Martha Kyle Wayne Part 2!

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Martha: Mom......Dad.........(Martha saids while opening up her eyes in which got everyones attention)

Selina: MARTHA!(Selina saids then runs over to her daughters side with Damian sitting next to his sister who starting to wake up)

Martha: What.....what happened.....argh.......

Damian: Take it easy sister you are alright you're back home with us.

Martha: that you....

Damian: I am here sister you are alright, we're all here.

Dick: Hey there Blueberry..

Martha: Dick......

Jason: Hey there, Pixie Pop welcome home.

Martha: JJ...Jay Jay......

Tim: Don't forget about me cupcake!

Martha: Tim........

Bruce: Hello sweetheart.....(Bruce saids while looking at his daughter while sitting next to Selina)

Martha: Mom......DD...Dad.....

Selina: 😢sniff...Hello my sweet little kitten..(Selina saids while holding her daughters cheek)

Martha: Mom....Dad...I...I....😢sniff.....I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!!!(Martha saids and hugs her parents in which brought both of them into tears including Martha in which they hugged showing how much they missed each other)

Selina: We missed you to sweetie.....

Bruce: We're sorry for what has happened to you as well as Tom and Sabine.....

Martha: You know.......

Selina: Yes your little friends told us everything about what has happened to you in which we are so proud of you sweetie but we feel terrible that you went through so much pain after words.

Martha: No you don't have to apologize I am just so happy to be. back home where I belong that is if I can stay here.

Jason: Hell yea you are staying there is no way you are going back to that hell hole of a city I won't allow it!

Alfred: Master Jason please language.

Jason: Sorry Alfred..

Martha: Grandpa!(Martha saids and hugs her grandfather in which he hugs her back)

Alfred: Welcome home Martha it is good to see you again.

Martha: Me too I missed you as well as you guys as well.(Martha saids then looks at her brothers)

Dick: We missed you as well blueberry welcome home.(Dick saids and hugs his little sister in which the hug was warm)

Martha: Thank you Dick and how you been Jay Jay and you as well Tim.

Tim: The same as usually cupcake.

Martha: Still drinking coffee?

Tim: Nah I laid off the coffee and now drinking energy drinks.

Martha: I see what about you Jay Jay.

Jason: Hehehe well Pixie Pop for me taking down criminals and upgrading my guns of course but also thinking about my little sister as always.

Martha: That is so sweet of you, and Damian hows you're training coming along.

Damian: Trained night and day but also miss the training techniques we both do together.

Martha: I missed you boys so much and I never want to be separated from you ever again.(Martha saids in which she hugged all of her brothers and they did the same)

MARTHA!!!!(Martha looks towards her left and saw both Tiki and Plagg flying towards her in which they both gave the girl small and warm hugs)

Martha: Tiki and Plagg!, you're both okay! thank goodness.

Tiki: We were so worried about you Martha!

Plagg: We thought you would never wake up sooner or later.

Martha: Its okay you two I am alright now and home where I belong but wait where is the miraculous box?

Alred: Right here Martha and safe and sound.(Alfred saids and holds the miraculous box in his hands)

Martha: So you guys really do know everything about what I am and what went down in Paris.

Bruce: Yes in which we are proud that you became a hero and saved the lives of Paris.

Selina: But I am actually disappointed and furious of those people who hurt you including that Rossi girl.(Selina saids with venom in her voice)

Tiki: We told them everything Martha we're sorry.

Martha: No its alright they needed to know they are my family after all.

Jason: So Pixie tell where I can find these idiots so I can put so holes in their heads.(Jason saids while taking out his guns and Damian taking out his sword)

Damian: They deserve death for harming my sister.

Bruce and Martha: No Killing!(Both said at the same time)

Jason: Man!

Martha: I want to get back at them for making my life a living hell and killing them wont solve the problem.

Tim: Hmmm...actually I think I might have an idea.

Bruce: What is it Tim?

Tim: Instead of killing them hows about we expose them to the world in which this Lila Rossi will crumble leaving her with nothing and we can also expose her for the bitch she is in which I hacked into the camera's in Paris and saw all the damage that girl has caused as well as working with a super villain and I even have videos of Martha's former classmates causing destruction and almost killing her so that could be good use to us.

