Melissa Foster Odinson: Lady Thor!

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(⬆️ Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Melissa Pov:

Hello everyone my name is Marinette Dupain Cheng the girl who is always clumsy and has a good personality who lives with the best bakers in Paris Tom and Sabien Dupain Cheng in which I am the most kindest person who treats others with respect and love in which I have many great friends who always had my back and I had theirs. But what they don't know is that Marinette Dupain Cheng isn't my real name also Tom and Sabine are not my parents but cousins of my biological parent who is my mother in which her name is Jane Foster who is the worlds leading astrophysicists as well as the worlds foremost astronomer the creator of the Foster Theory as well as the wife of the greatest hero that ever lived and he is the son of the most powerful ruler of the ancient city of Asgard; Thor Odinson The God of Thunder in which is also my fun loving butting kicking dad who I love most dearly as well as my mother who thought it was best that I live with my aunt and uncle to avoid anything that dad does like save the world and take down creatures that would rip a person in half or fight an army of thousands in which sounded cool but I decided to listen to mom and dad agreed to her in which I respected both their wishes and decided to live with my god parents and had my name changed from Melissa Foster Odinson to Marinette Dupain Cheng.

The only ones who knew about who I really was and about who my parents are, were my closest friends who in which after I lived with my god parents I was given a magical jewel called a miraculous from the an older gentleman named Master Fu who said I was chosen to become the guardian of the miraculous and help bring peace and balance to the world but unfortunately someone else had a miraculous as well in which they were stolen and used for evil in which the man known as Hawk Moth and his partner Mayura used the miraculous to cause harm to the city of Paris in which myself along with my teammates Cat Noir, Bunnix, Viperion, Ryuko, Queen Bee, Carapace, Purple Tiger, and Rena Rogue banded together to take on Hawk Moth and his butterflies called Akuma's who take over people with negative emotions and turn them into Hawk Moth's slaves but luckily for us heroes we were able to deal with the situation at hand. The Teammates I mentioned are the friends who stood by my side to the bitten end in which their names were Adrien Agreste, Luka and Juleka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi, Alix Kubdel, Nino Lahiffe, Chloe Bourgeois, and finally Alya Cesaire. All of them know about me being the daughter of Thor and Jane Foster in which they promise to keep a secret since I trust them with my life in which my dad and mom actually got to meet them in which they swore an oath that they will not reveal who their daughter truly is in which my father Thor was happy that I made such great friends and got to see the Kwami's again since they were good friends of his people back on Asgard.

When I was at school I used to have a crush on Adrien but due the facts that he only loved her for being Ladybug, I turned him down in which Adrien understood how I felt but he decided to be friends with me in which I liked and I helped him get together with Kagami since she really liked Adrien a lot I helped them got together and they were very happy together so was Nino and Alya who have been together for a long time and found they truly love each other. Chloe decided to become a sister figure towards me in which I really loved since she and I used to be enemies at first but when we bonded more and shared stories with each other we became so close to family that we became like sisters. Alix got together with Kim and those two had lots in common and spent almost everyday working out and sharing stuff about how to stay fit as well as doing sports. Juleka got together with Rose who was like a bundle of joy in which they both found out that both of them were lesbian in which their families approved of their relationship including us and we wished they a happy life together. As for me well I together with Juleka's brother Luka who was so kind to me and loves music since his father is Jagged Stone as well I am being his personal designer and treats me like family as well as his pet crocodile Fang. Luka and I been together for a long time now and I couldn't be any happier to have someone like him in my life in which my dad Thor approved of him being in my life and Luka promised my father that he will always be there for her as well as keep her safe which my dad very proud to know that Luka is a good man even mom liked him as well after Luka played a song for her birthday in which she loved the song so much that she teased me when Luka is going to propose to me and that got me very embarrassed.

But before we can all settle down and do what we always wanted there is still Hawk Moth and Mayura to deal with as well as a pathological liar named Lila Rossi who turned most of the classroom against me and my friends thinking that I did awful things to her in which I never did but thanks to their no brain cells they didn't believe me in which they started to bully me a lot but thanks to my training in Asgard in which my grandfather Odin King of Asgard as asked that I should train to improve my skills as a guardian of the miraculous as well as a fighter, I used those skills to fight back the bullies in which none of them put up a good fight not even Lila who tried to attack me but failed. Then soon I discovered that Lila is not just a liar but also working with Hawk Moth in which I used that to make sure that Lila was never seen again in which I recored everything that Lila did to me as well as the promises that she made to the no brain cell classmates along with the people she lied about in which got her kicked out of school as well as sent to prison for working with a terrorist in which her own mother disowned her completely and moved on with her life while the idiot classmates tried to apologize for what they to me and my friends in which we told them that we do not forgive them for they did to us and it will take months or maybe a year to forgive for the bullying that they cause to me and my friends in which they respected our decision and moved on.

