New York City whats that about?

Marinette: Oh yea I wanted to tell you that all four of us are going to New York for a week, I wanted it to be a surprise for you but I guess it was over now.

Ethan: Well I could use a vacation with the girl I love and a break from crime fighting.

Marinette: I am glad you approve Ethan and I agree with you I need a break as well from being Ladybug.

Ethan: Us heroes needed this the most

Marinette: Yea

Ethan: Well we can talk about that later lets enjoy the movie and have a delicious dinner together as not as Quantum Ranger or Ladybug but as Ethan Myers and Marinette Dupain Cheng.

Marinette: I would love that very much(Marinette saids as she moves closer to Ethan hit the play button to watch Mary Poppins together while having a nice dinner together)

(Mary Poppins opening scene)

Marienette: Sigh....I love this movie so much

Ethan: Me too Marinette me too

Marinette and Ethan sat with each other and watch the movie together while Ethan was thinking of the trip to New York City which would be great for him and his girlfriend to catch a break but what don't realize a familiar face from a dark past has return to seek revenge on the one who destroyed him all those years ago in which both Ethan and Marinette will have the fight of a life time. 

Next Chapter of New York coming soon!

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