Bruce: See to it that the police knows about this along with the crimes that Ms Rossi and her friends have caused and inform the police and mayor in Paris so that they know as well.

Dick: We're on it B! Let's go Tim.(Dick saids in which both him and Tim went out to inform the police and the mayor about Lila Rossi)

Bruce: Jason see if you can a call towards that girls parents because what I can tell is that they don't know what their daughter has caused and they need to know what kind of child they have raised.

Jason: Got it!(Jason saids and goes to the bat computer to look up Lila Rossi's parents)

Damian: What should I do father?

Bruce: Take Martha to her room and keep her company, after all you both share a bond together so looking after your sister would be alright.

Damian: Understood need some help sister?

Martha: Yea thanks Damian...(Martha saids in which Damian helps her up out of the medical bed and carried her to her room)

Alfred: You two may want to go with them, for Martha's sake.(Alfred saids to both Tiki and Plagg)

Tiki: We shale come on Plagg.

Plagg: Hey wait for us!

Selina: Sigh....

Bruce: Selina?

Selina: Nothing Bruce, it's just that I cannot believe this happened to our daughter; we shoved of never sent her away.

Bruce: Selina I know in which that was the biggest mistake we ever made but now that she is home I will not turn her away.

Selina: She needs us now and the boys do as well.

Bruce: I know and once we take care of these former classmates and Ms Rossi then things would be better.

Ring! Ring!(Phone Ringing in which is Martha's)

Alred: I believe someone is calling on your daughters phone.

Selina took the phone and looked at the call ID in which was Chloe Bourgeois in which was the girl who was the bee hero in which Selina picked up and answer the phone.

Selina: Hello?

Chloe: Wait who is this is this Martha?

Selina: No this is her mother Selina Kyle Wayne, are you my daughters friend.

Chloe: Oh my gosh Mrs.Wayne thank goodness I was trying to call my best friend but she didn't answer wait how did you get her phone and where is she?

Selina: She is here in Gotham in which we know everything about what she is including you and your friends in which we will keep you secret, but most importantly we know about the beatings and the threats that Rossi girl and her friends has caused to my daughter in which we are getting back at them for harming my sweet little kitten.

Chloe: Oh my gosh that is great and Oh my gosh is she alright!

Selina: She was beaten....any has scars....but she is still alive and resting right now...

Chloe: Ma'am I am so sorry for what has happened we tried to make the bullying stop but it wasn't working and our so called teachers and principal weren't doing their job and thank goodness that daddy fired them and we go a new principle here and a new teacher.

Selina: It is alright, but the good thing is that my daughter is home with her family.

Chloe: I will tell the others that Martha is alright and well and thanks for telling me that she is in good hands now.

Selina: No thank you for being there for my daughter as well as your friends in which I am happy that my kitten has a good friend like you Chloe Bourgeois.

Chloe: Aw why thank you Mrs.Wayne!

Selina: Hehe please call me Selina.

Chloe: Oh thats even better but what are you going to do about the lying vixen and her mindless sheep?

Selina: You will know while you're still in Paris in which they are going to be in deep trouble for messing with mine and Bruces daughter.

Chloe: Oh I cannot wait! Thank you for informing me about Martha's safety and tell her that I called and that I was so worried about her.

Selina: My pleasure take care of yourself as well as your friends.

Chloe: Will do goodbye for now Selina!

Selina: Bye..

Call Ended

Bruce: Who was that?

Selina: One of our daughters friends in which she was that bee hero, her name was Chloe  Bourgeois the mayors daughter.

Bruce: Understood.

Jason: Good news B!, I contacted the Rossi's girls parent who is her mother and told her everything that her daughter did and sent her everything that little monster did and I believe she is pissed.

Selina: Well she should be after all her daughter is dangerous and needs to be brought down.

Jason: Oh she will Selina and no one messes with my little sister and gets away with it.

Bruce: Alfred start writing lawsuits for her former classmates along with the Agreste boy because I don't want them anywhere near my family or Martha again.

