Melissa Hillard Oliver(Green Ranger) Part 2!

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After Melissa who is now the new Green Mighty Morphin Power Ranger gave the orders to her family, they all headed out and went aid the miraculous heroes against the Akumatized villains.

With the heroes they are doing their best to handle off the akuma's on their own in which some of them were getting the upper hand while the others were not doing so well in which Rena Rogue was having a hard time dealing with Stormy Weathers abilities as well as Illustrators creations that he drew to use against the heroin and Gamer making video game versions of the himself as well as some of the villains.

Rena Rogue: Uh oh this isn't looking too good?

Stormy Weather: Hahaha! We got you not little fox.

Gamer: Yea and by my contact just you have a 20% of making out of here in one piece.

Illustrator: So why don't you hand over your miraculous and we will give it to Hawk Moth.

Rena Rogue: Like hell I would!

Stormy Weather: Have it your way. Any last words!


Stormy Weather/Gamer/Illustrator: Wait what?.......ARGH?!!!!!(All said then got hit with laser arrows and got slammed into the walls)

Rena Rogue: What the?

Thought you can use some help.

Rena Rogue looked behind her and saw who she couldn't believe her eyes in which was the Pink Turbo Ranger herself while holding her turbo wind fire.

Rena Rogue: Oh my god....oh my god...oh my god...oh my god!!....YOUR THE PINK TUBRO RANGER KYAAAHHH!!!🧡

Pink Turbo: Thats right thought you guys can use some help dealing with Hawk Moth and Mayura.

Rena Rogue: Wait if you're here then that means.

Pink Turbo: Yup Melissa is here as well along with Tommy and our son JJ in which they are aiding the others as we speak.

Rena Rogue: NO WAY! Ok I just want to say I am a huge fan of yours as well as your husbands.

Pink Turbo: Well I am flattered but hows about we chat after we take down these villains together. Care to join me Rena Rogue.

Rena Rogue: It would be my honor ma'am!

As soon as they saw the villains get up from their blast hit by Pink Turbo Ranger both herself along with Rena Rogue attack them one by one in which Pink Turbo attacked both Gamer and Illustrator of which she spotted the objects where the akuma's are that were located in illustrator's tablet and Gamers glasses. Then after she broke the tablet and glasses both villains returned to their civilian forms who turn out to be Melissa former classmates Nathaniel and Max of which they have no memory of being akumatized.

Nathaniel: What happened?

Max: I think we got akumatized again?

Nathaniel: We did?

Pink Turbo: Yes you did young man and I suggest you two get moving right now.

Max: Whoah a Power Ranger this is awesome!

Nathaniel: Amazing I get to see an actual ranger in person.

Pink Turbo: I get it boys but now do as I ask and get away from here, it is not safe.

Max and Nathaniel: Yes ma'am!

Both boys ran away and try not to get involved with the battle that is taking place.

Pink Turbo: I can't believe that those two bullied my little girl in which I would like to have a word with their parents after this.

Back with Rena Rogue she was creating copy versions of herself to distract Stormy Weather and try to get her umbrella where the Akuma is hiding.

Pink Turbo: Any luck getting the umbrella?

Rena Rogue: So far nothing, her powers of using the weather is making it harder to get close to her.

Pink Turbo: I got an idea that might work but I need you distract her some more until I get ready.

Rena Rogue: Roger that!

Rena Rogue went ahead to distract Stormy Weather while Pink Turbo went around from behind the villain and then took out her laser gun to point it at the villain and while waiting she was trying to get a clear shot to fire at the villain and so that Rena Rogue can make her move and take the umbrella.

Once Rena Rogue was on the ground with Stormy Weather, Pink Turbo gave the fox heroin the signal to move away from the villain and pointed her laser gun as the villain.

Pink Turbo: Turbo laser fire!

Stormy Weather: AAAH!!!!

Pink Turbo: She dropped the umbrella! Rena Rogue you know what to do!

Rena Rogue: Right!

Rena Rogue caught the umbrella in which the akuma came out of the object and flew away while the villain changed back into her civilian form with no memory of what has happened.

Pink Turbo: Who is she?

Rena Rogue: Her name is Aurore,  she goes to our school and wants to become a weather forecaster and no she doesn't believe in Lila's lies or was part of the bullying that took place with Melissa.

Pink Turbo: Thats good to know.

Aurore: What is going on? Where am I?

Pink Turbo: Don't worry sweetie, you were akumatized but myself and Rena Rogue help save you.

Aurore: Gasp!...Are you a Power Ranger as in the Pink Turbo Ranger.