As for Hawk Moth and Mayura, well right now myself along with my team are at the Eiffel Tower fighting them in person and retake back the miraculous of the butterfly and peacock so that there can be balance once again.


Ladybug: It's over Hawk Moth and Mayura give up now!(Ladybug saids while in fighting stance along with her teammates)

Hawk Moth: Never!, I will have those miraculous if it is the last thing I do!!!

Mayura: Besides all of you used up your special power in which you have minutes left before you transform back in which will give us the opportunity to take your miraculous along with the others as well.

Bunnix: Maybe so but we still have time to take you both down and get back the butterfly and peacock miraculous.

Cat Noir: Thats right and once the miraculous are back in good hands there will be no more hurting innocent lives and no more Akuma's or Amok's.

Rena Rogue: So why don't you just give up now and there wont be any problems.

Carapace: Yea besides theres nine of us and only two of you so your clearly out numbered and there is no negative emotions around so your pretty much doomed.

Hawk Moth and Mayura used their to sense any negative activity in which they both sensed nothing but silence and peace in which they both got ticked off that they cannot use their abilities to distract the heroes while they go for Cat Noir and Ladybug's miraculous.

Hawk Moth: Doesn't matter I defeated you in combat during Heroes Day and I can do it again!(Hawk Moth saids with a smirk along with Mayura)

Ladybug: You guys take care of Mayura, me and Cat Noir will deal with Hawk Moth.(Ladybug saids to her teammates in which they nod and went to attack Mayura in which she engaged them in battle)

Cat Noir: Looks like it's just us again Hawk Moth just like before.(Cat Noir saids while getting to stance along with Ladybug)

Ladybug: And this time we will defeat you and get back the missing miraculous.

Hawk Moth: Then I will show you the true strength and power of my miraculous!!!(Hawk Moth saids and charges at both Ladybug and Cat Noir)

Soon both Ladybug and her partner engaged Hawk Moth in combat in which the two have the upper hand now thanks to the training they received from Asgard in which Hawk Moth was watching as well as fighting and couldn't believe what was going on in which the heroes are actually beating him with every punch, kick, and skills far beyond his own and not just him but Mayura as well who was having trouble keeping up with the other heroes and their skills of fighting.

Hawk Moth: is this are you getting the upper hand?

Ladybug: Years of training Hawk Moth in which you clearly don't have the skills to beat us like you did during Heroes Day.

Cat Noir: Yup and it looks like Mayura is having the same situation as you are.(Cat Noir saids in which Hawk Moth looked to see Mayura getting tired of fighting in which the heroes close in on her)


Ladybug: Then tell us why you want with them.

Cat Noir: What is that you want with the miraculous that can not only change the fabric of time but also destroy the world in the process.

Hawk Moth: Hand them over to me and I will explain what I want to do with them.(Hawk Moth saids while getting up and smirking in which both Ladybug and Cat Noir don't buy it)

Cat Noir: Yea not a chance last time you said that you summoned an ugly butterfly and escaped without answering our question.

Ladybug: Thats right so I think it's about time we end this once and for all.

Hawk Moth: And how are you doing to do that Ladybug.

Ladybug: Hmm...good question how should I do it, Oh I know exactly how I am going to do it.

Cat Noir: Ladybug are you thinking what I am thinking in which I know exactly what you have planed!(Cat Noir saids with excitement in which confuses Hawk Moth)

Ladybug put away her yoyo and placed it around her waist and then stand completely still until she raised her right arm high in the air in which made the super villain Hawk Moth more confused of what his enemy is doing.

Hawk Moth: What am I suppose to be looking at? You are loosing my patience!

Cat Noir: Oh hang on it sometimes take a second, just say the words Ladybug.

Ladybug: MJOLNIR!!!(Ladybug yells out in which her teammates stop what they were doing and brought smiles on their faces in which the villains are in a lot of hurt right now)

Hawk Moth looked confused at what Ladybug just yelled out along with Mayura then all of sudden they heard something approaching the tower in which looked like a hammer but it was flying so fast that he heading right towards Hawk Moth in which he dodged to he didn't get hit.