Alfred: Right away sir.

Meanwhile with Martha who was in her bedroom with Tiki, Plagg and Damian who was getting his sister comfortable after the incident that took place in Paris and is now back home and in her real bedroom.

Damian: How you feeling sister?

Martha: I am doing alright for now Damian thanks for getting me to my room much appreciated.

Damian: Your welcome..wait here I am going to get the medial kit so I can clean up the small cuts on your face.

Martha: Alright I will be waiting till you get back.(Martha saids then looks to see her brother leave the room leaving both Martha and the Kwami's alone)

Plagg: Have to say pigtails, that is some brother you got there.

Martha: Thanks me and Damian got along so well together after I was born in which he always makes sure to look after me and I do the same for him.

Tiki: Seems like he is the responsibility one.

Martha: Well him along with Dick are the responsible ones while Jason and Tim do their own thing.

Tiki: Well still I think they are good people to look after their little sister.

Martha: Yea....

BARK! BARK!(A dog barking was heard in which Martha recognizes that bark anywhere in which a big black dog stoke its head near the open door and looked to see Martha lying on the bed)

Martha: TITUS!!!!(Martha saids with joy in which the dog known as Titus smells the scent in which belonged to Martha in which the dog got excited and walked into the room and hoped on the bed and started to lick Martha's face)

Lick! Lick!

Martha: Hehehe!, I missed you to boy and look how big you grown and you're still so adorable.

BARK!(Titus barks and then lays his head on Martha's legs while Martha pets the dogs head)

Martha: It's good to be back truly is.

Damian: I got the medical kit, here allow me to help clean up those cuts.

Martha: Thank you brother.(Martha saids as she sits up while Damian cleans off the cuts off his sisters face while Titus is still resting on her)

Damian: Since you are home again hows about transferring to Gotham Academy in which father was thinking that you should start a new life better than whats in Paris.

Martha: Now that you mentioned it I could use a fresh new start and go to a new school.

Damian: I will inform father of your decision.

Martha: Thank you

Damian: Your mother asked me to give you this.(Damian saids and hands his sister her phone)

Martha: Oh thank you, I might as well check my messages to see if my friends are worried about me.

Martha checked her messages and saw that her friends know about where she is and wished her well and said that they were sorry for not stopping Lila and her minions from hurting their friend more in which Martha texted them back for thanks and told that she will be living in Gotham for now on and want to know if they want to transfer to Gotham Academy with her so that she will not be alone in which they all texted back yes and will soon moved to Gotham as soon as possible to be with their friend instead of that Toxic city filled with lies and bullies. Then soon after a while now Martha put away her phone and let her brother continue to clean her up in which all the cuts and dry blood were all cleaned up and gone from her face in which now all the girl needed was some sleep in which Damian left the room to let his sister sleep but allowed Titus and the Kwami's to stay with Martha.

One year Later:

Martha Kyle Wayne was now officially home where she belongs in which she now lives with her real family along with her friends who were invited to live at the Wayne Manner to be with their friend who transferred to Gotham Academy along with Martha who got excepted into the academy for her perfect grades and kindness. She was then introduced to the Young Justice Team along with the Justice League in which everyone bonded with the girl quite well even Wonder Woman who which told Martha that her mother used to be the holder of the miraculous of creation and would be honored to invite her to Paradise Island to learn the ways of the Amazon. Martha and her team became full time members of Young Justice under the guidance of the league members but instead of being Ladybug again, Martha decided to be Lady Noire in which she wanted to follow in her mothers footsteps in which Selina found her daughter to be quite beautiful in the black and green cat suit just like her. Martha got along with the girls of team quite well in which many of them wanted to have her as their own sister while the boys were trying to see who will ask her out first but sadly Martha declined their offers except for one of course in which he was going to be part of the team while under the guidance of Superman.

Batman: Team today you all will be getting a new teammate in which he is under the guidance of one of our league members.

Wonder Girl: Cool we could use another member of our group.

Beast Boy: Sweet!

Blue Beetle: Wonder who were going to get now?

Lady Noir: Who is going to be Da...I mean Batman?