Pink Turbo: Hehehe that I am pleaser to meet you.

Aurore: Oh my gosh I can't believe I was save by Rena Rogue and a Power Ranger!

Rena Rogue: Well better believe it, come on let's get you somewhere safe and away from the battle field.

Pink Turbo and Rena Rogue headed out to get Aurore to safety while the other miraculous heroes continue to fight the villains in which Bunnix was using her portal powers to travel and try to take down Mimie, Reflekta, Princess Fragrance, and Zombizou.

When Bunnix entered another portal and try to get the jump on the mime who was distracted, she was able to get rid of the object where the Akuma is hiding that was the hat and turn the civilian back to normal.

Mr.Hoprell: What happened?

Bunnix: You were Akumatized sir so I suggest you run now because your in a dangerous situation.

Mr.Hopell: Right I will do that and thank you heroin.

Zombizou: I think someone deserves some love and affection, now hold still so I can give the little bunny some kisses.

Bunnix: Ew gross no!

Princess Fragrance: Ooh! I could help you smell a whole lot better after words!(The villain saids and points her weapon at Bunnix)

Bunnix: I am fine thank you very much.

Reflekta: Oh that outfit doesn't suit you well allow me to fix that and make you look nice.

Bunnix: I like my outfit just the way it is.

Admittedly both villains fire their attacks at Bunnix until all of sudden a voice was heard that block the attacks.

I don't think so Zeo 5 POWER SWORD!

Refleka/Princess Fragrance/Zombizou: WHAT?!

When the villains looked towards the front to see what stopped their attacks all of sudden they looked to see a boy wearing red as well as a star on his helmet and holding a sword which was JJ Oliver aka the new Red Zeo Ranger.

Red Zeo: I think you ladies have done enough damage for one day.

Bunnix: Whoah! Nice entrance dude.

Red Zeo: Thanks Red Zeo Ranger at your service.

Bunnix: Pleasure to meet you in person Red Zeo.

Red Zeo: Likewise now hows about we fight these girls together.

Bunnix: Fighting with a Power Ranger..ooh this is so exciting!

Reflekta: Oh what an awful way to dress but no matter I will have you and the bunny all fixed up.

Red Zeo: Not on my watch. ZEO 5 POWER SWORD HA!

Red Zeo used his sword to break the object on Reflekta which was her bracelet and once he broke and the akuma came out she reverted back to her civilian form Juleka who is Luka's little sister.

Bunnix: Nice one Red! My turn!

Bunnix moved in and attacked Princess Fragrance who was firing her perfume at the heroin but dodge each spray attack and was able to grab the object and break it where the akuma came out and had the villain changed back into her civilian form known as Rose.

Rose and Juleka: Rose!/Juleka!(Both said and hugged each other)

Then left was Zombizou of which both Red Zeo and Bunnix dodge the villains kisses that were heading towards them and jumped into a portal that Bunnix opened and when the villain couldn't find them a portal opened up behind her of which both Red Zeo and Bunnix jumped the villain and knocked her out and broke the object that was lipstick and out came the akuma. Then the villain turned back into Melissa's former teacher Miss Bustier.

Bustier: Where...where am I?

Red Zeo: You and those two girls turned into villains and were causing problems in Paris of which me and Bunnix freed you from the akuma's and I suggest someone like you who is an adult woman take them somewhere safe and try not to get hurt because there is battle going on.

Bustier: Um right of course sir....Rose, Juleka follow me, we have to get out of here.

Rose and Juleka: Ok!

Red Zeo: I take that is my sisters former teacher who didn't bother to help Melissa with the bullying and Lila as well as those two being in Lila's group?

Bunnix: Yup that is correct but both of Rose and Juleka didn't bring any physical harm to Melissa just said some words that hurt her.

Red Zeo: Still they are going to get what they deserve for bringing my sister to harm. Nobody harms any relatives of mine and gets away with it.

Bunnix: Agreed and thanks for the help by the way and it's a real honor to meet Melissa's big brother who is also a ranger.

Red Zeo: The honor is all mine Bunnix, my sister told me all about you guys and thanks for being there for her really appreciated.

Bunnix: Glad we can help, come on let's get the civilians into their homes because we don't want them to get crush or hurt.

Red Zeo: Good idea.

With Viper Cat and Carapace who were able to defeat Dark Cupid, RogerCop, and Dark Owl who were Melissa's former principal Mr.Damocles, Kim who was Melissa's friend then turned into a bully because of Lila and last was Officer Rogers who is Sabrina's father and Sabrina was Chloe's former best friend and joined Lila's side.