(Replace Thor with Ladybug and minus the Logo)

Hawk Moth: DAH?!!!!!....(Hawk Moth jumped out of the way from the hammer flying towards him then looked to see Ladybug catching it with her hand then lifted the hammer up into the air in which thunder clouds formed and lightening was coming down towards Ladybug and the hammer in her hand)

Rena Rogue: Oh yea that is what I am talking about!!!!

Carapace and Bunnix: It's Hammer Time!

Queen Bee: Get them LB!

Viperion: Thats my Melody..(Viperion saids in thought while looking at his girlfriend holding the hammer of Thor)

Purple Tiger: Wow it's so bright?(Purple saids while covering her eyes from the lightening coming down)

Cat Noir: SOOO COOL..........(Cat Noir saids in awe of what he was seeing)

Then soon Ladybug stopped the lighting from coming down and looked completely different in which bolts of lightening were coming from the spots of her suit and her hair returned from being Bluish black to Blonde in which that was her original hair color before she dyed it before she moved in with her aunt and uncle.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Hawk Moth and Mayura: Impossible......(Both said in awe as well as dumbfounded of what they were seeing in front of their own eyes)

Ladybug: Say hello to the new and improve Ladybug but only this time I am known as Lady Thor Goddess of Thunder and Lightening!

Miraculous Heroes: AWESOME!!!!!

Lady Thor: Alright Hawk Moth it's time to make your maker in which I mean I am going to enjoy doing this.

Hawk Moth: And what would that be besides holding a strange looking hammer that only made your hair change color and sparks coming out of you suit.

Lady Thor: Oh this!(Lady Thor saids and raises the hammer in the air and brought down the lightening down on Hawk Moth in which caused him to feel so much pain)


Mayura: HAWK MOTH!!!!(Mayura saids as she begins to run towards Lady Thor but stops when the hammer get thrown at her)

RACK!(Mayura gets hit with the hammer as well)

Mayura: Argh!!!!(Mayura gets hit with the hammer and slams into the steel wall of the Eiffel Tower.

Then soon both villains were down and unconscious in which the heroes have won and they went up to the villains to took away their miraculous to reveal that both Hawk Moth and Mayura were Gabriel Agreste and his assistant Natalie in which brought shocks to everyones faces even Cat Noir who couldn't believe his own father was the super villain all this time along with his assistant Natalie. Then soon they called the police and have them taken into custody for terrorizing Paris in which Cat Noir didn't want anything to do with his father anymore not even Natalie for the crimes they caused and for the pain they caused to Cat Noir aka Adrien Agreste but his friends had his back to make sure that he will never be alone until the two Kwami's known as Nooru and Duusuu came out and explained the situation to the heroes as well as Ladybug who changed back to normal and sent the hammer back to her father who was still in Asgard while putting a note saying that she needed to borrow the hammer.

Nooru: Hello guardian of the miraculous I just wanted to say were both sorry for the way our master and mistress used us for their doing in which we both feel bad for they both caused to get the miraculous of creation and destruction.

Ladybug: Hey it wasn't your faults you are both innocent but can you tell us why Gabriel and Natalie were trying to get both mine and Cat Noir's miraculous.

Cat Noir: Please we want to know why he would go through all this trouble to get his hands on the miraculous.

Duusuu: He wanted to use the miraculous to wish back his wife Emilee who suffered a deep coma due to the damage peacock miraculous in which he became the super villain known as Hawk Moth and used Nooru for his power to get close to you two so that he can take the miraculous and use the wish to bring back his wife.(Duusuu saids in which made everyone gasp in shock while Cat Noir looked on the verge of tears)

Queen Bee: But it was said the Emilee Agreste disappeared? You mean to tell us that she is still in Paris somewhere?

Nooru: Yes she is still here in Paris in which her body is sealed inside a glass coffin below the mansion for keeping her safe until my former master retrieves the miraculous from both Ladybug and Cat Noir.

Cat Noir: He...did all of this because of what happened to mom.....and she's been here all this time and he lied to me about it......(Cat Noir saids as the tears came out in which Ryuko comfort him along with his friends)

Duusuu: Were very sorry for what our master and mistress have done and we tried to warn them about the cost if they used the miraculous of destruction and creation it will not only bring back Emilee but also another life must take her place in which meant that if Hawk Moth used the miraculous to bring back his wife he would have to sacrifice his own son to bring back the one he loves and that could cause a catastrophe as well as doom the whole world for messing with the fabric of time and space.