(Edit done my me: 95nicholasnm)

Robin: You will know I just hope it's not......

Recognize Superman B-01!

Soon the Superman came out and went to greet the team so that he can introduce them to the new member of the team.

SuperMan: Hello team today you will be getting your new recruit and I know that all of you will get along quite well with him and he more excited to be here so treat him well.

Lady Noire: I wonder who this guy is going to be?(Lady Noire saids in thought until she heard AI voice again)

Recognize SuperBoy B-05!

Robin: Oh no.......(Robin face-palm himself because he knows who is joining the team)

Then soon a boy who was tall muscular while also wearing the colors of Superman as well as having black hair and blue eyes came forth in which he shared similarities to SuperMan himself in which was known other than SuperBoy the son of SuperMan.

SuperMan: Everyone meet my son Jonathan Samuel Kent better known as the new SuperBoy.

SuperBoy: Please you guys can just call me Jon for short and I look forward to working with you all and hey Damian hows it going!

Robin: Knock it off Kent....

SuperBoy: Is that anyway to talk to your best friend.

Robin: Whatever.....

Wonder Girl: Anyway welcome to the team, I am Wonder Girl this is Blue Beetle, Beast Boy and over there is Lady Noire we look forward to working with you SuperBoy.

Admittedly SuperBoy didn't say anything because he was staring Lady Noire and so was she in which he went up to her while anchoring the others in which both him and her were looking at each other in the eyes and smiling.

SuperBoy: Hi....(SuperBoy saids with a smile)

Lady Noire: Hello.....(Lady Noire saids with a blush on her face)

SuperBoy: I am SuperBoy but you can call me Jon.

Lady Noire: I...LL...Lady Noire but you can me Martha....(Lady Noire was blushing more and getting nervous around SuperBoy)

Beast Boy: Ten bucks say that they will go out with out each other.

Blue Beetle: Twenty say they kiss first they go out.

Wonder Girl: You guys awful.......fifteen say they spend more time together before they go out with other.

Robin: I am not letting this happened....(Robin saids with a glare in which he kept his sword in case Jon made a move on Damian's sister)

SuperMan: Seems like those two are going to get along quite well don't you think Bruce.

Batman: If he hurts my daughter then I will have my son deal with him personally.

SuperBoy: Care to show me around the cave Miss Noire.

Lady Noire: YES!....I mean of course please follow me and I will give you the grand tour come on guys let's go!(Lady Noire saids in which the team follows the two to tour around the cave together)

Now if your wondering what happened to Lila well she is spending her entire life in prison after her lies were exposed as well as her being a total psycho path in which she is spending the next thirty years in prison while her mindless sheep got tuns of lawsuits from every celebrity including the Waynes who put a restraining order to never come near the family ever in which they never knew that their former classmate was actually a Wayne in which they felt horrible of what they have done and lost their dream jobs all because they believed in Lila's lies. Alya had it worst in which her blog was permanently shut down and she has lost her chance at becoming a journalist and is now working at a small dinner and her parents kicked her out because they were disappointed of what their child has become and she hated herself for what she became and for the bad things she did to her former best friend and received lawsuits as well and not just her and the others but Adrien as well in which he was kicked out of France and is now living with his cousin and Aunt in which he got a lot of lawsuits for not doing anything and letting a liar harm an innocent girl and allowing her to do things extreme in which Lila was accused for bullying, murder, rape, lying, manipulate, as well as sexual harassment. Adrien tried to explain why he didn't say anything but no one listened to him because he only cared about himself and just let the innocent girl get bullied all because of his stupid advice in which he never spoke to anyone ever again not even Martha who wants nothing to do with him after the pain he caused her along with his father who is rotting in prison along with Lila Rossi.

Five Years Later:

Martha and Jon got married and had a beautiful family together in which they both had two boys and one girl in which their names were Bruce(Named after Martha's father), Emma(Their lovely little angel), and finally Wang(Named after Martha's former miraculous teacher). All of them developed their fathers powers while Emma wanted to become the new Ladybug under the guidance of her mother while the boys trained under their father.

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