Now all thats left are the Pharaoh and Dark Blade of which Dark Blade unleashed his army of knights that are civilians when he touched them with his blade and Pharaoh who has the powers of ancient Egyptian gods.

Viper Cat: Carapace I will deal with Dark Blade see if you can handle the Pharaoh and try to get his akuma.

Carapace: Right!

Viper Cat took out his staff and charged at Dark Blades army of knights of which he deflected every attack that the knights were throwing at Viper Cat while Dark Blade waits for the moment to attack the hero.

Dark Blade: Thats it my fellow knights surround that hero and take his miraculous's!

Viper Cat was hitting each knight and trying to defend himself but more kept coming towards him until all of sudden a voice was heard that got the villains and hero's attention.

Looks like you could use some help! BRACHIO STAFF!

Admittedly a staff hit one of the knights that were holding Viper Cat fell over in which the hero landed on the ground as well until a hand appeared in front of him.

Viper Cat: Huh?(Viper Cat looked up and saw the hand that belonged to the black dino thunder ranger aka Tommy Oliver)

Black Ranger: We got an invitation to the party and came to lend you guys our help. It is a pleasure to meet you.

Viper Cat: Likewise sir.

Black Ranger: Thanks for being there for my daughter, she is lucky to have someone like you in her life.

Viper Cat: Thank you.


Black Ranger: That would be me. Dino Thunder Black Ranger Ha!

Dark Blade: There could be only one black knight here and that is me!

Black Ranger: We will see about that, Viper Cat care to join me and help defeat this medieval fossil.

Viper Cat: It would be my privilege Black Ranger.

Both Black Ranger and Viper Cat charge the knights and took down all of them using both their staffs and martial art skills and then when Dark Blade attacked, Black Ranger blocked the attacks with his staff while Viper Cat went in and grabbed the sword and broke the object that had the akuma of which he too reverted back to his civilian self and was confirmed by Viper Cat that the villain was the schools fencing teacher and the heroes told him to get leave and get to safety while the two looked back to see Carapace having problems with the Pharaoh.

Carapace: Hey I could use some help here!(Carapace saids while using his shield to block the attacks from the Pharaoh)

Black Ranger: Shall we.

Viper Cat: After you.

Both charged at the Pharaoh together and hit him in which he backed away from Carapace and focus on both the Black Ranger and Viper Cat.

Pharaoh: Sekhmet, give me your strength!(Pharaoh saids as his head turns into a lion)

Black Ranger: So thats how you wanna play it so be it. SUPER DINO MODE!

Carapace: Whoah that is so cool!

Viper Cat: Carapace hit on both sides while I'll do the same and Black Ranger his akuma is the necklace destroy it!

Black Ranger: You got it let's do it guys!

Both Carapace and Viper Cat attacked the Pharaoh on both sides to keep him distracted while the Black Ranger found an opening and charge at the villain.

Black Ranger: HEEYAA!!!

Black Ranger attacked the Pharaoh in which he went flying into the wall and then got back up but then stopped when the black ranger used his ability to stop him.

Black Ranger: Energy Orb now!

Viper Cat and Carapace: Amazing.(Both said in thought)

Black Ranger then fired the blast at the Pharaoh who is later hit with the attack and knocked out and then got his power taken away when the ranger destroyed the necklace around the Pharaohs neck and turning him back to normal who later is known as Jalil, Ali'x older brother.

Black Ranger: Carapace get him to safety while Viper Cat and I help the civilians out of harms way.

Carapace: You got it Ranger dude!

Viper Cat: Amazingly done sir very impressive.

Black Ranger: Thanks you weren't so bad yourself, follow me we need to make sure no one get hurt or worse.

Viper Cat: Right behind you.

With Dragon Bug and Honey Princess, both of them were dealing with shadow clones of Volpina while the real one was watching from above and waiting for the right moment to attack the heroins and take their miraculous.

Voplina: Thats it, little heroines fall right into my trap and once I get your miraculous you will be nothing but worthless nobodies.

Thats what you think Volpina!

Volpina looks behind her and sees a person wearing all green and gold as well as a flute like dagger on her side and was in fighting stance.

Volpina: Who are you suppose to be?

Green Ranger: I am the Green Mighty Morphin Power Ranger Ha!

Volpina: A Power Ranger?! Who invited these losers?

Green Ranger: We invited ourselves and were here to take you and Hawk Moth as well as Mayura down!

Volpina: HAHAHAHA!!! And just how are you going to do that little ranger?