Rena Rogue: Is there a way to restore Emilee's life without using the miraculous of creation and destruction?

Nooru: Actually there is way, in which I tried to explain it to my master but he wouldn't listen to me.

Ladybug: What do we have to do?

Duusuu: Well since your the guardian now and have the ability to read the ancient text in the book of the miraculous, you can read the instructions of how to fix a miraculous and once that is done place the peacock miraculous on Emilee's chest and chant out the words Miraculous repair yourself in which the miraculous will repair on its own and restore Emilee's life from the deep coma.

Cat Noir: Can you show us where she is please...(Cat Noir saids in which the two kwami's nod to show where Emilee is being kept)

Soon the heroes along with the Kwami's arrived at the Agreste mansion to look for Emilee in which they came upon the same painting like before and both Nooru and Duusu explained to them that there are secret buttons to get into the place where Emilee is being kept in which they push the buttons on the painting and then all of them went down the elevator to find a big room with a butterfly looking window along with what looked like a glass coffin and decided to walk towards it.

Cat Noir: So this where she has been all this time....I cannot believe my own father would keep this from me and cause so much pain and suffering..(Cat Noir saids in thought while thinking about how horrible his father was to him along with the city of Paris all because of what happened to Emilee)

Ladybug: So she has been here all this time why didn't HawK Moth just come to us and explain to us of what happened?

Nooru: He was driven mad with power and lust and lost focus of what he used to be and spent his life trying to hunt you down and getting your miraculous to save Emilee.

Purple Tiger: That is so cruel I am going to feel bad of how Emilee to going to react when she finds out what her husband has done.

Ryuko: I agree but lets' take it slow and explained what happened during her time in the coma so she will understand.(Ryuko saids in which everyone nods in agreement)

The heroes then walked towards the the coffin in which Cat Noir stood still of what he just saw in which was his own mother resting inside the coffin itself in which she still looked the same in the pictures he had of her when she was still around before his father turned into a super villain.

Cat Noir: Mom.........

Queen Bee: It's's really her......(Queen Bee saids in shock of seeing Emilee again since she was so good to Chloe when she was younger along with Adrien and it brought her heart that she disappeared but didn't since she was here in Paris this whole time but in a deep coma due to the damage peacock miraculous)

Viperion: You know what to do Melody.(Viperion saids to Ladybug in which she nods in agreement)

Ladybug: Bunnix open the coffin for me.

Bunnix: Right!(Bunnix saids and opens up Emilee's glass coffin seal)

Ladybug: Ok Nooru whats next.

Nooru: Next we can start repairing the peacock miraculous from the ancient book that shows the instructions to fix a broken miraculous.

Ladybug began to work on fixing the damage miraculous in which she followed the steps of how to fix it while the others were comforting Cat Noir in which he looked on the verge of crying as well as excited that he will have his mother back in his life and will actually for once have a normal life just like he wanted.

Ladybug: Alright I fixed the crack in the miraculous whats next.

Duusuu: Place the miraculous on Emilee's chest and say the words like I told you.(Duusuu saids in which Ladybug places the miraculous onto Emilee's chest and then chant out the words)

Ladybug: Miraculous Repair Yourself!(Ladybug saids as the miraculous of the peacock begins to glow and repair itself and not only that but also undo the damage it has done to Emilee)

Then after a while now, the heroes along with Cat Noir heard breathing sounds coming from Emilee in which brought Cat Noir into tears of joy while the others looks amazed and happy that the miracle had worked and slowly Emilee started to open her eyes.

Emilee: What....whats going on...what happened?

Cat Noir: MM....Mom......(Cat Noir saids in tears of happiness in which Emilee looked to see costume heroes as well the cat hero who called her mom)

Emilee: that little sunshine....

Cat Noir: Claws In!(Cat Noir saids and transforms back to Adrien in which Emilee gasp at the sight)

Emilee: Oh my goodness it is you, my sweet sunshine your all grown up...

