Villain Choice for New York Chapter: Frax

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For the New York Chapter that I will be working on soon, I have chosen the perfect villain for the Miraculous A Rangers Journey. I have chosen Frax from Power Rangers Time Force and I think he will be the perfect villain to face off against Ethan Myers aka Quantum Ranger and the Miraculous Rangers along with the United Heroz. 

New Form: Frax 2.0

After his defeat against the Rangers, Frax downloaded half of his mind into a new body so he can carry on his revenge but it had to take years for his new body to work properly.

Also the return of his robot the DragonTron which means there will be an epic zord battle between the Dragontron and the Quantumsaurus Rex. 

Last but not least the will also be the return of the colorful hero team who stoped the mutants from destroying the past and future. Thats right the Time Force Power Rangers will also be returning to help Ethan and his friends stop the evil Frax from destroying New York City the Miraculous universe. 

Time Force Power Rangers: 

1. Wes Collins 

2. Jennifer Jen Scott

3. Katie Walker 

4. Trip Regis

5. Lucas Kendal 


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