Green Ranger: Hmm...oh like this. HEEYAAA!!!!

Melissa as the Green Ranger jumped and super kicked Volpina in the gut in which he went flying and towards the ground with the clones battling the heroines in which they all looked to see the real Volpina falling and hit the solid ground.

Honey Princess: Did Volpina just hit the ground?

Dragon Bug: Yea but who did it?

Green Ranger: Oh that would be me girls!

The Green Ranger landed next to her friends of which both Honey Princess and Dragon Bug were absolutely amazed and yet very excited to see their friend again as well as a Power Ranger.

Honey Princess: You're back!(Honey Princess saids and hugs Melissa in ranger form)

Green Ranger: Hehehe good to you girls again.

Dragon Bug: You look amazing, a female Green Ranger I like it.

Green Ranger: Appreciated the compliment and I brought my family to help out.

Honey Princess: Thats good know we need all the help we can get.

Green Ranger: Great, now let's take of this vixen together.

Dragon Bug: Lucky Charm!(Dragon Bug saids as a lucky charm appeared in which was a mallet)

Honey Princess: A mallet? What are you going to do with that thing?

Dragon Bug: I don't know I can not figure what to use it for?

Green Ranger: We will worry about that latter for now let's take down Volpina and get her akuma.

All three heroines charged at Volpina who got up from her attack and then felt so many hits from the heroines in which the villain couldn't keep up with the punches and kicks towards and then soon she was knocked out cold and her akuma was taken from her and turned back into Lila Rossi.

Lila: Ugh....what....


Green Ranger then looked at Lila for a minute then punched her lights out in which both Dragon Bug and Honey Princess cheered for their friend while the liar got served.

Green Ranger: That was for everything you did to me and my friends well mostly me but who cares.

Honey Princess: Thats my bff!

Dragon Bug: Good thing no one was around to see it just us.

Honey Princess: Dragon Bug the akuma's!(Honey Princess saids and look at the multiple butterflies still flying around.

Dragon Bug: I got them!

Soon Dragon Bug captured all the akuma's and reverted them back into normal white butterflies. Then soon saw the rest of the team along with Melissa's family arriving to join to them.

Pink Turbo: Are you alright sweetie?

Green Ranger: I am alright mom, and thanks for helping my fiends.

Red Zeo: It's what we do sis, got to say you miraculous heroes have skill as well as style.

Honey Princess: Ooh, hello tall and covered in red with a star. My name is Honey Princess.(Honey Princess saids and walks up to meet Melissa's brother)

Red Zeo: Well the pleasure is all mine miss Honey.(Red Zeo saids and takes the heroines hand and gives a small bow)

Green Ranger: Alright you two leave the flirting for another time we still have to deal with Hawk Moth and Mayura.

Carapace: I agree with dudette.

Dragon Bug: And I still need to use my lucky charm to repair the damages.

Black Ranger: Then what are we waiting for, let's defeat the villain together.

Green Ranger and Dragon Bug: Power Rangers/Miraculous Heroes Unite!

Meanwhile with Hawk Moth and Mayura, after the akuma's were defeated in battle by the heroes it made Hawk Moth angry that his minions were all defeated and failed to get the miraculous.

Mayura: It would seem that the plan failed again Hawk Moth and it looks like the heroes have new allies along side them.

Hawk Moth: Arghhh!!!!....No..I cannot fail yet again!!!! Who are those who aided the heroes against my akuma's they will pay for interfering with my plans.

Mayura: When I looked at them closely, I saw what they are in which they are the heroes that defended earth many years ago from dangerous forces. They are known as the Power Rangers.

Hawk Moth: Power Rangers!...What are Power Rangers doing here?!

Mayura: I believed they were called upon to help the heroes of Paris to stop us from getting the miraculous.

Hawk Moth: I am this close of getting ultimate power and I am not going to let some costume heroes and those miraculous holders stop me.

Mayura: Leave that to me Hawk Moth, I will send out an all powerful Sentimonster to deal with them all and once they are defeated we can get the miraculous.

Hawk Moth: Very well do it.

Mayura then pulled out a feather and used her power to make it into an Amok and then let if fly away until she said the words.

Mayura: Go my little beautiful Amok, and bring my creation to life!

Soon the Amok transformed into a walking metal giant with spikes in which got the heroes and Rangers attention.

Mayura: Strike Back, you will destroy all of Paris as well as defeat the heroes of the city of love along with their allies the Power Rangers!

Hawk Moth: Yes this will do nicely Mayura. Let's see if the heroes and those rangers have the strength to defeat Strike Back.

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