Adrien: MOM!!!(Adrien saids and hugs his mother in which both hugged and brought tears into their eyes in which everyone else smiled for their friend being reunited with his mother)

Then soon when the two of them broke apart in which Emilee wanted to know what has happened in which Ladybug explained everything that went down after the coma in which everyone told her about how she got into a coma due to the peacock miraculous being damaged as well as her own husband trying to steal the miraculous of destruction and creation to wish her back that can not only destroy the world but also loose Adrien in the process and also used Nooru and Duusuu for evil in which both Gabriel and Natalie used them for their power to cause harm to innocent lives in trying to get the miraculous but failed after they were defeated and their miraculous taken away then sent to prison.

Emilee took all of this in and couldn't believe her own husband would do such awful things all because of what happened to her and not being there for Adrien when he needed someone to love him but instead shunned him away like he meant nothing in which broke the woman's heart but now that she is back she can be there for her son and not have worry about him being alone anymore. She then gave the two miraculous to Ladybug in which she thanked Emilee along with the heroes in which her son explained that he was the hero known as Cat Noir who was helping to keep the city safe from his father in which Emilee was proud of her son for what he did and made such wonderful friends including a beautiful girlfriend like Kagami.

When news got out that Hawk Moth and Mayura have been defeated, Paris celebrated in which means that there is no more super villains and no more people falling under the control of Hawk Moth. Then where Gabriel who was now in prison got word that his wife was saved and brought back it brought happiness into his heart that she was back in the world again but sadly when she came to visit him and Natalie she was disappointed in both of them of what they did was wrong in which both him and Natalie looked miserable and broken for the pain and harm they caused to Paris in which Emilee told Gabriel that it was time to move on because she cannot bare the thought of what her husband has done to the city or to their son in which Gabriel understood her in which both got a divorce and he let Emilee look after Adrien for now on because he wasn't much of a father to him after what happened with the damage miraculous. Emilee then sold the mansion in which both her and Adrien moved into a brand new home together to start a new life together in which they were finally to be together again.

Back with Melissa and Luka, the both of them were enjoying their victory together with a nice relaxing picnic while also listening to some music that Luka was playing in which Melissa enjoyed the music very much while also stopped pretending to be Marinette Dupain Cheng and decided to be who she really was a blonde girl name Melissa Foster Odinson daughter of Jane Foster and Thor Odinson.

Melissa: This is perfect absolutely perfect.

Luka: It sure is Melody, say did your dad get the note along with his hammer after we defeated Hawk Moth.

Melissa: Something tells me he did.

Luka: I love you Melissa Foster Odinson daughter of Thor.

Melissa: And I love you Luka Couffine son of Jagged Stone.

The two looked at each other then both kissed each other on the lips to show their love and affection for each other and can finally relax now that Hawk Moth is gone forever.

Back on Asgard, Thor and Jane were enjoying their time together until Thor's father has asked for his assistance in the hall in which Thor responded and was looking for his hammer but somehow he couldn't find it for some reason.

Thor: Jane have you seen Mjolnir anywhere?

Jane: I thought you left it near the couch?

Thor: I thought I did but all of sudden it's not there?

Jane: Try calling it back maybe that will work.

Thor: Oh yea right forgot about that.(Thor saids and holds out his hand to wait for the hammer to come back to him)

Then a few seconds later, Thor saw his hammer coming towards him in which he took and was wondering where it went.

Jane: Well looks like you found it.

Thor: Indeed though where did it go while we were enjoying our time together.

Jane: Maybe the note on it will explain it.

Thor: Note?(Thor saids then looks a note attached to the hammer in which both Jane and Thor begin to read it)

Melissa's Note:

Hey dad, I had to to borrow your hammer to defeat my enemy in which Hawk Moth and Mayura are now gone and don't worry about me I am alright and so are my friends. Hope to see you and mom soon.

Love your little lightening bolt Melissa Odinson<3

Ps: Tell Uncle Loki and Grandfather I said Hello.

Thor read the note and it brought a smile on the gods face that his daughter has defeated her enemy in which brought proudness to his heart along with Jane who was proud of her little girl along with her friends who stood by her side till the bitter end.

Thor: Thats my little goddess.

Jane: No thats our little goddess, in which we should visit her again soon.

Thor: I will see if Loki and my father would like to come as well they do miss their niece and grand daughter so much.

Jane: I think it's a wonderful idea.

Thor: Well for now let's get going my father has asked for my assistants let's see what he wants.

Jane: Alright but after words let's go see our daughter together and help celebrate her victory.

Thor: I like the sound of that.

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